"Silo" Machines (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Your obsession with realism causes you unhappiness
squeedlybee18 June 2023
Personally, I thought this episode was very entertaining. Without knowing how or why the silo came into existence, I'm happy chalking up the design flaws of the generator and the silo to lack of time/resources, human error, etc. But when it gets down to it, I don't think most people care that the realism of the engineering is questionable. It's believable enough. And for people saying the episode didn't move the plot forward it all, I have to wonder if you were even paying attention or just busy tearing it apart at every turn. Overall it was an intense episode with a lot of action, a fair amount of intrigue, and interesting characters.
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some great action, questionable science
nerrdrage20 January 2024
This episode delivers a great, nail-biting, ticking-clock challenge in the second half, with heroics from both Juliette and her apprentice, the very likable Cooper.

The problem is defined well enough for the audience to know what is at stake for the entire population of the silo. They seem to have a solution, then something goes badly wrong (of course) and Juliette has to step in with a gutsy move that endangers her life.

Okay as many people here have pointed out, that gutsy move should have killed her in a painful way but she's the main character and it's no spoiler to say that she is protected by plot armor. Fun episode, don't think about it too hard.

The cafeteria window showed something...interesting...for about half a second before the power went off. Hmm.
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Wow. Talk about edge of your seat !
mpboylanjr-5403813 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was so far IMO the best episode, and an important one as we see Nichols pivot from head mechanic at "the bottom " sector to accepting the sheriff position. This episode was mainly about the mechanics having to fix their failing generator and to do so they had to shut down power to the entire Silo and risk losing it forever. Without giving to much away this episode kept me focused and on the edge of my seat for nearly the entire 58 min. This episode was important because now Nichols will take the sheriff position and what I would assume is go on a quest for truth about not only her dead boyfriend but the original sheriff's "truth" about why they are in the Silo and more important, what is outside of the Silo.

Now during this episode the mayor makes a long trip down to the bottom to present Nichols with the sheriff position , but stops at different levels on her way. Almost like a farewell tour which you will find out as the episode goes on. While the power is temporally shut down you can see the screen that shows the outside world from the people in the Silos perspective glitch for a second or 2 to actually green lush outside. A few notice but that will definitely come into play in the coming episodes. Who saw what and who will act on the pursuit of the truth as to why they are all down in the Silo, who built it, what was this so called rebellion, and most importantly, is the outside world really this poisonous wasteland or are the people being held captive by whomever is in charge ??

So far this is a really good season, and I'm someone who is usually skeptical about these type of shows and get bored fast. Not Silo. This has been well acted and good pace and story as well as keeps your attention throughout so far. Hope it stays on course.
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A real nailbiter
malana-lars12 May 2023
What an incredible episode! I was at the edge of my seat the whole time.

I already liked the first two episodes, but this had all the qualities of a grand finale without being one.

If they can keep up the quality, this will easlily be one of my favorite TV series of all time.

I don't expect every episode so thrilling. World building, character development, silent moments etc. Are important aspects of a good TV show, as well. But so far, they are doing everything right.

I can't wait what they will come up with next. Congratulations to the makers, they've created something new and special here, which is rare in the TV world.
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Such Tension!
jeuxdevilains13 May 2023
What an incredible episode! It's been a long time I've felt such tension in a TV show. Strangely, it was like watching a soccer game where everything resolves in the very last seconds, or the climax of a theater drama.

In this episode, we go even lower down the stairs where the machines keep the Silo functioning. As in our industrial societies, it's the bottom, the working and invisible people that maintain the system. But this time, it's in jeopardy. Of course it's hard to maintain life in a bunker and any, seemingly small problem can have catastrophic consequences. Wondering if it will all end is what makes this episode so thrilling!
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Unexpectedly Intense - This show has no reason being this good. Warning: Spoilers
An intense, exhilarating episode that could have easily been boring filler but good writing, performances and pacing left me on the edge of my seat and hungry for more.

I didn't expect an episode dealing with fixing a broken generator to be this exciting. Honestly, this is a good example of what's so interesting about Silo.

This show has a somewhat cliched, post-apocalyptic, dystopian setting (complete with the overdone "What's ACTUALLY outside the bunker?" trope) but the balanced pace and interesting characters keeps me coming back! This is shaping up to be quite a good watch.

Can't wait to see more in the fallout of the Sheriff's "going out to clean".

Well done!
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Taking risks but falling short
aboalhyjaa12 May 2023
This episode gave me mixed emotions. While I like the writers bravery of taking risks, I think the decision to shift the perspective to Juliette was not it. Unfortunately, she lacks an interesting inner life, and I did not find her storyline compelling or great to watch.

