Nature Unleashed: Tornado (Video 2005) Poster

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Ineptitude: Hacks Unleashed
MartianOctocretr510 October 2009
Good grief. What an incomprehensible and disjointed mess. And nothing about it makes you care enough to figure it all out. Like all tornado films, there's an idiot who tries to film the twister in order to get killed. This guy has a brat kid who follows him, wanting to get killed too I guess. The dad (but not the brat) gets a one-way ticket into the funnel cloud. Whatever script there was to this thing apparently got vacuumed up with dad; there's certainly no plot on the screen after that. Cut to 30 years later, the kid is now a big square jawed TV cameraman clod who still can't act. He encounters gypsies, cults, gratingly phony accents, psychos in wards having bad-hair-days, sinister conspiracies, demonic cloud-faces, legends, directors who are as untalented as he is, script writers who are even worse, and yawning audiences. Occasionally, a tornado shows up. Tornadoes chase people in this movie. No, really. In one cult meeting, there's a guy with a Yoda hood, who sounds like he's moaning "Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum." (I think that's Latin for "I'll get you, my little pretty, and your little dog as well.")

Clumsy nonsense that tries to throw a hundred things at a dartboard, hoping that something sticks. Nothing did.
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Nature Unleashed Tornado: Manages to be worse than Volcano
Platypuschow6 February 2018
Nature Unleashed is a franchise of apparently "Alternative" disaster films and thus far this is only my second one. Prior to this I had the *Ahem* honor of watching Nature Unleashed: Volcano which was beyond dire.

Nature Unleashed: Tornado is actually worse and that I didn't expect.

With a baffling plot, awful sfx, a lifeless story and a cast who look like they simply didn't want to be there this is a film with near no redeeming features.

It hurts me deep to realise I have two more of these to watch, they can't get worse though. Right?!

The Good:


The Bad:

SFX are laughable

Performances are wooden as hell

Incomprehensible plot

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

So bad the lead actress quit acting immediatly after
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It didn't put me to sleep but I'm not sure if that was a plus
rlange-326 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have to join the "Sux Bigtime" chorus on this bomb. There are about 5 minutes total of Tornado on the Cheap in this one that might be worth watching, so be prepared to burn out the Fast Forward if you are looking for the highlights. Most of them are at the beginning.

The plot is a hodgepodge, the acting is horrible, the special effects are not, and there are plot holes and production errors galore. It's as if the budget got spent in the first ten minutes and they had to find filler. And there is plenty of it here. The worlds least realistic looking Gypsys dancing pointlessly, the constant flashbacks, the countryside which manages to look like nowhere special -- and all of this punctuated by corny stereotypical scenes of "crisis" that leave you hoping for a phone call that will interrupt the agony. It's not even one that you will want to laugh a lot at.

For example in the "thrilling climax", the bad guy is left out of the helicopter and looks up to see clear skies. Yet everywhere around him the Meta Tempesta supposedly rages. Gypsys running for cover in the 'secret tunnels' are supposedly on the verge of being carried away by the winds, but their big floppy brimmed hats stay firmly on their heads as if it were a dead calm. One second we see a swirling maelstrom lifting cars and demolishing buildings; the next second there are characters supposedly right next to this action whose clothes are not even flapping in the breeze. Did they run out of budget to run the fans? It's good for a wasted evening, but overall you can definitely do better. There is no compelling reason to rent this film.
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And you thought "Roma" were the kind of tomatoes to hurl at this one...
ewmayer26 June 2005
The movie opens with a stupid guy chaining himself to a not-so-sturdy backyard appliance so he can make a home-movie doco of a CGI tornado roaring by without getting blown away himself. The winds are clearly blowing his hair *sideways*, yet he's magically getting pulled straight *upwards* (clue numero uno that this movie is gonna suck bigtime ... as if it being a "SciFi original" Saturday Nite feature wasn't a big enough tip-off). Suddenly, a shot rang out. The wife screamed. The family dog peed on the rug. And Mr. Tornado Paparazzo gets his chain yanked and gets sucked into the whirling vortex of suckiness that is this movie.

