Devil's Playground (2002) Poster

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A Rare But Limited View of Amish Youth
lawprof5 September 2003
To a large extent, the inherent friction between America's central majority and diverse religious minority groups is controlled and channeled by a matrix of Constitutional Law principles. Court decisions insure that minority rights are protected against what often has been the mainstream's desire or perceived need to force assimilation or even attempt destruction through law or mob action. The latter has happened in American history with regard to the Shakers and Mormons. Both groups and Southern snake-handling churches have frequently encountered major legal restrictions. .

The Amish occupy a more protected place than some other Christian fundamentalists. Living in large communities side by side with the "english", as they call without distinction all others, their energy, excellent and desired produce and products and reputation for orderly, crime-free lives has insured respect. Temptation rather than persecution is the main foe of the Amish commitment to a simple lifestyle.

Director Lucy Walker's documentary, "Devil's Playground" is a rare but possibly too limited view of Amish life, largely in Indiana. The Amish covet their privacy and most members of the church do not allow themselves to be filmed or interviewed although strictures vary from community to community. Generally, the Amish eschew using much of the apparatus of American communal and political life. For instance, while they will not send children to public school past the eighth grade, relief from compulsory education laws through a Supreme Court decision only came about because several Amish parents passively permitted others to litigate on their behalf (Wisconsin v. Yoder).

"Devil's Playground" introduces the viewer to "rumspiga," the planned release off the parental and community leash of teenagers on their sixteenth birthday. According to the young men and women interviewed, virtually anything goes during an indefinite period of freedom that can end in a few months or go on to age 21. At some point each youth decides whether to embark on a life outside Amish society or take church vows that are considered inviolable once voluntarily assumed. Defectors are shunned by family and friends if they leave the church after taking the vows.

The film follows Amish youth to huge parties monitored by justifiably concerned Indiana police. Sex appears to be a route for some but dancing and excessive consumption of alcohol is a key activity for most, especially the males. Some fall into the world of drugs, including dealing. Faron, a clearly troubled young man, is followed by the camera crew from innocent flirtation and all-night partying to serious drug taking to felony selling. Subsequent threats to his life came after he cooperated with the police.

The females seem to be more hesitant about unshackling fetters than males. The boys all adopt everyday teen garb while the girls experiment with beer and cosmetics but largely remain clothed in traditional attire. Interestingly, many of the boys take on "english" girlfriends, a safety mechanism that actually lessens the likelihood of their permanently abandoning their community.

A number of Amish youths discuss their family relations and whether they will join the church or adopt a new lifestyle. Many comments have a rehearsed quality, not surprising when the speakers haven't been brought up to freely express themselves.

A postscript notes that some ninety percent of Amish youth resolve to join the church, giving up cars for buggies, t-shirts for bland work clothes and beer for juice. One clear clue as to why the retention rate is so high is the virtual total lack of intellectual curiosity or desire for education in the Amish youth population. What seems to be a period of genuine freedom is really a very clever release of people whose likelihood to question or rebel is suitably repressed rather than advanced by an episode of largely aimless partying.

What isn't clear from "Devil's Playground" is the extent to which Amish youth in general go as hog wild as the participants in the documentary. The young interviewees wanted the attention of the film-maker for reasons ranging from narcissism to a need to self-justify life-altering decisions. It would have been very useful to incorporate insights from non-Amish scholars, including psychologists, who could discuss the teens' experiences and responses in a measured objectivity.

But this is one fine documentary.

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Thought-provoking; interesting subject matter
bean_invaders24 July 2003
Lucy Walker presents a view into a community that is rarely glimpsed by outsiders. The Amish community, tightly knit as it is, has little use for the "English" world outside. I was very intrigued by the premise of a film following young Amish people through the rite of passage of Rumspringa, wherein they discover what kind of people they want to be, and decide whether to join the Amish church.

The view given by Walker is largely unbiased; she presents the viewer with a portrait of several Amish youths and their decisions to join the church or to remain in the english world. The film focuses mainly on Faron, a youth who has gotten himself into trouble with drugs, and she does not judge him or criticize him. Rather, we see his actions and are told of his choices, and are left to draw our own conclusions and wonder what will become of him.

I found this film to be quite well done, and unlike some of the other reviewers, I don't think it felt staged or stilted. I found myself thinking about it long after I'd seen it, and wondering what had happened to the people whose lives it followed.

