"Gilligan's Island" Home Sweet Hut (TV Episode 1964) Poster

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Early Gilligan, character development..........
markf-3115 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This was the second episode of the series and it was time to start showing some traits of the Minnow's crew and passengers. After a downpour the Skipper organizes building a hut to protect them.They all end up with separate huts due to their 'special' needs. Unfortunately, none of them are master hut builders and Gilligan somehow destroys them all. Silly situations abound with Gilligan wearing the girls dresses (to dry them by the fire), Ginger sweet-talking tools and materials away from Gilligan. Mr. Howell playing golf with a bamboo club and avocado pit for ball. Most of these actors had careers before and after the show which ran only 3 seasons (but endlessly ever since in re-runs)but we will always remember the cast in these iconic baby boom roles.
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A job not well done is not a well done job
kevinolzak30 May 2016
In "Home Sweet Hut," the castaways (despite Gilligan's bumbling efforts) manage to build a community hut to house all seven of them for the approaching monsoon season, with our first glimpse of twin hammocks for the Skipper and Gilligan. One argument started by the Howells and everyone insists on privacy and starts building their own huts. In no time at all Gilligan, the 'one man disaster area,' manages to topple every single one, until a second community hut is conceived to ward off the next storm. We find out that Mr. Howell sleeps with a teddy bear, with a priceless aside from dependable Jim Backus: "nana!" By the episode's end everybody returns to building their own huts, Ginger makes her first successful seduction of the always compliant Gilligan, and we also hear the final announcement over the radio that the search for the missing Minnow has ended. To balance the seriousness of survival in the wild with well executed slapstick was the most challenging aspect of the series, but even this early Sherwood Schwartz proves to be a genius. Using the silent screen technique of sped up photography to enhance the humor, Bob Denver and Alan Hale evoke memories of not just Laurel and Hardy but also the verbal antics of Abbott and Costello. Viewers unfamiliar with those comedy teams received a literal crash course by watching GILLIGAN'S ISLAND. At one point the Skipper quotes his father: "hurried work is worried work" and "a job not well done is not a well done job," and we can't help but smile to remember that the actor's lookalike father, Alan Hale, actually worked in Laurel and Hardy's 1936 feature "Our Relations."
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All for One and Everyone for their Own Hut!
kmcelhaney00526 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Our castaways, having experienced a sudden, unexpected shower, collectively build a single hut to weather the upcoming storm season. However, all the cooperative efforts are drowned out the first night when the Howells have a loud argument and everyone decides to build their own huts despite the Skipper's warnings.

The happiness of the Professor, the Howells and Ginger and Mary Ann's accomplishments at quickly building their own huts are over with as soon as Gilligan accidentally destroys their work. The castaways manage to pull together to rebuild their original hut just before a massive storm hits.

Overall, this episode is not quite the comic delight of the first, "Two on a Raft", but it does contain some nice comedy bits. The highlight is arguably Gilligan and the Skipper trying to settle into their new hammocks for the night. Other nice elements include Ginger talking Gilligan out of some rope, Mr. Howell's tapping his stick on both Gilligan and the Skipper and watching Gilligan nearly destroy their first attempt at the "community" hut and almost taking Mr. Howell, the Professor and the Skipper with it.

This is a good follow-up episode to the first broadcast and seeing the actors settle into their roles is certainly delightful. Overall, a very good, if not great show.

  • We get to see some of the many clothes the Howells brought with them on the Minnow, including a smoking jacket, formal dress, mink coat and jockey outfit. All of which interestingly enough fit the other castaways to a T. :)

  • During the construction of the first "community" hut, we hear the radio broadcast that tells of the official ending of the search for the castaways. It's rather odd that it does not get any reaction from the group, although it may be argued that they heard that news before.

  • The "lagoon" joke at the end is very well executed, but it does raise an important, "logical" question...namely, we saw the dirt floor of the hut in the interior shots...so what exactly are our castaways standing on while the hut is in the lagoon?

  • In the epilogue scene, the Skipper declares "clear skies ahead" which would indicate that the storm "season" consisted of a single storm. Actually, this would be right in line with the tradition of one episode having little, if anything to do with the next. For example, even though we are told that the castaways are building their own huts again, they still live in the single "community" hut for several episodes afterwords.
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Seven people in one hut just won't do for three seasons.
mark.waltz24 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Heavy tropical storms are heading towards the island where the seven castaways are stranded and the skipper insists that for the bulk of their staying on the island, they will all live under one roof. The skipper certainly has faith that they'll get rescued quickly and that they'll all get along, and certainly with their differences in personality and the accident prone Gilligan, there is enough of a reason for them to eventually live apart. Of course, part of Gilligan's flaw is him being in the wrong place at the wrong time and often not being listened to.

Mr. Howell's infamous teddy bear makes its first appearance in this episode, giving him comfort after an argument with Mrs. Howell and the decision of everybody else to build separate guys, showing that if they are going to survive, they really have to work together. Gilligan's loaning of tools causes delays in the huts and showing how manipulative certain castaways are in getting what they want without concern for the others. That adds a sense of reality to the situation, especially as the storm gets closer. The other castaways find out that they are not as smart in construction as they think they are, and this adds a lot of humor.
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tcchelsey4 February 2024
There is so much vintage LAUREL AND HARDY in this second episode, which actually is a continuation of the premier, basically establishing all the characters.

