Honestly, anyone who has been watching this shown until now has probably realized that this episode is special. Without giving too much away there's a little hook that is played out very well in this 45 minutes of awesome. I love how the creative team, cast, and last but not least the crew work this angle out. Basically it goes down like this. The "Team" find themselves trying to find a killer all while in the Dal where they have had their bodies switched. Sounds simple right? Well of course it isn't. I can tell that the cast took their time getting into character because it's not just the tone or the mannerisms but the entire package of trying to act like another member we have all gotten to know and love. While there are many memorable moments of laughter there's also a few where we get the first bits of understanding for some characters and their relationships with others. Bonus, we even get a nice reveal of new information on some members of the Team. It doesn't quite hit yet but it doesn't need to, you remember what happens when it matters. This one stands on it's own though, it can be watched repeatedly and it still feels fresh. I appreciate it even though it can come off as a bit of fans service. Trust me. I am completely OK with that. Overall I like it because it stands out. Anyone who's a fan can tell you about this episode without confusion. Some of the finer points may get fuzzy but overall it's an impressive addition to the series.