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(II) (2005)

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Anthony Spadaccini's Best Film To Date
BriGuy716928 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of up & coming indie director Anthony Spadaccini,having seen a few of his films,including my previous favorite Unstable.The moment that his followup film Aftermath was released on DVD,I ordered a copy directly from him so I could see what he did next.

Aftermath is an incredible film,to say the least.The acting,especially by Spadaccini,his sister Rebecca,and Steve Brown,is just amazing.The people involved here are incredible at portraying the effects of HIV on a group of friends during a summer beach trip.JP Clemens also does a good job of making u hate his character,the one with HIV who likes to infect other guys., just because he can.

The movie isn't a sequel to Unstable i don't think.Maybe it is, but it didn't seem like the actors involved here were playing the same characters.

I applaud Anthony Spadaccini for his work here and i look forward to seeing what he comes up with next!
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Stunningly realistic, kudos to the cast (especially Rebecca Lynne)
movie_missy_641 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As another person commented, Anthony Spadaccini's latest film AFTERMATH is a stunningly realistic portrayal of how HIV can affect a small group of friends. It is very well-acted and holds your interest until the very end. It is a little slow in the beginning, but the director took his time telling the story, which is a good thing in this case. Instead of going for a surprise twist ending, the story is pretty much told straight forward. The plot tells how a guy whose friend is secretly HIV positive (and is still irresponsibly sleeping with everyone in sight) deals with the aftermath of revealing it to his group of friends, after learning of an unsafe encounter between him and someone else in the social circle. There's also betrayal on his end as well, as he holds a deep dark secret.

Rebecca Lynne, who I think gave the movie's best performance and is the director's sister in real life according to her page on IMDb, should have had more screen time in the 2nd half. Unfortunately, she leaves the house and the film after learning of the betrayal and we don't see her again. While her involvement wasn't as intrical to the plot, it would have been nice to see more of her. She has more film credits (all in her brother's films, no doubt) and I'll have to check them out definitely.
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terrific piece of indie film-making
ldunnjr14 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Aftermath" Review by Larry Dunn, Jr.

Director: Anthony Spadaccini. Writers: Anthony Spadaccini, Jim Ward, Rebecca Lynne, Benjamin P. Ablao, Jr. Cast: Rebecca Lynne, J.P. Clemens, Anthony Spadaccini, Bart Allegretto, Jim Ward, Steve Brown, Benjamin P. Ablao, Jr.

I've watched all three of Anthony Spadaccini's improv feature films and I am convinced this guy has a real career ahead of him.

"Aftermath" convinced me of that.

Another one of those "what would you do in this situation?" films, "Aftermath" tells a story of friendship and trust. Living with secrets and lies. Homophobia brought on by the scares of HIV and STDs. Being straight and having gay friends. And so on and so forth.

The thing is, Spadaccini doesn't force these issues at the audience. Many subjects are touched on briefly, basically the tip of the iceberg. And I can't help but wonder if this movie would have worked better as a mini-series.

But it's a terrific piece of indie film-making. The acting is excellent. The pace is slow and allowed me to get to know the characters. There is no "main character" here, as everyone gets a piece of the action. The sex scene (obligatory in a gay-interest film) is tame and thankfully not graphic, due to the nature of the circumstances. Drug abuse is touched on rather briefly.

I think what touched me most about this movie is that I could relate to it. I felt like I knew these characters, I was part of this group of friends.
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Cinema Verite (literally film truth) at its best,
csmfjb28 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Aftermath" Is So believable, it did not seem like a movie. It was like I was invited along and then became familiar with the characters and became part of it. I knew I was too engrossed in the film when towards the end when Steve made a derogatory remark to Jim, I actually said aloud to Steve "Ah come on guy." Like he was going to hear me. Excellent acting, the emotions, the postures, the characters were each like someone I knew. I would find myself checking the DVD case to make sure it was a story and not a true event unfolding before me.

Cinema Verite at its best, "Aftermath" could be used as the consummate definition of this style. The story line is one many can identify with and was handled very well, again with great true emotions. To be able to elicit such a great range from the actors and to be able to portray them himself, I would compare Spadaccini to Robert Altman in his directing of "Gosford Park". With no script the actors must have had confidence in Spadaccini to be able to get the story across through them. Spadaccini should be applauded for directing them so well and allowing them the freedom within their characters. The actors are a very astute and talented ensemble,I have seen some of the higher paid actors not able to do what they did.

I liked how the use of the difference of color and B&W mix. Such as when Anthony was pondering what to do with what he knows, The cuts from him looking at the phone, to just standing under the shower, great editing to capture that angst. I also liked the natural interaction and familiar touches, like the cats at play, people making real jokes and laughing naturally. Even the line of "You threw away my Tater Tots," gave it a realism, and connection usually found in Stephen King's novels. The intro was captivating, the music fit nicely. The music all the way through kept the right tone. When the movie ended I became aware that I actually felt connected with the characters like I had known them awhile.
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A Great Cat Fight :)
realbottomguy3 September 2005
That is what it ends up as. Us gay guys at our best, claws out, fangs bared, souls stripped, barbs flying. Just from that you all should watch this movie. Who of us has not kept a secret from our friends, add to that a secret that if we revealed it, "They" would let out a secret about moi? So we juggle, Friends, Confidences, Trust, Whispers, great stuff until it hits home! The secret you are keeping could affect or effect or infect,(take your pick) a close one to you, now what do you do? the good gossip he has on you is just devastating, but is it really worth a life? Time t decide. Oh where is that magnificent spin control so easily available on TV sitcoms? not gonna happen... this is real life Baby, now deal with it.

Anthony Spadaccini does a fantastic job of bringing all this together and packages it for all. A very hard job, Anthony makes every person in this film so real and poignant. Friendships, Trust, relationships, Honor, Love, and so much more involved characters, Anthony brings them all together and makes it explosive.

