It wasn't bad, but eliminating characters and modifying the verbality of the story, the mysticism of the story get lost.
To start, why not show the original drink CoCa Cola on the show? Great opportunity for sponsorship and it would maintain the fidelity of the addictive drink in the Mexican society. Hector, Carlos and Eliza are European descendant, yet they all look more Mexican than the plumber. Hector is taller, whiter, and attractive.
The Belascoaran series are books that reflect a great deal of the reality of corruption and misery than Mexico experience. It is relevant and it gives a chance to the Latin-American community to see the true history true the eyes of a character such as Hector.
Why is Hector's brother not part of the story, is Carlos whom inspirers his brother to fight the cause and stick it to the big men. Why is La Chica Cola de Caballo so accessible, she was a shadow that appeared only when she wanted. Why was Hector so monogamous, he was a lover boy, slept with the clients even the young girl he rescues in the bowling alley. Carlos is a great character that provides direction to Hector, Carlos and Eliza are the pieces that Hector is lacking in his disturbed personality.
Finally, I know it's hard, but when it comes to the regional speech call "albur" the double meaning of making something serious a grotesque yet funny way to talk, specially among the "lower classes". You miss a great chance to introduce great comedy to the series.
Why so cheap, why the need to compress a book in one hour or less.
Paco Ignacio Taibo II is a great author that needs his work well rendered. He is not just a writer but a savy historian.