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An emotional journey
AscendeSuperius12 December 2021
To see from the very beginning, as Anita started off as a little girl singing with her sister, as she blossomed into so much more, going through much of life's hardship, it really is very touching. Though I have not heard of her before watching this film (as someone born from the 2000s), it really did inspire me to read up more on this iconic figure. With clippings of the original Anita interwoven throughout the film, it makes the film seem all the more real, all the more raw, as you see actual footage of the events that had occurred, hardships she had to endure. It was just stunning. Furthermore, despite the fact that many of the actresses and actors are acting for the first time, it really did not look that way. While it was not superb by any means, it was on point and not lackluster. Overall, it is a great film based on a true story, bringing a fallen angel back to the spotlight.
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Full record of the life of Anita Mui
madbird-6124330 November 2021
Out of respect to Anita Mui, I watch the movie. It has not let me down. The casting is excellent. The costume and setting is good. It brings along the memory of the good old days when Anita and Leslie are alive.

I wonder if any producer would make a film on Leslie Cheung? I would be the first to watch it.
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jackson_ro25 November 2021
The film brilliantly recreates the golden years of Hong Kong, the hustling and bustling, the acceptance and the melting pot that I grew up in. The screenplay feels just right, every period of Anita's life felt important in the film to ultimately shape who she became, even though some aspects felt the need to further expand. But to nitpick, Louise Wong's portrayal of Anita, while uncanny, fails to capture the most vital aspect of Anita, which was the aura, which can be especially felt when footages of the past were flashed throughout the film. But the voice is brilliantly brought back to life.

I'm sure things were not shown, people were not included due to changing times, but that's just life, at least in the case of Anita, it was preserved.
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Profound experience
Gordon-1112 November 2021
I find this film absolutely captivating. Every single second is filled with heartfelt story. The actress playing Anita Mui is very good, and delivers much resemblances to Anita. This film gives me a profound experience, and I'm still in tears hours after watching it.
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A misleading and incomplete movie
stmovies26 November 2021
Those who gave it a score of 10 or 1 are rather strange.

I find the movie disappointing and rather overhyped or overrated from HK. The whole movie suffered from a poor script or editing, the trailer is far better.

Too much of real events are deliberately left out probably not to tarnish her image and to appeal to the government and her fans. Her fame as both an actress and singer wasn't felt in the movie and most hit songs at the peak of her career wasn't mentioned at all. Her mum and brother was totally left out, Leslie Cheung's success wasn't mentioned at all making him looked like an unsuccessful artist until after his death, her "slapped" scene by a gangster was shown but what followed all changed, the guy got killed wasn't mentioned at all. We can't feel or see Anita's character and spirit from the movie, can't really understand why in some scenes she felt unhappy or stressed. The best scene in the movie is when she and Leslie film "Rogue", very creative and some HK outdoor scenes of the 80s look realistic. Some said there will be a director's cut of 4 hours, hopefully it will rectify all the shortcomings.
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rkeilitz-19-53791513 November 2021
Living in Hong Kong during it's golden years of cinema, music and live concerts this movie brought back very fond memories. I knew Leslie (GorGor), Anita (Big Sister) and her stylist dress designer Eddie Lau. The production was seamless especially the scenes that blend footage from the past with the present. Louise Wong's portrayal of Anita Mui is brilliant and not much is known about her. The production values are first rate, the direction perfect and storyline honest. Anita did a lot more charity work than what was "allowed" in the movie. Now that Hong Kong is China with a hardline security law it could not be shown.
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A Beautiful Piece of Artwork
Jessiepen14722 November 2021
As someone who grew up listening to Anita Mui's music, this movie was nostalgia and equally as captivating. Beautifully shot, with amazing CGI work done to bring back some of the old Hong Kong infrastructure, the director of this movie really knew the true essence of Hong Kong back in the 80's and 90's. I loved how it focused on the more positive side of her life (without much family drama) because that's how we want to remember Anita by. It was amazing to see her story being told as I believe that this movie will give more exposure to people in my generation these days, and to see how Anita Mui was one of Hong Kong's greatest artists that pioneered the Cantopop genre. I had an amazing experience watching this movie and it's definitely one of the better biopics created in a long time.
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A fitting tribute to a legend
annieyeoh-8209319 November 2021
First of all, please disregard the critics who are playing down the film. Either they did not watched it and not intending to or they have an agenda againt any pro ccp artists who are featured in any movies, dramas or songs. Sad but yes, those folks are irrational and impartial in almost anything in HK now and will stood real low to put down any pro ccp even if they are betraying their own nation and tribe.

From a non Hkger point of view but an avid mandopop followers in the 80s, 90s of the Golden era, the film surely depicted a nostalgic vibe with the familiar household names and old streets of HK.

