First of all, the setting is so interesting. It takes place in and around a miniature village. Can I assume that such a village exists and that the creators didn't have to build the entire set? Anyway, a man who is generally despised is found in this village, dead, anchored with cords, the way Gulliver was when the Lilliputians tied him down. Soon we are introduced to other characters. The caretakers of the village are falling on hard times. The village isn't bringing in much cash and people are dependent on it for their livelihoods. There are a couple of elderly ladies, one of whom is very edgy and curt; the other more calm. There is also a man who is the caretaker and a miniature artist. Living nearby is a man who takes care of two women, one a goth-like woman who surrounds herself with images of death. The other is a prissy sort of mama's girl (or so we think). They are at odds. The former is murdered and suspects are hard to find. The conclusion is a bit hard to swallow but satisfies the plot.