YellowBrickRoad (2010) Poster

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This, my dear viewers, is a really strange movie.
MisterCrit5 October 2012
I watched this film when I was sick with bronchitis. I was glued to the couch, coughing and hacking, watching this movie and wondering if I was hallucinating, or if the movie was really this freaking weird. The answer is a resounding 'yes.' This movie really is extremely weird.

YellowBrickRoad is an assault on the senses, and I believe that was completely intentional. The visuals, the characters' reactions, the never-ending path, the hopelessness, the desperation, the cacophonous sounds-- all of these things created a unique and subtly terrifying environment. That said, I didn't necessarily find the movie scary, but I did find myself thinking about it for a few days after watching it.

But, I wanted to like the movie more. I wanted more substance. I love movies with an pseudo-historical backdrop, and I wanted to know more about the town's former inhabitants and the path. I guess I wanted a bit more investigation and a bit less acid trip. Yet, I was left with the impression that the semblance of an acid trip was the writers' and director's intention.

So, if you keep the film within its hallucinatory context of a deconstructed and wholly disturbing reality, you might glean some enjoyment out of it. Don't expect your typical horror fare, though, because this is a strangely unique plate that almost borders on experimental.
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Disturbing message
naff-sound19 June 2011
I'm divided about this movie, which is reflected in my rating. It has very intense moments, but it's not always able to sustain the tension. Sometimes the intensity borders on the annoying, sometimes it crumbles into boredom. None of the characters grew on me and in my opinion the ending is unsatisfying and badly executed. On the other hand I witnessed some really good performances from some of the actors. The overall atmosphere is dense and maintained during the movie. The storytelling avoids explanations and therefore is unnerving the spectator - in a positive way if you are in it for the chill factor. Don't expect this movie to be gory since it is not - blood is flowing, but in a mere matter-of- fact way. It's not trying to weave in vengeful ghosts, lost souls and other quasi religious ideas, which in my opinion get employed to perpetrate the idea of possible redemption. It tells the story of existence being hell with no possible exit since we are its prisoners and its creators. The movie stuck with me long after I watched it and it make me think - that's worth a solid 6 points.
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mykemcconahay20 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK, Im just going to give this a average rating. If you read everyone else's posts on this site or any other they all seem to follow the same exact feeling. Was good, got you thinking, have to know what the heck is going on.. here it comes here it comes and.. Huh? Who is that guy? What?

Want to make this movie better? Just turn it off RIGHT before the main character walks into the theater at the end. It could be the olé nobody knows still what happened in those woods.. just that something did. I bet a lot of people would be miffed from no answers but could accept that the mystery goes on better than this ending. You could just take the similarities between the group from 70 years ago and paste them to the authors team. Ending it with him just walking on.. Like the guy they interviewed in the 40's. might not be the answer we want but makes a heck of a lot more sense than this ending.

So let me try to break this down from my mind to text.

I guess this movie is supposed to make you go mad just like the characters in it.

Keeping in mind that we do not have any clue about what happened to these people JUST like they did not have a clue what happened to the people 70 years ago.

Some of us cant figure out what is going on and just snap, our rage takes over and we just kill the movie with words and bad reviews. Like dude one kills his sister.

Others of us figure lets get wasted maybe whatever is going on will make more sense. Like the berry eaters.

Some of us try to rationalize it for so long but still just has to give up. Like dude who kills himself.

Some of us are like both of the above. get wasted watch it all the way till the end.. then just give up and decide to just get more wasted to forget and drift off. Like the girl with the Berry OD.

Then some of us have to just watch the entire thing to find the answers following the trails looking for answers on the web or writing reviews trying to make sense of everything but finding nothing. Like last guy.

Then to top it off you might even be so much like the last guy you end up watching the movie again and reliving the "what is going on" feeling over and over. Like end of the movie.

Ya feel me???
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If you go down to the woods today...
Corpus_Vile10 May 2011
In 1940, the residents of a sleepy New England town walked along a trail called Yellowbrick Road, leaving behind their possessions. Some were found frozen, others mysteriously and horribly mutilated. There was one survivor. 70 Years later and the documents surrounding the case have been declassified. Armed with the case files, a crew of nine civilians resolve to set out along the trail, to find out what happened to the earlier inhabitants once and for all...