I also didnt feel like the characters were interesting to watch. Without any spoilers the episode talks about something that will put the people of the silo at risk silo at risk, i didnt feel that the stakes were high enough.

That being said, i still love all the ideas and mysteries of the show, which is who built the silo and why. And with that ending i cant wait to watch the next episode.
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Never thought an episode about replacing a machine part can be this intense!
amr-ahmed-a13 May 2023
This surprising find manages to capture the essence of classic sci-fi while infusing it with a unique blend of creativity, suspense, and thought-provoking concepts.

This episode titled weaves a tale of urgency and tension, captivating viewers with its heart-pounding intensity.

As the characters face the daunting task of replacing a critical machine part responsible for sustaining life within the SILO, the episode succeeds in delivering an adrenaline-fueled experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

This show is really really good from the first episode and each episode has its own quality; I hope it keeps sustaining this to the end!
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Relief valve?
zorak_7729 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If there is no relief valve, maybe You should plan on installing one to work indefinitively with the generator in which every life depends on, instead of that 30 min window. This makes no sense at all, this is not how real life engineering works at all, this was unnecesary. If for any reason You need to close that line because of an emergency, maybe You close the valve that is after that huge tank, not before.

Also, 140 years without maintenance? Maybe this was the worst part of this generator story.

All these errors are just unnecesary, there was no need to make up the story with so many mistakes, the serie has just begun.
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A Love Letter to Engineers
camilorg44017 August 2023
This episode captures perfectly what every engineer responsible for a 24/7 service has experienced firsthand in his job.

Basically, you find an issue in the system that requires it to be down for an amount of time, then you proceed to beg management for a window where the system will be down to fix the issue, when you finally get the window it doesn't really matter how much you plan everything, there is always something that comes up unexpectedly during the process and you must improvise while time is running out.

Of course, the difference is that in the show story the service in question being down means there are lives at stake, not just the company losing money, but all in all it is the same.

I want to thank everybody involved in this show for taking the time to depict this so vividly, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
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Looking past the preposterous
david-224-47577112 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love so much about this new series, but the emergency repair scene really doesn't give the audience much credit. Sci-fi always comes with varying degrees of suspension of disbelief. So, fine. .. I guess there's so little planning because it's set up to be an emergency- and for some reason few seem to know much about the inner workings of the generator or how repairs might require more than playing with grinders, but what really crossed the line was the water cooling scene. Metal in a confined space so hot it's glowing red, yet spraying water on it doesn't immediately steam-cook our hero. Drowning is the hazard, not being scalded to death. Really hoping that'll be the last of that silliness.
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People Need to Get a Life
david-54615 April 2024
It's a show folks and so like most shows, movies etc it's telling a story not trying to teach you about engineering. This was a magnificent display of tension inducing cinema. The impact of having to repair what is the lifeline to sanity in the Silo is what this is about, not whether hosing a red hot cover would produce scalding water. It's human emotional energy that is being expended to let us enter into the desperate reality that these people are living in. I suggest all the would be engineering boffins leave us to enjoy the excellent directing and camera work let alone the great acting and go watch a documentary on NASA on the Discovery Channel :)
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Technical appeal needs to value accuracy.
tylermoore-4356813 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode titled "Machines" leans heavily and confidently into the scientific, technical side of this mysterious setting. The excitement that some of our mechanical wonders will be revealed is somewhat dashed when we come to realize that these details make little physical sense.

Working turbines without coverings, steel repaired in seconds rather than refabricated and replaced. No need for regular maintenance after such a long time? These materials would need to be supernatural. Are they?

The discussion about mechanical balance was actually refreshing!

Plotwise, this episode launches a handful of charachter threads forward. The diversity of the cast is really beginning to show now. The pacing of the story and performance are also something to be proud of! The actors express much in little time and what is expressed is interesting!
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When schoolchildren try to fix mechanisms
alxxxgm14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Incredibly stupid episode, the writers and director have no idea what works and how. The whole episode is devoted to the repair of the generator turbine, but the creators do not care so much that they were even too lazy to find at least some consultant. If you don't know how to fix it, get a grinder. Why does the steam make the hatch red-hot, why didn't the heroine suffocate from the steam when she poured water on it, why is there no parallel pipe to release the steam, why is there no warehouse with spare parts, what and why did they grind there? Lots of questions and just as many facepalms. After all, you shoot measured science fiction, so why are you approaching science in a slipshod manner?
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Repair scene blunder
seminson19 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To get through the important bit the story starts off really well, only 3 episodes in and the cast, acting and script is compelling and gripping. I would say the set has more to desire and lacks the bustling cramped atmosphere you might expect living underground.

