The Transgressor (1974) Poster

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The Whip and the Japanese Bodies
Coventry25 March 2006
It's pretty difficult to fully comprehend the background to this movie, when you contemplate about it. "School of the Holy Beast" is a nunsploitation film but there are as good as no Catholic people in Japan and most of the actresses probably didn't knew what the hell a convent was! The only thing director Norifumi Suzuki knew for certain was that sex movies with nuns were extremely popular in Europe around that time and he saw this as an open opportunity to do the same for the Japanese exploitation-market. Maybe that's why "School of the Holy Beast" isn't anything like those void and trashy Jess Franco movies, but actually a very stylish and reasonably well-scripted film! "School..." doesn't feature the textbook plotting of nuns worshiping the devil and even the lesbian interactions between the young girls aren't the film's main events. This merely is a good old-fashioned tale of revenge, set within the walls of a convent and compellingly criticizing the abuse of Catholic power. Despite obviously enjoying her sexuality in the outside world, young Maya seems determined to become a nun in one of Japan's strictest convents. She never knew her parents but she discovered that her mother also was a nun here who died in mysterious circumstances. As the plot develops, Maya's only interest seems to be unraveling the convent's hypocrite network of sexual perversion, torture and murder in the name of Catholism. She and rebel nun Ishida become good friends who bring men into the convent and encourage other oppressed sisters to stand up for themselves. Don't get too frightened by this rather ambitious-sounding plot, as the film features more than enough sleaze & violence to satisfy even the most demanding exploitation fanatic. The girls get severely whipped, raped by a Raputin look-alike priest, tied up with thorny stems and beaten with bouquets of roses (that's not as pretty as it sounds). Things get even more sadistic when French/Japanese über-nun Nathalie Green shows up, since she immediately implements some of the vilest torture tricks ever, including a bizarrely fascinating ritual to decide whether or not a girl is a witch. "School of the Holy Beast" is astonishingly beautiful to look at, with imaginative cinematography and an excellent use of color shades. The set and costume designs are magnificent, and surprisingly surpassing the quality of most scenery used in European nunsploitation movies! The music is enchanting and the nudity, although plenty of it, is always illustrated with flair and good taste. The young starlets here, especially Yumi Takigawa Emiko Yamauchi, belong to the prettiest and most talented Japanese actresses I ever beheld. This movie now ranks among my favorite nunploitation-efforts, along with "The Devils", "Flavia – The Heretic", "Alucarda" and "Behind Convent Walls". Highly recommended!
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Wonderful Japanese nunsploitation flick.
HumanoidOfFlesh16 March 2006
When a young woman named Maya(Yumi Takigawa)decides to investigate her mother's death by entering a convent school,she discovers a horrific den of pleasure and sadomasochistic activities.Encounters with a randy archbishop and a lesbian mother superior lead to episodes of torture,which include the poor girl being bound topless by thorny vines and beaten with long-stemmed roses.Norifumi Suzuki's "School of the Holy Beast" is a chock full of sleaze,violence and blasphemy.Still the film is visually stunning and the use of colors is execellent.The script pulls no punches in criticizing the hypocrisy of the Catholic church.The story is interesting,the nudity is expicit and there is plenty of symbolism.Overall,I enjoyed this film very much and you should too,if you are a fan of sleazy nunsploitation sub-genre.9 out of 10.
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Artistic even though it mixes sexploitation with Sade-like comments on the hypocrisy of Christianity
Chris_Docker5 February 2005
School of the Holy Beast is a weird concoction of exploitation who's very unusualness makes it worth watching. A girl enjoys her last night of freedom before entering a convent. The convent, of course, turns out to be a hotbed of immorality that de Sade might have scripted. Expect plenty of flagellation, lesbian trysts, and displaying of breasts – all in a style that crosses Hammer Horror with Russ Meyer mammary voyeurism. But throw in a script that plays hard and loose with Christianity in a way that only a foreign country could and it starts to appeal for its sheer audacity. I found the scene of one of the nun's punishment - being tied with rose briers and then whipped with bunches of red roses particularly aesthetically pleasing.
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La Schola de la Bestia Sangrada
chaos-rampant30 October 2008
You'd be forgiven for thinking a Japanese nunsploit flick helmed by snazzmeister Norifumi Suzuki would be cheap schlock with shower scenes to pad out the running time. No, this is a well made film as much concerned with inverting and subverting religious imagery as it is with aesthetics and sensuality. Certain set-pieces stand out as a testament to that: a nun flagellated in slow motion with roses, rose petals falling all over her bloodied body, a procession of nuns holding candles walking through the convent's corridors, a church interior photographed like a Mario Bava set, a priest falling dead in the shape of an inverted cross, stabbed with one no less.

