Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (2023) Poster

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1st half of the movie is pretty good!
alexrosetz5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good and interesting take on a zombie movie with the main character essentially enjoying the outbreak, as he doesn't have to go to...work!

It's an interesting and refreshing take! Acting is good, scenario is good, editing and zombies are good.

The main character / actor has something refreshing, showing from his actual positivity & smile in otherwise surprising feature in a zombie movie!

However the second half of the movie goes completely trashy! The scenario becomes flat and we are greeted by a zombie...shark! The scenario starts becoming goofy (in a bad way), and the movie becomes completely trash.

1st half of the movie: 7/10 2nd half of the movie: 3/10 (essentially "watch when drunk"). Such a shame!
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Good premise for a new zombie movie, but weak 3rd act to finish
A_T_S_A_I6 August 2023
Didn't know about this until the animated series and this movie were recommended to me on Netflix.

Watched the few episodes of the animated series and really liked it, so I followed up by watching this movie in the original Japanese with English subtitles.

The live action movie was not as good as the animated version, but still decent. I enjoyed how the overworked Japanese culture was the driving force for our hero's transformation. The journey for our hero and his companions were pretty good. But once the trio reached the aquarium, it just felt like the story ran out of steam or budget to more fully execute the vision.

6 out of 10. Glad I watched it, but I am looking forward to more episodes for the animated series.
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Ignore negative Reviews
thelosttrash6 August 2023
People who don't watch Japanese Cinema or people who wants deep philosophical meaning in a fun movie should watch scorsese not this. I am a Hollywood fan but Japanese Cinema has it's charm... Over the top Energy and all around fun time. From Alice in Borderland to confessions to kamikaze girls... Japanese cinema is such unique experience... So stop listening to such fake so called cinephiles... And enjoy this. It's just a great popcorn flick with fun time all around! And Yes all the other japanese cinema that I named here. You should check them out too. Japan is not just about anime but cinema is great too. Akira Kurosawa was legend who inspired everyone... Yet Japanese cinema is still underrated due to people being ignorant or like negative comments... Not understanding the difference between fun film and serious film.
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It was rather cringey than funny
placebo-775965 August 2023
It's hard to fathom how a movie with such a promising concept could go so incredibly wrong. Zom 100 turns out to be an absolute disaster in every aspect. From the lackluster story to the amateurish direction, this movie fails to conjure up even an ounce of excitement or entertainment.

Adding fuel to the fire, the acting is atrociuosly wooden. Every character in Zom 100 delivers their lines with zero emotion or conviction, resulting in an overall lack of engagement with the audience. There was no attempt to develop any meaningful character arcs, leaving us with a bunch of cardboard cutouts wandering aimlessly amidst the chaos.

In conclusion, 'Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead' is an utter disappointment. It lacks an engaging story, decent acting, effective special effects, and competent direction. The movie's potential is absolutely squandered, leaving viewers regretful of wasting their time on such an abysmal production. Save yourself from this zombie apocalypse and steer clear of this catastrophic mess.

It was rather cringey than funny.
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Zom 100 Bucket List of the Dead: Missed expectations but entertained
Platypuschow14 October 2023

Surviving a zombie apocalypse beats being a wage slave any day. After spending years slaving away for a soul-crushing company, Akira's life has lost its luster. He lives in a trash-filled apartment, his pay is abysmal, and he can't even muster up the nerve to confess his love to his beautiful co-worker. But when a zombie apocalypse ravages his town, it gives him the push he needs to live for himself. Now Akira's on a mission to complete all 100 items on his bucket list before he...well, kicks the bucket.


Unfamiliar with anyone involved, however most of the cast were great here.


Straight out of the gate let me say I've not seen the anime this is based on yet and have to say I'm very surprised there is a live action movie released in the same year as the anime!

I love zombie movies, I love zombie everything in fact so was excited for this one. Japanese, zombies, comedy, a great trailer, my expectations were high but maybe I pushed them a smidge too high.

Zom 100 is less zany than the trailer suggests, it's still comedic but also quite melancholy so be prepared for that. It's also however endearing, sweet and full of positive messages even the best of us could pay attention to.

It has its flaws this is true, it's not made fantastically in places and the final act is a smidge eyebrow raising! My other half despised one of the later elements of the movie, a bit Scyfy channel-ish for her liking.

Regardless I found this an endearing fun zombie film well worth your time.


