Personal note: When I was a kid, there was a local teenager who made his own movies. He would invite the neighborhood kids over to his house, put a bed sheet on the wall, load up the projector, and... his latest horror "masterpiece" would work its magic. Mostly, it was kids from the same street, running around, falling, pretending to be dead, etc. There was also a lot of ketchup utilized.
Fast forward to 2004, and SUBURBAN SASQUATCH is unleashed. It uses the very same aforementioned filming techniques, only now it's adults running around instead of children. Horrendous CGI "effects" have replaced most of the ketchup, especially for the fire hose-like, blood spraying shots.
There are no production values per se, as this isn't really a production of any sort. Just wait until you see the "cops"! Don't even get me started on the whole "native American" angle! As for Sasquatch / Footy himself, well, let's just say that it was half off day at the used costume shop!
Oh my goodness!
Shot on what appears to have been a cell phone, it still managed to cost over $10,000.00 to make! Someone must have eaten an awful lot of pizza!
Now, in spite of everything stated, make no mistake, this "movie" is extremely entertaining. So, gather your friends, amass the appropriate intoxicants, and be prepared to howl until your lungs burn...