YellowBrickRoad has a GREAT concept and tries to put an innovative spin on the lost in the forest "subgenre". (if such a thing exists). Part mockumentary, part straight horror, it's certainly ambitious.

However, I gotta say... I just plain hated this film. I thought the execution sucked, and found it nonsensical, boring, unscary, frustrating and very very annoying. It has an "assault on the senses" segment, as noted by another reviewer on this page, that literally had me gritting my teeth, and I personally wondered if they put it in to prevent me falling asleep from boredom, as it's a very jarring sequence. It also has an unintentionally hilarious reaction from the performers, who act like the crew of the original Star Trek when hit by a Klingon torpedo or something. The conclusion is jaw droppingly ludicrous, weak and feels tacked on for the sake of it. It would be right at home on a Scary Door episode from Futurama, it's that ridiculous and silly.

So, yeah... I really disliked it and found it an incoherent mess and a very disappointing film.

BUT... I'm in the severe minority here, apparently. I caught this at Dead By Dawn 2011 and it went down quite well with the audience, with most seeming to love it, or at least like it, including the party I went with. (I was the one dissenter in our group) So, based on the audience reaction, I'm gonna say that this is very much a personal opinion here. It's basically kinda similar to Session 9, (in terms of atmosphere) only in a forest, and I'm one of the apparently few horror fans who was totally non-plussed by Session 9, while most like that one also, so anyone who likes Session 9, should like this.

3/10 from me. It just thoroughly annoyed and bored me from start to finish. That having said, based on audience reaction at Dead By Dawn, I'm actually gonna recommend fans to check it out, as it'll probably go down quite well with you. Just wasn't my cuppa tea at all though.
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Yellow Brick Road: Possible Film Influences
btbriddle9 February 2012
The first thing that comes to mind, for me, and many others that watched Yellow Brick Road is it's similarity to the old and great Russian film masterpiece "Stalker".

The premise of the film in Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker is very similar to the principle and initial concept to Yellow Brick Road, which is a trip into a mysterious "Zone" where the land and directions are twisted by dreaded anomalies in physics.

More so, the idea that all your answers could be found at the end of the road is not necessarily derived from the film "Wizard of OZ" as implied, but more so from the same premise of the film and book "Stalker" to which a room of sorts at the end of the journey can grant you your wishes and desires.

Yellow Brick Road not only has many of Stalker's principle concepts, but also the low-brush feel of the abandoned terrain as well, though Stalker, even in it's much older date, is cinematically far superior.

Yellow Brick Road is clearly influenced by such great psychological films such as Stalker & The Shining. (And far less by The Blair Witch Project to which it is too often compared to) And, in tow, it too, has a slow-burn, being a fine film that very gradually introduces you to the horror aspects of its plot.

So, if you're not patient, don't sit this one out. However if you are, you'll be pleased by the complexity and excellent execution of the film's mysteriously poised premise and interpretations.

Still, Yellow Brick Road departs from the Stalker recipe and moves into its own original motives, which are hunkered down by eerie yet sometimes, annoying horror motifs.

At times, this film seems torn between a science fiction theme and a horror one, and adds in a purposeful sense of mystery to it, with no intention of ever explaining the end.

The ending, in of itself, was clearly made with NO real definition; meaning that it was purposefully created to be interpreted differently by individual viewers. It is not a fixed or solidly explained ending, nor hints at any "credible" revelation either.

This is NOT a spoiler, but a simple warning that viewers will either love the surreal twist, or hate what's left to be personally interpreted.

Unlike newer and similar films with Hitch-And-Twist endings, such as "Vanishing On 7th Street", Yellow Brick Road leaves no hints at its lasting intention, other than portraying some of its characters as reaching a possible hellish demise.

Still, Yellow Brick Road is a rich and imaginative horror film that uniquely uses music and sheer creepiness to stir up much psychological scare tactics. It's also run on a small budget with actors of less than high caliber. However this does not take away from the strong performances and overall high quality of the movie.

If you like bizarre films and movies with a bit of a "Silent Hill" or "The Shinning" effect, this one is for you.
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Interesting plot, bad writing and horrible execution
DeanWin21 July 2011
The movie begins with an interesting plot: in 1940 an entire village population left their houses to follow a trail for an unknown reason. Several were found dead, slaughtered, others were never seen again.