Next, we cut to a scene in which his now grown-up son is himself a professional photog, covering some completely-out-of-left-field story about Gypsies (whoops, sorry, the PC term is "The Roma") being victims of discrimination in ... New Jersey. Thus completely sending the What-the-F***-o-Meter off the scale. And unbelievable as it might seem, the movie (and I use the term very, very loosely) manages to go downhill from there.

Perhaps the only remotely interesting thing about this bizarre mishmash of the meteorological and Roma-nesque is that it stars Swiss hunk-o-cheese Daniel Bernhardt, who played Agent Johnson in The Matrix Reloaded (2003), but who is much better known to Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans for his brilliant portrayal of The Runaway karate-foo guy in Future War. ("Well, it's not really the Future and we didn't have the budget to do a War, but we did rent a whole bunch of these empty cardboard boxes for Dan to get thrown through during the fight scenes...") Wow - if I could give this one negative stars (Note to IMDb - we need black holes!) I would. About the only not-explicitly-bad thing I can say about this one is: it's a worthy sequel to "Fire: Nature Unleashed (2004)." (Well, it's not really worthy, and it's not really a sequel, but the titles *are* similar.)
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Why Would A Movie Titled "Tornado" Have A Satanic Cult?
BigHardcoreRed27 July 2005
After watching the death of his father by a deadly tornado, Josh Pallady (Daniel Bernhardt) is left with just a necklace or medallion of some kind to remember him by. Due to chance, Josh is sent to Romania to film a press conference & some kind of gypsy rituals. This is where he meets Irena (Anya Lahiri), a gypsy woman who reads tarot cards. Irena quickly identifies the necklace as the Talisman.

The Talisman, as the story goes, was given by the angel Gabriel to a king and would be handed down to the "chosen one", who would save the gypsies from the wind. This is pretty much when the movie went south.

The acting by everyone involved is pretty bad, terrible even, but at least Anya Lahiri was something nice to look at. Her acting was not as bad as the other main characters, either. This is not saying much, but she was probably the best actor/actress in the movie.

Plotwise, the movie would have been better with just the tornadoes & the tornado chasing scenes. The whole thing could have done without the satanic cult subplot. I do not really see where that fits into a movie titled "Tornado". Anyhow, if it was not for some decent looking tornado effects, which is why I wanted to watch this, I would have rated it lower. As it stands I leave it a 3/10.
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If all stereotypes could join in a movie...
mademoiselle_end29 June 2005
I don't believe the term "spoilers" applies to this film. Whatever you could hear about the film before seeing it would not "spoil" your experience, because you'll have a bad one no matter what.

This film is so bad you can't even laugh about it. It doesn't have the charm of bad gore movies, it doesn't have any charm, actually.

The acting is more than bad, whoever decided to cast Daniel Bernhardt as Josh Pallady should be hit repeatedly with something cold and wet. He couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag.

The script must have been written in less than 24 hours by some kid who's read too many occult books. All the symbols are connected in this movie in such a stupid way.

You would expect something about tornadoes, but they only play a small part, it's mostly occult gibberish intertwined with stereotypes (boy travels with girl, girl can't stand him, boy goes to have dinner with other girl, the first girl gets jealous kind of thing) the number 666, devil worshipers, talismans, gypsies telling fortunes, insane asylum...

Seriously everything that's been overdone in the history of cinema and literature is being shown in this movie.

It's so bad, i can't even start to describe it. It still amazes me how producers read the synopsis and said, "Yes, we'll buy it." Why???! I really recommend NEVER seeing that piece of cinematic garbage. If you have to decide between watching this on TV or spending an evening looking at the paint peeling from your walls, I seriously recommend the latter.

