Wolf (2012) Poster

(I) (2012)

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unbelievably true...
sayej23 June 2012
"WOLF" addresses one of the darkest areas of religion. Yes, darkness is a part of light... and Ya'Ke has written/directed a film that exposes the shadows the we're so ashamed of. Please know that hidden within these shadows are innocent boys & girls... men & women who came looking for the light. They (however) have been forced to live their lives in the most painful place anyone could ever imagine. "WOLF" approaches the darkness with dignity and brings it to the light of the big screen. The inappropriate sexual acts are not the driving force behind the movie. (Thank you Ya'Ke) The pain without prejudice that exposes the weaknesses in us all is the emotion that drives this "it's about d... time" relevant motion picture.
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WOLF - A riveting independent drama with an important message
odysseycreative6 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In a summer of great blockbusters like THE AVENGERS AND THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, it was great to see a film that was made for a much smaller budget, but made a much more profound impact. I was so impressed with just about every aspect of WOLF. Ya'ke has always done a great job getting the best performances possible with every actor he has worked with. I was able to first witness this watching some of his earlier films, but he has allowed his actors to take it to a whole new level in WOLF. Each and every actor in the film did a brilliant job portraying his or her character. Jordan Cooper was captivating in his first performance in the lead role as the tortured and tormented Carl. Ya'ke's wonderful wife, Mikala Gibson, also was astounding in her role as Carl's mother, Nona. Shelton Jolivette, who played Carl's father, Jaymund also was compelling as the father who struggles with trying to comprehend what his son has gone through. Another amazing standout performance had to be Eugene Lee, who played Bishop Anderson in such a way that you hate him for what he's done, but you pity him because he is just a product of a vicious cycle that has caused him to prey on young boys the same way he was preyed upon as a young boy. I truly believe the best screen villains are the one's that we as the viewers are able to see what drove them to become a villain through a background story that helps their character development. Ya'ke did a great job showing this with Bishop Anderson. Another reason that this film is so profound and important is because it covers crimes and issues that do not get the attention they deserve. There are too many pedophiles and rapists out there today that have truly not paid the price for their vicious crimes, which is also a very important plot line in a feature that we have been planning for several years called SOLITAIRE. Like I had mentioned to Ya'ke, I am so glad that he is covering hard to discuss topics like these because too many people out there have had to deal with these types of crimes, including a few people very close to me. This is one the main reasons I wrote SOLITAIRE and feel even more inspired after watching WOLF last night to get it made and use it as a tool to garner public opinion on crimes that go unpunished or are not punished severely enough. If WOLF is playing anywhere near you, please go see it. I have no doubts that it will easily be selected to screen at many of the great film festivals around the world, including Sundance. I pray that it picks up a great distributor and has the opportunity to be seen by millions worldwide, because there are too many films that get that opportunity that cannot hold a candle to the power of WOLF. A few major reasons that I will continue to support Ya'ke and believe we have been able to connect are because of several important parallels in our lives. We are both indie directors who love to show our wives amazing acting skills on screen, have a strong faith in God, and routinely use film as a medium to show how darkness can become light. I am so proud of everyone involved in getting WOLF created and wish you all nothing but success. Congratulations on making such a riveting feature and God bless you all.
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Wonderfully written, acted and directed movie
This is a difficult subject matter, but was so well written, acted and directed it was captivating to watch. I highly recommend this movie. I was fortunate to see Wolf at the Little Rock Film Festival with the director and actors in attendance. The relationship between the husband, wife and son are so realistic, loving and natural. The movie was perfectly cast. You could feel every emotion of the characters from anger, frustration, sorrow, and actually see the healing begin. There may be some people who would stay away from this movie because of this subject matter, but I say see it because of this subject matter. Every one has a voice. Every one has a right to be heard. Great movie.
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Well written,directed and acted
anogomo4 June 2012
This film was the last film I saw at the 2012 Little Rock Film Festival and the best. It is a "must see" . The acting was superb and due to the director I left the theater feeling hopeful and satisfied,which is amazing due to the difficult subject matter explored in the film. I appreciate and applaud film makers that seek to change lives rather than just entertain. Often time films have African Americans characters that are one dimensional (heros, clowns or villains) whereas this film's characters were so realistic and could have been played by actors from any race or nationality. This film was astonishing in that it was not judgmental yet you were encouraged to think. The timing was well done. What more can I say but I look forward to this director's future films.
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A sensitive and intelligent portrayal of sexual abuse within a church
Wolf is an emotionally-charged but sensitive depiction of a family whose son is seduced by a church official. It's hard to believe that this is the first feature film for Jordan Cooper (as Carl, the teen-aged son) and Shelton Jolivette (as the complicated father), who play their parts convincingly among a skillful cast.

