Heart String Marionette (2012) Poster

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not good for anyone who wont care, great for cult followers
koolskull9 August 2012
It's an amazing piece. great visuals, and the contents of the basic story are really mind bending if you try hard to think about it. if you're just into watching something that is instantly gratifying, then I wouldn't even bother. I didn't watch "piglet's big adventure" because I'm not a 5 year old kid. I didn't watch "The Notebook" cause I'm not a 14 year old girl. I watched "we are the strange" and "Heart String Marionette" cause I'm a 20 year old weirdo. don't watch this and expect it to be what it's obviously not. relax. from an objective view, the movie is drawn out, annoying, boring, lazily animated, filled with too many visuals and not enough of a story. but from my specific point of view: (keep in mind that I've been waiting 5 years or so for this feature to come out) this film is extremely inspirational, fascinating, well crafted, highly detailed, hilarious, and probably the pinnacle of modern film. both views are extremely true. don't bother if you aren't interested. I literally cried when I first saw it. I've been waiting a quarter of my life for this piece to be finished. it means a lot to me. I love this film.
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Strange ... and beautiful!
laballatician25 June 2012
I'm not sure what I just watched.

I'm not sure I'm supposed to know.

What I do know is that Heart String Marionette is a beautiful film - both visually and thematically. I don't want to get into the plot of the movie, because it will just confuse you. Just know that it's ... strange.

Very strange. And epic. And hilarious. And mind blowing.

In fact, the movie will blow your mind, pick up the pieces of brain matter spread across your TV screen ( or computer monitor, or iPad, or whatever method you choose to watch --- just be sure to watch), rearrange them in a different order and the proceed to blow them again.

This movie was introduced to me by a friend. I've never been big on animated films, and I was unfamiliar with m dot strange, but consider me a new fan.

I'll definitely be checking out his other work, and anyone on the fence should check out Heart String Marionette.

Just be warned: it's very STRANGE.
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Mentally, a juvenile film - adults should avoid.
Tenate91 August 2012
Two hours of the worst kind of computer animation imaginable. Bad story, terrible animation, awful models and annoying sound and effects.

The story is one dimensional and juvenile, the animation is way behind rudimentary. The models are just stick figures and the characters just nod their heads back and forth... instead of lip syncing. Generally, the animation style is laughable.

This wasn't made by an artist or a poet. It isn't a brand new Brothers Quay or Tim Burton'esque. It was made by a warped individual spending far too long in front of his PC. Truly a dire experience with absolutely no redeeming qualities. Give it a miss, unless you like gawking into the darker 'rancid' recesses of the human psyche.
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A Masterpiece
reubenwong27 June 2012
This movie is more like a piece of art. It will not be intuitively interpreted as a conventional movie, but in many ways it far exceeds what a movie should be.

As a creator myself, I can understand the constant battle between commercial success and true expression of creativity. Heart String Marionette is one that deserves commercial success, and greatly applauded for daring to defy convention, while creating a new genre of an art form.

The movie is simply beautiful. I've watched it many times to see the little nuanced details, and learned to appreciate every component of Heart String Marionette. While it may seem confusing at first, every little detail, even in the textures and patterns on animated characters have meaning.

AS a movie enthusiast who watch various genres, Heart String Marionette is in a class of its own. Notwithstanding how it was independently produced, it invokes mystery, love, morality and has twists and revelations that make the viewer ponder even more about the movie.

Definitely recommended to everyone who wants to see something different, and be utterly impressed.

Great storyline, love the twists that reveals itself as the story progresses, lovely music, and wonderful attention to detail.
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I wanted to like it. I really did.
mikecheswick11113 August 2012
I enjoyed M Dot Strange's prior film, We Are The Strange, so I had been looking forward to this film since he announced he was working on it.

However, this film is just awful. The dialog sounds like it was written by a 4 year old. The voice work is very amateurish (except for the voice of Lord Wor, which was competently done). The visuals are often convoluted and incoherent. And the score is one of most intolerable things ever put to film, with many of the songs consisting of nothing more than a variety of brass instruments all playing random notes at the same time while an annoying voice wails along.

The reason I give this a 2 instead of a 1 is because I can appreciate the amount of work that went into making a film like this, especially since it was a one man show, but as a film standing on its own merits it falls on its face.

The director has mentioned working on a second film in this film's "universe". I really hope he does not, because a bunch of angsty, poorly-animated puppets trudging along to some of the most annoying 'music' ever created does not a good film make. And I haven't even mentioned the storyline yet, which is a mess of forced character interactions, clichés and unintelligible conversations between characters we're never given a good reason to care about.

