Green Street Hooligans 2 (Video 2009) Poster

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A straight verdict
stuartnicol14 August 2009
Lets get one thing straight. This film does not deserve the scrutiny that it has undergone from many people.

I feel the main problem is the name, Green Street 2. If this film were not a 2nd Green Street i feel the reviews would be more positive. The storyline is not bad and i actually quite approve of it. The characters are very approachable and although it is a bit disappointing that only one Green Street original is in it, you find your self feeling pity on some and hating the guts of others. The violence is in abundance but i don't actually feel it is too much. Yes it makes you cringe but film such as SAW contain much more gore than this film.

In summary its not a great film, lets clear that up, but it is equally not as bad as people suggest. An acceptable film that offers nothing special but is not at all badly made. 6/10
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A Guilty Pleasure Cult Film For Years To Come
Theo Robertson1 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Forgive me if this reviews a little bit disjointed . A few minutes ago I saw the end credits roll to GREEN STREET 2: STAND YOUR GROUND and it's caused a sensation that feels like a cross between the best sex of my life and having my head crushed in a vice . If there's an impossible air of surrealism in my manner it's entirely down to the on screen events of this ... well I was going to say movie but it's more of a bad dream than a movie

STAND YOUR GROUND is supposedly a follow up to GREEN STREET but obviously started off as an original screenplay by T.Jay O'Brien featuring tough gang members from da ghetto meeting up in an American maximum security prison . Some producer somewhere told him to rewrite the story so it'd feature a couple of supporting characters from GREEN STREET . Unfortunately someone forgot to tell director Jesse V Johnson this so we've got a film supposedly set in Britain but filmed in an American prison . I've really got to admire Jesse for getting round this by sticking a couple of goal posts in the prison basketball court and plastering signs saying " ROYAL PRISON SERVICE - NO NOT A YANK JAIL AT ALL GUV " everywhere . Okay he fails but it's a good try

The two leads are played by Ross McCall and Graham McTavish and with names like those it's no surprise to learn they're both Scottish . They're playing London geezers and it must have been a challenge for them trying to master the accents because they spend so much time trying to convince us they're not Scots that they forget to do any convincing acting , just limiting themselves to making quaking noises that sound like " FAHK " and " KANT " . We also have ze meerkat from the car insurance adverts voicing one of the human characters called Max and an Australian as governor of the royal prison service Pride of place amongst the cast is that woman from STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION playing a pantomime witch who's unable to say anything without using the F and C words at least twice in every sentence . I never knew American prisons were so cosmopolitan . Amazingly there's even a few Neo-Nazis nonchalantly standing around showing their swastika tattoos with disgusted looks on their faces giving the impression that they were going to originally star in this movie about a prison war between the Ayran Brotherhood and The Crips set in a tough American Jail

No matter how you look at it you can not escape that this was the plot on O'Brien's first draft . The screenwriter seems stumped as to how he can rewrite it and make it cohesive . It's obvious he's crossed out Crips and Brotherhood and replaced it with Millwall and West Ham . He's failed to develop anything and the screenplay is full of padding such as wicked witch female prison guard trying to get an underling to say " Two peas in a pod " . There's also a ridiculous scene where the prison governor decides to give non dangerous prisoners early release and gets two staff members to draw up a potential list . Cut to a long lasting urinating contest where each prison officers says " my list is best - No my list is best " which seems to go on forever " Thankfully the governor is an intellectual and moral giant who knows the only way to judge how rehabilitated a prisoner is if they win a football match . You can understand this way of thinking since Hitler and Stalin were never known to be good footballers while someone like John Terry or Diego Maradona are fine upstanding role models for the rest of humanity

