Khun krabii hiiroh (2004) Poster

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Silly Thai Zombie Madness
ElijahCSkuggs16 December 2006
Going into this movie I knew that it's supposed to be somewhat gory, somewhat funny and that it's from Thailand. So immediately from knowing Thai humor, the humor is going to be very silly. And this is the main reason why people aren't enjoying this flick? Whatever, I enjoy Thai silliness....the dude in the Tony Jaa flicks is one funny dude in my opinion.

Sars Wars is about a zombie epidemic that hits Thailand...well, just one building, but it hits and what follows is a very silly, sometimes funny and a slightly gory movie. I'd rather not try to explain the entire plot, it's just pretty much a rescue mission with romance, gore, some alright anime scenes and a giant snake. I enjoy all of those facets of entertainment and even though Sars Wars didn't do a great job combining the lot it still was a pretty fun movie to watch.

It's Thai humor to a T. It even has some transsexual moments, which is always funny and unbelievable since it's a big thing over there. Anyways, if you're looking for a new gore flick to check out, this definitely fits the bill. You might even enjoy the silly-ass Thai humor too. 7 outta 10
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bloody comedy is a great deal of fun if you can stand the gore and click into its goofy wavelength
dbborroughs24 March 2007
Thai comedy can be painfully funny. There is often a sense that anything goes so long as it gets a laugh, the result is wild crazy out of left field quality that is totally endearing. A perfect example of this is this movie.

The plot has a mutation of the Sars virus that turns people into flesh eating zombies getting loose in an apartment complex in Bangkok. The zombies present complications for a kidnapped girl and her rescuers who are trying to flee the building.

Bloody, over the top and very silly this is the sort of knowing comedy that more often than not fails to work in other films. Here the balance between blood and laughs if finely balanced, or at least piled on so thick that there is enough good stuff with the bad that you can't help but find something to laugh at. From references to the George Romero zombie films, Star Wars to martial arts spectaculars and Italian horror films this is a movie that steals from the best and puts it all together into a gumbo of entertaining proportions.

Its not perfect, there's often too much going on, and the filmmakers don't always feel the need to have the film make sense, but its an enjoyable romp for those who can take the blood and body parts.
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Good action, terrible comedy.
snipet24 September 2005
A Zombie infection spreads due to a mutated version of Sars and a group of kidnappers, health agents and a sword wielding hero are trapped in a building by the government of Thailand to contain the infection.

Firstly the zombie action is generally pretty good and gory. The film moves pretty quickly to the point where guys with guns and zombies are having it out with each other. The budget must have been decent because there's no shortage of blood, body parts and exploding heads. There are a couple of zombie variations I wont spoil that are done in cgi though that let things down a bit as the cgi is pretty much on the same level as something you'd expect in Ali McBeal.

The major problem though with Sars Wars is the writing is bad. Really really bad. The comedy in Sars Wars is a horrible mishmash of parody, self mockery and 4th wall breaking. Also there isn't a single original element in this film. I mean every zombie movie rips off Dawn of the Dead but... Wild Zero? Anaconda?

Anyway If you are zombie movie fan the action is there and you'll have some fun in trying to spot every reference but you'll have a hard time overlooking the terrible humor.
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The joke is terrible , but OK.
reece_ayc31 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this film in Thailand.

My cousin is Thai , my mother is Thai but father is American. I met my cousin and I they open this film to show me what about Thailand's first zombie film.

The Film is very very stupid , it is terrible joke and awful effect. But I like the plot story and many scenes , I think some scene look like 'Titanic' when Liu blow whistle.

At the end of film (It let me down) Khun Krabii switch the remote and the bomb stop ? how can it stop ? how can bomb stop ? and fake Liu is gay then , I can't love this film anymore!!!

The Animation is good but some scene VERY BAD too.

