They Come to America (2012) Poster

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Thank GOODNESS! Finally the truth.
guymanaz7 April 2012
How anyone could write a bad review of this film is baffling? Mr Lynch deserves an Oscar and a Congressional Medal for doing what the Government will not do. Mr Lynch tells it how it is.

The film is an A-grade production. The film's message hits the middle target, which is the problem of illegal immigration can no longer be ignored. Lynch is compassionate towards illegal immigrants. Lynch is smart and practical regarding the fiscal impact. Lynch is pinpoint perfect when describing our open borders. Lynch is non-partisan and balanced with no political message to sell. But most important, Lynch shows the world how the border states are under attack on a daily basis and yet nobody in DC seems to care.

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A Hard Look At The Costs Of Illegal Immigration
Garbagemaster6 October 2012
This is the most even-handed treatment of this controversial subject I've yet seen. Lynch, the director, shows the reality and consequences of illegal immigration from every angle. The un-willingness of our "leaders" to deal with the issue, the law enforcement standpoint, the costs to our social services and schools, economic costs, national security, and finally, the brutal human cost on the immigrants themselves. Regardless of your politics, every American needs to see this film. Both political parties are responsible for this issue, and Lynch is good about exposing the political agendas of both sides. The point of this film is to raise awareness. It is unafraid, and unflinching in revealing the magnitude and consequences of decades of uncontrolled borders.
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Actually a well-made, objective documentary! Take a brief listen (or read!)...
an-imdb-reviewer24 September 2012
As the producer has stated, this film wasn't released in theatres. Despite that, I decided to give it a try-- buying it (found it on EBAY for a reasonable price!). The people who gave it a bad review and called it "conservative propaganda" or what have you, clearly saw a title they didn't like-- never watched it. This film does actually accuse both sides of the aisles of letting illegal immigration happen (YES, illegal... not "undocumented").

The director does show that there are illegals who don't really care and just want to find work. This may portray them in a bad way, as it should, but he also shows a sympathetic side of their struggle. Just go on EBAY and buy the film, as it's a well-made, interesting watch. You can't beat the price for such a unique movie. ABSOLUTELY recommended!
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Cannot be called a documentary
sltfilho4 April 2012
This is a classical example of exploitative use of the word "documentary". The pursuit of truth, subjectivity and dialectics is completely overruled to prove the opinions of the maker of it.

In simple words, it's conservative and biased gibberish. No wonder there is a Fox journalist appraisal in the trailer, even.

Exploitation starts from the poster and goes all along: this pretentiously "horror", or "scary" motifs, in a horrible old-fashioned way to deceive the audience. The time for this kind of production is due, pal -- with the internet people are way better informed.

Documentary film is an art form that gained broader audiences in the past ten years. True gems came in this new wave. This is NOT one of them.
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quercus177628 March 2013
As you can see the people who value an honest look at illegal immigration take the time to write reviews, those that just want open borders and amnesty vote. The movie has 130 voters, but few reviews. This movie looks at the reality of illegal immigration and does it honestly and intelligently. In fact the truth and honesty revealed in this movie is so politically incorrect that the main stream left has went out of it's way to keep it from the public. Dennis M Lynch has had to distribute the movie himself because the Hollywood/movie theater distribution machine refused to do so. This movie presents the facts and the consequences of illegal immigration that the supporters of illegal aliens, amnesty and foreign workers cannot refute. This is one movie that every American should see, regardless of their political leanings.
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Another propagandistic political puff piece
danny-boy-112-36995128 September 2012
Full of factual inaccuracies, non sequiturs, conservative buzzwords, and scare-mongering, this so-called "documentary" film is nothing more than the parroting of tired right-wing bigotry masquerading as "fair and balanced" (and no more convincingly than Fox News manages to pull off "fair and balanced"). The filmmaker, Dennis M. Lynch, makes much of his attempts to appear to be giving equal time to "both sides"; however, the sides are completely misrepresented in the first place. Am I being fair and balanced by giving equal time to "yes" and equal time to "no" in my film in which I ask my neighbor the yes/no question, "Have you stopped beating your dog yet?"? In reality, my neighbor has never beaten his dog, but then that wasn't one of the sides I portrayed in my film, is it? Lynch similarly frames the issue of immigration in a false dichotomy and then proceeds to carefully cultivate the appearance of fairness and balance for those uninformed, trusting, or simple enough to be fooled by it. As such, his credibility as an objective documentarian goes right out the window.

