This first episode of Season Two is TOTALLY crackers, all about Granny, one of the series most beloved characters, and an iconic tv character to this very day. Producer Paul Henning's misadventures, at times borrowing from the Three Stooges, is the reason why the show shattered several tv records. According to Neilson ratings, the series had a remarkable audience share of 39.1, as compared to second place BONANZA, at 36.9. Also Henning's other show, PETTICOAT JUNCTION, was in the Top 5 spot.
Here, Doc Granny is down in the dumps, because everyone is in good health. Jed, the man with a plan, decides to uplift her sagging spirts by PRETENDING he's sicker than sick? Granny is back in biz, and everyone's happy -- until she meets Mr. Drysdale's distinguished doctor, Dr. Clyburn (Fred Clark). The Beverly Hills specialist doesn't see things her way, and I agree, the doc to doc talk between Granny and Clyburn is just plain goofy. Why Paul Henning was the best at what he did.
By the way, since Jed is sick in bed, this leaves Jethro the man of the house???
FYI: Among the ingredients in Granny's sickness remedy is "dogbane." Dogbane, is in fact, real and deadly to both dogs and humans! It's mainly used for making ropes and nets.
Applause always for character actor Fred Clark, who would return to the show. Fred was a natural at either playing big shot businessmen or cons or businessmen who were crooked. Take your pick. Fondly remembered for the SOLID GOLD CADILLAC.
SEASON 2 EPISODE 1 remastered CBS dvd box set. 5 dvds. Released 2018. Classic family pix box cover, featuring Judy the chimp. Seasons 6 through 9 are expected to be released on blu ray by 2027. Always thanks to METV for running every single episode, 1962-71.