We Are The Strange was very nice eye candy. Heart String Marionette was both eye and ear garbage. Don't waste your time on this one!
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How to Describe Heart String Marionette
djdcartoons911 August 2012
Indie animator and one man production team M Dot Strange's latest feature Heart String Marionette follows in its predecessors footsteps, its weird, its wild, its vulgar and yet its refreshing and sublimely strange. Heart String Marionette begs the question how to describe it, a David Lynch film channelled through warped CG Animation, A Childs Nightmare turned stream of conscious poetry, edgy anime tropes coalescing into a fractured narrative, a riddle wrapped inside a mystery locked in an enigma. No matter how you may try to perceive it and describe it, you are doomed to fail, M Dot Strange has crafted something bizarre, engaging and new, devoid of any attempt at description.

When one begins to dissect HSM one can easily spot M Dot's stylistic touchtones and influences. The CG animations schizophrenic shifting from crystal clear smoothness to unnerving and erratic jerking motions is reminiscent of underground Motion Capture and CG animation as well as the early works of the Brothers Quay. His obsession with samurai culture, Japanese names, anime references and archetypes conjures to mind the most gritty, action packed and self-aware of all anime series, series such as Vampire Hunter D and Blade of the Immortal. His skewed narrative structure, filled with nightmarish visions whilst still somehow maintaining a level of character and in this case emotional depth brings to mind the way a David Lynch or Cronenberg film is approached, narratively speaking that is. M Dot's formula then seems to be 1 part Brothers Quay, 1 Part Anime Culture and 1 Part David Lynch and 1 Part Stream Of Conscious Spontaneity. To pool such influences together and yet come up with something provocative, watchable, intense and jarring is a tough balancing act, one most would be unable to pull off but M Dot does it with aplomb.

From a story and thematic standing, the film demonstrates M Dots greatest improvements. The story line on the surface of the film is a very simple one, one that anybody can sink their teeth into, it is a tale of redemption for Samhaine Tsuke, Siouxie and the monster ridden country side the two seem poised to save. A simple premise and story but one that works incredibly well and one that is easy to pickup on (unlike the storyline of his first film the equally as strange and entertaining weirdo opus We Are the Strange). However deceptively simple the basic premise and story-line may be M Dot spruces it up with a fragmented and fractal approach and thematically touches upon much more than just a redemption fable. Never before has M Dot really had a social conscious about his films but thematically in HSM we are treated to comments on religion, female rights, man-kinds pitfalls, satanism and even the structure and sanctity of the family unit, its these numerous sub-themes and touchtones that bring a level of depth to what on the surface is a very easy to follow story and setup. Granted this multi-thematic approach to storytelling and symbolism has some drawbacks, it makes the point of the movie hard to grasp and feels fractured overall but that is also part of the mystery and fun of HSM, it merits repeat viewings.

The Score is worth noting as well, M Dot teamed up with composer Endika for the entirety of the score you hear and it works wonders. The musical score is contemplative, beautiful and intense. It demonstrates perfectly the power behind the tandem of sound and image, as a result the film receives a bit of extra emotional grounding, most evident in the closing stages of the film. It is this extra little emotional push that really makes HSM by the movies end feel like another weirdo opus in its own right, one that is high on the strange but also high on commentary, sentiment, forthrightness and even accessibility .

It is truly a step up and a step towards a more positive direction. Good job M Dot Strange, it is one of the best animated films I've seen all year.
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Sexist, with no continuity
tyler_zambori26 July 2012
M Dot Strange's work is hateful to women. One starts to really notice it after seeing all of his work - especially his "badassery" series. Women are always depicted as prostitutes, harlots, as users not to be trusted, or as objects to be raped and discarded, and I find that to be a disgusting attitude - as well as boring. Portraying characters of the opposite gender takes a certain amount of ability to understand them, and I'm not seeing that here.

The character development really needs to be worked on, overall. The visuals and music are great. M Dot Strange could be a great director, and its' amazing that he was able to accomplish this level of quality with just himself and a small team. There's just one problem - the story. Why is it that animators tend to think the story will take care of itself?

Also, the story doesn't have much contrast – either in the landscape or the characters. The two main characters don't have any arc – they don't change in any way. Throughout the film, we have the feeling of darkness but without any hope or expectation of justice. Darkness on its own isn't really all that fascinating, and unrelenting darkness just becomes tedium.

I wish I could give this film a "one hundred percent wonderful" rating, because I really would like to see him succeed hugely. Honestly, he probably could get hired by Hollywood right now to go direct a big film (with a script written by someone else) and make millions. He's obviously that talented, but the writing skills still need work.