Is the sub-genre oversaturated? I mean zombies are everywhere, Walking Dead made them "Cool" again apparently which is a double edged blade. For me they never stopped and now I get more content but on the flipside the influx of zombie related material has me a tad burned out and the material is being made by people who perhaps shouldn't but are simply because there is money to be made. I love zombies, so bring it on.


  • Great characters
  • Solid performances
  • Great vibe
  • Poorly made in places
  • Low on humour for a comedy film.
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It could be fun, but....
Seiyaaa-423426 August 2023
Most of live action that adapted from book and anime are end up dissapointing. This one is not an exception. My expectation is low since the format is a movie, while the zoom-100 manga is a series, so there will be a lot of part will be cut, but oh holy shittt, it's even worse than i expect.

At first it is decent, the cinematography is vibrant, help to set the mood, but as time goes by, it's clear the director has no clear vision where it should go. The zombie is so slow and easy to fight , where is the thrilling part? The plot is questionable like why don't they have police or soldier to protect people in the dangerous situation. And bruh the hell is shark zombie with leg. The acting is either flat and dull or overreact, there is no in between. Among the 4 main roles, only the uncle one who can act,the rest need to go back to acting school

It supposed to be fun, but it lost every element that supposed to make it into enjoyable. It's cringey snozefest at the best. What a waste of time.
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Funny but too long
Pairic12 August 2023
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead: Akira Tendo is a bit like a zombie alrady, yet another corporate drone, overworked, he's the type who would welcome any apocalypse. When the zombie Apocalypse arrives at first he just combats the zombies, intent on not being late for work, then he realises that he is free from such tyranny. He encounters some disappointments at first, but links up with others to embark on a series of escapades including Akira'a bucket list. There's a downside, some wish to continue the regimentation of the old life in refuges from the apocalypse. A story how crises cause some people to change their attitudes but others double down on their bad sides. It features a great Zombie Shark and believable human zombies. In spite of it being a comedy some of the deaths are all too realistic as the zombies eat people alive or turn them. It's far too long and drawn out though with too many cardboard cut out supporting characters who dial their roles in. A 2h 8m film which might have worked at 90 minutes. Directed by Yûsuke Ishida, written by Haro Aso, Tatsuro Mishima & Kotaro Takata. On Netflix. 5.5/10.
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You don't feel missing anything NOT watching it
tramride-953726 August 2023
The movie is not a zombie in the common sense that we always see. The Z's in this movie responses to sound and sometime human. Sometimes they don't even follow this group at all. They walked silently and the zombies ignored them. What logic do they have in the movie. If they are hungry for human flesh, they should follow human scent, blood or brains. I think the movie has some good part regarding spirit and that is the main point for the movie. Zombie is the smoke screen, they put it on just to be one of main condition among others that gel the group together. If you just want to see the Japanese zombie version. This is it. They are not exactly the same as you might want. One funny thing is that, you won't see they used knives or guns to fight zombies. Just their bare hands which is too foolish. You might thought, didn't your guys watch any zombie movies at all? If you are streaming it and really want to skim through it, I recommend 1.5X speed and you miss nothing, really!
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Zombie Shark with Legs WTF
ceojonathanmontgomery10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen a ton of zombie movies. This would be in the comedy category for sure. I have also seen a few zombie movies and shows from other countries. It seems since Japan and South Korea don't have funds they are screwed when it comes to a zombie apocalypse. These idiots run around with no real weapons and just do whatever.

First rule about zombies always check people for bites and scratches.

Second get armor and weapons.

Third get water and food. (Eat paritiable food first)

Fourth shelter.

Fifth get reliable transportation and deck it out with armor.

Sixth women are more valuable then men except for medical people and farmers and engineers.

Seriously not hard. These idiots get bit because they are more worried about drinking and getting laid. Also what happened to his football gear? He has it then gets rid of it. Not smart.

The movie is funny and worth watching. It is dumb and lots of people die for stupid easily avoidable situations. Like had they check the bus driver for a bite they would have been fine.

Lastly at the Aquarium their was what 5 a-holes? Seriously get something and stab them in the neck at night. Not hard to get rid of bad people in a zombie apocalypse.
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So bad it actually made me angry
katherinegibson-8261822 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Went in optimistic and actually enjoyed it for the first 25 minutes. The mix of the male lead screaming in explanation every few seconds and the lack of zombies while he set off literal fireworks wore down my enjoyment but I could've forgiven it all. Enter the shark. Genuinely I've never been so baffled and genuinely frustrated the premise was so promising.