STAND YOUR GROUND is certainly one of the worst movies I've seen . . Everything about it is totally deranged , the acting , the writing ( especially the dialogue ) and the bizarre fact that it's obviously filmed in an American prison . Having said that it's also thoroughly entertaining almost like EASTENDERS mixed with an episode of tough prison drama OZ and whilst the entertainment level is almost certainly unintentional it gets four out of ten
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Insult to the original
Sandcooler25 October 2014
Did you enjoy "Green Street Hooligans"? If you do, please don't waste your time on this. The "sequel" barely has anything to do with the original events, and on top of that it's just really poorly written and downright dumb. Usually I enjoy talking about things like acting, plot, cinematography, pacing and direction in reviews, but I'm not even going to bother here. I just want to say one thing about this movie: it's set in a prison, and our protagonists get out by winning a football game. If that doesn't strike you as the most retarded storyline in the history of filmmaking, go ahead and watch this movie. If it does, I'm pretty sure I've given you all the information you need. Oh, and the acting, plot, cinematography, pacing and direction probably suck as well, I was too dumbfounded to notice.
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It's as bad as it sounds.
scott_o_souden6 March 2009
Despite a few Dick Van Dyke cockney accents and one or two unintentional comedy moments, the first green street was a generally enjoyable film. Green street 2 on the other hand was just plain awful, for starters the whole film is set in what seems to be an American prison, this combined with acting that made the original look like Shakespeare I found myself wondering why I was still watching. The director tries to make up for this pathetic attempt at a plot with lots of mindless and pointless violence, don't get me wrong I'm certainly not oppose to a good punch up, this was mainly why I enjoyed the original there were some fantastic fight scenes that basically made the film, but no amount of hooligan action could save this tripe. I'm sure like me many will watch this because of the original, and I'm sure like me they will be left shaking their heads right up until the pointless football match finale.
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Terrible film
pmahon0811 April 2009
Where to begin, this is wrong wrong wrong. I'm not sure i can put in words how bad this film is. Firstly the setting, this film is filmed entirely on location in the city of Whittier, CA USA. However since the subject matter is related to 2 London, England football clubs. West Ham and Millwall. The setting and scenes take away from the points of the movie. The violence appears at times to be violent for violence sake. The plot line is unrealistic, especially the scenes relating to the football game. Overall a complete shambles and disappointment. I assume this straight to DVD film is made for an American audience. However i feel if someone wants to watch a football in prison film, may i suggest Mean Machine with Vinnie Jones which looks Oscar winning compared to this awful awful film. A great way to fleece the public in a credit crunch, riding on the back of its more watchable and enjoyable prequel. Avoid at all costs!!!!!!!!
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Repellent, brain-numbing bilge
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Following a 'can't back down' confrontation with his rival Millwall supporters, Dave (Ross McCall) and his gang are transferred to a tougher prison with a harsher regime, where they are pitted against the brutal Big Marc (Graham McTavish) and his blood thirsty section of the Millwall firm who are determined to make their lives hell.

I'm not going to start blaming Green Street 2 for problems in society, and am the most liberal minded when it comes to censorship, but this soulless straight to DVD sequel to the only average cinematic film is as base as it can get, with the minimal, simplistic story revolving around twisted thugs dishing out sickening, blood soaked hand to hand violence to each other. Since each side is as morally and humanistically dead as each other, it's tough to really see either side coming off as the good guys in the tacked on 'happy' ending that feels as flat and insincere as the plot has been so far up in the film.

Another objection is the lack of conviction. It's supposedly set in a tough English prison, yet the inside and (especially) the outside resemble more of an American one, making it pretty obvious it was filmed for a yank audience, along with the actors putting on unconvincing London accents when they're really Scottish, northern or even American themselves. As the lead star, McCall carries things along with enough (fake) cockney charm whilst getting convincing (given the nature of the film) support from Luke Massy and Nick Holender and McTavish certainly has presence as the villain, but the material is so weak none of them can shine. One fun thing you can do is play Spot the Character Actor, including 'Digital Man' Matthias Hues in literally a walk on part and even Bennett (from Commando) himself Vernon Wells (now really fat) as the prison governor, but the overall feeling you're left with is why the studios keep making these meaningless, cheap looking straight to DVD sequels in the first place and what drives anyone to want to watch them. *
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Not for your grannie!
figgypix-230 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so this is ostensibly a film about British hooligans in prison, there is a football match at the end of the film that establishes whether one team or another can go home, this is the premise in a nutshell, and it's all well and good...

...Except that there is something far more subversive, dangerous and potentially unpleasant for the masses, about this little movie!