The film is too short to illustrate all high and lows of Anita's legacy. I'm sure many will agree if this was to be a trilogy instead. The authenticity of the film is on the highly believable side as many of Anita's closest friends and work mates were sought for their perspective on her before the film was made.

Her dedication, drives and empathy were greatly paraded throughout the film. Her rise to stardom and the queen throne were achieved with pure grit and perseverance.

Yes, the main lead Louise could not achieved a 100% resemblance to Anita, but so did any other biography movies...No one is 100% identical in real. Not even twins. So when you hear critics berate the film based on this you can basically walk away. Louise for a debutant, scores high on my ground. For portraying the queen without a sense of awkwardness felt throughout the film. She even gets better as the film progresses, some scenes which you will be unable to tell if it's her or Anita. Magical, indeed.

The part of her and Leslie I believe striked a chord and brought tears to the older crowd. This film is indeed a reminisce of the mandopop peak era across the whole of Asia that us Chinese were so proud of. The grim fact is that the Chinese younger gens are rather into kpop jpop and western pop now instead of their own native tongue.

Apart from Bruce Lee and Ip Man, Asian film industry are not willing to risk biographies due to low returns from box office. Let's hope this Anita will change the scope and bring back legendary artistes that left us early.... Danny Chan, Leslie Kwok, Roman Tam, Lydia Sum and more.
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This movie falls far short
vanleong-8673425 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Anita Mui was an one-in-a-generation great singer of our time whose life was unfortunately cut short by cancer. This movie was supposed to tell her story and celebrated her legacy, but unfortunately, it fell far short and was such a wasted opportunity. All in all, this movie felt more like a 3rd rated documentary than a featured movie. It failed to take the audience through the emotional high and low of her life. The Director decided to take the audience through every little bit of her life but to connect deep emotionally.

To start off, the movie failed to tell the audience who she was from the beginning. Unless audience already knew who Anita was, they would not appreciate where she came from, life as a child singer, and the bond with her sister.

Second, her career took off after winning the New Talent Singing Award, but that backstory was completely missed. Other than problem with her throat, it failed to explain what she did to her voice, preparation, song selection, going through the earlier round, behind the scene of the competition. There were so much there at one of the height of her career.

Third, the story was told from a very narrow and singular perspective, possibly from Louise Kuo, who became the most important character in the movie. I think it was sloppy writing and he was the only source for the movie.

Fourth, the singing scene at the bar was great. The best scene of the movie, in my opinion

Fifth, as her rose to stardom, she won many awards and held concerts, that was the height of her career. There were barely mentioned except her relationship with Yuuki.

Sixth, failed to develop story behind her lifelong friendship with Leslie Chung and his death. It could have been a very powerful part of the story, both the success of the movies, the songs, and death.

Seventh, her sister's death. Had they developed their childhood story how her sister cared for her, grew up together, preparation for the New Talent Singing Award, and eventual death from cancer. Yet, the director chose to pick bit-and-pieces and the audience didn't feel the sadness when she died.

Eighth, her humanitarian story was very sloppy. They used old Anita footage, the SARS concert was good but could be better, and those feeding the homeless scene was ridiculous - it was the same scene, same location, under the bridge. Come on.

Nineth, her owner battle with cancer must be tough and difficult, but I didn't feel it because the Director failed to show me.

Tenth, the final concert was supposed to be the most climatic scene, both in sad and triumph. I wanted to know how that feel other than the wedding dress. I wanted to feel it and cried like a baby. But again, the Director failed to connect.

Lastly, I want to say Louise Wong is amazing, probably one of the best performance. Not just she looks like Anita, her gesture and movement carried a shadow of her, her acting, singing, and dancing were amazing.

P. S.: I see many rated this movie very highly. I too, at first. I would love to give a 10 for Anita Mui, the singer. But this is for the movie, which unfortunately, disappointed. I would have given it a 2 and decided to up it to 4 since it is for Anita.
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The Legend of a Pop Queen
auwanho22 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Anita herself has too legendary of a story to tell. From her childhood to her domination in the pop scene in Hong Kong, and her bumpy road on relationships and marriage, this movie encapsulated the story that us fans know all too well.

To be fair, the first half of the movie is a bit loose and uncoordinated, but all the storyline tied up well in the second half of the movie, up until her curtain call concert. The entire movie focuses on 3 main storyline, her relationship with her sister, her romantic interests and the ever-changing social atmosphere in Hong Kong. Overall, the movie reintroduces and exemplifies why Anita is the daughter of the city Hong Kong.