In fact , AVERAGE , I give 7/10.
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It Is What It Is.
casaspam1 February 2007
Look I know Thailand's film industry is only just getting worldwide recognition and I hate to pick on the little guy, but some of these comments... come on, people. I know it's not totally fair to judge a Thai film like this by the standards of a more mature film industry like Hollywood or Hong Kong but I do think if this had been made in America it would be widely reviled as a piece of crap.

My biggest problem is when people start comparing this to Brain Dead or Sean of the Dead or god forbid any of the Romero films. That's just an insult to those vastly superior movies. If Uwe Boll made Scary Movie 5 we'd have a pretty close approximation of Sars Wars. Not to say you can't enjoy this movie in the right mood and in the right company if you don't mind groan-inducing humor and bad CG. It can be fun, though incredibly stupid fun that could easily have been written by a fairly bright 12 year old. A certain type of person will like this (specifically 12 year old boys, either actual or just in spirit) but lets not act like it's something it's not.
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Goofy over the top zombie goodness
smccar772 March 2011
"Sars Wars," is a fast paced and highly enjoyable Thai zombie comedy. At its core, this is a film that revels in absurdity. The action and gore is more than enough to satiate the hardened zombie buff. The zany comedy is both internal and chips away at the fourth wall. A potential problem with this film is the fact that it is stylized for a niche audience. Essentially, this is a film that one either enjoys or passes off as a ho-hum addition to the horror genre. Additionally, the very aspects that make this film wonderful for some, may also make it a turkey for others.

SW diverges from typical Thai film in one distinctive way. Overall, Thai film uses the landscapes or urban settings of Thailand as an integral feature of the film. The pristine nature or bustling streets are unique enough to set a film apart as distinctly Thai. SW breaks from this standard and is set within an unspectacular high rise building. This change of scenery has led to several assumptions by the film makers. First, SW is more akin to an amusement ride than a standard horror/comedy story. Basically, the coherence of the plot arch is sacrificed for over the top visuals and slap stick comedy. The assumption is that the audience will give up all expectations and surrender to the ride. As hinted at above, this is either wonderful or dreadful depending on taste. SW offers no commentary on life, people, or the human condition. Rather, the film throws the audience into an absurd situation confronted by caricatures of stock characters. The effect is a fast paced horror comedy devoid of any seriousness. Second, the use of cheap SFX and CGI is clearly done for humor value. The assumption here is that the audience will embrace the over the top absurdity and appropriately poor effects. This assumption is again open to criticism. Some may find the poor effects bog down the film and remove any sense of reality. Others, like myself, enjoyed the humor of the purposeful low quality.

The film as a whole is well paced, competently shot, and technically professional. The characters, as mentioned above, are caricatures of well known stock types. The benefit is that the brief character development needed allows for more action oriented sequences. The drawback is that this film offers very little new in the department of "zombie fighters." On the whole, SW is not trying to break new ground or provide clever innovation. Rather, this is a film that exploits highly visual Thai humor within the context of a zombie story. If one enjoys their horror with a hearty helping of incoherent absurdity, then this is a film to be sought out.

On a personal note, I will definitely be recommending this film to friends. The style of humor, topics of mockery, and goofy gory action make this a film that is enjoyable by a diverse audience. This is a much better than average pizza and beer movie night film. 6.5 of 10 stars.
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SARS, zombies and a humongous snake...
paul_haakonsen24 May 2013
Well this is no "Dead Alive" (aka "Braindead") or "Shaun of the Dead", but it is a rather good attempt at a zombie comedy from Thailand. "Sars Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis" goes a step or two too far into the extreme where they pass comedy and drops into downright stupidity at times. Which is a shame, because those moments really deliver a hard blow to the overall enjoyment of the movie.

Funny, I never knew that SARS turned people into zombies, but I guess it did in Thailand...

The story is about a bug escaping from Africa and making its way all the way to Thailand where it delivers a fatal bite to a guy and a zombie outbreak spreads rampart in an apartment building. In this building Khun Krabii is out to rescue Liu, the daughter of a rich man, while Master Thep has managed to sneak in there disguised as a member of the task force.