It is a polished and attractively well executed action film, the locations look slick and not British at all, the cast are handsome and chiseled, and cheerfully smart, if not intelligent, then they are amusingly engaging, not the usual traits of the British hooligan in fiction or even non-fiction (unless you read the "skin head" books of the 1970's.) Their undying loyalty, like a badge of honor, to their various hooligan "firms" is worn proudly and cheerfully, it is a given, as a matter of fact and without any kind of moral warning whatsoever. These lads do what they do because they like it!

There have been a number of films made on the topic of soccer hooligans; ID, The Firm, Football factory, Green Street Hooligans; all have dealt with the various ways the hooligan protagonists coped with the pressure of having to be a part of what is basically a violent criminal organization. As in films about characters in criminal groups, we are usually shown how they want to get out, how they want to go straight, why they are maturing to the point of wanting to find something else in life, why they are better than the criminals they have grown up with...

In Greenstreet 2: Stand your Ground, the characters are hooligans and proud of it, they live for the fight and enjoy reminiscing, they enjoy scrapping and the drinking that follows, or starts it. They enjoy talking about the history of the sport, as they interpret it; at the end of this movie, they are most probably off to another game to cause more trouble, without a shred of guilt, or philosophical remorse.

This is startling and troubling and actually for the first time ever, quite honest.

Far from finding this film unpleasant, I was actually relieved and surprised that it didn't try to convince me to feel sorry for an adult male basically doing what he wanted to, in a free country - it's not free to fight in the street, but you get my drift.

Instead of wading through a bunch of liberal hand wringing; I was encouraged to root for them in their fights, even in their football game, and found myself on the edge of my seat, 100% true, when the hero, Dave, played by Ross McCall has to face off with the menacingly efficient Graham McTavish (John Rambo), finally knocking his tooth out in what has to be one of the bloodiest fist fights in any film, even for a prison film this is bloody good fun!

The standout performer in this grindhouse style pic may well be Luke Massy as Keith, when in his solitary cell his character recites his teams history, it's a haunting and strangely moving scene, one that doesn't, and shouldn't belong in this film, but somehow it does, and should. It is one of many scenes that transcended the material in this gritty, B-movie and really made me sit up and take notice, believe me I wanted to hate this movie.

Massy was a boxer once I believe, and his portrayal of this tainted pugilist is outstanding, it is also the one moment in the film that touches on the history of the ICF, of West Ham, and even back to the Viking hooligans kicking severed heads around, some of the details are known to only a few, but the effect is powerful. No other hooligan movie has got this, yet.

This film is unlikely to please many critics, usually too wrapped up in their own importance to realize that this is diametrically different to anything that has come before. They will be outraged by the positive light thrown onto membership in a football firm, they will be in fits of consternation over the handsome looking leads; "what does this say to our youth, are you condoning membership in a firm, are you saying it's OK to be a hooligan?" I hear them saying, if they say anything at all - well it may be, and it may not be, regardless, like the best films it's doesn't judge, and for once I watched a film about a subject matter with which I am intimate, and it pleased me, rightly.

I highly recommend it, but, it's not for your grannie!
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Not really related, just another average prison movie
bigbro606013 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
People buying/renting this movie would be expecting a movie about football hooligans, about the life, the firms etc.

This movie is just about entirely set in prison and is really just another prison movie with two groups of antagonists. In this case they happen to be rival football supporter gangs but really they could have been blacks v nazi skinheads or rival Asian gangs, the movie was the same. The whole football subculture which is usually a big part of football hooligan movies was gone.

As a prison movie, hooligans was very average. The violence was nothing special, the characters were nothing special, the plot was nothing special.

Not terrible but if you don't see this movie, you aren't missing anything
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Dire, Dismal, Drivel
gary-44418 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As a veteran of the heyday of the English Football Hooliganism era , I found the original "Green Street" lamentable. Watered down, ill-advised, inaccurate, it was a shameless attempt to introduce the subject specifically to an American audience. Nothing though quite prepared me for this sequel, as cynical an exercise in film making it would be difficult to imagine apart from, "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakwell".

Only one original cast member remains, and the story is set in a prison, which provides the confined space for West Ham and Millwall hooligans, doing prison terms, to confront each other. It unfolds as a 94 minute cage fight with multiple attacks, revenge attacks, one-on-ones, firm on firm etc. If it had been packaged as a sort of 18 rated WWF Bout, then it would have some reason for existing, but it is not, and does not.