All in all it feels like a kids movie with a little gore and slight nudity. I feel bad for the actors in the few scenes where the script didn't have them acting like fools they showed they could act so I can only fault the writing/direction.
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Great zombie flick
pachomar845 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly I don't get the low score on this. I assume it must come from the manga/anime fans whining about some liberties taken in the movie? Honestly, I watched this without even knowing it was based on an anime, and it was great! The history is funny, characters might be a itch cliché but still likeable. Also, coming from a culture like Japanese, where work overload is a serious issue (people actually die for excessive work) this movie has a meaningful message How many of us are living a zombie-like life, going to a work we hate, spending most of our time coming-going to said job, and not actually doing what we would like? This like a new take on "what would you do if tomorrow didn't matter, and all you have is today" I lobe anime, but honestly the fandom can be so toxic sometimes. If you watch this movie as it is, an adaptation of a story you won't be disappointed If you are a fan of the original work, well, there's the anime version on Netflix too, go watch that.
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Title: Zom 100 - A Lighthearted Zombie Comedy with Surprising Depth
Armand-Abasllari4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Title: Zom 100 - A Lighthearted Zombie Comedy with Surprising Depth

Introduction: Zom 100 is a rollercoaster ride of a film that defies genre expectations, blending humor, horror, and introspection in an unexpected way. Directed by a visionary filmmaker, this stupid/funny movie takes the zombie genre to new heights, leaving the audience laughing, pondering, and feeling motivated by its underlying message about life.

Plot Summary: The story revolves around Akira, an aimless and discontented office worker who finds himself trapped in a zombie apocalypse. Faced with a world overrun by the undead, Akira is initially terrified and unsure of how to navigate the chaos. However, his journey takes a humorous turn when he discovers an online manual titled "Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead." This book encourages him to embrace the madness and enjoy life to the fullest while he can. With newfound enthusiasm, Akira decides to live out his wildest dreams before the zombies get to him.

Stupid-Funny Humor: Zom 100 is a masterclass in blending humor with an unconventional setting. The movie manages to extract laughs from situations that would otherwise evoke fear. Akira's escapades and interactions with various eccentric characters in the apocalypse keep the audience in stitches. The film's witty dialogue and slapstick comedy provide a refreshing break from the grim atmosphere of traditional zombie films. The absurdity of the situations not only entertains but also subtly highlights the human capacity for resilience and the importance of finding humor even in dire circumstances.

Unexpected Depth: While Zom 100 embraces its "stupid/funny" label, it surprisingly delves into deeper themes as the plot unfolds. Amidst the laughs and chaos, the movie nudges the audience to reflect on their own lives. Akira's journey of self-discovery and his bucket list adventures force viewers to confront their own fears and desires. The movie urges us to question whether we are truly living or merely existing in our comfort zones. It reminds us that life is fleeting and unpredictable, and it is essential to make the most of every moment.

Motivational Element: Underlying the laughter and zombie mayhem, Zom 100 presents a subtle yet powerful motivational message. As Akira faces the unknown and confronts his fears, we witness personal growth and determination in the face of adversity. The movie inspires us to break free from the mundane routines that can suffocate our dreams. It pushes us to find the courage to pursue our passions, no matter how absurd or unattainable they may seem. Zom 100 serves as a reminder that life is too short to be spent in fear and that taking risks, however unconventional, can lead to a fulfilling existence.

Character Development: Akira's character undergoes a significant transformation throughout the film. From a meek and passive individual, he evolves into a more assertive and fearless version of himself. This character growth is beautifully juxtaposed with the chaotic backdrop of the zombie apocalypse. The development of supporting characters also adds depth to the story, each bringing their unique perspectives on life, death, and what it truly means to be alive.