I recommend this film, and feel that as a debut, it is quite an achievement. Some of the moments actually reminded me of Harmony Korine's work; it has a subtle air of discontent and uncertainty. Well done. ****/*****.
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Informative Yet Disturbing
fwomp20 August 2006
Sex, drugs, heavy metal/rap music, Nintendo. These are not things one would normally associate with the Amish, but there you go, it's time to learn about DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND Most of us probably view the Amish as isolationists and backward thinkers. They don't use electricity or modern conveniences. They travel by horse and carriage. They dedicate themselves to their church and community for life or are banished if they give up the church and head out into the "English" world. This is mostly true, except for one period in an Amish person's life.

At age 16, all children of Amish parents are given the option of Rumspringa (Pennsylvania Dutch for "running around"). Rumspringa can last minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even years, depending on the individual. During this time they are allowed to do whatever they like, which includes drinking, sexual relations, smoking, driving (cars), and doing illicit drugs.

One such person is Faron, an 18-year-old son of an Amish minister. He's been out of his parents' house for almost two years and gets involved with crystal meth dealers in order to support his own drug habit. His life spirals out of control, but his parents are helpless to do anything about it because of the Rumspringa tradition. Faron has to choose his own path. But with peer pressures so high, the decision is not an easy one for kids who want to explore a world beyond the Amish communities they grew up in. You can't help but cringe with fear as Faron drops in and out of the drug culture, nearly gets himself killed in a car accident, and eventually finds love and a decent job many miles away from his parents.

Other kids have similar issues, but battle more with internal conflicts than external pleasures and material things. One is Velda, a pretty Amish girl who left her community and found depression nesting within her. Trying to discover who she was without the help of her family and her church leads her down some dark paths but she eventually succeeds in life by finding a job and going to college; quite a surprise considering the Amish don't educate their young beyond the 8th grade level.

This documentary certainly was an eye-opener. Who would've thought that the Amish deal with similar problems that non-Amish parents are forced to deal with? The information gathered by the film makers is impressive but limited, as the Amish become reclusive once they join the church. But the kids have no such qualms about being filmed since they have yet to take their oath.

I am disturbed mostly by the fact that the Amish don't educate their young beyond a certain grade level because they feel it causes too much "pride" (one of the seven deadly sins). But this also creates an interesting paradox. If you don't educate your kids, they are destined for menial jobs. The upside (I guess) is that this makes it difficult to support themselves if they decide to try and make a go at living in the outside world. Not surprisingly, the return rate from Rumspringa back to the church is 90 percent.
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Real view of what the Amish lifestyle is like
scarletminded23 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
*May be spoilers, read at your own risk*

This documentary was a very real look into what Amish teens go through trying to decide if they want to become "English," the Amish term for people who live in the modern way of life or joining their families in the Amish faith, which is very oppressive. The parents allow their children to smoke, take drugs, drink, listen to music, drive cars (just the boys) and wear "English" clothes, starting at age 16 until they decide if they want to be with their families or be in the outside world. They live in a half English/ Amish state during this time.

It is a right of passage that is used to show them how bad the outside world is. With an 8th grade education and lack of work experience (the boys at least work outside the home, most girls don't even have outside work experience,) it is hard for these teens not to get into trouble and that is the main reason they return. No wonder the Amish consider the outside world to be sinful, they haven't given their children the education to check out a college, library or museum, or even to understand what a city is, so no wonder they party. They seem to have no other choice but to sit and play video games all day.

I grew up in this area and have seen this ritual first hand. I had to laugh when a read a critique here that said the girl who was dating Farron, who is the main character of the piece, couldn't be Amish. Don't they realize that the first thing a girl is going to do who wants to wear English clothing (which is a rare case, since most girls don't wear English clothing, but most boys do) is to go to the tanning salon? Tanning is a big deal where I grew up in Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana. Believe me, being pale myself, I got a lot of teasing due to my light skin. If they want to conform to other teens, of course they are going to tan themselves to a golden glow.

Plus, Germans aren't all blonde and blue eyed. It isn't like the village in the Children of the Damned! There are brown eyed Dutch and Germans with non-fair coloring. Plus some people bring their non-Amish boyfriends and girlfriends into the flock. Statements like that can be very ignorant and take away from how informative this documentary is. I wasn't listening to the music at all, I was listening to information about the Amish, which is what this documentary gives you.