The English prison is clearly an American one, with no sense of an English Institution at all, so it loses any authenticity as a "Prison Film" with both British and American audiences. Decent Prison Warder is played by Arthur Mason, a fine actor, who had a long stay in the British TV Series about the London Fire Service, "London's Burning". He spends almost the entire film with his mouth agape, presumably at the dross which is swirling around him.

Actrss Marina Sirtis plays a corrupt Head Warder in a curiously written role, the cod script almost demands some raunchy "prisoner on screw" sex action, but it never comes. A mass football match and fight at the end is so formulaic and contrived, it is pretty much unwatchable. So, not a prison or football hooligan film, the market for this is restricted to those who simply enjoy watching people getting beaten up, but is devoid of any other merit.
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Don't Value Life? Watch This Garbage
vibrational2 April 2009
I highly recommend anyone who doesn't value their own life to watch this awful garbage. Just 15 minutes of this movie(and i dislike using the word) for this tripe will make you appreciate much more interesting things to do like watching paint dry, or letting the wife make you decorate! Seriously the setting was wrong, it was filmed in an American juvenile prison or something and the whole feeling and atmosphere to the fillm was thrown out and just seemed insincere. Despite a couple of good solid performances by a couple of the cast, acting and scripting on the whole was very poor, and i feel sorry for the actors who tried to save the film with their actual talent because it just isn't enough.

All in all as a fan of the original green street and all movies of this genre this really is one piece of crap to avoid!
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Exciting, Underrated
hattonater300013 June 2013
I read the reviews before watching the film as I'm sure most do and they were below average at best, so I went in with extremely low expectations. I loved Green Street and I was excited to watch the sequel, upsetting it may be that only one member of the original Green Street cast survived into the sequel, it was still a very good film. The storyline is really gripping, making you fall in love with some characters and resenting others, if you are a fan of violence and cockney accents this film is perfect for you. Overall this film was very good, some characters could have been designated better actors but it was good nonetheless.
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:)) Loved it !
liviuanutian2 August 2010
:)) it's good to just watch a easy movie with great violence, especially if u're mad about fight club as I am

I mean, movies like this make great movies great, and if u're open- minded and mad enough and especially don't have expectations, this will satisfy you :)

The soundtrack is great, and the acting is pretty good, it impressed me, I was like F**K YEAH ! I WANNA FIGHT :))

I especially liked the nose-biting scene and the gore in their voices :))

Like f**king hell man, enjoy everything! Someone who fully understands and enjoys movies like Donnie Darko or the city of lost children ( most recent ones ) can enjoy this one to :)) !

Cheers mates ! \m/
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Football Violence for the Sake of Violence in Prison
mrcibubur11 April 2010
I picked this DVD up in error thinking it was Green Street Hooligans 1 which I have yet to see. Strangely, as an English soccer fan, I did enjoy this movie and I could relate to the topic covered in the movie which was at times entertaining but this was really 'too much in your face' for me and too British for the British desire to show how violent football hooligans could or should be.

Whats the meaning of Green Street in the context of the movie? We never saw any football in the movie at all except the deciding prison game at the end of the movie. A toned down version would have been better as a TV drama rather than a movie, the female prison warden (and the male one for that) would have been suitable for the English drama 'Bad Girls' This is a bad film and completely unsuitable for cinema viewing. Overall I am disappointed because there is little if anything to commend about the movie and why a pretty lady like the one in the movie would ever want to be a man like that is beyond me? Pass!
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You can't be serious
uptonic19 November 2010
I have seen some poorly made films in my time but this has to be in the all time hall of shame. The americanised attempt at portraying prison life and true football hooliganism is an absolute joke. Not only is the story so unrealistic that you have to pretend its something other than what it is trying to be, but the acting is so forced and predictable its sickening. I gave it a go as it was on Sky so nothing to lose. I gave it 45 minutes although I could see what is was going to be like after 10 minutes. After 45 minutes if I hadnt of turned it off Id have kicked my flat screen in. No one falls for these pathetic actors trying to look hard when they're nothing more than babyfaced b movie wannabe's.