Conclusion: Zom 100 is an unexpectedly profound and entertaining movie that successfully blends humor with a zombie apocalypse setting. While it may be labeled as "stupid/funny," it surprises the audience with its depth and thought-provoking message about life. Through Akira's journey, the film motivates us to embrace life's uncertainties, explore our passions, and live life to the fullest. So, if you're in the mood for a laughter-filled ride that leaves you pondering about your own existence, Zom 100 is the perfect movie to watch.
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I loved it!
bankergirl-4102319 August 2023
I love good zombie movies and series. Good can be scary, gory, funny, and anything in between as long as there's a great plot and the characters are believable. I've watched lots of zombie movies and series. Some of my favorites are Walking Dead, Resident Evil (the first three), World War Z, Train to Busan, Peninsula, Alive, Dawn of the Dead (the one in the mall with the little dog, Zombieland and Army of the Dead. I love this movie! The characters were easy to care about and believable. The first half was the better, but I liked the ending too. I don't feel I wasted my time watching at all. I'm going to watch again soon with my family.
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Plothole everywhere
ranisakayla6 August 2023
Watch the anime instead. Don't bother with live action. The plothole is everywhere, the story just don't make sense.the woman is nothing but lust object of incel main role. The actors can't act well except the old man one. It's always overreact expression. If you want thrilling zombie flix in netflix, watch all of us is death instead. Japan is dissapointing once again.idk why they bother making cringey live action instead making arthouses movie more with great plots and using actors who can act just like in the Akira Kurosawa's era. This movie is one of the proof that japanese cinema quality is decreasing a lot.
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I don't understand how the Japanese can keep getting away with these cringey movies
A-Shekhar9 August 2023
At first I thought, hey maybe I made a mistake, I thought it was for adults but they probably made it for children seeing how absolutely ridiculous it was and didn't want to post a review and then I remembered, hey this had some nasty man eating scenes for a kids movie and then I remembered, it had scenes with full blown tits..... This cringefest was actually made for adults, what the actual .... how do the Japanese keep getting away with this cringe stuff? Why does IMDB need me to write so much to post one simple review, oh my god, I still have characters left, finish already, I'm done for the love of... Ok bye!
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Half through my jaw drop!
michaelainfante8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
7/10 the first hour of the movie is Good, very exciting and very different from other zombie movies, I was shocked in the next hour when a shark got a feet HAHAHAHAHA, I haven't watched the anime and read the mangga so I can't compare the difference watching the live action alone is good I will recommend if you want fun, action, and bit comedy.

The main character tendo is very positive and i love it the contrast of the trios character is really exciting to watch, the climax is not quite good can be better, but im thankful none of the 3 main character got bitten and eaten by the shark, the superhero costume is quite a meh its cringe fr.
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Oh wow!!
pablomex210 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life. And it's supposed to be a comedy/ horror. And it had none of that.........

It's literally a movie of non stop bs throughout it.

And too make it two hours plus is a travesty.

----Spoiler alert----

The shark zombie scene was corny funny. But it growing legs of the zombies it ate was hilarious to say the least. I mean they just came out from underneath the shark. That's funny for sure.

But that almost took 2hours for the scene to happen.

So conclusion don't waste your time on this film today or ever.

Also what was the budget for this film?!
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Good start and thats all ...
m-ramanan16 September 2023
RATED 6/10 Language: Japanese Source: Netflix

If you watched the trailer, I would recommend to stop it there itself. No need to sit through the full length of this movie. There is nothing more exiting than in the trailer. I really liked the concept and get bit high hope as it is the adaptation from animation.

It was quite good in the beginning, later it becomes highly predictable and not much exiting moments in the story. But there are some interesting zombie fights here and there, but just for these small excitements, we can not sit through this movie fully.

It lacks good screenplay and content. When the wishes become silly and simple, you lost the interest on the flow.
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If you've seen the anime don't even bother watching it
darkfirep8 August 2023
This live action Zom 100 movie is the not even funny and if anyone who has seen the anime, they would feel how the movie is lacking in every aspect. Not even the characters suits the roles they're playing. I'm sure you won't be able to even watch half of the movie or leave it in first 30 minutes. Trust me it's that bad 😂 The story is somewhat different from anime. The movie fails to bring that feeling we get from watching zombie movies like we are used to. It looks like they were trying to make it funny but you won't laugh throughout the movie and get bored only after first 15-20 minutes.

Go watch the anime instead, it's so much fun.
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A whacky and enjoyable foray into the zombie genre...
paul_haakonsen10 November 2023
Granted, I am not familiar with the Anime or Manga upon which 2023 live action movie is based. Yet, that didn't prevent me from wanting to sit down and watch the movie. With "Zom 100: Zombie Ni Naru Made Ni Shitai 100 No Koto" (aka "Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead") being a zombie-based movie, that was that essentially all I needed to want to watch it.