Although School of the Holy Beast is definitely blasphemous in the imagery it employs and the way those who preach God's word are portrayed (a convent hiding vice and corruption the perfect hiding ground), it's never outrageous enough to shock because everything is done with a sense of artful style that will have all but the most fundamendalist of christians accepting it for what it is. There are a couple of false notes, like the 'witch trial' scene where a nun suspected to be a witch is forcefed salt water then forced to sit upon an image of Christ; if she pees, she's a witch. The method is so medieval that it's hard to picture taking place in the contemporary world the movie is set. Overall the film is enjoyable, mildly violent and sleazy, with perhaps a dash of religious angst that comes out as juvenile, but in good taste and a worthwhile watch.
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Pray and Revenge
kosmasp3 August 2016
Or as with any other Nunsploitation movie: She'll have nun of that. Works every time like a charm, though I reckon this may only be the third or fourth one of these that I have seen. Still I'll keep believing (pun intended) in finding the ultimate one. This one right here isn't really bad. Most of the time it doesn't make much sense (I guess you have to be nude and show off your breasts for some reason), but it is sort of fun. If you're into bondage that is.

Apart from the already mentioned, that goes way deeper than 50 shades went (at least the movie, haven't read the book yet), this attempt on making a somewhat coherent story is really convoluted and it will be difficult to actually stay with it. Just pray you don't lose yourself. Then again it seems like those who lost themselves are doing mighty fine. Though they didn't expect the main actress to appear (something she didn't expect either, if you were to believe her interview on the disc).

I already wrote more than I thought I would, but somehow the whole thing was intriguing. Especially the innuendo, sometimes explicit (tongue between fingers symbolizing what? Yes exactly that) sometimes not so much. Also the main actress is really beautiful, with clothes, without and even as a nun. Do I have to mention that if you are religious you probably don't want to watch this? Though some would argue, that if you like good movies you'd also avoid it ... fair enough
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On par with its Italian predecessors...
PWT209 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched a few nunsploitation flicks (consisting of Italian or Spanish), I would say that this film is on par despite the fact that it's Japanese.

There are also keys scenes associated w/ nunsploitation films, i.e. lesbian nuns, nuns beating themselves or being punished for sinning, and nuns succumbing to temptation of some sort! I wished that there were more of certain scenes than most, but they were all done quite explicitly without being full-on. A some parts it reminded me of a WIP or chicks-in-chains flick, but they're all pretty similar.

There's actually a decent plot w/ a bit of a twist near the ending.

Can't be taken to seriously though because it's definitely offensive for the ultra-conservative.