Anyway, unless you're between the ages of 12 and 15, avoid like the plague
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Clean the car or reduce the ironing.
thepecksta23 March 2009
Well hand on heart this could be the worst film i have ever witnessed. Let's be straight here. 1 - I am an avid lover of football. 2 - I'm not prudish and a nor am i disgusted at a set to do on match day. Violence doesn't turn my stomach at all.

Yet this film is truly disgraceful, there are much 'worse' scenes than its predecessor but the plot & acting beggars belief. My missus loved the original to the point of watching it over and over again. I think she was as shocked as i was just how farcical this was. I had wondered how i'd missed this on the big screen, maybe it was DVD release only but only learnt of it yesterday so i hurriedly made my way to our nearest store with a little bit of excitement if i may say so. We did rather well to sit through this to its conclusion and if my Sky HD box wasn't faulty (to be serviced tomorrow am) it would have gone off at the most 25 minutes in. Save your money. Absolutely abysmal.

So to conclude a 3/10 is actually rather higher than it merits. I gave it a more credible rating due to some fair graphic fisticuffs etc. Otherwise a 1/10 would have more suitable.
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Avoid and save 90 minutes of wasting your life - Ridiculous ending to the poorest film of this idiotic genre
Inkerbelle19 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a few of the football / hooligan genre films. Football factory wasn't bad. Green street 1 wasn't great but passed as not a total waste of my life watching it. Though both are born out of the moronic world of football "firms" who think bloody violence is a wonderful way to show that one sports team is better than another. It's like watching idiots fighting a war just because they believe in different religions. If everyone believed / supported the same ideas and people, what a boring world we'd all live in.

And so, this film is another hard-to-swallow idea when the 3 main characters are arrested and jailed for their involvement in a Saturday afternoon brawl from Green Street 1.

The inevitable pack of 3 enemies appear in the jail and a small war begins, with occasional scenes of overdone violence.

Despite enduring this film with the hope that it could only get better as it continued, the ending proved to make the whole thing incredibly nonsensical. A football game to allow one of the two packs of 3 to be released??? What utter rubbish. Fairytale ending to a nightmare of a film.

Avoid at all costs.
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Its far from being as bad as people say it is.
destroyerwod25 July 2011
Are you looking at a masterpiece you will remember for years to come? No. Are you looking at Oscar winning acting? Certainly not. Are you looking for a B-movie on a Saturday night with a couple of beers and a boll of chips? Ah yes? Then this movie is for you. Its nothing spectacular in term of script of acting, even the french dubbed version(i am in Quebec) is surely not one of the best i heard, but yet its a good action movie, it does incorporate some stuff from the previous movie, enough to convince us its a sequel. I wish the 2 main guys where showed in the first movie, cause except Dave and Big Marc(who, as a different actor, had a small role in the first movie) they are not characters from the original. But still there was tons of supporters in the first movie will small parts, so you can say its 2 of them. The whole violence in the movie seem pretty real, with blood, and the fights are not spectacular in the sense of a martial arts movie, but they are convincing as real beat downs. And I'm sorry i never been to jail, either in America or UK, so i can't make a difference between a USA or UK prison... That was my second watching of that movie today, first being one year ago before i saw number 1(not released in french DVD, had to buy the English version) and this one right after i saw number 1, and i say i enjoyed the movie as much as the last time. I own the DVD, so i will certainly re watch it in the future. This is clearly not a bad movie as the other review try to convince people it is.
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a well made a sequel compared to the budget
firemacher1116 April 2009
this is actually a nice sequel although it doesn't have something to do with the original story. at least, i didn't notice a connection. obviously this is low budget and for the budget it looks sweet. the directing is quite good in some places. for example there's one certain amazing fight scene which was very violent and felt so real. jesse johnson showed that he can direct his actors. there are also some songs of the soundtrack which are really cool but IMO there could have been a bit more use of score in the movie. i guess that is just my taste. my favorite acting performance in this movie comes from graham mctavish (john rambo). he was a damn cool bad ass in this one. his performance is outstanding and helped the movie a lot. i liked this movie for what it was and i would recommend this one to all hooligan and prison movie fans.
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legacy destroyed
speedy0065 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has almost nothing in common with first one, which was in my opinion brilliant. Whole story is about people in jail with complexes and anger. They are arguing for nothing. There is almost no story, no message, this movie should go directly to DVD. I was expecting a lot, but the movie left me more than disappointed. To be honest with you, this movie isn't even worth watching. And, as I said before it has almost nothing in common with first part. Graham McTavish should stick to roles similar to that one in John Rambo. Other actors are also disappointing, the only one which is a bit better is Timothy V. Murphy, but just because his good Russian accent. I wonder who wrote this scenario. He should be fired. Camera isn't that bad, but not good also. But the main part that is missing is definitely storyline. How could people in jail sort out their conflicts just by playing football. This is like game simon said. To be honest with you this movie isn't even worth watching. Instead go for a walk in nature, you will use your free time better.
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Violence is better with a story
custard-531 March 2009
I have no problem with violent movies, but they do need a story. This is lacking in the story department. It is also not as violent as FREIGHT which I have just seen a rough cut of, but that has a story and keeps you gripped. I know I am not alone in this remark. We watched as a crowd, . Before the end of the movie about half had left and one was asleep, and that was not because of the violence. The performances are not good and the story is thin. Also it is a bit of a trick as the actress is not the famous singer by the same name. If you get a chance to see a test screening of Freight I would jump on that. That is worth a watch. I guess Green Street must be making money, because this is a sequel, but maybe they are taking the money and not putting it into the production because it didn't look like there was money spent which I think is a bit of a con
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G.S.E Returns in full stride
luketav22 March 2009
loads of people are hating on this movie for some reasons but i loved it.

