The Puppetman is a horror movie directed by Brandon Christensen. The movie tells the story of Michal, the daughter of a convicted killer on death row who always maintained his innocence and claimed that an evil force controlled his body as he slaughtered his victims. Michal begins to suspect that there may be some truth to her father's claim when those around her begin to die in brutal ways. She must try and break the curse of The Puppetman before all her loved ones are killed.
Well, the Puppetman is a 2023 horror flick with a decent story, some blood and gore, decent acting, a few twists, nice photo and music/ambience and with a new spin on the occult and possession horror. But it falls short and fails to stand out, mainly because of the many clichés and its disjointed narrative. The plot holes are many, and towards the end the movie becomes even more nonsensical.
However the effects are well made, and some of the story line feels fresh. In my opinion, this one is just a little bit above average.
It's worth watching if you're into new entries in horror movies with some blood and gore, but don't expect too much.
Final score: 5.5.