Years later, some researchers finally found the trail that was hidden from the public, for some reason.

Then, the movie collapses. The dialog is not interesting (mediocre at its best), the characters lack any background or are poorly interpreted and, due to amateurish writing, the premise is lost. There is no real horror or psychological terror, and in the end no explanation to why the people went there, why they disappeared or what is the yellow brick road.

Any attempt to find some meaning underline, is just wasting time because there is no subtext. They just destroyed what could have been a good movie.

Just want to say that the other guy who reviewed this movie, most belong to the staff of the movie, because giving this movie 10\10 is just wrong. This script should have been worked by professional people, not amateurs. Oh well, anyway, good try, i hope they learned through this (huge) mistake.

2 out of 10.
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No mystery, suspense, creepy-ness or spooky-ness here!
Vancouver776 September 2022
The movie has such an interesting premise - an entire town hikes into the mountains and the people are never heard from again. Years later, an expedition retraces the steps of the town-folk to find out what happened. To me, it sounded like good ghost story with mystery and suspense to hold the viewer's attention. Unfortunately, the acting is pretty bad & just not convincing. Bad acting is hard to watch - it's like the viewer has to work harder to suspend disbelief. Plus, the characters all look like one another - they are all white people with brown hair dressed in outdoor gear in neutral tones. I couldn't tell one from the other. None of the characters is particularly relatable or likeable - they all come across as flat and interchangeable so as a viewer, you are not invested in any of them. None of them had any "personality". Then, once they hike into the woods, from my perspective, nothing remotely interesting happens. It wasn't spooky or creepy. I paid to view this movie - If you really want to watch, at least wait until you get it for "free" on a streaming service you already subscribe to. It's definitely not worth spending extra money to watch. 4/10.
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Flawed but interesting
krachtm30 March 2013
The plot: In the 1940s, an entire town inexplicably follows a path into the wilds of New Hampshire, where they find death and madness. Later, a modern day team of researchers seek to discover what really happened.

YellowBrickRoad is one of the best "flawed but interesting" horror movies I've seen in a while. It's frustrating to many viewers, because it seemingly promises one set of genre conventions (such as a slasher or scifi thriller), yet delivers something radically different (more akin to the Blair Witch Project, without the "found footage" gimmick). YBR is very subtle -- perhaps too subtle. Many questions are never explicitly answered, because the writers apparently find the questions irrelevant or unimportant. Instead, it focuses on subtle themes, which hint at vague answers. If this sounds frustrating, then I'd avoid YBR. It might take multiple viewings to make much sense of this movie.

YBR is a pastiche of rather obvious influences, chiefly the Blair Witch Project and 60s/70s horror. It will also probably appeal to fans of Lovecraft, given the themes of unknowable evil, the frailty of sanity and civilization, and the danger of obsessively searching for answers to unanswerable questions. Fans of modern horror franchises, such as Saw or Hostel, will probably be bored.
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Lazy film making
dkruggel22 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers

This movie starts out with a great premise. You have a town where everyone except one guy disappeared in 1940. Well decades later a group of historians or whatever they are get information on it and retrace the steps of the townsfolk for the purposes of getting material to write a book. We aren't even told really who these people are. What are their skills or credentials?

You are going to be given scenes of pseudo psycho babble "evaluations" one character does on the others which are never actually explained. Why does he do this? Dunno and by the end of the movie you won't care.

This is a movie about the descent into madness caused by some external force that from what I can tell is never, ever explained. I mean this is so disappointing and frankly, this is lazy film making and shoddy story telling.

Yes some of these artsy oriented film makers think this is solid work. It's not. This is lazy story telling. Why? Because in good story telling you have to come up with something that explains the central mystery. You have to take the reader or viewer from A to B and have it make sense. There are lots of ways to do this. Yellowbrickroad does none of this.

Instead we have characters descend into madness. For example the first initial kill scene is stupid. One male character attacks a female character after she takes the vintage hat he found and was wearing. I sat there wondering why that scene didn't end up on the cutting room floor. After that the characters have the full on breakdown of the group and it makes no sense whatsoever.