it wasn't as good as #1 but it was still great and kept me entertained.

it didn't have a deep storyline but if you payed attention it was related to the 1st one which is where the story came from. this film is more so for people that just want to watch a fun movie rather then Shakespeare if you know what i mean.

plenty of violence swearing and things that you watch an 18+ film to see.

well worth the watch and if you don't like it then don't rate it as low as you can, besides if it is only as bad as 1/10 then how could it have such intense scenes.
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no words to describe how bad this is.
yeezus-3943719 May 2016
i was having an out of the blue "football hooligan film marathon" and came across the first green street film which, although ridiculous at times, was reasonably enjoyable. this, however, was dreadful. i won't spoil anything for those of you who may want to give it a shot, but it truly was a terrible film with a lazy plot. i feel as if the director had a lot of plans for this sequel but, considering only one original cast member returned, they had to scrap everything and go for the second option which was basically just violence for the sake of violence as most of the earlier reviews have mentioned. don't get me wrong, i enjoy a bit of action as much as the next person which is exactly why i watched the first green street and a few other hooligan films, but this was so bad. another thing which "annoyed" me, i guess you could say, was the fact that it was set in what appeared to be an American prison, despite the fact that green street was set in Britain. in my opinion (and everyone else who has written a review it seems) it isn't worth wasting your time watching this - i only lasted about ten or fifteen minutes before switching off - but each to their own, i guess.
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Should Have Filmed It In England
sb-493775 March 2020
Could have been a good movie but clearly filmed in California which was very over obvious & spoilt my enjoyment of the movie.
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A poor watch
henryhudson12331 January 2014
The first Green Street film was far from perfect but overall I found it a decent watch. Although I was wondering how a sequel could take place after the finish to the previous film, I was eager to see how the people involved with the film managed to achieve what was surely a difficult project.

I could not watch the whole film. One of the background characters from the firm took up the role as the central character it seemed and being that his only role in the first film was the very occasional minor gag, him being promoted into such a significant role in the film was a ridiculous decision. This is not a mark against the actor himself but of the character he was portraying.

In truth, this film was dull as it was more or less characters that had little or no role in the last film acting as the main group which simply did not work whatsoever. I could not even watch it until the end, that is how bad I feel it was
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Works as a football film, no. As a prison film, yes, but with a Disney ending
stevensonkevin14 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Green Street seemed to me to be a watered down version of the Football Factory and while it was actually not that bad I couldn't help thinking the whole way through that the little hobbit fella had been in some much harder scraps down in New Zealand than anything he came up against in Mockney London.

15 minutes into the sequel and I was ready to switch off, but, (as earlier reviewers have stated), hearing a former member of the Starship Enterprise effing and jeffing and on some occasions "Canting" (excuse my spelling) kept my attention.

In the end, not a bad little film but it's certainly not going to win any awards especially as it has (as I stated in the summary, a happy ending).
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