Fear of the Dark (2003) Poster

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Recommended for newcomers to the genre.
insomniac_rod6 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Give this movie a chance even if your horror level is high. I mean, for example, if your favorite horror movie is "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974), or "Halloween" (1978) it's likely that you won't like "Fear of the Dark". The movie is PG-13 but it has some creepiness that makes it watchable. The best thing about the movie is the creepy setting. You've seen it before; thunderstorm, lights out, a cellar, kids alone in the house, etc. but believe me, it's creepy. The highlight in the movie is in my opinion, the old lady that comes out of the closet. Also, the killer (somehow inspired by Freddy Kruger) is scary looking. Good effort on that!

"Fear of the Dark" is directed for a younger audience that likes horror and that is obvious because there isn't a single gory moment in the movie but gore is replaced by some jump-out of your seat scenes. It's like you are watching an episode of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" but only creepier.

I would only recommend it to newcomers to the genre or die hard fans of the genre with lots of patience...
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Not Great, But Not Bad
w00f23 July 2004
It seems like 2001-2002 was prime season for movies about the dark. We had "Darkness Falls" and "They," which were hugely hyped, a bit pretentious, and fell flat. Then there was "Fear of the Dark," which got almost no attention, yet turns out to be the best of the lot.

Don't get me wrong; there are some big holes in the story (why does the big brother keep leaving his darkness-dreading brother alone? Why isn't the girlfriend at the door when big brother answers?), and the monsters are a bit too fairy-tale-ish at times. Still, the movie holds up pretty well overall. There's a tension at work as the story builds to its climax that keeps things interesting without a lot of outrightly horrifying things happening. The acting isn't bad, and at times its even good. The director and cinematographer obviously took a great deal of care in creating a general environment spookiness in a fairly normal suburban home (although the added artifice of mom's strange metal sculptures didn't hurt).

This definitely isn't a great horror film. There's not too terribly much that's original about it, and it's pretty tame by most standards. On the other hand, I couldn't help but like it... and it's certainly far better than the two similarly-themed duds that came out at around the same time.

There's potential in everything about this movie. The actors have the potential to do bigger and better things. The director could certainly go on to make better movies. If anything, I'd recommend seeing it for what it holds out in the future that were involved with a pretty good effort. As "boogie man" films go, this is one of the better ones.
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rcavellero1 April 2004
Ok so I must say that for the most part I was pleasently suprised by this film. I expected a total piece of crap. And this film wasn't that. From the moment you pick up the dvd box in the video store it's kind of silly with some bad artwork and supposed stars lined up on the cover. The only reason me and my friend rented it was because of ultra cute Kevin Zegers of Wrong Turn and Dawn of the Dead fame. But the film is actually quite clever in a family channel kind of halloween night at the movies kind of way. It's the infamous PG-13 horror that digital horror that veers it's ugly head away when it comes even close to showing anything at all. The film doesn't lack suspense but it does lack delivery. Most of the film is just suspense and than nothing really happening until the absurd and contrived ending. The acting is decent with some truly laughable dialogue. but the film is more than watchable for a straight to video flick it almost rings as gold. Well anyways the film is about a young boy and his older brother as they are left in their house on a dark stormy night. the younger brother is terrified of the dark, it's his illness and no one believes him that their are bad hurtful things in the dark. And they're are. But once they show them they kind of loose their hurtful part and just become plain bad. All in all i would have to say 5/10 it's a nice concious effort but in a film like this if u expected more thats your fault. It's a little creepy, a little corny!
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It COULD have been good
Carrigon3 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
But, it wasn't. The makeup on the ghouls was great, what little we see of them. Nothing really happens in this movie. It's filled with cheap scares that never amount to anything. And it ends just as lame. Nothing happens. It's a real shame because the characterization was good. The relationship of the brothers was believable. Both actors did a great job on that. The acting was good all around. But absolutely nothing really happens. The kid wasn't crazy and he wasn't making it up, but the ghouls don't actually do much. It's really not a movie I would recommend. There are much better ones out there. I'd have to say the script was at fault, or the production team didn't realize that you can make a PG13 movie that is scary where stuff really happens. There really wasn't any story. Two brothers home alone at night. The younger one is scared of the dark. He swears there are monsters in the dark that attack him and want to eat him. The older brother doesn't believe him until the end. But it's still a lame ending that could have been good. As it stands, don't waste your time or money on this.
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Nothing to fear here
WarpedRecord30 October 2007
The lights are off but somebody's home in this tale of childhood fear, which builds to a climax that never quite arrives.