Yes, there's this mysterious music they are hearing and for effect the director cranks the volume from time to time to apparently shock you. Trust me. This fails miserably. In fact, all I did was turn down the volume when the music was cranked up.

Now don't get me wrong. Sometimes I'm OK with a good open ended ending. Sometimes mystery is satisfying. In Yellowbrickroad that's not the case. The ending looks tacked on. Here's the spoiler so quit reading. The main character is struggling at the end crawling on the ground and then voila he's back in the town in the movie theater. He sits down to watch the movie of their adventure or whatever it was. We get a flash of the dead all around him and then some pictures on the screen and he, oh my god, yes he screams.

Here are somethings any film maker reviewing this needs to keep in mind so as to not repeat the mistakes of this movie.

1. crisp clean clear images and film quality 2. proper microphone use 3. don't wash out the color when editing 4. don't use annoying sound effects to try to tell a story 5. explain your mystery with a logical or some kind of understandable conclusion

I gave this movie a rating of 1 for awful because it is. This is a bad movie.
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Wonderfully Sneeky in its Creepiness
stephen_brissette20 December 2011
Very pleasantly surprised. I fell very quickly for the characters, the cinematography was smooth, not overbearing and acceptable in its plausibility,.. I quite frankly fell into the story as well and was curious to see where it led. The use of Audio as the great antagonist was jaw dropping impressive. Mix that with the camera work to accompany the Audio and you can almost feel the event.

However, if semi-open endings trouble you then it may leave a sour taste but where it finally led was to a scene that is most memorable in psychological thriller endings.

Well done.
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Don't waste your time or money on this movie
machrf29 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It is obvious that the good reviews are from people who benefit from or are friends of this movie. The movie has no redeeming value what so ever. It is a weak plot with little concept other then to say We are no longer in Kansas with out saying the words. The acting does not even rate as second rate acting unlike the rave reviews on the front page.

It is sad that anyone can make a movie today and have it become a DVD when they have no talent. Although, the movie starts out with a decent premise it goes off track right from the beginning and continues to go off track.

Some reviews don't get the fact how the movie ends. The only concept the movie has that people don't seem to get, is that it starts on a premise, it starts at the beginning and only 1 enters. The end is showing that unlike what was presented in the movie, only one experienced the story.
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"What if people start forgetting the way back?"
Mr_Saxon18 June 2011
In 1940, almost the entire population of a town in New Hampshire mysteriously leave their homes, their belongings and even their pets, and head north along a trail into the dense wilderness. The corpses of those discovered are the only trace of what might have happened to the people of Friar. Many years later, Teddy Barnes and a team of researchers, pathfinders, historians and psychologists decide to follow the same trail and uncover the mystery of what happened in 1940. But what waits for them at the end of the trail - and will they survive to reach it?

I know what you're thinking. This is a movie about a group of people who, whilst following a mysterious trail through the wilderness in search of answers, begin to perish. It therefore must involve masked killers or mutated bears, right? Actually, no. "YellowBrickRoad" takes its inspiration from some of the classic older horror movies – such as "The Shining", "Deliverance" and the original version of "The Wicker Man" – and, instead of aiming purely for the eyes of the audience, it also aims for the mind. This is a slow-burning psychological horror filled with sights and sounds which get under your skin and worm their way into your brain; just as they do with the characters themselves.

That's not to say that there isn't gore or violence in "YellowBrickRoad". There are several scenes involving terrible, bloody things happening to people, but the film-makers shoot those scenes in a way that forces the audience to let their imaginations run rampant and fill in the gaps. It's not really these death scenes that will stick with you after the movie has ended, though. It's the way that "YellowBrickRoad" forces you to watch as the seemingly well-adjusted individuals to whom you're introduced at the beginning rapidly drift into insanity, rage, loneliness, brutality and utter confusion as the rules of reality change around them.

For a good portion of its running time, "YellowBrickRoad" is a creepy and unsettling story that fully preys upon our fear of the unknown. Without resorting to cheap scares, the movie accurately portrays how a group of people might act if they took too many steps northward and suddenly found themselves in the Twilight Zone. All of the main actors do a fine job and, despite working with an obviously limited budget, the directors utilise sound, along with moody, lonesome cinematography and the rustic setting to create a tense and spooky atmosphere.