I also learned that there are some Amish people living in Flordia, so a tan would happen to anyone there who would be out in the sun working. I am amazed that they would even live there. Seems a contradiction in terms, but as you watch this film, you will see that the Amish have a lot of ideas like these.

The DVD is even better, because the commentary gives you many insights and stories not included in this documentary. The producers of this had about 300 hours of interviews, so I am sure editing was a chore! They did show a few girls and a boy who left and several who had stayed, or though undecided, would probably join the church in the future. There is one story of a girl who decided after she joined the church that she didn't want to get married so she was shunned by the community like a modern day Scarlet Letter story. The Amish practice shunning when someone breaks the pact of the church or leaves the community. I felt very bad for her. But overall, despite not being able to see her family or friends, she seems to have made the right choice for herself, because she wants to be free and go to college. It is heartbreaking to see though, especially when you have grown up in the area and see it firsthand.

It is a shame though that most of the Amish kids only see Wal-mart and drinking as the outside world. They seem to not understand it is a place where there is much beauty and pleasure and it is a place where you can educate yourself. I would think God would let them better themselves and still live a Christian life. I know think the world was meant to be a closed place where the outside world is known as the Devil's Playground.
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Trancey soundtrack!!!!!
pearlbeach26 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The soundtrack was awesome, and if you like trance music, you will want to get the music in this film. This was real life, no staging here. I was shocked, and never knew that the Amish teens did such a thing. I think it was a cool film, and it was interesting to note that 90% of all the Amish kids, go into the faith in the end. Train up a child in the way they should go, and in the end, they will not depart from it. That is a scripture that is so true. I highly recommend this movie to anyone, to become more educated about the Amish. I really think that they are a mysterious people and we could all learn from them. I am amazed that I find really unique music in movies and not on the radio. Like I said, it is worth the viewing.
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Rare look into Amish's culture rite of passage.
ironhorse_iv29 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Most people understanding of the Amish, might come from the movie 'Witness' or Weird Al 'Amish Paradise'. Then there are those who mistake the Amish for other groups such as Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or the Quakers. They are not the same as Amish. This movie directed by Lucy Walker is a great inside of the culture that drives the occasional buggy by the side of the road. It's rare and lucky of them to get access to the Amish community, and how they found their subjects and how they organized the stories and information they gathered. It makes me wonder how this film was even possible. Lucy Walker neither criticizes, romanticizes nor patronizes her subject which is good in a way, but I would have love to see harder questioning about what I can seeing here. I had no idea that such a rigid, conservative culture could also possess such a wide open and liberal component to their lifestyle. The cover of the DVD of an Amish woman lighting up a cigarette speaks so much about what rumspringa 'running around' is about without speaking a word. The title, Devil's playground refers in Amish vernacular as the 'English' or outside world. During rumspringa, several Amish youths have the right to enter the English World to experience whatever they want in life that even the vices such as drinking, illegal drugs, or pre-marital sex for a period of time until they must decide to become Amish by baptize or leave their community. If they are baptized, then leave the church, they will be shunned by family and friends. There has to be a strong religious connection if one is to be baptized. Amish adults must be able or willing to die for their faith if challenge and follow the Ordnung (Order). The film follows a few Amish teenagers in LaGrange County, Indiana who enter the English world and experience such debaucheries. The central figure in the movie is Faron, a preacher's son and a methamphetamine drug dealer whose life spirals out of control. Not all teens are like this. Others seek just to drive cars, wear modern clothes and cut and style their hair in more fashionable styles for a few days before they cannot do it anymore. There is yet another one who leaves behind her family so she can go to college. I would love to see more children. The teens interviews are all strong as they are in many ways like deeply religious small town kids anywhere: confused and self-obsessed, but basically decent, and given to projecting a theological dimension onto the normal pains of growing up. Beneath the strange clothing is a familiar conflict between piety and sin. I could only imagine the emotional strain and guilt that these kids go through throughout their lives, and especially during rumspringa. It takes a very strong mind to break through what you've already been conditioned to think up to the age of 16. The interviews with Amish adults are the most interesting about the film in my opinion. I learn that the Amish are not opposed to technology per se, just technology that they consider disruptive to their way of life such as television. The adult's attitude towards sex, is very surprisingly laid back as long as it leads to an Amish marriage and Amish children. The adults interviewed for this film come across as relaxed and candid rather than a crazy religious extremist. They act like they are sad about the outside world, rather than mad. By choosing never to engage the modern world, they have feel little need to either judge it or defend themselves. The movie also foreshadows a large different between the adults and the children. There is a huge inner change going on in the Amish community. More and more Amish are working in factories, getting money and starting to drive cars. The film states out that about 90% of Amish teens do eventually commit to their religion for life, but it doesn't tell how much they are changing the religion within. I think this is the reason why this documentary was able to gain access in the Amish community. There seems to be a great change within the Amish. Now to the faults of the film, it seems have skipped over some details about being Amish such as what happen if a teenager girl get pregnant during the rumspringa. Are they kick out or able to join the group? Nor does the documentary tells why they must choice to baptize so quickly. If you die before you choose the church, what happens to your soul? The movie is a good example of how natural teenage phase out of the identity crisis. I just hope that there is someone who will listen and help each child work out their own plan. Give it a watch if interested in Amish culture.
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nogodnomasters23 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Amish kids drinking, smoking, doing drugs, having sex, and watching TV. The Amish realize that 16 year old kids cannot be controlled and forcing those elements into the community is wrong. They allow their teens to experience the "English" ways, sow their wild oats, and then decide if they want family and community or live the worldly life. They can't do both. In reality, the film is rather boring.