It is ambitious for the director to try to pack the entire life of the legendary singer/actress in two hours, and there is still much more of her life to be explored. The overall story telling in complete, yet there are many build up of personal relationships in the beginning of the movie that went nowhere. The development between her and Eddie Lau and Leslie seems a bit rush and sudden, while the depiction of what is to be believed as Masahiko Kondo and Ben Lam is merely scratching the surface, especially when Godo Yuki is so much a deviation of Kondo that he seems right out of fairytales. Each of the relationship only occupy a small portion in a specific era her life, making us hard to believe that these persons would be the ones her reminisced at the end of her life.

The only relationship that is fully developed and wel-depcited is between the Mui sisters. While Anita achieved great heights of her career, Ann got the one thing Anita wanted the most in her life, love. The intertwined love-hate relationship between the sister, to the funeral of her sister, foreshadowing Anita's own demise, is heart-wrenching and life-like.

For fear of Chinese censorship and personal controversies, some part of the Anita's life is censored and deleted to much of the audiences dismay, me including, but it was never the agenda of the movie is criticise or condemn, but the remember and revisit. Along the script and the dialogues, we do see a general depiction of her mother and her philanthropy work. Even though I would so much love to see the June forth movement shown on the big screen, I personally understand why it was not included.

For the big screen debut of Louise Wong, she overdelivered and is truly a star in her performance and interpretation. From her imitation of Anita's body language, to the singing voices, and the few emotional scenes, it is hard to believe that she had no prior acting experience. It is not a exaggeration to say that she is the only contender for next year's best actress award at the Hong Kong Films Awards.

Overall, for a movie perspective, the movie is merry an above average piece for a biography. But the life of Anita is legendary of its own that the twist and turns and regrets at the movie leaves a strong aftertaste in the throat, one that will linger even when you walk out of the movie theatre. The movie paced to be melodramatic and ease us into the glamorously tragic life of Anita from the beginning, the last half hour cry fest is exactly what everyone knowingly signed up for. The movie did not disappoint in most parts, and pays tribute to the most legendary pop queen that the orient has ever seen. Anita will be remembered, for her artistry and her life story, and this movie will leave her mark in hall of fame of Hong Kong movies, as her legacy lives on.
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An emotional, sometimes heart-wrenching walk down memory lane
henry_yan5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Where and how do I start this review? As someone who lived through the golden age where Hong Kong was seen as the beacon of cultural and social sophistication by South East Asia, this movie offers a viewer of this vintage a beloved walk down memory lane. Compliments to the production team for their.backbreaking work in recreating the Hong Kong of the 70s, 80s and 90s which me and many others of my demographic all remember. If anyone in the production team is reading this : your work is seen, recognised and.applauded.

The movie starts with future Cantopop lengend, Anita Mui, as a singer with more than humble background, earning her spurs as a young 4 year old with her older sister, Ann, first performing first at the Lai Chi Kok Amusement, then at various nightclubs Thereafter, the phenomenon of Anita Mui was born at the New Talent Singing Competition. The movie spends a considerable amount of time dealing with her failed romances, and also her extraordinary friendship with Leslie Cheung. Viewers should best be prepared for heart-wrenching scenes of Leslie's funeral. The producers could have used old news clips, but that scene was recreated to absolute detail. All in, the movie speaks for the era Anita Mui represented, an age of boundless energy and optimism. And "Anita" consummately encapsulates the zest, the spirit and most of all, the opulence of this era.
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A amazing movie about an amazing womans life
anthonyspera25 December 2021
If you don't know her, this is still a great story. Having lived in HK for half a year and being a fan of Chinese music, I had heard a bit about her. If you know nothing this is still a great movie and true story.

Of course, there is an undercurrent to the story which a foreigner will not get about her but it is still an incredible movie experience. For example, there is a simple scene where she, now being rich and famous, is interviewed and asked if she will stay in Hong Kong after 1997. She proudly says "Yes, I will stay in Hong Kong". This was the year that Hong Kong was handed back over to China from being a British colony and there was a lot of fear at that time that the mainland government would be heavy handed with locals and take away their western freedoms. This turned out to not be the case but many people left HK at that time and she proudly stayed. This is not explained in the movie, you'd have to know the history of HK. But these few blips would take nothing away from this film if you didn't.

If anything, the true story of her life is even more incredible than this story, a wonderful film.
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Good intention is not enough to make a good movie
bryanccyfb25 November 2021
Anita Mui is a top tier singer and artist in HK. A documentary movie of her life is indeed a good move to let people in HK and all other places to know about her and remembered her. Her story is also a good example of HK people in general, ie, seize the moment, work hard, willing to learn.