Cooper and Jolivette's performances--in a very natural and believable way--reflect the confusing mix of emotions and impulses that we imagine family members in this horrible situation would undergo. The father needs understanding, education, revenge and time both with and away from his son. Carl, in turn, expresses his need to take control of an unmanageable life in self-destructive ways that also hurt others as he simultaneously seeks support and withdraws from family and friends. Mikala Gibson does a fine job as the mother and wife, trapped between her unconditional love for her son and the powerful emotions of a father who vacillates between his obvious love for Carl and his impulses for vengeance and to numb himself to the pain.

I was so pleased to share how these performances deeply touched me with these fine young actors and writer/director Ya'Ke Smith in person at the Little Rock Film Festival on June 3, 2012. Others in the audience, including a police detective who has investigated sex abuse cases for 14 years, praised the film and its cast and crew for their courage and accurate portrayals.

At that showing, Smith explained that he has channeled his life as a member of the church community, episodes of sexual abuse that friends have shared with him and many hours of research into a believable and sensitive depiction of a subject many of us don't want to talk about--but need to. The film does contain a very few seconds that suggest illegal activity, but only to make its point and move the plot forward; the brief scene isn't graphic and only ensures that viewers understand what happened. There's no nudity or sense of exploitation or sensationalism to create hype or drum up controversy for the film--the storytelling and imagery are honest and straightforward.

Smith and the cast handle the film's difficult subject matter with intelligence and sensitivity, making Wolf, as Ya'Ke said, a perfect "conversation starter" for families, church groups and communities. We must all become willing to face these hurtful truths within our culture if we're ever to have hope of reducing the problem of sexual abuse and helping the victims on a healing path. Wolf can become a tool toward that end.
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karenjames02023 June 2012
I viewed this film at the Little Rock Film Festival. It is truly amazing.

The blend of culture through the church provided depth.

However, the topic reaches beyond culture, race, and groups to our very humanity.

The characters were rich... And the main character debuted in this film... It's an unforgettable story with equally unforgettable performances.m

Both the cast and directors created an amazing film. If there were more than 10 stars, I would give it even more.

This needs to be viewed all over!!

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Great 1st Feature From Rising Star
adamjdietrich11 September 2012
Full Admission: I was the Casting Director for this film. However, I've worked on a lot of projects, some I'll tell you about, some I won't, and some I can't wait to tell everyone. Wolf is a project with a great story, impactful ideas, and stellar performances. Wolf is the kind of film that many will go back and watch after it's creator Ya'Ke Smith has reached stardom in 3 or 4 years. Wolf is the kind of film that audiences will discover when they back-track it's leading man, the young Jordan Cooper, after he captures their attention with a less controversial main-stream hit! Wolf is the kind of film that you don't expect someone, or an entire group of people, to have the courage to make, but then you watch it. It's real, it's immediate, it's not-typical, and it's a must see. Watch it for the performances, or the direction, or the honest and unflinching narrative...whatever reason compels you to watch Wolf, follow that reason, and it will lead you into a captivating film. If you don't agree, please let me know...
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Shocking, chilling, a well made film about the times. . .
troybernier10 June 2012
This film leaves you talking about it for days. Well written and a heavy story so be ready for a few twists and turns. I had the opportunity of viewing "Wolf" at the 2012 Little Rock International Film Festival.

I applaud the festival for screening this film. The quality of the film was very good and the cast was well chosen. Their performances and scenes were very convincing. The shocking events that take place fit the title for the story.