The important message of the film comes at the end when we find out family and community win out 9 times out of 10. What the film should have mentioned is that all these Amish kids are related due to their limited gene pool. A Wall Street Journal article claims banks are currently foreclosing on their farms due to medical bills caused by genetic defects when your family insists on marrying their first cousin.

F-bomb, no sex, or nudity.
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Intelligent, not exploitative
utahfilmmaker19 January 2002
I thought for sure that a movie about Amish-teenagers-gone-bad would be a series of images of Amish kids dressed in traditional garb drinking, getting high, and sleeping around. I expected it to be a spectacle which would get old fast, and I went into the movie with this bias. It turned out to be one of the best documentaries I've seen in a while. For one thing, the director had the perfect balance of showing a broad social situation (rebellious Amish kids in general) and a more character centered story (the drug addicted Amish youth Faron). You're getting the factual information you need, as well as the emotional punch of what Faron is going through. The director is able to show very clearly the effect of Amish society on these kids without ever forcing a direct connection or being exploitative.
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Amish teens allowed discovery.
michaelRokeefe15 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is an interesting insight into part of the Amish way of life. Kudos to Lucy Walker for her frank and eye opening documentary. The Amish church began in about 1693 in Europe and most of that faith migrated to select areas of the U.S. in 1860. Amish children 16 to 21 years of age are released from their very strict world to experience all the pleasures and freedoms of the outside "English" world. This tumultuous time is called 'rumspringa', these young people during this time must decide to return to the ways of their parents and the Amish or stay on the outside. The focus of this documentary follows several teens as they experience "hoedowns' and "barnhops", delving into drugs, sex, malls and rock 'n' roll. Rumspringa may last from months to years.
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Singular, Powerful Film- Why hadn't I heard more about this???
shiiteclintonite4 August 2006
I just watched this through Netflix, based on a recommendation and can't believe I'd never heard of it before. Rather striking and amazing film. When has there ever been a film, (fiction or non) like this one before? I promise you that you had noooooooooo idea that the Amish could behave in this way and that it was acceptable -- A stunning doc! It opened my eyes in many ways. I had no idea that such a rigid, conservative culture could also possess such a wide-open and "liberal" component to their lifestyle. You want to applaud them and deride them almost simultaneously. And the fact that you are capable of holding two such contrarian feelings is a testament to the power of the director, Lucy Walker. She films everything with a steady, knowing hand. I was riveted. Why didn't I know about this movie? When is Ms. Walker making another film?!?
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view_and_review28 January 2022
In the Amish faith once a person reaches sixteen-years-old they are allowed to do something called "rumspringa" which loosely translates to "run free." The youth are allowed to experience the "English" world (non-Amish/non-Dutch world) and then decide if they'd like to get baptized and join the Amish Church, or leave the Amish community altogether.