The characters in the movie are colorful and funny, and they are well brought to life on the screen by the actors and actresses hired to play them. The dialogue in the movie is funny as well and it is full of self-irony and one-liners. Which just adds to the enjoyment of this over-the-top zombie comedy.

As for the zombies in the movie, well then they were actually nicely made, although I didn't understand the reason for their vampiric fangs. That was just odd. As this is a comedy, don't except too much gore and mayhem. There is a little bit in the movie, just enough to make it clear that this is a zombie movie and enough to make it funny.

Vibrant characters, a fast-paced story, good effects and an overall crazy mood makes for "Sars Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis" to be enjoyable and fun to watch.
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Thailands answer to Brain Dead...
FatPete12 November 2005 almost as good as the original! This is a very stupid movie. The jokes are horrible, and the plot isn't much to speak of. However, I totally love it for these reasons; There is a lot of zombie mayhem in this movie. And I mean a lot. Although the zombies, for some reason, had fangs and could run (which in general is a no-no), I absolutely loved them.

The movie makers must've had distance to themselves, and not taken themselves too seriously. Had they done that, and tried to make the first Thai zombie epic, they may have failed, and a fall from that high would be much worse. Sure, the comedy in this movie is stupid, but it's becoming of the style.

So, this in an all-out splatter feast with lots of immature antics thrown in for good measure, and I highly recommend it.
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28 days later meets police academy
northerly3529 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
At one point in the movie a bomb is activated via remote control, which is fine except that the remote activates a 12 minute timer. Timers on bombs allow you to set a bomb and get away from it, remotes allow you to detonate the bomb instantly from a distance. Using a remote to activate a 12 minute timer on a bomb is preposterous. Other than that the movie is flawless and will probably be used as supplementary educational material for future generations. The humor in the movie is zany off-the wall goofery but, it hits on most marks. The film gets a bit hard to stand when the actions scenes happen which really consist of people standing around like a poorly directed youtube entry.
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Super Fun And Genuinely Funny Thai Horror/Comedy
EVOL66622 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know what to think going into SARS WARS, except that I didn't think I'd really dig it all that much. I'm not a huge horror/comedy fan (although there are a few that are brilliant) so I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy this one very much. I have to say, I was VERY pleasantly surprised. SARS WARS is completely off the wall - and though very derivative in terms of most of the films "elements" - it pulls everything together nearly flawlessly...

Apparently the SARS virus has mutated into it's fourth strain that turns people into zombies. Thailand was unaffected until some bug flew in carrying the disease and bites a local resident. Next thing ya know all hell breaks loose in an office building where the virus is quickly being transmitted. Into this mix - throw in a bungled kidnapping plot and rescue attempt, a giant mutated snake, an acrobatic zombified baby, and a building full of zombies...yeah - you can't really miss with that combination.

The best part about SARS WARS is that it is genuinely funny. Like laugh-out-loud funny. The jokes work in this one. They don't feel overly forced (except in 2 or three parts where the actors address the fact that they're in a cheezy horror film - I HATE when that is thrown into films...) and again - even though many of the elements of the film are lifted from other films, it still feels fresh. I'm takin' 1\2 a point off for the irritating "hey we know we're in a cheezy B-film" references and another 1/2 point for the fact that there isn't 1 shred of nudity even though there are some scenes that would have easily called for it...other than that - I can't really find fault in this one. If you dig BRAINDEAD, EVIL DEAD 2, PLAGA ZOMBIE: MUTANT ZONE, and other zombie/comedies - you'll dig this one too...9/10
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Amusing, but Drags after a While
TheExpatriate70012 February 2010
I saw the preview of this film on a Hong Kong film I rented, and thought it looked fantastic. Insane superheroes, zombies, giant snakes, what could be better. Unfortunately, when I was finally able to track the film down, it turned out to be something of a disappointment, as almost all of the funniest parts were in the trailer.