But sadly in this movie, Anita is described as a talented person being given chances and helped by the record company seniors, designer, etc. It haven't illustrated HOW she walked up the way to achievements. Just showing WHAT her achievements were. Those info can easily be found on the internet and wiki. Meaningless to just re-cap them. And the way to present them is merely showing old footage of the real Anita, which makes the movie even worst and looks "fake". The presentation method of this movie is totally wrong.

Not sure if that's because the director/producer don't want to upset Japanese market or what, things about the Japanese singer, who in love with Anita, seems to be different from what the general public understanding. We surely don't know the details between Anita and this Japanese singer, but this guy is well known having affairs with different women. He's definitely not as described as regret about leaving Anita.

Anita's strong resistance toward authority is also weakened so much in the movie. Things related to how she do something against China government is not mentioned. The way she taught and cared about mentoring young singers for the growth of HK music industry is also absent.

From the very end of the movie, it brings the message of HK people should face the challenge etc, which indeed something we, as a real HK people, believes to be the core value of HK people. It tries to let us recall how HK is and should be when facing difficulty, using Anita as a role model.

Good intention without a good director/producer I'll say. A big disappointment to me as a movie fans.
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npvarley3 March 2022
I will clarify that my review is based on the miniseries version of this production, which was a total of 3' 45" ( 5 x 45" episodes) and fleshed out the life of Anita in more depth.

I came across this production by chance and, having lived and worked in HK for much of the peak of Anita Mui's career, and always enjoying her unique voice, I sat down to watch it.

What a treat it is, too. Yes, biopics tend to be a bit inaccurate in some aspects, but it really does a great job of capturing the period in HK. The presentation of HK in the 80s and 90s is excellent and brings back so many memories.

I was in the RHKP for almost a decade, spanning the 80s and 90s and was police OIC at the Coliseum when she did some of her concerts there. Many great memories!

It was a tragedy that she was cut down by cancer at such a young age, but she was star that burned so brightly in HK and around Asia. She recorded many memorable songs that form a great legacy she has left behind. More than that, though, she was a free spirit who didn't bow to convention, which was a rare thing in HK back in those days.

This production captures her and the era so well. Do watch it!
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Highly sentimental and sanitised account of this amazing performer.
sbwords29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a highly sentimental, sanitised and somewhat truncated account of Anita Mui's life. I saw her perform a couple of times and know the nightclubs she worked with her sister in Yaumati in the early 1980s. First off, the lead actress, the largely unknown Louise Wong, is superb. She captures Anita's sadness, although her voice is markedly different. Also, the film is a journey through the monumental changes Hong Kong experienced in the 1980s, 1990, and 2000s. Recreating long-gone settings, such as the Lee Theatre, captures a time and place that anchors the life of all Hong Kongers. I had a tear in my eye.

Although, in truth, there is another Anita Mui story to be told, and while this film alludes to it, they didn't opt to explore the deep triad links that controlled the entertainment business. The infamous slapping incident is covered, but the fall-out of two murders and a brewing triad war gets breezily ignored. Likewise, the role of Anita's family only focuses on her sister. Anyway, I enjoyed the stroll down memory lane. One last thing, describing Anita as the 'Madonna of the East' is not fair. She was a much more talented singer than Madonna and a better actress.
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Surprisingly good
iammelo-364116 December 2021
Great movie, excellent storyline , dedicate scenery reflected the 80s of old Hong Kong. It showed the Spirit of Lion Rock, the core value of HK ppl and never give up.
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8964 & Denise Ho
winniengwaini13 November 2021
Sad to see that the pro-democracy part of Anita Mui had not been showcase in the movie due to current Hong Kong Home and security law. Anita had helped protestors participated in the 1989 tiananmen square protests and massacre escape China via Hong Kong. Also her pupil Denise Ho -a pro-democracy and Hong Kong human rights activist. Ho was blacklisted by the Chinese government for her active participation in the 2014 Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong & 2019 Hong Kong revolution. Yet the movie did a great job in capturing the golden age of Hong Kong.
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khinniyeongnini3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie of the character reality shows the same person. I haven't born when Anita Mui is singing but my parents always hear her song, and let me know this person. Until now Anita is died for 14 years, but she is really a kind person who help the Hong Kong residents when they are facing problems during sars.
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Most beautiful, colourful 80s & 90s Hong Kong
lamjennyhk24 November 2021
The most beautiful, colourful 80s,90s Hong Kong produce the best Asia Diva Star

This movie summarise the best of the best about Hong Kong , the spirit of Hong Kong , the memories of Hong Kong

Anita Mui - The Real Hong Kongese
  • the Real Hong Kong daughter.
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Please don't ruin the legendary star
unite20057 May 2022
As title. Wrong casting, everything just wrong. The movie could be better if everything is set correctly. It's really nothing the movie, sincerely. Not touching, spoilt the real Anita.
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