"Devil's Playground" is about an Indiana Amish community and some of their youth experiencing rumspringa. I don't know if the youngsters shown are indicative of all Amish youngsters experiencing "rumspringa," but it sure was a wild scene. They were cutting loose and getting in as much partying, drinking, and vices as they could. The implication was that many of the Amish kids do that, get it out of their system, and then return to the slower more disciplined Amish lifestyle.

I thought the documentary was very informative and interesting, though it ran too long. After a while it focused on a few youth and was no longer about the Amish community anymore, but about some lost young adults who didn't know what they wanted to do with their lives. Perhaps the Amish tenets put them in that position by forcing them to decide between their friends and family and a whole wide unexplored world. It was quite the dilemma I'm sure.
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Very interesting look at a period in Amish Life where they get to catch up..
kaijawitch15 August 2007
I don't see how it could have been made any better.. I have actually "met" one of the girls on this documentary.. took me awhile to realize it was her.. I go to an Amish flee market every year in Shipshewana Indiana (where pieces of this were filmed.. Legrange County) The only people I "met" were the waitresses at Das Essenhaus.. (great restaurant).. I am actually surprised that I didn't see more of what is shown in this going on.. It is a very hard community to film.. many of them would not allow it..

One of the most interesting parts to me was when one of the guys was describing why they don't use technology.. I was always under the impression that they thought it was ungodly or evil.. but it's more a matter of taking away from the closeness of family.. \ I think this one is a must see.. it is well done, the kids are straight up and honest about what they are doing during this time.. and nothing seemed forced..
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entertaining and educational
Amylove80127 October 2003
I saw this film by chance at a friends house and I was immediately sucked into it. It was interesting to learn about a group of people whom I knew existed but never heard much about. This documentary gave me a great appreciation for how these people live their lives,I personally could never live like that. Anyone interested in learning about Amish teenagers should watch this film. It is surprising how many similarities and differences there are between Amish teenagers, and the average American teenagers.
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jpintar12 January 2004
This is a fascinating look at the world of the Amish and the temptation of the outside world. This follows Amish teenagers as they go through a path of initiation by going out into the outside world. There, they decide whether or not to join the Amish church and be baptized. It's an interesting dilemna that they are facing. This documentary is better than most hollywood movies out there.
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the best documentary i have ever seen...
libbyspears15 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoilers

... in fact, not just the best documentary i have ever seen, but one of the best movies i've ever seen. Maybe THE best movie I've ever seen. It cuts through all prejudice and cliche to the human heart of the story, and it's the most compelling narrative story you'll ever find - but this masterpiece is constructed out of the plain documentary truth about a bunch of teenagers. I'm haunted by these kids, and by the power of the images. Try to see it on a big screen because the shots are unbelievable. The beauty and simplicity - and austerity - of Amish life. Forget Witness, now you can see it for real for the first time - I don't think anybody filmed Amish people ever before, and this film is only Amish people. And then there are the scenes of crazy sex drugs and hiphop... with Amish kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever see Amish girls in traditional white bonnets and frilly dresses double-fisting Coors Lights and screaming for more more more at an Amish hoedown? You'll see why they say that "Amish kids got the best parties" - and don't tell me you knew that already. You couldn't make this stuff up. I wouldn't buy it in a fiction movie. I don't know how Amish people who have never before let themselves be filmed let this filmmaker film them doing things that they would most want to hide... it's some feat. It's not just the shocking revelation that Amish kids are kids too and have problems, it's that these kids have such an incredibly tough decision (to be or not to be Amish) at such a dramatic age, and they see the world through such unique bifocal lenses (Amish and "English") - and the film lets us FEEL that with them. I wanted to invite all of the featured characters over to my house - they each have such a heart-breaking story with so many ups and downs and twists and turns. It's wild that a film lets you be totally sympathetic with a drug dealer, not least a drug dealer who turns out to be a narcotics informer - the person you would LEAST expect to EVER sympathize with. A narc dealer should be hated by about everybody alive. But this kid is mesmerizing. I lost count of how many times a shiver went down my spine. There but for the grace of god go I. My only complaint is that I wanted it to be longer and that I can't wait for them to make a follow-up.
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entertaining, but misses the mark
YanivEidelstein23 July 2002
this film is based around a fascinating subject; the amish custom of allowing every boy or girl who turns sixteen to do anything he or she pleases, no holds barred. apparently, the amish believe it is wrong to baptise infants, and that they're supposed to choose the amish way as free-thinking adults.