Jesse James plays Ryan, a 12-year-old diagnosed with acute fear of the dark, and Kevin Zegers plays Dale, his skeptical older brother. When their parents leave them alone for the evening, Ryan convinces Dale that the fear may be justified, and assorted misadventures in babysitting ensue when a storm knock out the power in their house.

The performances are better than in most thrillers, and James and Zegers are likable enough to keep you interested. It's also a treat to see Linda Purl, an actress with a disappointing career after she was a mainstay in '70s TV movies, as the boys' mother, though she's given little screen time here.

Unfortunately, as with the similarly themed "Boogeyman," the thin script and gimmicky special effects leave you longing for more. The film has a decent buildup, but no real resolution. Teenagers may be entertained by "Fear of the Dark," but adults are likely to be bored at this overly familiar tale. There's absolutely nothing to fear here.
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Made for TV?
d_kittle20 October 2005
Complete waste of time...comes off like a "Made for the Disney Channel" kind of horror film...some good special effects, but nothing that would scare anyone over the age of 5. I don't remember this film being released to theaters, so I am thinking it must have gone straight to video. I tried really hard, but I could not get through it all. It starts out with a sense of possibility, I even began to compare the premise with "The Ring", but it loses steam very quickly and feels like a prime-time sitcom trying to be scary. Nice sets and good looking characters, but no real depth. It might be suitable for a pre-teen Halloween party - at least it is a PG-13, so that might get their attention. Linda Purl looks great, though.
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Not a horror movie.
13Funbags9 May 2017
I usually don't expect much from movies but this flick still manages to disappoint.First of all, it's not a horror movie.Not only does no one die, no one even gets hurt.Not to mention that nothing scary happens.This movie is basically a children's movie without the compelling plot.The entire movie is about two kids being left at home on a night when there's a thunderstorm.It's literally ninety minutes of one kid whining while the other one tells him to shut up.There's no plot or villain, just non-stop kiddie crap.While it wasn't exactly boring, it just wasn't worth watching.This is a movie that you don't need to see.
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Major Childhood Drama Brought to Life!
missykat6 September 2004
The gist is, there's this kid who is afraid of the dark. He sees things in the dark that others do not. What culminates from his fear is one of those 'dark and stormy night' scenarios with some very intense moments loaded with suspense.

It's an excellent play on everyone's favorite childhood drama (including the Closet Monster) and the devisive measures kids take to ensure late-night safety (stay completely tucked in). I dare say the evils that await him in the pitch of night are genuinely creative and pretty darn threatening. There are some jumpy moments that renewed my faith in screenwriters and directors of the modern horror genre. I strongly urge all horror geeks to check into this one, even if you don't think it's your cup of tea. It will literally take you back to that time in place in your life when a pile of clothes in the corner of your bedroom was as threatening as the schoolyard bully--only worse!

Sure, this is not a perfect movie but it beats the heck out of the boring horror drivel that's being released these days in theaters. Why this 2002 film was so overlooked is a mystery to me. It was 1,000 times better than 'Darkness Falls' or 'They' and doesn't even compare to crappy films like 'Cabin Fever' or 'House of the Dead'. I checked this one out at a local Blockbuster and if you like things that go bump in the night, you should too!
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BBVsam1 January 2005
A really cool cover...and that's it. Advertised and compared to The Sixth Sense? That's the same as comparing a dirty sneaker to the Mona Lisa. This movie is totally misleading and a total bore. I was able to watch this movie for free ....got it at work as a screener movie. Now I'm stuck with it and can't even trade it in. When people come up the to counter and ask me if this movie is scary...I laugh at them. I compare it to The Goosebumps titles. It might spook out a 10 year old...but for an adult...its laughable. When I selected its designated "category" in the computer.....instead of HORROR...I put it FAMILY. A complete and utter waste of time. Don't bother.
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What you always thought was there... is
dexshirts23 August 2004
I have to disagree with some comments that I have read about this movie. Personally, I thought it started quite poor in that it would be another cheesy, cheap, suburban style movie. However, the route that it followed was surprising and interesting.