Probably the best example is both the Skipper and Gilligan swinging back and forth in skimpy hammocks, CRASHING, knocking heads --and let's do it all over again!

The theme is privacy... Should the castaways all live in one gigantic hut or build separate huts? That's the question. More over, an approaching monsoon storm requires immediate action. It seems logical --since there's both men and women present -- they build their own huts, setting up a makeshift outdoor woodshop?

This scene is what will begin an endless cycle of questions over the next three seasons. Where do the Skipper and Gilligan get all the tools? Where do all the clothes come from? Where does anything come from? Simply amazing. However, the gang gets the job done and constructs some really cool huts.

Mr. Howell comes off with the best lines, and immediately adopts his cuddly teddy bear. Jim Backus was a real find for the series, the perfect over the top character that Gilligan and the Skipper needed to play off. Very true, his character was more than likely modeled after the drunk millionaire (which Backus portrayed) trying to fly an airplane in the wild comedy, ITS A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD, the year before.

Also... it may have been Mary Ann (and/or Dawn Wells) who started a fad with Daisy Dukes, ya think? The series had the best wardrobe changes, everything from fur bikinis to suits and gowns.

We also get another glimpse of the famous man-made lake on the Studio City lot, where the castaways are stranded in the middle of the lagoon, all huddled together in the Skipper's and Gilligan's hut following the storm.

Great direction by Richard Donner, who had just finished several episodes for the TWILIGHT ZONE. Donner would head the SUPERMAN and LETHAL WEAPON series years later. The famous radio announcer is character actor Charles Maxwell, who would read more news bulletins in the next several episodes.

Note, the first season was filmed in black and white, later colorized, though the color is not as distinct as the next two seasons, which was natural color and beautifully remastered.

SEASON 1 EPISODE 2 official CBS dvd box set No. 1.
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safenoe2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Richard Donner, who would later become a big shot Hollywood director, directed Home Sweet Hut.

Anyway, here the S Club 7 crew are together here on Gilligan's Isle, and they gel well as a team as they build their own huts and it's a lot of fun seeing the character development. I first started watching Gilligan's Island back in the 70s I think and it's also become a metaphor of being marooned forever and forever on a road to nowhere. In fact, I was recently reading an article about the ill-fated three year voyage that went belly-up before it started, and a witty commentator said they would prefer watching Gilligan's Island for three years instead.
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Gilligan is a home wrecker.
Ralphkram20 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After the iconic pilot, the series follows up with as close to a plot less, slice-of-island-life episode as you can get. There is precious little of note that happens in this one and precious little comedy, but enough construction work to fill a Habitat For Humanity PSA. A definite come down from the first episode, with a moral about teamwork and community spirit secondary to the relentless slapstick, broken up by a good bit here and there, a small step forward in character development and a giant leap into the lagoon for Gilligan.

It's the summer season, and the island is susceptible to sudden showers. The Skipper underestimates the strength of a morning downpour, and he and the others get drenched. It dawns on him that the group needs shelter and they must immediately build a communal hut before the next big one hits. The Howells are more interested in moving on up to their own deluxe hut in the sky, but the Skipper is adamant that only a single building will withstand a storm, so everyone agrees to pitch in.

The episode then bumbles through nearly four straight minutes of slow, sloppy slapstick. Gilligan's penchant for pratfalls is showcased ad nauseum. If your taste is in buckets falling on people's heads or people falling into buckets, then this episode is your Holy Grail.

With the communal hut completed, everyone settles down for a good night's sleep. Close to another minute is tied up with our leads getting tangled in their hammocks, before we mercifully move past the second rate slapstick and on to some interesting and serious scenes. The Howells' midnight squabble quickly escalates into a wider argument involving the entire group. Mr. Howell belittles the Skipper's idea that another storm is approaching, and, with no real evidence to the contrary, the other castaways agree with him. Everyone makes plans to move out in the morning and get to work on their own huts.

The Professor, the girls, and the Howells have all made good on their promise to build their own residences. Just like the three little pigs they proudly line them up all in a row, and big bad Gilligan comes along and blows them all down. Yes, it's back to more slapstick, but at least these take downs are fairly creative. So it is back to square one with the communal hut.

The storm that the Skipper predicted does hit, but the castaways are all safely inside their new structure. There is an anxious moment or two but they make it through the night. They learn an important lesson about how much they can accomplish together as a group when they work for a common goal and trust in one another.

That they wind up in the lagoon is incidental...


Given the Howells great distaste for work, the chances of them building Howell Manor are the same as Thurston switching allegiance from Harvard to Yale.

Ginger Grant rebounds from her minor part in the pilot to the fully formed, assured, and sexy personality fans are accustomed to. Her flirtation scene with Gilligan is the highlight of the first half.

One of the few clever bits follows with Gilligan and the Skipper and the six-foot-beam becoming two three-footers. Love how Gilligan nervously tells his big buddy that everyone makes mistakes, and love how he wraps the little bit of rope around his finger and proudly offers it to him.

Nice tension in the first community hut scene. One of the more realistic and adult exchanges between the Skipper and Thurston, where the issue of who exactly is to blame for their predicament bubbles to the surface. A rare time where the familial unit fractures.

"Did he show signs of fear? Not dear old Grandad. He joked and laughed all the way down to the pavement."
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