the opening titles explaining this raised my expectations, as did the movie poster: an image of a girl in an amish bonnet, sitting in the back seat of a car, lighting a cigarette. it felt like a stolen moment; like an exciting departure from everything she's been taught. what would teens like this do, give free rein for the first time in their lives? what would it feel like to taste the things that were always off limits?

well according to this movie, amish teenagers are just as debauched as anyone in western society; they have no qualms about doing anything at all; nothing seems exciting or new to them. they're just relieved that their nuisance parents are out of the way so that they can finally get on with their partying, driving and drugging.

and how do the parents feel about allowing their children to turn their backs on every value they ever taught them? that would be a challenging concept to any parent, let alone one in a supposedly closed, puritanical society. well, we'll never know, as the amish refuse to be filmed or photographed.

stripped of all the interesting questions, this remains a slick docu-soap in the mtv "real world" tradition, with no insights to offer; just a peek into the lives of a few amish teens, who may or may not be examples of anything larger than themselves.
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Mind blowing
inferno_ears2 September 2003
I never knew about 'Rumspringn', and i have always loved the Amish culture. After seeing this documentary, i often wonder if i'm running into Amish guys in the malls and other places. I no longer wish to be Amish. But the thing that does stand out to me is how receptive the Amish church is to the kids that come back. I mean you've got all these other 'Christian' religions that shun people when they've sined and want to come back. but the Amish tell the kids, as long as you stop doing what you've been doing, you're not only welcomed back, but loved and accepted. THAT is how its supposed to be.

I hope they maybe follow up to it and find out how everyone is doing.
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Sixteen and at a crossroads
take2docs6 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As I'm driving along country roads, it is not uncommon for me to pass people dressed in black attire, riding in horse-and-buggies on the shoulder of the highway. They appear as anachronisms, as if something right out of the 19th century. They're called Mennonites, and based on how they live -- secluded from the world -- to me they kind of resemble the Amish, although undoubtedly there must be some differences.

That religious communities such as these have managed to remain relatively detached from modern society for as long as they have, is rather extraordinary. Generation upon generation, these rustic folks have produced seemingly inborn ruralists at home in a pastoral setting. At least that's what I thought, until I watched this thoroughly absorbing documentary.

DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND utterly transformed my thinking of the Amish. Hitherto, I'd assumed adolescents within this faith were content with living off the land, tending to fields -- the young men more than happy with their old-fashioned mode of transportation and the young women ever eager to get down to crocheting and baking for the rest of their domestic lives. Little did I realize that paradise is not as close-knit as I'd once thought it to be.

At sixteen, Amish youngsters have to decide whether they want to continue on in the church, or experience the outside world and perhaps opt for disassociation instead. There are those who simply want to feel what it is like to be physically and psychologically independent for a while, before returning to the family nest and the isolationist fold. Others, meanwhile, end up dropping out of Amish society altogether, preferring living in sin and with electricity to fiddle-playing hoedowns and their neo-Luddite heritage.

What struck me most about the Rumspringa period as portrayed in this film is the overall apparent absence of the golden mean. The 16-year-olds do not simply remove themselves from the Amish environment but, with some exceptions, end up embracing a vulgar if not rebellious character as well. It's one thing to want to strike out on one's own and make something of oneself apart from the influences of relatives and churchgoers, and quite another to go from one extreme to the other -- from living in austere semi-abstinence to becoming a totally irresponsible and immoral hedonistic-nihilistic lapser. Quite sad, this.

Not only do these late Amish teens amid the Rumspringa phase like to spend their time dating, malling, moviegoing, partying, chilling, and cruising, but some become outright worldlings.

One of the film's main subjects is a young man who gets involved with drugs and has a hard time breaking free of the habit.

DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND is focused on Amish youth, specifically, but it was interesting to learn some things about these particular rustics in general. We learn, for example, that the Amish church was founded in 1693, and that upon their getting married, Amish men grow beards, as a symbol akin to the traditional wedding ring. The common perception of the Amish is that they are camera-shy; however, a few clips from some home movies of theirs are shown here, enough to make one question this.