If you're into nunsploitation and how it exposes the hypocrisy in the church, School of the Holy Beast is definitely worth checking out!
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The absolute best of the genre
Falconeer15 October 2006
Norifumi Suzuki's "School of the Holy Beast" is a masterpiece in it's own right. This film about a girls journey into depravity is one of the most erotic films I have ever seen. With each new scene, it gets more beautiful, like an exotic, poisonous flower opening to reveal it's center. Filled with breathtaking color and endless mystery, this is the first film i have seen featuring the amazing actress Yumi Takigawa. She plays her part of Maya with a delicate and subtle perfection rarely seen in this genre of film. Maya is a modern Japanese woman, who enters the "Sacred Heart", a convent shrouded in lies, hypocrisy and sexual power games. It seems as if everyone has something to hide. This film seems to be a direct attack on the Catholic church. The beginning of the film is a bit deceptive, as we are led to believe that there will not be much in the way of a real story here. But when we find out the reason why the beautiful Maya has entered this place, the tension begins to mount. To hear certain people referring to these films as trash, and exploitation, saddens me greatly, as it is so undeserved here. This film is top-notch in every way. The camera work, the editing, the beautiful, dreamlike cinematography, is far superior to anything coming out of Hollywood these days. Sadly, this style of film making is a thing of the past. We are fortunate however, with the advent of DVD technology, that these little-known 1970's masterpieces are again available. One of the classiest, and most elegant Japanese "pink" films ever made. I give this one the highest rating.
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SCHOOL OF THE HOLY BEAST (Norifumi Suzuki, 1974) ***
Bunuel197621 March 2009
This is the most extreme example of "Nunsploitation" I have yet watched, one that will surely offend religious purists; even so, its no-holds-barred attitude actually characterized much of Japanese cinema at the time – evoking memories, in particular, of both Yasuzo Masumura's BLIND BEAST (1969) and Toshio Matsumoto's FUNERAL PARADE OF ROSES (1969). Incidentally, I was not familiar with director Suzuki's work – but his stylized, and remarkably confident, approach here is very effective (even if the presentation itself was slightly marred by intermittent combing). Japanese nuns are certainly an unorthodox sight: thankfully, they are given well-rounded characters (the heroine is also quite lovely) though it is sometimes hard to tell one girl from the other! The episodic nature of the plot and its novel (thus most interesting) aspects – the mystery tied with the convent surrounding the heroine's ancestry, the presence of a Rasputin-like hedonistic priest (whose eventual come-uppance arrives by divine/spiritual intervention, no less!) and the belated introduction of a white-robed villainess (getting her just desserts in violent fashion after being involved in a bell-tower fight with the heroine!) – render the film a bit of a muddle (especially in its dash to tie things up towards the end) yet it proves consistently absorbing, even invigorating, fare. Of course, it would not be a "Nunsploitationer" without moments of violence (the most harrowing – and blasphemous – tortures see the heroine being wrapped in a hawthorn bush and a 'witch' ferreted out by Inquisition-like methods) and rampant eroticism (involving both heterosexual and lesbian couplings…but, then, even the heroine's induction ceremony is carried out with her completely in the buff!). There is unexpected (and slightly misplaced) slapstick, too, in the scene where a couple of men are clandestinely introduced into the convent dressed-up as nuns so as to aid the heroine in extricating her revenge plan – which has them raping the stern (but obviously frustrated) Vice Abbess, responsible for the girl's mother's demise at child-birth, in her sleep!
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Japanese nuns in a typically sleazy convent!
The_Void11 September 2006
Nunsploitation is a sub genre more often associated with trashy cheap Italian cinema; but Japan made a few as well, and while the bizarre Wet & Rope was worth seeing - their real masterpiece was this film, School of the Holy Beast. The most popular religions in Japan are Shinto and Buddhism, so it's rather strange to see Japanese women dressed in habits in a Roman Catholic convent, but even so - that hasn't stopped director Norifumi Suzuki from creating a fine slice of nunsploitation. One of my favourite things about this sub-genre is the fact that the films are often well photographed, and the directors take care with shooting the convent itself, and this is something that is adhered to with this film. There isn't a great deal of plot to speak of, but the central thread follows a beautiful young woman named Maya, who gets bundled off to a convent shortly after having sex with some guy. It soon becomes apparent that, like every other nunsploitation film, not everything at the convent is completely above board - as the nuns themselves are subjected to all manner of sexual punishments.

The attention to detail in the film is stunning, and the director delights in dishing up some stunning shots of the locations and his actresses. Japanese cinema is well known for being stylish, and that is certainly true of this film. There's plenty of sleaze on offer, but it all feels very artful and despite the fact that we're watching things such as whippings, lesbianism and rape, it never feels very shocking and that's because it's all very easy on the eyes. The script doesn't extend well to characters and character development, but it's not all that important and it is good to see that the story does develop past the basic plot layout - which certainly can't be said for every film of this type. Debutant Yumi Takigawa takes the lead role, and does well with it. Admittedly, it's not really because of her acting talent; but she does look good with her top off, and the director obviously knew that as he makes a meal out of scenes that see her half naked and bound with ropes. Overall, this is a fascinating cult film and comes highly recommended to anyone that enjoys this sort of cinema!
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Masterpiece of Erotic Entertainment
ebiros22 May 2011
This is a beautifully shot movie and is definitely not a cheaply made porn. It's made to stand up as a legitimate movie and entertainment for adults.

Maya Takigawa (Yumi Takigawa) is enjoying her last day of freedom, having a wild time, because tomorrow, she will be entering a convent. She meets a good looking guy Kenta Aoki (Hayato Tani) and becomes friends with him. He wants to go steady with her but she declines. What's driving her to enter the convent ? 18 years ago her mother was at this convent and committed suicide while being pregnant with her. She aborts early but survives. She's now on a mission to find out why her mother had to die and who is her father. After she enters the convent, it's nonstop erotic violence with nuns beating up each other in name of God with beautiful breastages, and naked bodies shown at every opportunity.

The movie is high quality as it has real story, beautiful "real" actresses who can actually act, and crisp cinematography that's top notch.