Some may have a problem with the ending which perhaps veers a bit too closely into David Lynch territory, but I found it to be an interesting and apt way of closing the movie. For those who are fans of horror cinema, such as "Session 9" or "The Shining", in which the protagonists are confronted with something unknown and terrible that slowly burns away at their sanity and willpower, this may be close to essential viewing for you.
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Interesting film goes off the rails in the second half,. Its a must see in a theater, not required viewing on DVD
dbborroughs29 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
YELLOWBRICKROAD is really uneven. A stunning period set up (a town in New Hampshire walked into the woods in 1940, many never to return, some were found dead and with only a sole survivor. In 2010 the documents on the event are declassified and some people stupidly head into the woods on what is called the Yellowbrickroad.

For me the first half of the film is really good. As the group wanders into the wilderness a great tension is built up.

The trouble is the film swerves into even stranger territory once the bodies start piling up (for no real reason except to get us toward the end) and the film deteriorates despite the fact that there are some truly amazing sequences. The film, like the films it echoes (Stalker, R-Point, The Bunker and a few others) simply gets to a point where the weirdness can't be sustained, partly because it looses internal logic and partly because it becomes clear it has no way to bring it all together in an ending that works. Worse the film splits the group up into parts and the further fractures of the plot line weaken things further. Yes, the film continues to amaze on an individual scene basis it unfortunately never hangs together with the final denouncement being less than it could have been (though it has a wicked final image). I love the parts- they just never put it together with the result it all falls down.

I need to say that the sound design of this film is one of the most amazing I've ever seen. Its a reason to see this in a good theater on a big screen simply because I have yet to see a home theater system that will ever match seeing this in a theater. Basically if you can't see this with a great sound system the film's audio track will have little effect on you and weaken an already tenuous second half.
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Terrible film!!!
flora65614 July 2014
I was really looking forward to seeing this film as an avid horror film fan but I was extremely disappointed. It definitely isn't a horror film as there is no suspense build up or much of a story line at all. The whole movie was terrible and I don't know how some people have rated it so high unless they worked on the film! The ending was also awful with no real explanation of why any of if had happened. I wish that I hadn't bothered watching it. I didn't like any of the characters that much as you weren't given any background information on them and none of them had ant real personality to relate to they were all pretty boring. Definitely needed to explain the storyline better as it never actually said what was behind it all.
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Nightmarish, Surreal, Disturbing, and Effective
ghasapidis31 October 2011
I found YellowBrickRoad to be deeply unsettling, like a nightmare that tugged at something deep inside me. This is definitely a slow, mostly subtle horror film, and not for everyone, but I found it better than most that I've seen. This was a surreal, disturbing experience that took a group of ordinary people in a pretty ordinary setting and situation, and gradually morphed it into an anxious world without reliable reference frame in which we're not sure what is real. If I like a movie, and I did like this one, I tend to strongly empathize with the characters and their situation, and I found myself feeling the anxiety of questioning reality and my own grasp of it. Shortly after watching the film I went to sleep and proceeded to have what seemed like hours of dream obviously derived from the movie.

Comparable films are "The Blair Witch Project" (the original one--for obvious reasons when you see this one) and "Session 9" for the slow, character-driven build and growing sense of dread.

Yes, there was one plot detail which strained credibility, was a little distracting, and I think could've been easily avoided, but I was willing to overlook that given that otherwise the overall experience worked for me. Regarding the ending, I know many posting here found it unsatisfying. I feel strongly about endings and usually like them to be clear and unambiguous, and I liked the ending of this film. Having said that, I understand why some would not like the ending, but it made sense to me and sealed the horror of the story.
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A Great Concept Goes To Waste
kdkpranks25 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard the premise of this film, (a bunch of people follow a trail into the hills of New Hampshire where, 70 years before, an entire town trekked, never to be seen again) I was excited to watch. The set-up is okay. The acting it adequate. The direction is fine. The scenery (what of it that isn't muddy and colorless from color 'correction') is pretty. But the story. O dear, the story. The entire movie is a series of decent ideas presented, and never explained. Why did they trek the trail 70 years ago? Why is there music? Why is there suddenly ear-shattering noise? Why does everyone go crazy? Why don't the compasses work? How can a man rip off the leg of a full-grown woman with his bare hands? Ask all you want. You won't find answers here. This movie is a mess pretending to be clever, hoping YOU will fill in it's blanks. Most of it is all whispers and mumbles, until you're ears get shattered by cheap sound-scare attempts. I'd say pass on this one unless you need a good way to fall asleep... and then jarred awake. Repeatedly.
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My first review ever!
prpeny20 November 2019
I never ever commented on a movie... until now!