There are possible missed opportunities - from the first 3 episodes: the way they sustain themselves, manage healthcare, gather critical resources for survival.

At this point overall I would be at an eight as I really do like what they are going for. However the episode fixing the generator was an insult to common sense. I am not a mechanic but I know that you cannot grind a bent piece of metal straight, and that any metal glowing red is exceeding 100's of degrees and would cause water to boil and also creating steam burning anyone exposed. Literally children learn this.

6 because it is a good watch and I honestly hope it delivers.
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Oh, great. Here comes Mary Sue.
ginger-11127 May 2023
"Under one condition..."

That I save the entire world as we know it!

I have no problem with the way they took a day of low book drama "let me finish this job before I leave" and turned it into television drama. TV demands suspense, after all. The sequence was nicely filmed, the effects were believable, and it succeeded in setting up our heroine as worthy of screen time. It was a fun romp toward an inevitable end.

The part that bothers me is when we replace confidence with arrogance. One is heroic. The other is tiresome.

There was no real suspense here, there was never any risk. We can't have a series if we destroy things at the very beginning and we sure can't jeopardize our heroine. So of course, all ends well and our heroine is off to save the day somewhere else. At least we learned more about how this subterranean world works.

If the plan is to make an episode out of two pages of book, though, it's going to take forever to get anywhere with this story. Meanwhile, back at the mystery of why Allison was so dead set on going outside (no pun intended) .... meh, right? Mary Su....er.... Juliette will get around to it eventually.
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140 Years without a repair stoppage?
scott67719 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just cant get over how unbelievable this episode was. I have been wondering how the place worked for a while but to find out that it had never had a breakdown in over 140 years was beyond belief as humans have never created any machines or mechanisms even that have lasted that long without breakdown, Just the wear on parts would have caused one long ago.

But the icing on the cake came when they opened it up for repairs and i find that the only tools they seem to have used are a huge wrench and many, many, grinders. 140 years without a breakdown and that's what they've been using to keep it going?

For some reason the only person who knows how to fix it starts spraying water on a hot plate? I'm surprised at this stage that she wasn't using a grinder but the lack of scalding steam soon becomes the next glaring oddity.

Whomever is writing this stuff needs to be shown the door, it is beyond ridiculous. The rest of the storyline was good, but this was really the central part and overshadowed the other parts for me. I hope the believability gets better.
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Sci-Fi Should have Basis in Science
girliefingers27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was ridiculous and implausible with not even the slightest grounding in reality. That generator would have fallen to bits due to that blade long ago. There's no way that blade could be straightened and the fixing was no way near strong enough. The turbine would have been too hot to touch for ages. The Turbine wouldn't have started without the cowlings being replaced first. It's unlikely the steam would have made the door glow almost white hot. There's no way the generator could have run for 140 years without being shut down previously. I could go on.

There is no excuse for poor writing / research. They could have made a similar but realistic story with jeopardy quite easily with only a small amount of effort. Ruined the show for me.
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Massively stupid errors
jens-25729 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you know anything about geothermal steam, and I mean at all, the most dramatic scene will just leave you thinking how idiotic the writers must be as they have somehow mixed up water steam temperatures, that is 100 c, with 460 c the temperature steel begins to emit light. Even if you assume a huge pressure differential it still won't make sense as the mechanism wouldn't be able to open back up if subjected to that kind of pressure.

If this was a stupid magical sci-fi show I wouldn't care but the silo series of books were hard sci-fi meaning it respected what is actually potentially physically possible, this show doesn't!!!
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An insult to engineering at the highest degree
philhomepc20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode just took a dump on pretty much everything related to engineering to the point that it's as unrealistic as making a movie with people on earth who can walk on water. Anyone voting this above 5 has no idea how bad this is. I'm so disappointed.

1. Designing a generator without a bypass. Anyway the steam goes through the turbine and goes out to a vent somewhere. Bypassing it would be by design.

2. The backup generator is pointless if you can't stop the main generator for even 30mins to repair it. What a completely flawed design.

3. Stopping the steam with a valve that glows red! The temp for steel to glow red is in the thousands and steam does not do that it will only create pressure.

4. The blade repair was actually funny. Banging them and grinding them. Blades rotating at that speed need to be excellently balanced and identical.