How did such far out, and excellent movie come out from a rather conservative Toho studio ? I can put all the credit squarely on the director Norifumi Suzuki's capable talent. Suzuki is not well known in the west because he himself prefers not to be in the front line, but he is an unmistakable genius of Japanese cinema, and have directed many famous (and some considered masterpieces) of movies and movie series such as "Torrakku Yaro" (Trucker Guy) series starring Bunta Sugawara and "Hibotan Bakuto" (Hibotan Gambler) series starring Junko Fuji. Sugawara and Fuji both became famous after starring in Suzuki's movies. Suzuki's movies are all known to be somewhat eccentric and squarely focused on entertainment value. He is very versatile as he can direct movies of many different genre all with very high quality.

Seijyu Gakuen (Holy Beast School) gets all it's quality and entertainment values from the talent of its director. Beautiful Yumi Takigawa makes her debut in this movie, and she enjoys a long career as a movie and TV actress in the proceeding years.
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Bizarre and Brutal
jmaruyama3 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
-Some Spoilers Ahead- On her last day of freedom, beautiful Takigawa Mari (Takigawa Yumi) spends her hours enjoying all of what the decadent and carefree 70's lifestyle has to offer (watching a Hockey Game, seeing movies, drinking alcohol, playing Arcade Games, casual sex with a handsome stranger), this before she enters the repressed and strictly governed world of a Japanese Catholic Nunnery, where she finds a world of unbelievable and bizarre ritual and suffering. Thus is the premise behind this utterly awful sexploitation film, `Sei Ju Gakuen' or more better known by its sensationalized English title `School of the Holy Beast'. This film has it all.self flagellation, Lesbianism, S & M torture and bondage, catfights, rampant nudity, rape and sex. `Sei Ju Gakuen' seems to have an odd perception of Catholicism at times bordering on distain as the film constantly warps and perverts Religious Ceremony and juxtaposes Holy Symbolism with carnal sex and violence. The use of Nuns is but a gimmick used to wrap-around this mixed up story which takes elements from many of Toei's other exploitation films of the time like director Norifumi's earlier `Onna Bancho' AKA Sukeban -1971. Takegawa Yumi thankfully went on to star in better things than this as she is wasted on this ill conceived project. It's probably better not to read too much into the film but suffice to say `Sei Ju Gakuen' is your standard '70's exploitation film (and not a very good one) whose only selling point is in its pure shamelessness.
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A love letter to debauchery
fertilecelluloid23 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Another audacious exploitation diamond from ace genre director Norifumi Suzuki.

In the film's title sequence, a rich fog clears to reveal a distant convent, the home of a salacious order of nuns who not-so-secretly indulge in every "sin" under the sun. It is crystal clear, even at this point, that we are in the hands of a master cinematician who is an adept hand at creating authentic worlds within worlds.

Suzuki directed the wonderful "Sex and Fury", another exercise in outrageousness, and gems such as "Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter", but the film that cemented his reputation for me is this beautifully and lovingly photographed love letter to debauchery and "Beautiful Girl Hunter", truly one of the finest and most confronting pink flicks ever made.

What makes Suzuki's films so strong is his sincerity and the full commitment he brings to the inflammatory material.

Scenes of violent flagellation become painterly portraits in blood. The use of slow motion during a scene in which a nun is whipped with rose bushes is simply surreal. The lesbian couplings are quietly volcanic and the prologue, in which a novice enjoys her last night in the outside world, establishes the film's ironic tone.

The score by Masao Yagi is gloriously operatic and the art direction by Suzuki regular Shuichiro Nakamura is most accomplished and gloriously rich.

Don't miss this stunning work of pop art.
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Nunsploitation from Japan
white pongo3 October 2000
Movies involving suppressed sexual desires in a convent erupting into violence/rape/bizarre sexual behaviour (y'now,like THE DEVILS) are usually of European origin.But this cracker from Japan is one of the best of it's kind.It has some of the most disturbing yet hauntingly beautiful scenes of blasphemy i've ever seen.It has been screened in English as CONVENT OF THE SACRED BEAST,but i'm not sure how you'd track it down.But if you can,it's well worth seeing.
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Excellent Japanese "Nunsploit" Film...
EVOL6667 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
SCHOOL OF THE HOLY BEAST is another great mid-70's Japanese film in the same vein as the pinky-violence/exploit films of the era. This one takes a religious turn instead of samurai's and what not, but has the same feel as many of the 70's "classic" Japanese underground films that deal with love, hate, betrayal, and revenge ...