Basically, from my own personal thoughts, this movie brought into reality, the fears that I've experienced as a kid. Whenever you think there's something in your room, the safest place is always under the covers and if you peak out there's going to be a scary face staring at you. Or if part of your body is not covered by the duvet it'll get grabbed by a hand...

This film takes all these fears and myths into consideration and tries to tie them all in. No it's not necessarily scary in this sense, but I believe it tries more to 'relate' rather than scare, and perhaps 'spook' you rather than terrify.

Without spoiling it for people who have not seen it, the film takes an interesting route as mentioned before, making these fears more than the kid's imagination, and that was a surprise.

Some good camera work has been implemented but the film is still very basic. I would say it's an enjoyable film for those who are a little precautious of dark corners.
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Fear of a plot.
BA_Harrison30 April 2012
A lonely house with dusty basement and dingy attic; a raging thunder storm; a sudden power outage; eerie noises in the shadows; a creepy ventriloquist's dummy: Fear of the Dark has got everything necessary to make an effective spooky film.... well, everything except one: a decent plot.

Having firmly established that it's central character, twelve year old Ryan Billings (Jesse James), has a morbid fear of the dark thanks to the malevolent spirits that lurk there waiting to attack, the film fails to develop the concept any further, preferring to concentrate on simply delivering routine scares.

There is no explanation for why the spirits have singled out Ryan for torment all his life, no clues as to who or what these monsters are, and no reason given for why no-one else has ever been bothered by the ghosts until now; it's lazy film-making that relies on cheap modern horror movie tactics (crap CGI spooks and convenient jump scares) to try and disguise the fact that the entire thing has been built around the flimsiest of ideas.

Technically, the film is OK, with reasonable enough direction and acting, but there really needs to be more to a film than endless wandering around a dark house waiting for the next lame CGI effect to pop out of a closet.
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Fear Factor.....
rbrb14 April 2004
Excellent drama with a good message worthy of at least an 8 out of 10. The movie centers on a child's fear of the dark and there are many scary and dramatic moments climaxing in how to come to terms with ones fears. The script is good, the acting convincing and the direction very professional. And the youngsters who are the main leads give quality performances. Well done to those making this movie. More of the same please!
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I quite enjoyed this film :)
Monica493719 November 2004
In fact I find it to be the best out of the three movies relating to creatures of the dark that came out in 2002. They was the absolute worst of the bunch, a dreadful film that I most definitely don't recommend viewing. Darkness Falls was also terrible, very cheesy. The only thing making it better than They was the acting done by the main characters...and unfortunately thats pushing it. Fear of the Dark was very delightful to me. I thought the suspense scenes were fairly decent and the acting was actually enjoyable, not making me feel at all embarrassed for the actors...well....maybe just the little kid. His acting was on the slightly annoying side. But I definitely agree that this movie brought back my childhood memories when every shadow on the walls were monsters, a nasty creature lived in my closet and under my bed, and hiding under the sheets, making sure every limb was tucked in, provided top protection from the them :) Yes, I do recommend seeing this movie. Forget They and Darkness Falls, this is the one worth the money ;) 7/10
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Zegers is the only reason to watch this movie
stacyschiff27 June 2006
This film goes nowhere with a very tired theme. Kids home alone during a storm has been done a million times (and a million times better) and this movie adds nothing to the genre. While this movie has no real plot - just semi-scary images throughout an unoriginal story, Kevin Zegers makes this film watchable. He is able to make the bland dialog work and has excellent energy on the screen; he is the best thing about this movie. One can see why he was cast in Transamerica, a film worthy of his talent. The younger actor does well, also, although the character seems out of place for a feature film and would be better received on Saturday morning TV.
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Scary if you're under 12
watchdog_200315 November 2004
Full of goofy scares and monsters about as dangerous as a pop-up book, this flick would be an excellent after-school special. I can't fathom how this film managed a PG-13 rating when G would have been just fine. Disney has made less innocuous horror movies. The critters, like those in Monsters, Inc., want only to scare the kiddies, perhaps to bottle their screams but we're never really told what the "living dark" creepy-crawlies are there for -- although they do appear to shop in the same stores as the too-cool vampires who prefer sweeping black overcoats.

Tight script? Ha! Maybe for a student film project, this thing rocks. The dialog is stiff and silly, awkwardly sidestepping any swear words with a "gosh" or "darn." The parents are flat, Brady Bunch rip offs and Jesse James' part could have been better brought to life is they had used a marionette. The older brother did a good job; he at least showed some range of emotion.