The main issue is that there are far too few funny moments to justify a ninety-five minute movie. Most of the real laughs come on the all too rare occasions when they break the fourth wall. Many of the other jokes are spoofs of eight or nine year old movies that now come across as dated. The action / horror scenes are nowhere near scary enough, (and have too bad special effects) to stand by themselves. Virtually the only reason to actually rent the film is for the attractive Thai actresses.
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Aged poorly
mrbuttonscaturday5 June 2021
I first watched this film around 2011 and remember it being exactly what you'd expect it to be but watched it again based on that in 2020 and oh boy is it homo/transphobic. There's a few good scenes but overall it's not worth it.
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Shaun Of The Dead meets Story Of Ricky
mamamiasweetpeaches7 November 2005
My husband brought this movie home the other day and I assumed it was going to be an all four on the floor bloodbath with tons of violence and gore. The first 5 minutes of the movie he couldn't get the subtitles to come up in English and I have never been so confused in my life. (The car hits a guy in a bear suit Why????) It took awhile for me to realize that this movie had a comedic silly side. It took me awhile to get into the mix of violence, adventure and goof-ball humor...but only about ten or fifteen minutes and then I found myself laughing and enjoying myself. The story is about a virus called Sars 4 that is going around turning people into zombies. While this is going on a group of not-too-bright bad-asses are trying to kidnap a wealthy man's nubile, school girl daughter. There is a hero-type who is in love with her and trying to get her back. There's also his wise old teacher and a sexy female doctor running around. I know, it's hard for me to explain the plot, because there is so much crammed into the hour and half here that you really must see it for yourself. If you like goofy martial arts revenge flicks like Story Of Ricky and silly zombie spoofs like Shaun Of The Dead this movie is Must See. I can honestly say it's not like anything else I've ever seen!
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"We have zombies, a bomb, and now a giant snake..."
niz6 January 2006
Sheer unadulterated genius. SARS WARS is a gut-wrenchingly funny, utterly deranged, deliriously original, absurdist zom-com from Thailand.

A team of thugs kidnap pretty schoolgirl Liu and hold her hostage in an apartment block. Little do they know, a zombie outbreak is taking place in the very same apartment, a giant snake is on the loose, and the government have set a timer to blow up the building to contain the outbreak. Think that sounds crazy? We haven't met the good guys yet: Khun Khrabii, a stoic hero sent to rescue Liu, his master Thep, a balding lecher with a battery-powered light sabre, and sexy scientist Dr. Diana, creator of an antiviral shot that has a 25 in 26 chance of accidentally making the patient's head explode. And then there's the bad guys...

Director Taweewat Wantha and his team of writers have crafted something akin to the fevered imagination of Peter Jackson's BRAINDEAD, combined with the wild "mo-lei-tau" surreal/spoof humour of Hong Kong's Stephen Chow. The actual zombie and horror-themed content is surprisingly well realised, with excellent make-up effects, some great CGI sequences, and a real sense of tension; but its in the ridiculous send-ups of everything from Japanimation to John Woo to Star Wars to The Crying Game that the movie really takes off.

Thoroughly self-aware, characters constantly make references to the film's attempts to "make money, not win awards": a little unfair, because there is far more craft and ability on view in this film than in a hundred Hollywood blockbusters put together. Certainly none of the recent crop of zombie films pouring out of Hollywood come close. Even Stephen Chow, the acknowledged king of this style of comedy, should feel threatened: this is a better film than KUNG FU HUSTLE, and is possibly even better than SHAOLIN SOCCER too.
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Etoile1322 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you liked Shaun of the Dead then you will like this one. I have never laughed so hard in my life. It has everything from gore, to snakes, to zombies, to a very funny sex scene. It all started with a bug flying around with the Sars #4 virus and then ended up infecting a whole complex full of ravers and then some. You have to see what happens to the zombies and the people still alive in this movie. I will also say that the People of Thiland have a great sense of humor because they make fun of themselves a lot. I don't think this movie is for children to see so please make sure they don't. Please make sure you check this movie out cause it is well worth seeing.
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