This one deals with a young woman who joins a convent. As the story goes on, we see that the convent isn't what it's cracked up to be. Lesbianism, flagellation, rape, and tons of other sacrilegious "fun" stuff ensues - which all revolves around our main "heroine" and her background that ties in beautifully with the rest of the film. Needless to say, our main girl is a woman scorned and has a few scores to settle...

I've been watching a lot of Japanese stuff from this era lately, and what gets me most is how well done these films are. The sets are always lush and beautiful, the costumes are top-notch, the acting is very good, the cinematography is breathtaking, and the story-lines are always very deep and interesting. I love exploit style films from all over the world, and my only gripe is that the Japanese don't show full frontal nudity or more explicit sex scenes...but being from '74, this film delivers on a lot of different levels. There are plenty of sleazy torture and topless scenes that are filmed so well that it looks like an art-film. SCHOOL has plenty of twists that are somewhat unexpected, and proves to be pretty "controversial" without ever becoming overly "schlocky". I highly recommend this one to any exploit fan, and especially those that dig Japanese films from this time-frame such as LADY SNOWBLOOD, SEX AND FURY, FEMALE PRISONER SCORPION, or even the ZATOICHI and BABYCART films. 8.5/10
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Dazzling nunsploitation
Prof-Hieronymos-Grost19 January 2009
Oft touted as the first Pink film from Japan, School of the Holy Beast is the tale of a girl Maya (Yumi Takigawa) whom we meet for the first time sharing a lustful moment with her boyfriend, post coitus she tells him she is off to live in a convent, but no explanation is given. In her new role as a novice nun, she soon learns the hard way, the strict and repressive ways of convent life, laid down by the Mother Superior. Those who disobey the strict tenets are dealt with, with impunity. In time we learn the disturbing history of Maya and the reasons for her being there. As she does her own detective work within the convent, she discovers there, a sinister Holy Man who seems to be pulling the strings of terror. This is a stunningly filmed tale of murder, torture, rape, self flaggelation, lesbians, lustful priests all set in the opulent surroundings of a convent. it's a deliciously decadent and erotic film, that Japanese film historian Risaku Kiridoushi describes as the perfect example of Japanese cinema, I'm not really in agreement though as to where its influences lie, to me they hail from Italy, the score the visuals and the themes all seem to come from there, still though that's not a bad thing.
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School of the Holy Beast
Scarecrow-889 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, this sure doesn't hold back when casting a scathing view of the Catholic church. No stone is unturned. Everything is in this film. Duck for that kitchen sink because the hypocrisy and secrets hidden within the abbey of the church of nuns examined here is riddled with sin and deprivation. The kick is that, through Norifumi Suzuki's magnificent direction, this isn't just a cheapo exploit flick, but a legit art film.

The film's protagonist, Maya, to me isn't very different that Nami, the Scorpion in the Female Prisoner film, except she infiltrates a dirty convent seeking answers regarding her mother's fate within the confines of what was supposed to be a religious community of believers. Where a dirty cop is behind the ills of Nami, a bitter priest, Father Kakinuma(Fumio Watanabe)is the man responsible for what ails Maya. The Priest and the Vice Abbess, a woman seething with lust running through very loins. The fact is this flick exposes the ugly truth of what could occur behind the closed walls of a hidden place secretively inactive from the outside world. Here's this modern girl, Maya(the yummy Yumi Takigawa)who we see enjoying the pleasantries of life before entering the repressed innards of a community harboring hidden immorality under a cloak of righteousness. She is the offspring of that very lust and sin that lies quietly buried underneath the cloak, and through her, will those iniquities be exposed. Though, when you threaten to expose hidden dirty old secrets, there are bound to be consequences. Her very life will be threatened by not only the Vice Abbess, but a "witch-finding nun" sent into the convent by Kakinuma to put an end to a thorn in his flesh which could finally awaken the monster he really is. Kakinuma is quite a character..hidden underneath bushy long hair and thick mustache, not to mention this cloak which removes our eyes from a horrifying act that occurred from the past, is this menacing quiet beast who seems to be a loving man of God who any nun or God-fearing Christian could confide in when dealing with problems of the flesh, is, himself, holding rather unpleasant feelings toward everyone including the Lord he serves. He seeks answers from God("Where is God when man needs him?") while constantly bedding nuns who revere him.