If there's such a thing as a wholesome horror movie, this is it.
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Boring. Should have been rated G
myrothe14 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a snore. I mean absolutely NOTHING happens for 90 percent of the movie. Then when something does its a letdown. The "monsters" looked like a bad halloween mask and the most violent act was when one of the monster held the kid briefly by the throat. Thats IT!

The actors weren't terrible given the horrible writing, but they were wasting their talents on this bore.

The whole movie is one long buildup with ZERO payoff.

Seriously, why Isn't this rated G??? This was NOT a horror movie. This could have been shown on Nickeloeon.
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A Waste Of My Precious Time
nashlee12 December 2004
This will be a waste of your precious time too. You'll have a better time IMAGINING what this movie could be about if you just look at the cover instead of actually putting it into your player, pressing Menu and Play. I had to keep watching it, just to find out what happened. I kept thinking, "This has got to get better, really, I mean, something can't possibly bite this badly? Right?"

Wrong. It's horrible.

HOWEVER ... if you are babysitting several five year olds who are tired of the Wizard of Oz or Finding Nemo (actually, the large Shark in Finding Nemo is more frightening than anything in Fear of The Dark) you could probably entertain them with this incredibly dumb movie. Maybe.
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hkisam26 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this movie was a major disappointment. to much talk not enough action. if you want a horror movie rent Constantine, saw, final destination 1-3, or child's play 2. i thought this was going to be good, it sucked. to assholes go in to a hunted house chat about noting or half the movie and some dumb ghosts.I will say it again, this movie was a major disappointment. to much talk not enough action. if you want a horror movie rent Constantine, saw, final destination 1-3, or child's play 2. i thought this was going to be good, it sucked. to assholes go in to a hunted house chat about noting or half the movie and some dumb ghosts. boo this... sucks
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One of the best straight to video horror flicks ever!
mistermodern25 October 2005
OK, now there are going to be two types of people who are going to watch this movie for the most part. One group is going to be watching this horror movie for buckets of blood and guts, ax wielding maniacs, supernatural creatures that come from hell, and the clichéd big breasted dumb teenagers in their panties, running around tripping over stuff while they are being chased by some murderer because they went BACK into the forest to check out some sound they heard. Then there are going to be people who are fans of horror movies that are basically looking for a good scare who don't mind using their minds to project what might be going on or a more psychological horror movie that relies on creating imagery that's not only freighting but scenes that are "jump out of your seat" scary. So if you are one of those people in the first group, skip this movie because you will not only be bored but also upset because almost none of that stuff is here. Now if you are one of those people in the second group you are going to love this movie. The story, acting, and special effects are very well done for straight to video B horror movie. This movie still shows that you don't need to be over the top to make a good horror movie. I can say that there is some great genuine scares that will make you jump out of your seat. The acting if well done even though it is basically a cast of nobody's, the special effect both CGI and make-up effects are great, and the overall story is one that you will remember because it preys on fears that all kids have had which is being scared of the dark. I think I know why some people also may have found this movie not scary because you really need the full effect. I would suggest that if you have a home theater with a Dolby Surround set up, use it! Because that added to this type of movie a lot, the music and sound effects really come alive when you watch a movie that's move psychological than a gross out flick. When you hear things coming from all corners it just makes a horror movie like this even better. It's not "The Others" or "Signs" but what it has to work with it does very well. It's not a perfect horror movie but I have to say it's one of the best straight to video horror flicks I have ever seen and it's definitely scarier than some of the most recent horror both straight to video as well as theater releases.
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Little kids can't carry a movie...
thisisfutile6 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the concept was good, the spookiness was there, the thrill of "what's in the shadows" was pretty real, but 80% of the movie is carried by two actors, a pre-teen and a pre-adult. I feel they did a good job of acting but they were in no way good enough to carry the movie. Too many times, the young boy is scared (unconvincingly) and his older brother is yelling at him to "settle down, settle down"...8 or 9 times of this gets very old and would take supreme acting to sell it to me.