Sure, I didn't know what I was getting into here, and thus writers Haro Aso, Tatsuro Mishima and Kotaro Takata had every opportunity to impress, entertain and bedazzle me with this 2023 movie.

The script and storyline in the movie was actually a fun one, and the writers managed to keep the movie enjoyable all throughout the 128 minutes that the movie ran for. I was genuinely entertained by what the writers dished out here, and it was a actually a nice addition to the zombie genre. There was a good combination of traditional zombie story here, mixed and spruced up by elements of comedy, and it was all laced by a good character gallery.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, but the actors and actresses definitely put on good performances in bringing the characters and story to life, pardon the pun, on the screen.

The special effects, be it CGI or practical effects in the movie were great, and the zombies in the movie were definitely great, adding something enjoyable to the overall movie. But hold on here, because then there was the zombie shark. I can't claim that I was a fan of that one, but hey, it is a matter of personal preference of course. It has to be seen in order to be believed, as mere words will not do the atrosity justice.

Overall a movie well-worth spending 128 minutes on sitting down to watch. My rating of "Zom 100: Zombie Ni Naru Made Ni Shitai 100 No Koto" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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The most non-sense zombie movie in the past year
utubebulan5 August 2023
At the beginning, the film seems promising but I was reminded of a zombie film from Korea, namely Alive. The longer it gets more exciting but instead it reminds me of alice in wonderland, moreover the main character Akira is similar to Arisu, a nerd with ambitious dreams. Especially with the addition of the female character, Shizuka, who is similar to Usagi, a tough woman who likes to be alone. The film itself has many plot holes that make the audience feel confused and think the film doesn't make enough sense, such as during the film there are barely any police or military forces to fight zombies and save people. I stopped enjoying this movie when the shark zombie appeared, lol shark zombie with human legs.
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A fantastic zombie flick
LetsReviewThat264 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start this review by saying this movie is the best netflix film of the year. The japanese have done it once again and captivated me with a movie that mixes horror and comedy so well. Don't go into it thinking its a full out zombie bloodfest. It is not. Its more of a sort of wholsome story of a man named Akira , played by eiji akaso. He has worked for this company for one whole year but is fed up with working for a bully boss, and one day his wish becomes true. The apocolypse happens and he could not be happier. Akira sets out along with a couple of pals he meets along the way as he tries to complete a bucket list of 100 things he wants to do before become a zombie. There were plenty of laugh out loud moments, horror moments and moments that made me feel something deep down. Overall zom 100 is a great movie. With a great cast and well written characters and a first time director that has done an overall banging job.
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Over the top anime styled movie adaptation
nhahe16 September 2023
Like the title says the movie has lots of purposeful over the top acting and takes lot of comedical influence of anime or manga.

Many of the reviews clearly have not get the over the top anime style acting and are actually thinking that japanese movies and acting is always like this, atleast thats what im reading between the lines, so ignore those, i am writing this review so ypu could get more clear picture what this movie is about.

The movie is not that gory and not really about people shooting and slashing zombies like crazy, only slight gore imo, it is mainly about comedy and about doing what you want, not just what you are expected and heavily makes fun about japanese work culture. Importance of fiendship is big part of the movie.
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DO NOT recommend this film to anyone!
Jajaja-642616 August 2023
The biggest issue of zombie 100 was the characters lack depth or any meaningful development. They are nothing more than clichéd archetypes, making it difficult to form any emotional connection in the movie.

With a ludicrous plot, forgettable characters, it's hard to recommend this film to anyone seeking a truly thrilling and immersive zombie experience. This movie just seems cheesy and cheap.

Wasted 2 hours of my life. Poor adaptation of the original manga and lack of acting skills. It's not the worst thing I've seen either, but I definitely wouldn't recommend it. Just don't waste your time on this.
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Don't waste your time!!!
NOBITaka4 August 2023
This movie was not good at all. It makes 120 minutes seem like an eternity. It is worse when compared with the original anime manga, the film seems grabbed the elements and ruined. If you like the original anime manga then DO NOT watch this.

When I first heard about a live action zombies 100 movie I was excited, I thought it could be cool to see this in life action. But in fact, Its painful to watch. The acting ability especially the leading actor needs to be improved. It just seems like to grab an actor with some kind of profile, and have them yak for two hours.

Just another sad film adaptation. Overall it was a huge waste of time. I just felt I wasted nearly 2 hours of my life. Do yourself a favor and go watch other movies.
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