What sins are hidden within this convent:lesbian lovers keeping their love-making secret from everyone, a Mother Superior who confiscates sex photos she masturbates to, nuns who enjoy the sight of women being whipped(director Suzuki often pulls his camera in on their faces as they look on wide-eyed with enthusiasm), the persecution room(readily used such as the case when Maya is being tortured with thorny vines twisting around her body, piercing her flesh as a nun on each side pulls with all their might), a nun who stole money from the Vice Abbess so that she could pay for her father's hospital bills for which she receives a rape from Kakinuma, etc. The torture scene where Maya is being treated to thorny rose vines is rather hard to watch as director Suzuki tightens the camera on how they slide back and forth underneath her breasts. But, what follows is actually both unpleasant and beautiful..the nuns collectively slap Maya across the face with bouquets of roses as Suzuki shows her face whipping to and fro in slow motion as petals fall poetically like snow around her body. It's quite a feat to create such a scene which can alternately compel and repel. And, that whipping scene, the first one inside the infamous persecution room, is amazingly photographed as Suzuki's camera goes berserk following the action as the two nuns, caught by a spy, eating sausages. The most horrific sequence in the film, the witch-trial of a pregnant nun, who was raped by Kakinuma, is quite a dazzling moment in the film. We see her agonizingly put through the ringer, whipped with blood stripes opening on her skin, salt water poured in her mouth(..forced to swallow an entire pail), and held inside a chair as the clock ticks with this container under her legs(with a gold crucifix at it's center)ready for urine to flow. If she urinates, this poor soul will be condemned as a witch.

Not just your run-of-the-mill nunsploit, although I'm not an expert in the subversive sub-genre, I'd be hard-pressed to expect another to be any better than this one. Lots of breasts exposed as well as unceasing stabs at Catholicism...there's a vehement anti-Catholic attitude that permeates throughout and use of Christian iconography(the use of a crucifix to kill, the destruction of a Virgin Mary statuette, blood puddling down a portrait of THE LAST SUPPER)in exploitive ways. Certainly not for all tastes..some will find this film very offensive. Maya, an unshakable force to be reckoned with, will unleash her revenge on those responsible for her mother's demise.
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Japanese Nuns
Michael_Elliott26 February 2008
School of the Holy Beast (1974)

*** (out of 4)

Notorious Japanese nunsploitation film from director Norifumi Suzuki has a simple storyline but borrows heavily from the Euro erotic genre. A rebellious woman enters a convent so she can learn the truth behind her mother's death eighteen years earlier. Her rebel attitude doesn't sit too well with the higher up nuns who aren't afraid to resort to torture by whip. The first half of the film is mostly an erotic movie and I'm not going to lie, Japanese women are quite sexy so the erotic nature of the film worked for me. Japan censorship laws were pretty heavy back in the day so the director comes up with a couple very good scenes to get his point across without having to resort to hardcore scenes, ala Euro flicks. There's an oral sex scene, which isn't shown how you'd expect but it's highly erotic and gets its sexuality across better than most Euro films of this genre. The second half of the film slows down quite a bit as the "mystery" surrounding the mother's death is revealed. The direction is quite strong and the cinematography is excellent.
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Sisters are doing it to themselves.
BA_Harrison9 December 2007
Nunsploitation is as typically European as cultural excellence, Fascism, hairy armpits on women, and football hooliganism. So what the hell did Japanese director Norifumi Suzuki think he was doing when he made School Of The Holy Beast?

Only giving us one of the best and most outrageous examples of the genre, that's what!

Suzuki takes the standard nunsploitation elements (Catholicism, lesbianism, masturbation, repressed sexual desires, violence, hot nuns, shower scenes, blasphemy, rape), adds a murder/mystery plot and ramps up the levels of depravity to bring us a superbly sacrilegious sleaze-fest. And if that wasn't enough, the whole thing is beautifully shot, and accompanied by an excellent haunting soundtrack.

Yumi Takigawa plays Maya, a beautiful young woman who enters a convent in order to find out exactly what happened to her mother, who died when she was born. Whilst there, Maya discovers that the place is a hotbed of lust and violence, with the sisters in charge of the establishment being the most depraved of all, punishing any nuns who fail to obey their strict rules with a variety of painful and degrading tortures.

During the course of events, viewers are treated to such delights as flagellation with rose stems, death by acid bath, mother superior masturbation, gang rape (seemingly played for laughs!!!), priest-on-nun rape, and a witch trial which involves a crucifix and the denial of lavatorial facilities. Only after all of this, does Maya finally solve the mystery of her mother's death, discover the identity of her father, and get to even the score with several nasty nuns.