If you hear of this movie, and all the others in this series (Volcano, Earthquake, Fire), RUN AWAY!!!
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It doesn't get much worse than this.
Un2break0able16 July 2005
This film was terrible. I almost couldn't believe that Sci Fi was actually airing this garbage. The plot/storyline is bad, the acting is pretty bad, and the special effects (the tornadoes, clouds, etc.) are extremely bad and look very fake. I personally think that I could've done better, more realistic-looking special effects than the people that made this movie. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??????!!!!!! The opening scene is actually the best part of the whole movie, and that is not saying very much. It's still bad. I thought that the rest of the movie couldn't possibly be any worse; IT WAS!!! (i.e. It started off bad and went downhill from there.) Don't even waste your time watching this movie. Pass it up.

I also want to say that the other movies in the "Nature Unleashed" series are also pretty bad. Pass them up, too.
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are there minus stars?
markthomp124 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am not exaggerating; this really is the worst movie I've ever seen. I couldn't look away. I couldn't believe that somewhere along the way *somebody* didn't say "We can't possibly air this." Obviously what happened is somebody at sci fi said, "Tornadoes are big right now. Let's do a movie about tornadoes." Somebody else said, "We don't have the budget." Then, "Romania--let's do it in Romania. It's cheap there." "But they don't have tornadoes there." "What do they have?" "They have gypsies" "Ooo ooo, a magical gypsy torndado. And an American saves the gypsies" "Oh yeah, that'll work." Godamighty, think of all they starving children who could have been fed with what they wasted on this crap.
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Proof that God is not real.
TheSonomaDude6 February 2011
I am dumbfounded. We have churches and synagogues and books about this superior being that rules us, we have billions of people who worship this figure and devote their every fiber to him...but why? If God was real, why would he allow a movie as abysmal as "Tornado" to be created? "Tornado" is, shortly put, the worst thing I have ever seen.

Just from the prologue, I should've been able to tell that my eight bucks had been wasted down the drain. In a humorous flashback, a father photographs a tornado that has touched down on his ranch, and he straps himself to a tractor for security. However, the tornado is getting closer and closer, and time is running out! So what does this man do? What any sensible father would: he unstraps himself and commits suicide by getting sucked away into the whirly vortex behind him for no reason. This should have been forshadowing to the horror that awaited me, but I pressed on.

What is "Tornado" about? Well our characters drive somewhere, talk to some throw-away character for about five minutes, drive somewhere else, talk to some other guy, drive somewhere else, talk to another guy,rather rinse repeat 50x. In this films 98 minute long runtime, I'd say about 80 minutes are spent on talking in the car and talking to some overly dramatic expositionist. And the dialog is some of the worst and clichéd I've ever heard, with brilliant and witty lines like "God, if you're there, please help us all" or "I haven't touched myself in 20 years" "Nobody can stop me now! I am the ruler of a new world! *diabolical laughter*" Although, you could say the reason why there is so much dialog is because the film team was so embarrassed by the CGI; that would actually be a legit reason for filming so many pointless dialog scenes.

Speaking of CGI...oh, my, word. I cannot describe how asinine the effects in this movie are. I know this film is low budget and all...but, c'mon, this film was directed by a special effects artist, he couldn't give his team some input? The tornadoes look like the result of little kids drawing on the film tape with their crayons.

Actually, I think this film might be worth it for the ending. The 1st and 2nd act of this movie might the biggest waste of film tape in history, but the final act is where the crap hits the ceiling. Ever want to see a tornado with a face and arms? Ever want to see multiple tornadoes with faces and arms, picking up people and eating them as they twist along? Well, here is your movie. Seriously though, this is one of the funniest climaxes I've ever seen.

In all seriousness, the funniest part might not be in the movie itself, but in the "behind the scenes" extra. In it, the director goes off about how his film is "modern day art" and a "flawless masterpiece in every field." To this day, some say my jaw is still there, sitting on the floor. I understand wanting to show pride in your work, this guy goes on and on and on about how flawless this movie is, when he is absolutely oblivious to the steaming pile of feces he has produced. Even if Werner Herzog were to speak this way about Fitzcarraldo it'd be annoying, but Alain Jakubowicz's regard makes him look like a fool.

