The Sleepless Unrest: The Real Conjuring Home (2021) Poster

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This could have been alright...
nerona1320 July 2022
Why just whyyyyy must you add background music to this??!! It honestly ruined the whole vibe. If we're supposed to hear something happening but then add the music on top even louder wth is the point? 😐
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jdbushcraft16 November 2021
Why do directors insist on putting spooky music and sound effects into documentaries about ghosts? If you need the added hype you have a boring documentary. If something is going on we can't hear it through your added noise. How many times did someone aske if others heard something and the audience has no idea what they are talking about.

Great premise th though. I like the 2 week stay. For such a haunted location they really didn't come back with much.
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Could have been better.
birdtail-356932 October 2021
I watched it hoping it was gonna be a great film. Could have been better with all the history of the place. Any time something would happen the music would be so loud you couldn't hear the sound they were talking about. I had to keep rewinding it to hear what did happen.
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Amateur hour!
xzyqgsh19 March 2022
This was so bad! How did they manage to get a deal to be on Discovery Plus?!? There's people on YouTube that are more interesting than these people!

It was amateurs thinking they could call themselves paranormal investigators. A spirit box and a camera doesn't mean you know what you're doing!

Not good at all!
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Very boring, very fake.
teamtigerstrike19 July 2021
Wanted to love this but very hard to. I liked a lot of new Ghost Hunter's team episodes, but not sure what Kendall was going for here and it's clear that Brian and Richel are the weakest links of that group as they don't really investigate in here except just run around and pose for cameras and try to crack jokes that aren't all that funny. I don't know if this is meant as a fake documentary or not either, the stuff they "find" seems way too convenient and really...nothing happens in it. At all. If it's meant to be a movie then the acting is really bad. And if it's meant to be a documentary then why is all of the time spent on people's faces and not the supposed activity? No offense to whoever made it, I think more paranormal stuff out there the better but this is just really bad. Don't buy it, if a friend has it maybe watch last 3 minutes or so.
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Watch people pretending to be excited.
lemmyhead1 August 2021
The first twenty minutes is about people arriving at the house. For the next twenty minutes, nothing happens. Nothing happens for the next twenty minutes. The final twenty minutes are different. People go outside and nothing happens. Also, at the end of the film, people are at their homes and talk about nothing happening.

This film will be used by professors of parapsychology to prove that the paranormal does not exist.
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Wow, an hour and a half wasted
dvymxr20 July 2021
If you want to watch a movie about nothing, where nothing happens and it's just a bunch of grown adults sleeping and walking around with cameras, then this movie is for you.

So the synopsis is simple. Go to a house that has been made famous by a few movies that have used Hollywood license and forced coaxing and encouragement to make people's stories "scary" by a couple of professed "demonologists" and "psychics" Ed and Lorraine Warren and film some "strange occurrences" supposedly happening in the home, but of course not caught on video or audio (why am I not surprised?).

Next, make sure you say "did you see that?" and "did you hear that?" while the people viewing sit there dumbfounded because we didn't see or hear a thing, and apparently neither did the cameras or audio because they didn't playback ANY audio or video for us to make up our minds on the matter. Not one time. You would think that if there was such things occurring in the house then there would be plenty of evidence (not just hearsay and not just the word of the owners saying they experienced anything). But, there is not. Just a bunch of people sleeping, running around with cameras and finding absolutely nothing.

Save your time. Save your money. Save your sanity and skip this drivel. They could have at least added CGI and special effects like all these ghost hunting shows to make it more interesting, but no. Even Ghost Adventures has at least something in it worth scratching your head over. This had nothing. Just a music box which could easily be explained and another monitor in the attic that could also be explained easily. Defective equipment. I can't tell you how many times my Playstation went off by itself. It wasn't due to a ghost not liking that I was beating the Dodgers 3-1 in baseball, it was due to the fact that it has spotty firmware/software and perhaps my Playstation 4 was overheating.