I give School Of The Holy Beast 7.5 out of 10 (rounded up to 8 for IMDb) and recommend it to all fans of deviant cinema (who should also check out Suzuki's Beautiful Girl Hunter, which I enjoyed even more!).
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An Unsung Classic
dhyvdking23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, "nunspolitation" is definitely a niche of a sub-genre. Firstly, it's pornographic, including bondage and rape. Secondly, it's choosing to go against religion, which isn't exactly a mainstream position (yet?). However, within this sub-genre, "Sexploitation - School Of The Holy Beast" is definitely an excellent movie. In fact, I would call it an all-out classic.

This movie is in Japanese (although subtitles are available; I watched it with English subtitles), so even people who might like it probably didn't watch it or understand the plot. This is an unsung classic that deserves to be up there with "Shogun Assassin (1980)". What sets it apart is the storyline. Judging from the previous comments, most people don't "get the story line", so I'll introduce it:

Although set in Japan, this movie is located in a Roman-Catholic nunnery. The impression I get is that the nunnery is in Japan, within walking distance of a metropolis, but due to its high walls, etc. perhaps isolated from the town center totally. It's also rather big and might be in the country-side, but since they are greenhouses it could also just be in the suburbs of, say, Japan. There's a scene where a nun arrives from Rome, and all of the rituals are based on Catholic canon, including reverence for the Virgin Mary, Jesus on the cross, etc.

If you don't want to know anything about the story, stop reading here.

The protagonist decided to have a bit of fun before joining the nunnery, and so has a one-night stand with a total stranger (we know this because he only tells her his name after they're done having sex and lying next to each other). She joins because she doesn't know anything about her biological parents except that her mother was one a none at this nunnery.

Apparently, she's recently turned 18, and decides to fulfill her adulthood by joining "undercover" to investigate. They're several story arcs which unfold and are resolved, as the corruption and true nature of the nunnery as a "demonic" city of destruction is revealed. Right until the very end, the three main anti-laws which it is devoted to observing: lust, murder, and theft, are evidently what they have sustained themselves on for nearly 2 decades, if not longer.

Without spoiling the story, it is very engrossing, although I was initially put off by the slow opening (which shows a slice of the protagonist's life before joining), after about 10 minutes when the drama started unfolding within the monastery, it was extremely engrossing and just as gripping as any modern drama, if not more so.

They are several creative scenes which use good effects (esp. for 1974), and show a lot of thought went into design of the "world" of the monastery (such as the "trap door" scene, you'll know it when you see it).

Contrary to other comments, I found that the main characters are well fleshed out, and the plot is revealed in interesting sections. Also, despite the "taboo" nature of the sex, it actually all fits into the plot, it's not like the typical "I'm bored, so let's do it" porn which is so common in the "Western" world. Nothing is just there for the sake of sex, every time you see an exposed nipple, it is related to the plot directly. If this was such a thing as "tasteful" use of nudity and violence, this would definitely be an example thereof.

They are real-world illusions to Opus Dei (sp?) as mentioned in Da Vinci code and so forth, but I'll not get into that because it is really irrelevant.

All in all, I can't find anything wrong with this, other that that it's in Japanese and mono or whatever; the film transfer is good but an English audio re-dub which is well done would be nice, although who would finance that for a 1974 film which I bound to be banned (or shunned) in most Christian states?
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9/10 want nunsploitation? Good nunsploitation, you say?
Put quite simply, SotHB is among the best of the genre. Everything you want out of this film is here, and more. Blasphemy, nudity, violence, satanic imagery...all here. Brilliant writing, excellent direction, and well produced. It is, of course, not a blockbuster mega release, but what GOOD exploitation is? Likely falls within (or near) the top 5 genre films of its kind.

But be careful...nunsploitation is a bad habit to get in to.
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A holiday favorite
BandSAboutMovies19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
School of the Holy Beast is a sacrilegious blast of exploitation that combines pinky violence, nunsploitation, Bava-esque colors and some of the wildest moments you've ever seen in a movie maybe ever. Japan is not Christian or even Catholic, yet somehow they love to make nunsploitation films. This movie proves that they come close and may even go further than their Italian moviemaking competition.