If I pass away and head on to the pearly gates, God will ask me "You were an atheist? Dear man, why did thou not believe in me?" and I will just pull this DVD out of my pocket. Then again, I would be carrying this DVD around in my pocket, so I guess I lose on every account.
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How come none of the crew got razzie awards?
Joshua_Penczek11 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Really. It's so confusing. I'll tell you why below.


It starts out like this: The beginning takes place in Celcius TX,and the boy's(Josh Pallady) father is a stormchaser. One day, Sister's(Two Tornadoes) start in their crop field. The dad gets a camera and goes outside to film. He tapes himself to this thing, and records. Then one of the twisters gets to close. So, he unstraps himself, and goes fling away. Okay, why did he unstrap himself? That was so stupid of him. The tornadoes look super fake. It looks more like they drew them on the editor's paper. Anyways, Josh is just crying because his died.

This is what happens next.

Josh is now 30 something years, and is a camera man. He is called from Romania to do some recording. Aperintly, thats were a deadly tornado hit, called Meta Timpasta. Its a thing were many tornadoes hit, and it's named after an evil dude who created it. Anyways, he goes there, and meets a girl named (I think) Ruth. They are now partners. Then after that, there's a lot of yawns and boardness. Then, they meet someone named Irina. She is a gypsy. Then they talk about a medallion Josh's father gave to him. She says it can stop Meta Timpasta. Then they do this other boring stuff, till finally, 45 minutes later, they show the next tornado. Josh and Ruth are recording something, when they see a tornado. Josh didn't bring his Medelion. So they just drive away. Of coarse, the tornado follows. Then way ahead, they see another tornado. It is copied from a tornado that really happened. That ticked me off a lot. Get your own freaking tornado. Then it turns out to be a dream. Then some more yawns and snores. This is what happened next.

Josh meets the mayor. He is evil. He thinks he could control Meta Timpasta. So he's off to destroy Romania. Then, Meta Timpasta comes. This is the stupidest part of the movie. Why? Becauce the tornado has a face! LOL!! Thats just stupid. Anyways, the mayor gets blow away, and dies. And thats all. I wish a never saw this crap. 98 minutes of pure waste. Then I watch the Behind the Scence. The director said he saw this movie over and over again, and said it was a masterpiece. IDIOT! Thats why it needs a razzie.

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The most irredeemable movie that I've seen in quite some time
TheLittleSongbird22 August 2012
My expectations were pretty low already, but I was expecting it to have some essence of fun. Nature Unleashed: Tornado doesn't even have that. There is nothing good about the movie at all, so much so that you get no novelty value whatsoever, only hair-ripping-worthy frustration. Where to begin? Well, Nature Unleashed: Tornado is incredibly cheap to look at for starters with hackneyed editing, which was a big part of why the dream sequence was as disastrous as it was, and some of the worst CGI effects I've ever seen. The music is generic, nothing's memorable and it's never exciting in tempo. The script is both cheesy and aimless, the complete opposite of what a good script should be and the characters are unlikeably clichéd with the gypsies very negatively exploited. The acting is terrible with nobody standing out or giving a good performance. But the worst asset has to be the story, it is so dull and incomprehensible that you actually wonder if there's a story at all, and there are no suspense, tension or thrills whatsoever. Overall, an embarrassing film, even for low-budget, with no redeeming qualities. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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I'd rather have a tooth pulled
clyde931525 June 2005
Why did I think of recording this program on my DVR? I just stopped and erased the recording. It was just that bad! Why would any station run this trash. Furthermore, why would any sponsor time to run this? I will not go through everything that's wrong with it. The acting is trite, or should I say there is no acting. The cast just delivers lines to the camera. The effects you just sit there and laugh at them. I'm sort of in the biz and I think I could do the effects better. Well, I'm not wasting my time watching it. It's really that bad and the poor sponsors are just throwing their money away. I'm wondering if "Atomic Twister" and the other "Twister" movies was made by the same people? Trash this one.
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So bad... it's not even good.
Anrkey22 February 2009
Honestly, what is the point of this movie. The title fails to deliver. Tornadoes? Yes, we would like to see some... but the movie really fails to provide us with any.