5. The end when they repair the blades shows no steam running across the blades WHICH IS WHAT ACTUALLY MAKES THEM SPIN!!

Soooo disappointing.
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Well that was dumb.
marktheashcraft12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of silly suspense that was totally uncalled for. They claimed to only have 30 minutes to fix the generator, when in reality, they could have worked on the generator in multiple 30 minute segments. They could have stopped it and started it as many times as they needed. There was a lot of unnecessary suspense in this episode that seemed to come from lazy writing and a lack of logic

And what's up with the main girl spraying water on the hot door. That wouldn't fix the problem. It was silly that she "struggled" the entire time she was holding the hose; it was dumb acting meant to build a mood of suspense, but it was laughable.
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Pretty awful episode
daniel-6583616 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, you all know what I'm talking about. The Silo gets its first catastrophe level threat, the logic is clearly thought out with the chipped top and the steam situation explained in a way that anyone can understand. And they are working on an extremely tight timeline.

Then when the repairs go underway, it becomes so stupid. MC slides down stories of rope with just engineer gloves (you know how stiff those things are?) Like a fireman sliding down a metal pole.

The steam water scene. Like bro, when you hose glowing red metal, the steam will scald you alive. Not to mention the water that bounces back should be giving her second degree burns. Instead she was completely fine and just shouting for dramatic effect.

Its still a very entertaining show but I couldnt let this supposed climax pass. The logic of it is so stupid that I started wondering if I should watch it further. Its set up well but poor execution.
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Massive disbelief suspension required
tarchon2 June 2023
This is one of those random TV episodes that's ripped straight out of master plots to fill time so that they can draw out the arc. On top of that, the whole premise is utterly stupid. You have to believe that "the Founders" had such advanced engineering that they built a steam turbine that can run 140+ years, but... they never thought of adding a steam vent so it could be shut down safely for maintenance. Like an essential feature that's been around since the 1800s? They have a backup system. What does it run on? Surely if they thought of a backup system, they would have thought about what would happen if the main turbine was offline? I won't even get into all the stuff that's crazy if you know anything at all about utility-scale stream turbines, but the silliness of the premise is just common sense. This episode is just one silly contrivance after another on many levels. It's acted out well enough that if you can force yourself to ignore how stupid it all is, it's somewhat enjoyable, but it sure was a struggle. I started the series thinking there might be some smart resolution to it, but slapdash writing like this has convinced me that the big reveals are probably going to be just as ridiculous.
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Nonsensical and silly
fookhar12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely nonsensical plot holes and lazy writing removes any hint of suspense or thrill in what's supposed to a very tense episode.

"This is worse than I thought", but there's only one properly broken rotor blade? How could it have been better? And how does an angle grinder help straightening out a completely bend blade?

Spraying a metal door, holding back enough steam to power a generator for 10,000 people, with a measly water hose is sufficient? And the water doesn't turn to steam? And the now water-filled containment area doesn't affect the generator at all when the steam door is opened again?

And how on Earth does it take more than a day to walk from the Mids to the bottom of the silo? 144 stories from the Mayor's office to the bottom? What a terrible writing job this show is.
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An episode for grade-schoolers; a Technical flop
wbsimsjr-3240521 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The past few years great science fiction stories have some sort of technical accuracy or at least plausibility. I like this show, it shows great potential..however I and I figure others also get disconnected when there is an obvious error or something written just for the story.. A Silo Habitat is built sometime in the near future that will be home to thousands, contain environmental services, commerce and life support....and it's only built with one generator and a small backup not capable of "backing up"... That is an absolute fail... Not only could the story and 'crisis' been much more but it shows that there is no concern for technical research.. No power generation facility has just one generator, nor would a compound that has such needs just have one. Its just a big no-no.. 140 years of no off-line maintenance and the story says it's tilting and has been..At the point that it started tilting..the bearings would have been unserviceable, by the time this "crisis" occurred, destroyed.. No quick fix..days at least.

What we are shown is a turbine.. and a bad bearing in a turbine..bad news.. They find a bent blade, and fix it.. and it goes back to being ok.. Sure it may go back to being balanced..but the bearings are still bad.. so now the whole thing is just a massive disaster in waiting.. but they carry on, carrying on.

The steam source.. was shut off at a main valve..preventing any steam to enter the conduits.. So why are they showing pipes beginning to burst beyond the shut off valve.

The shut off valve is glowing red enough that it should be molten... they spray a garden hose stream of water on it and that cools it???.. WOW what bull.. It's steam, so the main problem would be pressure not temperature. So back to the garden hose.. if it's that hot Miss Thing would have been thoroughly cooked.. It takes days to traverse the silo..why? If this thing was built anytime in the last 100 years there would have been elevators.. If there weren't.. some smart engineer over 140 years didn't think "hmm we have all this open space in the middle beside the spiral ramps... lets build an elevator!"

Personally I'd use the writers strike to off-load the baboons that wrote this travesty.
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