The Audience Strikes Back (Video 2008) Poster

Carol DeSalles: Celine


  • Celine : You all know about the Ottoman Empire? The Ottoman Empire collapsed under its own weight at the beginning of the 20th Century.

    [Blank looks from others sitting at table.] 

    Celine : You have all seen Lawrence of Arabia, non?

    [Nods, murmurs.] 

    Celine : Do you remember when Lawrence is captured by the Turks. Do you remember Jose Ferrer? Do you remember his moustache? Very decadent moustache.

    [Mimics Jose Ferrer playing with his moustache.] 

    Celine : Do you remember when he rapes Lawrence? That was the Ottoman Empire. And that is Microsoft, non? That is how all empires come to an end: the sweet smell of rot from the inside; and from the outside, the little fishes nibbling at the edges.

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