I've seen this before, but this is my second time of passively watching it. I didn't turn it on thinking it would be the best movie ever, but I didn't expect to be trudged through a movie about mystic religion and gypsies. Weird neck crystals and the sort... what? What does that have to do with anything, NOTHING!

You know, this movie could have been great had they kept up with the original story line where the dad is dumb enough to tie himself to a tractor and video record a tornado. Keep it in the same country, have the son grow up to be a sheriff, only to find out that tornadoes have formed a click and are coming after him and his entire town. The only thing that can save them? Love.

Doesn't that sound exciting? No? Well, neither is this movie.

When is Sci-Fi going to pay me to make this crap? Heck, who paid these people to make this!
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It's so bad... it's not even funny
k80boo11 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was going to be an interesting movie full of action and well-rendered tornadoes. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case. I still am in awe I made it through the entire movie. It's set in Romania, where the government is out to get the gypsies through summoning tornadoes through a demonic cult. Any potential the plot has is ruined by the low quality graphics and the terrible ending; the tornado stops because two characters jumped into it and screamed their head off? This is under no circumstances a good movie in my opinion. And that goes for other "Nature Unleashed" movies. But, if you feel like watching a badly acted movie with unconvincing characters and the weirdest plot you will ever see in your life, go check it out.
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Wow, words cannot describe the horribleness of this film.
wowacewicked7 May 2006
damn, this movie was so bad i was forced to talk with my friends as opposed to pay attention. i rented it for a science project on tornadoes and was clearly disappointed. not only did the acting suck, the effects were major crap. the plot was interesting but the way the movie was made, characters portrayed, and events occurred, it just made the movie suck so bad that the plot seemed too fake and too..uh, words cannot describe this. seriously. i was hoping to find a better movie then this one to do my report on for school, but, unfortunately i did not have such good luck (i think we can all relate to the whole bad luck thing) well, if you want to watch a disaster film, watch the perfect storm or the day after tomorrow, those are some pretty good movies right there, seriously, don't even waist your time on this one, trust me, it is totally not worth it peace, Lana
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What the...???
gtc8327 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I've sat through this twice, but I honestly can't say I've watched it. I started watching it one night, lost interest about a half hour in, then tried to sit through it again the next night, and sort of caught most of it, on and off. If you've seen the beginning of the movie Twister, you've seen the beginning of this movie. It's just a shameless ripoff. But that's the only twister you'll see for a very long time. The plot involves some Gypsy mumbo-jumbo religion stuff that I wasn't really interested in and never bothered to try and make sense of. The characters and acting are completely flat and dull, they seem to be talking about some stuff, but I just didn't care. Apparently, and this is just a guess, but I think somebody made the gypsy god mad and he's killing people with tornadoes. Though there aren't really any tornadoes except at the beginning and another at the end.

All in all, a real yawner. It's just impossible to actually care enough to bother to watch.
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A film with great potential, limited by budget.
redledge26 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There was a wonderful tale of madness, depravity, romance and of the occult inside of this movie. However, due to clear financial limitations (just watch the film) the producers were restricted in their script development, actors, settings and special FX.

Ruth Platt (Nikki) and Anya Lahiri (Irena) were wonderful gems in a cast full of dull and plodding players. I hope to see more of them and will keep an eye out for future performances. Daniel Bernhardt (Josh Pallady) barely gave something above the usual "second-string, Jean-Claude Van Damme" he typically portrays as in such films as "Future War".

The climax and denouement of the film was jejune and that is being very, very generous. As I said, there is a good story and potential for an intriguing supernatural thriller with plenty of action and romance therein.

However, this incarnation isn't going to bring it out.

All in all, if you're watching the Sci-Fi channel and it is going to be on, give it a whirl and make up your own mind.

