As mentioned in the title, there's already a wonderful review available by wdavidreynolds. Actually, if you're reading my review then surely you've seen his too. Good, then you'll get what i'm saying. Just here for a mostly random comment. I realize that this is one of those silly episodes some ppl don't like. I like both types (silly & serious) pretty much equally. Certainly in this time of Covid-19 (plus whatever MORE angst you may be going through - mine is cancer) - silly shows like this one certainly have their place. Being a HUUUGE Festus fan sure helped my rating but i'm also a HUUUUGE Denver Pyle fan, so that put it over the top!
Also enjoyed Dillon's confusion & frustration at the end as Festus is telling the story in his usual confounding way! I'd forgotten that far as Matt knew, Festus had gone off to rescue his cousin Maude Haggan! The marshal's baffled looks
were priceless! DEFINITELY one of my "go to" episodes when i need desperately to be
cheered up! Lol Festus never fails! Kinda just wanted to share in case someone else reading this is having a tough time too. I may not know what's wrong but promise you that i understand! ... watch some Gunsmoke. Really. It'll help!