Up to the very end of the film, you will be guessing what will happen next. I look forward to the film at my local cinema in South Florida or via HBO. It is a film you will tell your friends about. Well done.
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Reviewing the Wolf
Tanesa4 June 2012
Wonderful Movie with Excellent Cast! I checked it out at the Little Rock Film Festival over the past weekend and I must say that I am glad that I cleared my schedule to make sure that I got a chance to watch it!!! This is a must see movie...Look out for the Director..he is definitely on his way to becoming the next big thing! The new and upcoming Actors and Actresses are to be watched too! The sound effects, make-up, set-up was great! I love the Grandma - Irma P. Hall...I remembered her role in the movie Soul Food...she was excellent too!!! Keep doing great work and bringing on excellent films. Little Rock loved you and welcome you back with open arms. God Bless all of you!
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Excellent treatment of a very difficult subject
moniehtown24 October 2012
WOLF treats each character like a real human being. No "Hollywood" foolishness here ----

just real people dealing with real life problems and sufferings.

Director, Ya'Ke Smith, doesn't preach at you, but simply and beautifully gives you a view into subject matter that is rarely screened and rarely dealt with this honestly.

This film is one that will strike up conversations and make you think about this important issue for a long time.

Smith hit a home run! Extremely well-done cinema!

This is an indie that definitely deserves a distribution deal
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Excellent film that schools, churches need to show and families need to see
relaxbu20 August 2012
This movie dealt sensibly and realistically with a very difficult and secretive topic. The film is very subtle, with nothing graphic. It shows a loving, real family and their dynamics as this crisis plays out. The actors did an excellent job depicting a family in crisis. The young actor who plays Carl is OUTSTANDING as the teen. A MUST-SEE for all families, churches (who probably will not show it), and schools (who might). An educational experience with a lesson in communication for all-- standing up for what is right and having the courage to TALK ABOUT IT. A very healing movie. At the Q&A session in Chicago at the Black Harvest Film Festival with the director and his wife who plays Mama, the audience revealed that they were very intimately connected with the film.
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Excellent Film
theceo0419 August 2012
I'll be brief.Ya'ke treads into dangerous water with this sensitive topic but handles it masterfully allowing central characters to express true feelings of their real life counterparts but never so as to offend the audience. The movie will never lose your interest and actually may change your perspective to a few things. Irma Hall lends her talents to solidify the young but charismatic cast. Her performance is certainly note worthy and should be commended. I really enjoyed meeting her in Chicago at the screening. Please go and see this film,the acting is great but the story is superb. Very ambitious and risky for a young director but ultimately successful. The presentation is very good and the replay value is very high as well. I will definitely add this to my collection.
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janina-450-57062614 August 2012
Taut direction, beautiful cinematography, wonderful sound, talented cast and provocative, timely story. My teen and I talked about it the whole walk home. It will raise more questions than it answers, but we need to start having these types of conversations in the black community more often. (won't spoil it for ya, though!) This director has a great feel for color, space and time. Watching the film unfold, then fold over and knot kept me on the edge of my seat, yet the director thankfully stayed far away from clichés, heavy-handed didactic tricks, and easy solutions to the tough problems he presented on screen. I can't wait for wider distribution and for the DVD!
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WARNING :This movie is life changing if you watch it with an open heart and mind.
schardonald9 August 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed "Wolf". The movie is not only well written but also very well directed. When you are finished watching this movie you may find yourself wanting to volunteer at an organization that helps victims and the families of crime such as those portrayed in this movie.

The family dynamics are greatly portrayed in this movie. The performance of the actors draws the audience into the story in a gradual emotion build. You will feel yourself experiencing the emotions of each of the characters including the antagonist in the story line.

Mikala Gibson shines in this movie in the character of Nona. Nona is caught between two extremes of feelings of both anger and compassion and Mikala does an excellent drawing the audience into feeling the rage that a mother would feel in this situation and compassion and longing to comfort their child.

Irma P. Hall too draws the audience into the film in her "no-nonsense grandmother" character, Brenda. Brenda represents a lot of the tradition that goes on in the church. The film is written in such a way that Brenda's responses to some issues are surprising to the audience.

When you get a chance to see this movie at a film festival near you be sure to bring tissues. I will also warn future viewers to beware of the language in the film if you are thinking of bringing teenagers and or small children, don't do it unless you are ready to talk about the hard hitting subject matter.
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