Rumspringa, from what I understand, is a period of sowing wild oats and gadding about; of reflection and partial self-discovery for some, and of never knowing what it means to be a Prodigal son or daughter for others.

Elsewhere, there exists religious communities, sects and offshoots that may not be as communally cloistered from the world as the Amish and Mennonites are, but who nevertheless teach their flocks of the world beyond their overly-protective ideological boundaries as being of the Devil's domain. Which is to say, DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND has I think a somewhat universal appeal, that many youngsters of other faiths may relate to. That proverbial fork in the road, after all, is not just restricted to the Amish.
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Very Interesting
battle0327 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie overall was very interesting. Before watching it, I knew very little about the Amish customs and their beliefs. The movie starts out showing how the Amish live their lives, which are in very simple, small, close knit communities and they all are very strict on religion. The Amish faith believes that they should let their teenagers be able to choose if they want to follow the Amish faith by letting them go free into the "English" world and see what life is like there. Through that Rite-of-Passage, they would hope that the teenagers will then be able to go and choose if they want to live in that type of lifestyle with technology and innovations, or if they want to come back and live a very simple life with no power or any things that would separate you from the family life. What I personally thought was very interesting is the struggle the kids had to go through when they decided on which faith they wanted to follow. Many wanted to live the English lifestyle and have cars, television, and stuff to do, but the thing they struggled with the most is being shunned from their community if they decided to leave and many couldn't live with the thought that if they were to leave, they would lose all of their friends and family in which they grew up with. Overall very interesting theme and story behind the movie. I thought it was a very interesting documentary.
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butterfinger30 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
What a godforsaken waste of a brilliant subject for a documentary! Commenting on the conflict between tradition and modern trends, Lucy Walker's The Devil's Playground is about Amish teenagers who get into drugs, drinking, and hardcore partying. And would you believe me if I told you that it is one of the most gutless and incompetent documentaries I have ever seen? All I can say is, the fear of seeing a movie this terrible ever again brings me one step closer to wanting to join a culture devoid of the presence of the media. This film is so muddled that it randomly examines a handful of characters while cutting to an old Amish man yapping about teenagers and peer pressure; when it gets bored with the old man, it goes back to one of the teenagers and when it gets bored with that teenager, it jumps to another one. There is no sense of emotional flow, pacing, or structure. Lucy Walker can't even engage us moment-by-moment, constantly adding corny music like a documentary-soap-opera. She is so technically incompetent that she goes for a moment of (cheap) emotional impact with a character while a gargantuan locomotive blasts by a hundred feet behind him.