The actual pro-immigration stance is woefully absent in Lynch's film, no doubt because accurately representing it would sound the death knell for his carefully crafted narrative. Lynch works hard to cast himself as a victim in the film, as a lone seeker of truth being abused by some of those he interviews, being kicked out of political rallies, and knocking on the massive closed doors of a conspiracy hellbent on keeping a terrible secret. In reality, however, he aggressively asks leading questions and is wantonly disruptive of those not likely to agree with him. It is not that those who support immigration refused to be represented in his film, but that they were not willing to be a part of an obvious attempt to misrepresent them.

In lieu of an expansive soundtrack, Lynch opts instead to underscore his film with the constant drumbeat of an endless string of white people all too eager to scapegoat immigrants for everything wrong in their own lives. An overt, over-the-top racist predictably appears at opportune moments in the narrative to act as apologetic counterpoint in order to lend the appearance of legitimacy to the undercurrent of "softer" bigoted attitudes given voice throughout the film. Lynch casts himself as a softy that feels for the undocumented immigrants, and suggests at one point that perhaps America is not the best place for immigrants because it would be a shame for them to become the victims of rising racial tensions. There's nothing revelatory here, just an incendiary laundry list of long ago refuted straw-man arguments dramatically staged to look as if they are alive and well and candidly documented on the gritty front lines of public opinion.

What does it say about the strength of the anti-immigration political position when it must be bolstered by such underhanded tactics?---that proponents of this position are on shaky ground. What does it say about these proponents that these tactics are so transparent and unconvincing?---that they're scraping the bottom of the barrel. The debate is over, they have lost, and the only alternative to having the integrity to concede the point is to attempt revision of the debate itself and its historical timeline. Still, they refuse to read the writing on the wall and accept that they could ever have possibly been wrong. In this reviewer's opinion, all of the ills Lynch outlines in the film can be cured when conservatives cease running interference that prevents immigration law reform from ever coming about.

It is an insult to the venerable art of documentary filmmaking to call this piece of propagandistic political puff a serious addition to the genre. Whatever your views on immigration, this film can safely be ignored as it seeks only to muddy the waters.
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An eye opening documentary
Tony Rome1 April 2012
This documentary focuses on the issue of illegal immigration facing the United States today. The film comprises interviews with people from both sides of the equation. Mr. Lynch travels to Arizona and speaks with ranchers about how illegal immigration is effecting their business and their home lives. The film looks also looks at this issue from the immigrants point of view, forced to live crammed in a house with many people, hungry children,language barriers, and all this just for trying to raise their families. Is this really what the American dream is? Mr. Lynch does a fine job showing both sides of the issue, from illegal immigrants taking away jobs from US citizens, and getting free emergency room health care, and not paying taxes. At the same time these points are being conveyed, Mr. Lynch captures the emotional aspect of good people just trying to do what is best for their families, children having a good life, going to school and succeeding. I would definitely recommend this well made documentary. *****
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Biased, manipulative, inaccurate
alexburrolah5 January 2022
The statistics shown in this movie such as the number of non us citizens in federal custody (criminal and non criminal), and how the illegal immigrants look like (people full of tattoos, ms-13, etc) are far from reality and with very bad intentions.
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The sad truth AGAIN
The sad truth is once again uncovered and compiled into a media presentation for the masses. This documentary shows the great deal of conflict and damage that is being caused by illegal immigration with no spin. So many people seem to not understand the basic principle of this issue, IT NEEDS NO SPIN! The TRUTH should scare you far more than the spin. This film/documentary portrays the truth for all to see. America is getting crushed by illegal immigration, this will show you the down and dirty of it. America is getting crushed by the crime and violence illegal immigration is bringing into the country. This documentary will show you an up close and personal view of how American CITIZENS are being forced by the government to live like this.
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A Non Political View on the cost of Illegal Immigation - Must SEE
bcreighton11 July 2012
I give this review a ten because it is apolitical and charges both national parties with ignoring our immigration laws, and exposes the true cost of life, human dignity and dollars on what is the disgraceful fact of not securing our southern border.

