I like having some mystery in a mystery. A major reveal in the first minutes bodes ill of what is to follow.
If I had any doubt, which I didn't, the 1/2 minute starting at the 45 minute mark confirmed what was shown in the first minutes of the series.
Finally, a minor event occurred in episode one. It would be of no consequence except that the main character's future action had already been revealed. That event would have immediately alerted him to the probable end result of what he planned to do. I looked up the plot in Wikipedia. That was the ending.
I did start the second episode. However, what the main characters did was too stupid to be credible, so I stopped watching. Here's why:
One is a house guest with a plan to make plenty of money. He meets some guy who has a shady deal that would add a little more money. Why risk a big score for a few extra pennies?
Due to the shady guy's connections, he would have known that the house guest's rich buddy would never fall for his low rent plan. So why did offer it?
The rich guy, after seeing who was brought to his house and how stupid the plan was, would have tossed the guest and his new friend right out. End of story.