"Surprised at how much others delude themselves
She wonders how much she deludes herself"
I found this short to be incredibly powerful despite being a mere 20 minutes long. We watch as Alicia Vikander portrays all stages and roles in a human life as a child, mother, and grandmother. Music from The National is also featured.
Thought I'm a young male, I still found ways to connect with this. Mike Mills is trying to show that life is a journey with its own mini milestones. There's a definitive start and a definitive end. There is no such thing as a mistake, we merely keep learning and keep trying to adjust in the world. Though we may change physically, we will always be the same person. We do things out of impulse, question things, learn about other people, yet still see things through the context of our own experiences.
I intend to watch this again, and I encourage others to do the same. Spare a few minutes to watch art develop on the screen, you won't regret it.