Not recommended for anyone with an ounce of moral intelligence.
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Dark, magical, thought-provoking, touching, and amazing.
a-kastner29 July 2012
Heart String Marionette is not simply a movie. With elements of traditional Japanese theatre, darker anime, and ancient mythology mixed together with strange yet beautiful imagery, a majestic soundtrack, and fairytale-esque storytelling, it feels like a dream that reaches into your subconscious mind and into your heart to guide you through its web of events and characters. While the concept itself is quite original- a samurai ghost story told though digitally-animated wooden puppets- it's the mythology that writer/director/animator M dot Strange has created here that turns this concept into something truly fascinating. While the plot may be confusing to some and test the patience of others, this is because M dot Strange does not treat the viewer like an idiot, but rather makes the viewer think and look inside themselves to solve some of the seemingly intentional loose ends and vague moments this story presents. It definitely rewards the patience of its viewers, and new details are also revealed with each subsequent viewing, something that isn't a problem at all since this film has a great amount of replay value. The characters in Heart String Marionette are all unique and have their role to play in the story, but the main character Samhaine Tsuke, voiced superbly by JP Anderson, is the most fascinating character in this movie. M dot Strange has crafted a main character that is not only quite fearsome, but also quite lovable. All of the other characters are also expertly voiced, making the lines in this movie very quotable and memorable. The visuals in this film are absolutely stunning. Not only is it remarkable that M dot Strange animated this entire film on his own, but it's also remarkable how much detail has been put into everything; characters, sets, and everything in between have been crafted with so much detail and care that they are truly unforgettable. The music, composed by Endika, is incredible. The impact of many scenes is greatly enhanced by the music, which makes this story feel like a true epic. While the pacing is a bit off here and there, Heart String Marionette still pulls the viewer in and does not let go, even after the credits roll. M dot Strange has crafted a dark fairytale that has been made with more heart than any other animated film this reviewer has ever seen, and the emotions that M dot Strange has poured from his heart into this film are ultimately what have driven all of the other aspects of this film towards becoming the beautiful work of art that the film itself is. This movie is touching and emotionally poignant, while also being brutally honest in its characters and in its profound symbolism. Heart String Marionette is a masterpiece of animated storytelling. One of the best parts about this is that it feels as though M dot Strange is just getting started.
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Fantastic Movie
neiliatmusic31 May 2013
I bought this movie after I was intrigued by Movement I, posted by MDotStrange on YouTube. I was not let down. Unlike some of these reviewers >-> I must say that the animation is very unique and the story goes into a place that everyone else seems to miss. In reply to the reviewer that declares this film as sexist, i must say that this is an imaginary world filled with puppets and a (few) marionette(s) and the one female in the movie that you see for more than a few minutes, IS a prostitute, which should tell you why she acts the way she does. Though it may seem at first that there was no bother on working on the faces, it is revealed later in the film that the faces are very beautifully made and that they are wearing masks most all the time to avoid a certain fate. Please people, watch the movie in its entirety before reviewing a film.
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jellytriumph29 July 2012
Even some of my most favourite films haven't had the strong staying ability this film has had on my brain. I watched it the first time and was a little disappointed at first, but i couldn't stop thinking of why and what it was, and i felt a big urge to watch it again. I've probably watched it about 5/6 times since then,and every now and then just kind of choose it when i can't think of anything else to watch. it's really stayed in my brain and is deceivingly clever,which i didn't realise until revisiting a few times. The music is also a total masterpiece. I think this is one of the most unique animated films i've ever seen and feel the director is going in the right direction to creating the most unique and fantastic body of work in the history of animated cinema. Thankyou!
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This movie isn't for everyone, but if you're curious, you're about to watch the greatest animated film
nirnetz22 December 2015
I have never seen anything remotely similar to this masterpiece. HSM's strengths are the sound design and the atmosphere. The scenery in every scene is brooding and gorgeous, and never gets tiring. The OST is pleasant to listen to, and has a wide range of piano pieces, vocal songs, and distorted pieces. The plot is very interesting, as well as the lore. The characters are well-developed and intriguing, especially Samhaine Tsuke. I prefer the true version rather than the Uberected version, because some important scenes are changed, like the ending. If you don't like weird animations, you'll probably be turned off; but if you're the slightest bit interested… you will be amazed. This is the greatest animated movie I have ever seen.
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An experience for a keen eye
cynsolenceins9 October 2022
A very beautiful film, quite tragic story and majestic experience. The most creative thing I've ever seen, a hidden gem. One of the cracks in reality that once peeked into, presents such a majestic experience. A piece janky to some, but only those with a mind may see the heart poured into it. Utter beauty and creativity. The characters and world so unique and I wish it was longer, because such a world I believe should have more detail put into it. I think there could've been a lot more to it, but excellent film either way, it's not something you will see out there, unless there's more hidden beauty I haven't seen. If you only pay attention to the professionalism of the craft and not look into it personally, then this film may not be for you, but I still believe it is worth the watch. The music is immaculate and beautiful; were the sprinkles on my tears with watching this masterpiece. The humour is perfect as well, I actually laughed more than anything before. If you look at it physically, it may not be appealing to a consumer, but looking into it deeply you shall see the personal beauty.
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