It is thought provoking for sure. One of my main questions is why isn't our border secure? Are we involved with the drug cartel that only money talks because billions are being made by peddling the illegal drugs?

Was the fast and furious gun running failure, part of the plan?

A part that I found missing is Dennis failed to talk about how many illegals must be coming in through the Gulf of Mexico. No fence there.

Lastly, it fearlessly points out the long range financial problems, and the prejudices that are being created by not enforcing the law.
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Excellent, informative, a must see for all Americans!
dirikiju4 August 2012
The cost of both illegal and LEGAL immigration is staggering, especially so during this difficult time our country is facing. Americans need to wake up to the reality of what is happening in our own backyards. This film portrays the honest truth, clearly documenting the financial, national security, and quality of life issues we all are facing if we don't take action now and stop the invasion. Dennis Lynch is bipartisan and has nothing to gain politically from creating this documentary - he is to be commended for attempting to open all of our eyes to what the future will hold for our children, and their children, if we allow the government to continue violating our constitution by not enforcing our existing laws on illegal immigration, and by not reconsidering our policies on legal immigration during this recession. Excellent film, highly recommended!
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Good reviews in USA
sortoffantastic20 September 2012
Let's see in the USA, out of 27 people who reviewed it, it got 6.0 outside the USA it got a 1.8 (hmmm... the film was about illegal aliens?) So those outside gave it a bad review? I am glad I read the breakdown of the reviews, because I honestly could not see how anyone could give this a bad rating. The guy is literally taking his life in own hands, he's got guts. I would like to have seen someone follow the money trail in this movie, that would have been even scarier, maybe shocking. I thought the movie was well done, a little scary. It kept moving, was interesting all the way through, I think we all need to watch this, I would like to see it eventually make it to Youtube so everyone can see it. I would like to see him make another, follow the money.
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triciapalmeri-8915928 February 2018
Ive seen all 3, They Come to America I, II, III and counting the days til Spring 2018 when "They Come to America IV" is released. Do NOT allow ridiculous negative reviews with complicated reasons for their opinions supported by NO comparisons to prove their claims detour you away from doing everything you can to see these films; it is EXACTLY their agenda. Watch and make your own educated decision. Nothing is manipulated in these films. Cold and hard facts yes they are but facts do not lie.
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forbidden territory
lgillum17 June 2012
The tyranny of opinion. In the course of human events history repeats itself getting uglier and uglier, over and over, when its political. Why can't we respect the opinion of another? Disagree agreeably. So it is self evident some, no many believe we are not created equal and those to whom that are not, by gosh are considered evil. Pfttt. Why would ownership of TV stations, others that buy or help independent filmmakers get the show heard and seen stifle it?(literally 8 ball it) I understand 98% of filmmakers or those willing to help get the show into theaters are liberal but whatever happened to we are all created equal? I just saw the trailer and I believe when people close there eyes to truth its because its not theirs. When they listen and reject it, thats because they didn't hear it. Opinion matters and if everybody that controls the movie and music industry allow only documentaries they believe in, then the truth is self evident.
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A honest film! MUST SEE!! EYE-opening!
tmpe01-65-59294615 July 2019
If you ever wanted to know the REAL truth and not the "scenes" played across MSM, if they even play a soundbite at all, this is it - Highly recommend & to continue watching They Come To America 2, 3, 4!! Thank you, Dennis, for opening my eyes!! I now get all my news from you...the fresh of breath air truth every American needs right now!!
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Truth, I live it, I see it!
donajhi4 July 2013
If you don't live here and see it or not walk the border you have no right for your voice to be heard. You keep hiding your head in the sand but don't look for any of us to save you. See, we don't have the time. We are all skilled in fighting and have to leave our houses armed every day. They have picked Arizona clean and now they come for you and your families. Good luck, you'll need it. If you would like to walk the border please, don't go alone. Call the Wolftrackers or one of the Border Services to take you. Remember they carry weapons that can shoot for a mile, they are mounted on cars and trucks and can run you down with ease. Learn a few basic words, it could save your life.
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