These things can easily be explained naturally, not supernaturally. Orbs? Dust. It's almost always dust. Or an insect near the lens. But a spirit? Seriously? No, it's dust, or an insect. I think people want it to be something supernatural so much that they will say anything to help them believe that it is. "I heard the floor creak! It's a ghost!" No, it's just the house settling. Just like your bones popping as you're moving around or walking. It wasn't a ghost.
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Cast was annoying and distracting
jeanniesrose3 November 2021
Ghost hunters who claim to be professionals usually act more professional and don't run around making alot of noise and screaming. They might even catch some actual footage of paranormal activity if they weren't acting like 6 year Olds. Next time leave squealing women at home and see if you can actually make a movie that has some haunting in it.
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Fun if you don't take it too seriously.
Commander_Sani_Ceto30 May 2022
I really enjoyed it, particularly seeing the inside of the house. It had an old school vibe of being spooked by the darkness, which is fun. I don't expect to learn anything new from shows like this, so I just sit back and enjoy. I would recommend.
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The House Is Cool, The Humans Suck
atxwriter23 October 2021
The best thing about this documentary is the house. It's cool to get a better glimpse into it. The people are annoying. The girls are scared by cob webs and act stupid. One actually broke the door trying to open it. Why are they sleeping at night instead of investigating? Sleep during the day because they're barely any footage of the daytime. I can't believe you have to pay to watch this movie. They aren't experts in anything except scamming people out of their money.
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Very well done documentary
ddiener-729648 January 2022
I'm actually surprised by all the negative comments. They must be fans of that fake show Ghost Adventures where everything is negative including that d bag Zak. Anyway, the documentary I thought was pretty good. You can't make things happen (like Zak does) and they showed phenomena happening right away. Is the place haunted? I believe so. Only way I could truly tell is if I went and investigated there myself. There wasn't any point where I thought they were "acting". It all seemed pretty genuine to me. Would I watch again? You're damn right I would! Great job!
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Kept me interested
angellcakes24 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure why so many gave such low ratings. Seems like they were all expecting the movie the conjuring and not the real deal. The movie is grossly exaggerated and like half of the story and things that happened were made up for the movie. Knocks, door opening, etc are what you'd expect in a place with paranormal activity. The few things I think that could have given them a higher rating: background music is too loud and covers up most of the noises being heard, it's not necessary, o'd rather it be perfectly quiet so we can hear the noises as well. I also feel like they could have done more evp, no one asked enough questions to the spirits within the house, especially when their sensors would go off. They seemed to get the best evidence in the last half an hour, like in the forest. It was super creepy how they all seemed to have brought something back home with them in the form of nightmares, shadows and unexplained noises.
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Wtf!! Nothing happened!
tavangar20 August 2021
This is like a bad build up with real action.a bunch of adults getting over l1 light turning.. worst movie ever.. no story, nothing scary... that did I watch.. refund pls??
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andyavfc197124 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Supposedly the most haunted location in the world. They reside in the location for 2 weeks and they come up with a 1 hour 20 minute documentary that contains a couple of minutes (if that) worth of footage. It kind of bothers me when so called experts in the paranormal field are reluctant to go into spaces ie loft space to obtain evidence. If they're that scared then they need to find a different job. People watch these shows in the hope of finding out something credible and I had high hopes for this. Look out for The Sleepless Unrest Part 2 The search for Bigfoot judging by the tree knocks coming fom the woods.
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Beyond boring
stevelilhasz29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Doors open, it's an old house!

Lights in the trees, the wind is blowing the branches so you see other peoples lights!

A tomb stone "slammed against the tree, the tree grew up A motion sensor on the floor went off, MICE!!!!

This is about all you will see in this movie. And, all can be explained.

Waste of time watching. Scariest thing is the loud background music.
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Pretty boring, long, house inspection
CptnBetty20 July 2022
The title says it all. Boring. Nothing really happens. You never hear any of the "sounds" they reportedly hear and, as others have pointed out, the added sounds effects actually deter from any real evidence. It's a must skip.
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Over 2 hours of my life I can never get back 😑🙄
kama22728 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Soooo much bs. How much $$$$ did they spend for 2 weeks of NOTHING.

"Woah.. what did you hear??" "That was a freakin tree knock!!" Outside. At night. In winter.

"It's freezing in here!!" In the cellar. In winter.