This is so bad movie, that I came here actually just to write this: For films like this needs to allow rating of 0!

Awful writing, direction, acting, plot, and considering when the film was made this is not even funny horror film like some big fails from the past.....
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Not perfect but solid piece of indi cinema
This one was a mixed bag for me. Overall it was generally an entertaining experience, I just wish they had pushed it a little more. If you are someone that has to have answers in a plot this one is not for you. Also if you become impatient with slow burns, I would avoid.

However, this one is a bit of an indi gem in a lot of ways. While the plot had some interesting and intriguing moments but I would say the best part about this one was the acting. There were some great moments and monologues and I was pleased to see Alex Draper as I am a fan of his.

I was teetering between a 5 and a 6 and unfortunately the ending tipped it to a 5. It felt quite unfulfilling and a bit like a copout. But I wouldn't let that deter you from viewing this, especially if you are a fan of indi cinema. I would recommend.
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More $$ and time, YBR might have been a creepy classic. Seriously.
pazu716 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I rated YellowBrickRoad a 7 because of the idea and concept and tone of the film. In execution it's really closer to a 4.5: an average film in a sense. But the filmmakers deserve more because it is really above average in concept and the thought that went into it. And it does have an effect on ya. Spooky. But a lot of people will not appreciate that type of creepiness. I can't help but thinking if they'd had a great budget and more time it could have been a creepy psychological classic. Seriously, I think these guys have what it takes to create a real classic if they'd had the resources. Perhaps what it lacked was a stronger character setup. When the characters start to disintegrate there is little emotional connection to hold on to, and since it is a performance driven film, it became difficult for me to stay with them, not having first made a firm emotional connection. Think of The Shining, one of their influences as they say in the commentary. By the time the Overlook starts to go crazy, we are completely invested in the characters. Not so with YBR. What should have been emotionally charged scenes became mere plot resolutions. I was fascinated with the film but not really sure if I even liked it. I kept watching mostly out of curiosity. I am glad I finished, but I can see why the poor rating and why many would be frustrated. Heck, I was frustrated. But, like I said, they kept me watching. And it was very creepy. Verrrry creepy. That was excellently achieved, though somewhat overplayed in some long segments. And many of those tense moments are rather anti-climactic. A little more caution with the teasing might have solved that. A lot of thought went into the use of 'music as a ghost' and the breakup of the groups cohesion. But unfortunately I think a lot of that background got lost in the execution. There's been much ado about the lack of explanation. That doesn't really bother me so much as the imbalanced progression of the film, which I feel detracts more from the final product. And that was obviously due to time and $$. The filmmakers were definitely up to the task. A noteworthy effort and an interesting detour from the typical genre' hack & slash nonsense which has proliferated ad nauseam. If this 'review' seems rather confused, it is. haha. Not even sure if I liked it at the moment. But it must have resonated with me or I wouldn't have bothered to write all this, eh? Definitely not one for the zombie junkies, but if you appreciate slow paced psychological terror, it's totally worth a spin. I am pretty sure I'll eventually wind up liking it, the way I wound up liking "Monsters" which I also bashed at first.

(A final note: the DVD cover totally gives the wrong impression of the film. This is not SAW or Friday The 13th or any of that other gore fetish crap.)
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Fascinating topic
baunacholi-861598 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A movie based on true events or urban legends creates always a special premise. How much of it is actually true, what's fiction, what's creative freedom of writers or directors. In this particular case it gets very blurry. The event of Friar, NH, population 500+, disappear in the 40's over night... here starts yellow brick road, following the traces of this very road through the wilderness into paranoia, mental and emotional breakdown, hallucinations and ultimately into suicide, kills and disappearance.