I'm by no means a movie creator, so I can't say whose fault this next problem belongs to (probably the writer), but when the parents left, they told the older brother about the generator AND the young boy even said, "Dad, I can hear you". So both boys know about the generator (especially the young boy who has the absolute fear of the dark). Yet, well after the darkness has set in and the boys are scared and confused and running throughout the house, at no point did it occur to them to turn on the generator. This frustrated me through the whole darkness sequence and doubly frustrated me when the generator was turned on and ended the whole thing. At least have them turn it on and find something wrong with it. This would have been enough to make me not worry about it anymore.

You'll watch it once, but only once.
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Average horror film but an enjoyable watch.
Vivekmaru4525 November 2020
In all fairness to director K. C. Bascombe, the movie was a decent watch. It can also be considered a P.G. horror or paranormal film. All the actors/actresses in the film did their jobs well - the main fault of the movie lies in a script that could have been better. Also the same script if given to an accomplished director like Tobe Hooper, Sam Raimi, Tom Holland, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ron Howard, Rolland Emmerich etc., etc., this movie would have been a blockbuster.

A lot of plot holes in the movie and questions we may never get answers to...

The plot of the movie concerns a young boy who is terrified of being left alone in the dark. In fact he is viciously attacked by strange creatures that only appear in the dark and these creatures are in turn terrified of light. The boy keeps this a secret to his family but later on in the movie reveals it to his older brother. But by this time the creatures are set to launch their final attack on the boy. What happens next is for you to see and find out.
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Watch this if you're looking for movies similar to They or Darkness Falls
flying-monkeys6 April 2019
Boy was I surprised when I first rented Fear of the Dark years back during my time as a video store manager. It actually scared me, which is no small feat. This one's pretty safe for kids 12 and up, under 12 may actually get too freaked out to sleep in the dark for many nights, I know I was :) And it's not because of gory or cheap scares either. This film genuinely builds the tension and suspense then BOOM! Gives you a nice jump that gets your heart racing. Not a blow-your-socks-off-hit but definitely worth the 86 minutes. The only bad note is that you may find it redundant if you already watched (and didn't really enjoy) They and/or Darkness Falls -- plot being the dark equals bad and the light is good. Still give it a go, you might be surprised, too.
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Do Not Let Fear Dominate You!
claudio_carvalho20 August 2004
Ryan Billings (Jesse James) is a twelve years old boy having trauma with dark, after a prank of his friends. His protective parents Sandy (Linda Purl) and Eric Billings (Charles Powell) do not let him alone in the night, and their house has many emergency lights. Sandy and Eric have an important party at night and they are reluctant to go, but in the end, Ryan stays at home with his seventeen years old brother Dale (Kevin Zegers), who listens to his fears of the dark things along four hours along a storm followed by a blackout. Suddenly weird things happen in the Billing's home.

"Fear of the Dark" is really a scary low budget movie! The story sets place in a house most of the time, and explores the psychological factor of the common fear of the dark that children (and some teenagers) have, using limited special effects. The excellent screenplay and direction are supported by the great performances of the young cast with the promising actor Jesse James, of "The Butterfly Effect", and Kevin Zegers. This underrated gem must be discovered by fans of simple but intelligent screenplays. I saw this film for the first time on 20 Aug 2004 on VHS, and today (27 Jan 2007) I have just watched on DVD. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): 'Medo do Escuro' ('Fear of the Dark')
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Two Words: Linda Purl
jennah935351 April 2010
I have to be honest.....I absolutely love Linda Purl and the only reason I saw this movie was because she is in it. And Linda Purl is the ONLY reason to watch it.(Even though she hardly gets any screen time. She's in a total of 4 scenes.) Granted there are a few scary moments that made me jump, the rest is pretty predictable. But overall it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Judging from all the previous reviews,a lot of people hate this one. But I've seen worse! Much Worse!!

Jesse James was not that bad of an actor. He was good, but not great. Kevin Zeegers was OK.(Horrible hair-cut though.)
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Iron Maiden's song it ain't.
HumanoidOfFlesh2 September 2007
A young child Ryan who is 8 and has night terrors which are obviously all in his head according to his parents and therapists but they refuse to put him on medication and his older brother Dale who is left to baby-sit him on a stormy night.The parents leave for a party,the lights go out from the storm and we see the things come out in the dark and try to terrorize poor Ryan.Admittedly there is a little bit of suspense in "Fear of the Dark",unfortunately the film is relentlessly talky and dull.The acting is alright,the script is fairly routine and the use of CGI to scare the viewer is awful.This one is rated PG-13,so gorehounds will be disappointed.5 out of 10.
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