All of a sudden, a revelation makes the characters start to take sides, look inside themselves, act out, Attack, and retreat. I want to say how well this was written, but I read most of the lines were improvised. So i have to praise the group of great actors who relished their rolls, made them come to life before my eyes.

Great Butt Shot of Anthony also, I was hoping for more though. I do not recall who did the casting but they did the job well, the people fit their characters.

I was surprised when I looked up the actors backgrounds and found they had a limited resume'. They are definitely Professional caliber,I wonder why any of the crew, Director, writers, actors, etal, have not been signed by some studio for a full-scale release of their works.

My recommendation is, watch these now, then just wait and see, All should be appearing at the Oscars soon
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nice little indie flick
juty149086 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
i wasn't sure how much i would like this movie, since i am currently living with HIV and don't appreciate the way ppl sometimes depict us in movies.they either picture us as muscular studs or skeletons wasting away to nothing.luckily, this movie had none of that.aftermath tells the tale of how hiding your HIV status can really hurt a lot of people,especially since u are self destructive and knowingly infecting people without showing a hint of care or remorse.whats sad is i have actually met people like this and it is truly a horrible thing.we as gay men need to take responsibility for our actions and stop the spread of HIV.aftermath handles the subject of HIV in a sensitive manner and avoids turning the antagonist (JP Clemens) into a one-note character whose sole purpose is to hurt others. as the movie progresses, i saw that he does have a heart and changes his mind about his actions.but not before he's destroyed hundreds of lives.

Jim ward plays a despicable character as well,a guy who thinks he's Dr. Phil and starts condemning everyone for their actions when it isn't any of his business. what got me is how accurate his character was, BC i also know people like that.Anthony spadaccini, who directed and wrote this movie,plays the lead character and does a really good job.he also has a very cute butt, which we see in a rather artsy french-type scene.rebecca Lynne,who is Anthony's sister in real life,is basically a supporting character and doesn't get a lot of screen time, but the time she has she is very effective.

aftermath runs about 90 minutes. it is directed by Anthony spadaccini and stars rebecca Lynne,JP Clemens,Anthony spadaccini,and Steve brown. it is not rated but has some profanity and sexual situations,drug use,and nudity.
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Shut up Jim! --Spoiler Alert!!!
blackrockchick11 January 2006
Spoilers below. Do not read if you have not seen this film and do not want plot point divulged! First off I would like to say that Mr. Spadaccini has done it again. He has combined an emotional theme with a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack and appropriate camera work to create a "real life" movie. These characters feel real to me and they react (for the most part like) people in these situations would react. I found Jim's character and performance the most entertaining. I was so amused by him that I found myself telling him to shut up along with the characters in the movie. I feel that this movie had it all, drugs, sex, nudity...but one this was missing...violence. I thought for sure that someone was going to get physically hurt before the trip ended. Ben's character was a little too caring, I wanted him to show more anger, but I think that his hurt was portrayed well. I love Anthony's use to color and black and white to show the emotional turmoil of each character and again the score was fantastic. This film is an intimate and emotionally intense showing of what happens when people commit selfish acts. I highly recommend it!
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wingslacrosse2715 May 2006
I called in sick to work this morning and told them I would be about two hours late so I could stay home and watch 'Aftermath.' And I do not regret it one bit. You see, this movie moved me in a way major Hollywood films haven't in a very long time. 'Aftermath' touched on a very scary and real topic that I haven't found addressed like this. The thought that there are people out there like that of J.P.'s character is not only disgusting, but also vile. Without giving too much away about the film, just try to picture this. Imagine you find out someone you have done something with is going around doing this same thing to other people, with little or no remorse?! And what they are doing could end up killing you and people you know personally, sooner or later!! If it was me, I'd probably go crazy and who knows what else I would do that I would not be held accountable for when the day is over.

The acting in this film is top notch. Becky delivers an emotional performance. She seems like such a free spirit when the film begins and you are introduced to her character. But then, her world comes crashing down and I felt so sorry for her. I was ticked off that someone would do that to her and not tell her. Every possible character is in this film. You have the jerk that starts causing trouble after the secrets are out (Jim), the character that tries to keep everyone in line and keep the mood light (Steve), the character that seems so perfect yet has their world come crashing down on them (both Brad and Becky), the villain that has no remorse (J.P.), and the best friends that ultimately get their friendship tested by a secret that could destroy them both (Ben and Anthony.)

I came to work today thinking about this film all the way here. As I type this, I can't help but think about leaving work early and going home to watch it again. On a much grander scale than 'Unstable' ... 'Aftermath' delivers a fresh topic that hands down will blow you away. If this film doesn't make you want to watch it again, then I don't know what will. Kudos to everyone involved on this project. Thank you for the edgy topic and treating it with the honesty and balls to the wall approach it should have been treated with!!
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Heartbreaking HIV tale
MLProperelli29 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Aftermath" is a heartbreaking tale of HIV and its effects on several characters who we grow to love, hate, respect, admire, and sympathize with during the course of 90 minutes. The grainy footage style that Anthony Spadaccini used in Unstable is used again here. While I think the story could have been much better served if told in a traditional matter, it nevertheless succeeds at tugging with your heartstrings.

I'll be honest, nothing really happens in the first 40 minutes (which is my only criticism). Nothing of significance that is. I got to know these characters (director Spadaccini proves once again that he can act!) And that helped me relate to them when it is revealed that one of the main characters has HIV and might have infected someone else.

It has been a pleasure to view Anthony Spadaccini's films, as I have seen most of his work, which he has sent me himself. And I will agree with the above post, that "Aftermath" is Anthony's best film to date and that he really has a handle on the genre.
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