I give this film 3 stars for the above stated performances and a for the potential that this film contains.
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I cringe whenever learning an original SCI-Fi film is taking place in Russia
stumpmee7722 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Russia as sci-fic movie setting has yet to work for me. One wanting exposure to real Slavic accents, watch NHL games with their numerous player interviews. Wish I could order these writers do a NHL look-see as a mandatory step in creative process still insisting using Russia. Or maybe they should hire hockey players or more so actors possessing the ability to sound genuine. Unless promised heaps money I don't see players wanting anything to do with these projects after reading these asinine scripts.

Plotwise "Tornado" is way worse than the Earthquake film also aired by Sci-fi channel and set in Russia . Another instance of Sci-Fi Channel bait and switch job. A film which borrows heavily from better stories, possesses campy lines, trite characters, as long is the plot has plausibility--and more so cohesion I'll happily put up with it.

Here--AH AH! Writers feebly attempt folding in 2 nonsensical plots cooks up nasty bowl of nonsense when all is said an done. Tornado and demon--rrriiiight. Dopey legend from another part of the world no less--that's the way they can claw in the WASP hero and still look sensible. Doing that in works no more than the fake accents. The hero & gal pal another Ford Agency noozer sub par acting pair--If charisma were cow udders they'd have to squeeze a week to get my attention.

Added and worse than Russia for Dummies, Gypsy exploitation. Well the gypsy drag in is a two edged sword--the main gypsy girl was the lone character I tolerated in spite of her uttering quasi-occult mishmash and the final sequence when she's (lol) warning everybody about the oncoming disaster--ew. Same portion of film whatever minuscule entertainment level, it's being pitiably funny, collapses. Most annoying part after the cheesy affects as the "terror" mounts the frequent cutaways to other Gpysies--White lightning and NASCAR. Please don't think I'm coming down hard on the end--Oh it's beginning to end tacky on every level possible.
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Really we need more ignorant exploitation of Gypsies? Warning: Spoilers
Seriously? This was utter garbage. Romani people are suffering all over Europe from discrimination, violence and murder, but hey let's dive face first into a lot of uneducated stereotypes. We don't have kings. We have many differences in dialect and customs from one tribe and even family to the next. We don't dress in Halloween costumes. The stupid fortuneteller was just insulting. The filmmakers should be ashamed of themselves. Ugh, and that's not even addressing the so-called plot-the appalling dialog, and the cgi doesn't even have the saving grace of being charmingly bad- just bad. The cine is flat as a pancake. None of it makes sense. It's just a giant rolling ball of crap that gets worse and worse. Don't hold out thinking it can't possibly go downhill, because it will. And it has none of the saving graces of unintentional comedy or so bad it's good like a Megashark. Pass it by.
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Its a perfect Saturday Afternoon TV Movie
menope12 November 2007
Of course this move is garbage, but it was meant to be. The low budget, the demonic tornadoes. The attractive women. Did I mention the attractive women ? It was actually filmed in Romania so it landscape and scenery was very good. It kinda reminded me of a Power Rangers episode, but longer and with attractive women. I have seen so many other crappy movies with much bigger budgets and not much improvement in plot. Everyone has to start somewhere and heres the deal - these guys mad a movie and it was distributed. IF you look at it for what it is, it actually isn't that awful - The plot was somewhat original. I need to go wiki demon tornadoes now.
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After first few minutes stopped
scubawoman-3736714 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know take some liberties so can set up story but irksome when make something so ridiculous part of story. The woman goes out into tornado with newborn and young boy, putting them in extreme danger So the writer decided this was the way to show how the man is blown away into tornado? Come on. Hundreds of other, better, ways could have accomplished this. So inane I am not going to even bother watching the movie after that.