That's it. 2 weeks of "footsteps" & doors closing/opening slightly 😑🙄😂
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Slow slow slow
wicken-7935720 April 2022
I was excited to this come across my streaming service. What a total let down. Boring, slow, and unwatchable. Don't waste your time. Just watch the movie The Conjuring.
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Stop Whining About the Music!!!!
caricali-196711 October 2023
I watched this while in a mood for some real yet creepy. I actually love this and have rewatched several times. First I think it's honestly done and the crew did their best to share their experiences . I don't understand why complaining about music when SI MANY paranormal FIL makers add some music that confuses the viewer but these guys used minimal music. Have a friend who is a paranormal investigator and his use of drama is ridiculous and he knows it and I think it's to cover his lack of activity. The crew are doing their best to present real events. I'm a skeptic believer with experiences of my own over 53 years so take my words as you desire.
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Nothing whatsoever happened.
berg-7453219 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Warrens have been exposed as frauds by the Warrens themselves. If you believed any of their stories go back to how they admitted to making up the Amityville nonsense over 2 bottles of wine with the Lutz family and their lawyer. When I say nothing whatsoever happened that's in no way an exaggeration the first "event" that was documented happened on day 10 an orb floating past a camera.if this was the only movie like this it's a bump in the road but this is what every single movie/doc like this is nothing surrounded by tense music. This is 5 attention hungry peoe playing make believe. Garbage complete and utter garbage.
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Interesting & Honest Paranormal Investigation
dillssm7 January 2022
This documentary was refreshing to watch. This was as real as it gets to an actual paranormal investigation; set-up, investigation, break-down, and everything in between. What TV shows can often not demonstrate is that there is often not a lot of activity at a "haunted" location. Similar to the weather, you can't command it to rain. This documentary shows just that - real life investigating. This is exactly what it is like to investigate, and is as real as it gets. This documentary should not be confused with the horror genre; this is not a made-up story, but an actual location with an actual recording of events. The cast and crew did a phenomenal job of respecting the owners, the location, and whatever resides there. I would recommend this to anyone who is getting into the paranormal field as a great way of understanding what could actually occur, minus all the fluff of television production. I thoroughly enjoyed this film!
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I really wanted to like this one
subrosali-374-3282963 April 2022
This investigation had the potential to be amazing. What ruined it for me was the distraction of the cheesy sound effects and background tracks. They should have omitted that mess, or hired someone who knew what they were doing. This could have been a great, believable investigation.
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No. Total fake.
barbiecartwright-6542719 March 2022
I'm convinced...that they're good fakers. The homeowners give it away with the set up...but I will say, they've opened the doors to Hell and its demons and she won't be smiling then hey.. Hell's coming for you. Get ready.
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Nothing whatsoever happens
DebraIonaVogel4 March 2022
I wanted to see something, but never did. Although adding crescendoing dramatic music made me pay attention, nothing happens.

It would be interesting to watch these three couples meet for the first time, I hoped. How would they get along under the pressure of ghost hunting? Even that was wah-wah-wahhh; they're all equally normal and boring. No fights, no drama.

It snowed. Outside. That's it! I promise, total waste of time.
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Underwhelming but watchable enough effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder24 July 2021
Attempting to set up a new investigation, a group of paranormal experts is granted permission to film inside a famous hunted house, and as the investigation continues they start to realize that the events manage to build towards a potential figure living in the house and must find a way to get out.

This was a fairly enjoyable and original entry for this kind of film. Among the more impressive features here is the fact that this one is given a highly creative approach that mixes together a documentary-shoot-gone-wrong feel with a legitimate found-footage film. The whole gimmick of the group's journey to get there and then set up for their later shoot which inevitably goes wrong is a fantastic blending of the styles which is thrown for a loop as time goes on. Since this is all interspersed with the backstory involving the history of the house and the connection to the movie in question adds a rather fun atmosphere to the setup here which is quite a fun feat with the later scenes offering some suspenseful encounters as they go along their investigation. Once it gets to the investigation, though, this one does struggle with the inability to come up with anything really original or clever. The majority of the sequences here feature the same tepid style of someone reacting audibly to noise or a visual that no one else seemed to notice which feels fine the first few attempts but comes up lame in the subsequent run-throughs. This becomes all the more obvious to the usual assortment of tricks and sequences that are found in the genre involving paranormal investigations in strange buildings which is how this comes off even with the impressive nature of the scenes building a fine tension for the events to torment them. It's just enough to lower this one slightly.

Rated Unrated/R: Language and Violence.
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