A lot of things in the movie are only suggested and left me with a feeling of disappointment and uncertainty. E.g. The whole wizard of Oz reverences. The Film role in the cinema, the Crazy sound & music, the hat, the white gloves, the scare crow etc. All is linked to WoO and still it did not convince me fully. My explanation is: the music lured the population into doom and our bunch of friends as well - a pied piper nod.

Still, I think it's an interesting movie, somehow a truly missed opportunity in my POV, to create something outstanding in this genre.
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Worth a watch.
ncoleby9 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to disagree with those that say the first half is better than the second. I find it is the other way round. The first part starts pretty lame and average. People walking and hearing strange music. Eventually the first murder happens...Had it stayed that way I would have had to stop watching; but then they started splitting up. Nothing complicated honestly. Strange thing seems that the males and females were forming groups. Also noteworthy is that only one person keeps going in the intended direction, whilst the others head off in the other directions. I think that this is important. They all go mad one way or another and kill each other or die. The only person who makes it actually arrives almost at the same place they left. I say 'almost' for a reason. The end is summed up in a few words and an image. For the why's and how's, use your imagination. This is not a monster-action-film where you get cheap scares, it requires some thought. If you can do that, this film is quite enjoyable/eerie. Not the best psycho-horror ever but definitively above average.
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Be scared. You will die of boredom.
Wuelly18 June 2011
I seriously don't understand you individuals rating this as a great horror film. I guess you think you are being artsy, enlightened and with greater vision than most of us..........because your descriptions and opinions on this movie are really half-baked.

Good lord some people seem to love really bad movies.

I am going to try to be a common friend for the good of your sanity and encourage you to hunt down all copies of this movie and burn them.

This is a god-awful film from start to finish, with stone-faced acting, an absolutely ridiculous plot and ending, and it's just pure annoying.

In short, this film sucks so hard it could take the chrome off a trailer hitch.
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I liked it
richardgundersen10 October 2011
Bit of a mix between Lost and The Shining, I really enjoyed this actually. In fact I love it when I find a really low scoring film on IMDb that I enjoy! Quite creepy, incredible sounds / score, especially the constant old style music that plays incessantly through the woods, driving the characters insane.

Quite light in gore (no bad thing) but the few scenes there are are fairly shocking, especially the one seen from a distance, which was pretty chilling.

If I had to choose between Saw, Scream (any) or this, I would choose this any day.

Oh yeah I mentioned the sound already but its really good. Very atmospheric.

Been googling for 'meaning behind the film' type stuff since the DVD stopped, and that in my opinion is what a decent horror should make you do.
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Compared to the other offerings on Netflix this is golden.
thekarmicnomad26 September 2015
I am sure I am going to get flak for this, but I liked this movie.

I picked it up on Netflix meaning my expectations were quite low. As a cheeky little horror this did OK.

In the 1930's the entire population of a small town in 'no-where' USA took a walk down an isolated mountain trail and didn't come back. No one ever found them. A documentary crew decide to see if they can find what happened to them.

Anyone who has ever seen a horror movie will not be overly surprised what occurs next. The cast is good, the tension is cranked up notch by notch. The film uses some very effective devices so - when it all hits the fan and they realise they are dealing with more than an angry bear - the movie stays grounded. I did find this scary in places, the desolate, wide open trails and shadowy, densely packed woodlands become lonely and menacing.

The production runs hot and cold. There is one shot with some extremely amateur effects that destroys the film, and could have been better handled left off screen. Yet a sequence depicting the characters being hit by sonic blasts is very effective and harrowing.

The ending is a bit ambiguous. In all, not super, but for a Netflix movie I quite liked it.
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What was that?
aborup-563-86545415 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
No way this is near 10. This look like a movie shot in the middle of nowhere, in 20 days, starring people who had no sleep!

some might mistake this, as being a clever "feel bad movie". Well it's not. It's just a crappy movie. some thin story about a village and nothing else. no real story, no sub-story and no ending.

As said, OK in the beginning but slowly it turns to nothing. random actions. it is like they just made something up along the way. and no clues, hints, signs on whats going on. nothing to trigger your imagination, only void and wtf...

leave it...
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