Ok 174 more characters. This is why I hardly do review on this platform. They make it that can't leave review unless use 400 characters. 400!!!!! Who de died on that? I have seen some great movies and want to review More to say than just it was good 🤣 but don't need 400 characters to do so.
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The most ridiculous film i've ever seen
goobins-7252516 December 2022
This movie is a total hunk of junk. The plot made 0 sense at all, and the CGI sucks. I mean, why was there no blood? Oh yeah. Due to the restricted budget, they used no blood effects. In twister, they used a better amount of the blood than this movie. Twister is a better movie that i recommend watching. And the tornadoes look like they are just being used from a device, and the Devil tornadoes at the end look like they were a split screen effect. Totally horrible and miscellaneous. And the director of this movie, you suck. Never watching this again. And if you do, prepare to be bored to death. Also, heres how i would rate the tornadoes on the fujita scale. Opening tornado: EF2 or EF3. Romania (Normal Tornado): EF3. Asylum Tornado: EF4. Devil Tornadoes: EF4 or EF5.
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Particularly poor
Leofwine_draca6 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
NATURE UNLEASHED: TORNADO is a particularly poor example of its kind, a straight-to-video disaster effort in which a small town is threatened by tornadoes and only a man with an ancestral connection to an ancient prophecy has the power to fight back. The hero is square-jawed Daniel Bernhardt, once an action star of the '90s, but what follows is pure cheese and nonsense, with little action and zero excitement. It was shot in Romania on the cheap and the fantasy elements of the plot are entirely laughable and inept in practice. Listen out for the sound effects liberally borrowed from the PC game DOOM!
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It was a disaster movie, really...
paul_haakonsen25 May 2021
Well, I stumbled upon the 2005 movie titled "Nature Unleashed: Tornado" here in 2021. Sure, I hadn't even heard about it. But after all, I do like natural disaster movies, and this 2005 movie definitely seemed like such a movie. So of course I sat down to watch it.

And it turns out that writer J. Paul V. Robert set out to implement a movie with equal amounts of natural disaster, politics and superstitious mumbo jumbo. And that was just too much of a scrambled heap of rubbish. It utterly made the movie into something abysmal and rather stupid to watch.

I must admit that I found "Nature Unleashed: Tornado" from director Alain Jakubowicz to be not quite what I had expected and believed it to be. Nor can I say that I found much of any enjoyment in the movie as the storyline unfurled and the storyline just fell further and further apart into stupidity.

Visually then "Nature Unleashed: Tornado" was somewhat of a mixed bag, because some scenes were rather nicely filmed and set up, while other scenes were just eyesores to witness given the atrocious CGI effects.

Sure, "Nature Unleashed: Tornado" was a disaster movie. But not a natural disaster movie, mind you. This was just not a great movie.

My rating of the 2005 movie "Nature Unleashed: Tornado" lands on a mere two out of ten stars.
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Satanic tornadoes, that's what the film is about, it's insane
marshalphipps11 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the death of his father by a tornado, Josh Pallady is left with just a necklace of some kind to remember him by. Due to chance, Josh is sent to Romania to film a press conference & some kind of gypsy rituals. This is where he meets Irena, a gypsy woman who reads tarot cards. Irena quickly identifies the necklace as the Talisman. The Talisman was given by the angel Gabriel to a king and would be handed down to the "chosen one", the "chosen one" would save the gypsies from the Meta Tempesta (what Josh calls an F6 tornado) spawned by a satanic cult.

That's the plot of the movie, I'm being serious, this movie has weird written all over. The film starts of strong and it goes downhill from there until the end where it makes a slight comeback.

Me being a weather enthusiast I've noticed something while I re- watched the film, all of the tornadoes (except the ones in the stock footage during the dream) were anticyclonic, the odds of that happening on that scale in real life are slim to none. Speaking of the tornadoes, they were as poorly rendered and as a result looks unconvincing.

There are some good moments, the tornado sequence at the start of the film, the dream sequence where the characters are chased by the tornado, the asylum tornado, and the final tornado sequence I found to be pretty enjoyable. The final act is where things really goes balls of the walls. When I saw the tornadoes randomly develop faces and roar I couldn't help to chuckle. Other than those moments the movie feels like a cluttered confusing comedy of errors.

Writing this review was a challenge like watching the movie multiple times because of how much that needed to be covered, it's work, the film in short is an insane mess that needs to be avoided unless you enjoy watching bad movies.
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