Maya Takigawa (Yumi Takigawa, Karate Bearfighter) has become one of the sisters of the Sacred Heart Convent to learn why her mother was whipped and hung herself before in death giving birth to Maya. I'm sure you can figure out that the Abbess Sadako Matsumara (Yoko Mihara) was the one who was always jealous of Maya's mother Michiko and that the man who was her father is the blind Father Kakinuma (Fumio Watanabe). Yet this movie embraces style - and excess - and delivers everything you come to these movies for and more, include self-flagellation, sinful nuns, a nun forced to drink salt water and be held over a portrait of Jesus to see if she's possessed and will urinate all over it, evil nuns falling through trap doors and getting launched out windows and being impaled on a fence and a scene where the nuns all whip another with roses after she's tied up with rose thorns and small motion petals dance in front of the camera and blood slowly makes its way, as red as any fake hemoglobin that Mario Bava committed to screen against the lush green of the vines. Has blasphemy ever looked so gorgeous?

It all ends on Christmas night, as the priest makes love to his daughter - he didn't know until its too late - before being stabbed with a crucifix by the ghost of Maya's mother and then the camera spins and sails into the ceiling to show him dead in the shape of an upside-down cross.

Norifumi Suzuki is definitely going to Hell but at least he left this behind to corrupt more souls who will join him in eternal torment. He made fifty more movies, including the incredible Hoero Tekken,and Karei-naru tsuiseki as well as another movie filled with sleaze, Sex and Fury. Suzuki also directed the ten-movie Torakku Yaro series in which Momojiro Hoshi and Kinya Aikawa race around Japan in dekotora or highly decorated trucks. I need to watch everything he made. He often worked with his co-writer on this movie, Masahiro Kakefuda.

Imagine if an Italian Gothic horror film, a giallo and a nun film all got together, got high and talked about the issues behind everything man has endured. That gives you a clue of just how wild this movie gets, except it may even defile - not a typo for defy - your expectations so much further.

You have to love a heroine who literally destroys an entire convent and then just walks the street of the city, away from this secret world and back in the world of the living, no one knowing the things that she's seen or what she's done.
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Wickedly Sublime Pinky Nunsploitation
The Catholic church must be different in Japan - in Japanese Exploitation cinema, that is, of course. Nunsploitation cinema is mainly known as a sub-genre of European Exploitation, but the Japanese also made a bunch of films of the kind, and, unsurprisingly, this "Seijû Gakuen" aka. "School Of The Holy Beast" of 1974 outshines the vast majority of Western Nunsploitation flicks. In no other country's cinema do Exploitation- and Art-house compliment each other like in the Land Of The Rising Sun, and "School Of The Holy Beast" is indeed a good example for this. The film by master director Norifumi Suzuki ("Sex And Fury", "Girl Boss Guerilla",...) features all the trade mark elements of his familiar Pinky Violence genre and Nunsploitation cinema - and all this with a lot of style. As a lover of both Nunsploitation and Japanese Pinky Violence cinema (the latter ranks way higher in my appreciation) I expected an extremely sleazy and highly entertaining flick, and while the film was actually not even quite as sleazy as I had expected, it sure didn't disappoint me. This is not to say that the film doesn't feature a wide range of perversions and sleaze - it does, but the sleaze does not overwhelm the film. As usual for a Pinky flick, the film is immensely stylish, brilliantly photographed, and filled with beautiful Japanese girls in sometimes unpleasant situations.

The film is set in a menacing nuns' convent, at which any disobedience against the strict rules is responded to by draconian punishments. One of the aspiring nuns at the convent is Maya (the ravishing Yumi Takigawa), who comes to the menacing place for very personal reasons... I do not want to give away too much, but I can assure that all my fellow lovers of Japanese Exploitation cinema should be pleased with this highly memorable flick. The stunningly beautiful Yumi Takagiwa makes a great lead, and most of her fellow young nuns are very nice to look at too. The film's cast also includes some regulars of Japanese Exploitation cinema. None other than Fumio Watanbe (the sadistic warden Goda in the first two brilliant "Joshuu Sasori"/"Female Prisoner Scorpion" flicks with Meiko Kaji) plays a sinister priest, and Yoko Mihara, who is known for her roles in many films, such as the first "Sasori" flick, "Joshuu 701-gô: Sasori" (aka. "Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion"), "Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs", "Sex And Fury" or "Girl Boss Guerilla" plays the fanatic vice-abbess. The sadistic punishments are in typical Pinky style, and while there's quite a bit of sleaze and violence overall, these elements alone do not dominate the film. The film is highly atmospheric, the photography and visual style are great and the score is sublime. All things considered "School Of The Holy Beast" is a great little film and a must-see for fans of Japanese Exploitation cinema.
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