Sometimes the material is engaging despite Walker but that is rare… Oh, and then there's Faron-I can't wait to talk about Faron. Faron is a moronic Amish teenager who is bewildered as to whether he should move back to the family farm and live the Amish or if he should continue living in a trailer and have constant parties. Faron is a drug addict whose life is a mess of small ups and big downs. However, Lucy Walker must be dumber than Faron if she doesn't realize what a mess his life is and treats every up and down like an exciting new story development: Faron is in deep trouble with drug dealers for ratting on his friend and his girlfriend leaves him! (Sad music.) Faron skips town, plans to become Amish again, gets a job working for his father, and gets a new girlfriend! (Happy music.) Faron's girlfriend dumps him, his father fires him, and he moves back into his old trailer and starts getting drunk regularly! (Sad music) Faron goes to find ex-girlfriend to get back together with her and gets a new job! (Happy music) Faron crashes his car on his way to work and loses his job! (Sad music) Faron gets a job as a parking lot attendant and has some vague plans of going back to farm someday! Every single one of these plot revelations is treated melodramatically. And then the film just ends on an up-note (the great parking lot gig) without even considering the possibility that things will go badly later on. What about the guy that Faron ratted on? When he gets out of prison, won't he be angry? All he'll have to do to find out where Faron-the-moron is hiding is to watch The Devil's Playground. But that will prove to be an unbearable task indeed. Footnote: In this mess of a film there is one compelling facet: it is able to explain why a teenager would want to be Amish-an incredibly impressive achievement in the middle of an incredibly horrendous disaster.
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This movie touched my heart & haunts my soul
jeremiah-johnson611 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I checked this movie out of my local library over 15 years ago and it still crosses my mind from time to time. Whenever I find myself conversing about documentaries, this movie is never the first one I discuss but I ALWAYS bring it up eventually. Not because it's the Best Looking documentary, because it's not. In fact, it's production value is Busch-League Amateur-Hour...but as I've come to realize, none of that is as crucial as what the subject is that's being documented. When the subject is presented and you are transfixed, looking past your world into another world, and you feel it like you feel yours,you learn Production Value is as useless as it is worthless. Devils Playground really made me try and put myself in the Rumspringa Rugg-Rats Shoes, try to look at it from their, perspective....a look that warmed my heart and broke my heart but I'm grateful I've seen makes me think about what I feel from time to time. (*Spoiler Alert* (kind of a spoiler, not a blatant spoiler, more a heavy-handed-trailer kind of spoiler)) I also bElieve what I see IS these kids, at that time!! and remembering my own youth and thinking that these kids have to decide their Body & Soul and ALL THEY KNOW ABOUT THE OUTSIDE WORLD IS WHAT THEY SEE FROM WATCHING the ENGLISH FROM THE SIDELINES....THEY ARE THROWN INTO AN ALMOST ANARCHIST ORGY OF NIHILISM AT PEAK (male predominantly) TEENAGE HORMONE HAPPY-HOUR...and they must each make Heaven & Hell decisions while crawling out of a cornfield hung-OVER A-F!! All of the kids are Genuine & Extraordinary...but the 1 who REALLY got under my skin & into my thoughts was Farron Yoder (not sure about spelling but that's how it sounds) ....I LEGITIMATELY wish that Yoder kid a Happy Life!! This Movie Got to ME
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premature "documentary"
diagrace-16 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Contains spoilers... This movie cannot really call itself a documentary on the Amish, as the Amish themselves largely decline to be interviewed. One wonders why the film- makers bothered to make this movie, given the lack of cooperation on the part of their alleged subjects. The first few minutes of the "Commentary" feature on DVD sheds some light on this question: the film-makers seem to have been desperate to get something, anything, on HBO, and not until they came up with the tabloid story about an Amish kid who is hooked on crystal meth would they be accepted by HBO. Too bad they had to advertise it as a "glimpse into the lives of the rarely filmed Amish" -- this movie is simply not about the Amish. It does not give any context for the radical transition called "Rumspringa". It does not attempt to discuss how an Amish teen is prepared via their community for Rumspringa or how they perceive the "rite" before, during, or after going through it. The Amish are shown us utterly unreflective, and I can only assume that this is an utterly unfair representation of them. They were not ready to be filmed, for their own reasons, but the film-makers were all too ready to make this film, for their own, rather different reasons.
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great multi-view and soundtrack!
witney411 August 2002
I've seen this documentary twice now, at least 9 months apart. I think it needs to be seen a couple of times to really take different views within the film. It does leave me worrying about the pre-programming of young minds before they are fully able to disseminate the whole; I say this because of my upbringing in South Africa when the Apartheid regime was in full swing, and the potential 'programming' this could imprint on young minds. A bit of a departure from the Amish nature of the film, I know, but I could'nt help getting the impression from these young folk of the sense of 'helplessness' of their life choices and futures. That apart, a great film to be viewed a couple of times, and equally a super sound track that would be great as a CD release... so how about it folks?
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time well spent
sumdenguy15 March 2003
This was a decent documentary. It gets all the partying out of the way early and then digs deeper into what drives these Amish kids. I thought the best interviews and most insightful comments came from the adult Amish they talked to. I'd love to hear more about how they gave up the Rumspiga for the Church...but alas, those wacky Amish aren't really into talking to the english. Anyways, check it out, it's really the only peek you're gonna get into their world.
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Great idea, ok execution.
curtis-815 July 2003
The Devil's Playground wasn't half as entertaining or informative as it should have been, given the great concept. Though it was interesting in parts,I often found it slow and repetitive. The music, a mixture of typical docu-muzak and technohouse, hypnotized me into boredom. But worst of all, several of the scenes were obviously staged, recreated, and/or written for the kids who were being filmed. And the girl the drug dealer ends up with in the end could NOT have been Amish. There are no exotic, dark-haired, olive-skinned Amish women. There just aren't--ARE NOT. PERIOD. And even if there were, they wouldn't be reading their lines off of cue cards like this girl obviously was. Could have been a lot better.
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