Kimberly (1999) Poster


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A romantic comedy which is neither romantic nor funny.
=G=23 March 2001
"Kimberly" tells of an SWF (Anwar) who is recruited as a coxswain by a four man rowing team. This simple minded story follows the four relationships which ensue. Fraught with inferiority in all aspects, "Kimberly" is a waste of time for all but the most diehard romantic comedy junkies. The script is unimaginative, the screen play amateurish, and the only believable actor is Anwar with the rest mechanically going through one silly scenario after another. Contrived, predictable, naive, silly, etc. In a word, just plain lame.
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Remake ?
hollywood21216 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Pseudo remake of Sandra Dee's " Doctor, you've got to be kidding ?". The premise is the same, girl has a few guy friends and she winds up pregnant, and all these guys are okay with that! The story of course has changed a bit for the times, but overall it's the same. Even the bumbling, "I'm the father", lines that the guys spout before the baby's delivery. I mean at least in the 60's there where no DNA tests but really, in this day and age I Know someone would have said look lets go on "Maury" and settle this. I mean yes I sat thru it because I wanted to know what was going to happen, and yes I even watched it a 2nd time because I thought I may have missed something, but when I saw the original just last night on TCM I was disappointed in the 1999 version. It's a remake even if it wasn't supposed to be.
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and they were OK with this?
camel-wides30 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
so let me get this straight... these 4 guys from philly "all" bang their rowing instructor... OK, i can buy that, it's pretty believable. when they find out, one calls her a slut (even though he was involved in another relationship, and cheated with her, but then, i think she new he had a long term live-in girlfriend when she slept with him), and the other guy tries to break his face for it, because he's sure he is in love with her. spoiler---- the other two didn't even actually have sex with her, though one thought he did, and the other is just so damned gentle, sweet, and nice, he pretended to have done it, to make his friends feel better, since he was so damned superior to them... then they all decide to be there for her, support her through the pregnancy, and play daddy... no one even asked for a DNA test? righhhhht and of course it turns out to be the guy who loves her who is the father, because good things happen to pretty girls in movies.

we're totally glossing over the part where they won a row race with only the scantest bits of training...

OK, so the plot is really not truly set in this world... so what, it's a movie. the settings are excellent, and made me super homesick for philly (probably because they avoided showing how damn dirty most of the city is) the casting truly wasn't bad, nor the acting as bad as some people on here are accusing it of having been. Jason Lewis portrayed old philly money perfectly, as did the folks who played his parents. Sean Astin was a perfect rendition of at least a half a dozen guys i knew from back home...

so the plot didn't sell me, the acting wasn't too bad...

guys, there could be worse movies to get stuck watching with your girl...
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4 "dads" = bad, bad, bad, bad...(w/Spoilers)
dopdyke19 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This includes "spoilers" but the thing is already so thoroughly rotten, it shouldn't matter, unless you want to be surprised at just how unbelievably lame a flick can be...

You know the kind of film you somehow find yourself accidentally watching and are unable to look away, as if it were a car wreck... Kimberly is one of those.

Sure she's adorable, but... really! In brief, she's coaching four buddies on a rowing team, and they all vow not to date her, but of course each does, without any of the others knowing... When she turns up pregnant, she tells the boys she wants them all to be dads... the guys bicker a little, but agree.

It's ludicrous! No one seems to want any kind of paternity testing, or cares that there's only a 1/4 chance they ARE the father (well, the one guy who KNOWS he's not, just pretends to not know because he's so darned sensitive)... The only one who calls her "a slut" is the one was cheating on his own girlfriend, so I guess that's supposed to nullify that prospect. (Of the remaining two, one's a spastic manchild who passed out drunk and doesn't know he never slept with Kimmie, and the other is a neurotic who actually IS the father, unless there was a 5th gun...)

So they're all being supportive, buying her things, arranging the medical care, wigging out their family members, etc. and when it comes to delivery time, things get all wacky with loads of "screwball hijinx" as everyone rushes to the hospital. The delivery scene continues this jarring "comedic" tilt...

In the end, the non-fathers discover they were somewhat misled by the Row Ho' as I like to call her, but golly gee, Kim's such a swell gal, they don't mind that this whole thing basically ruined their lives in one way or another. Never mind about the real dad... the guy whose main solo scenes show him in therapy... sure, let him think she's screwing EVERYONE, he can handle it.

Not to spoil EVERYTHING, I won't tell you whether the "rowing team" (out-of-shape and mentally disturbed as they are) wins the big race against the obligatorily clad-in-black bad guy team :)
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Don't Waste your Time!
coldnutz10 May 2002
I recently saw this movie on Lifetime, It is about a woman who is a rowing coach to 4 men, she becomes pregnant and the 4 men wonder if they are the father to her child as they have all had a "relationship" with her. The characters are totally unbelivable. The men "change" when they think they may be dads, example a man takes up crocheting a blanket. At the end of the movie she finally tells the men which one is the dad, of course all the men are in the delivery room. The movie tries some humor that is just not funny... men rushing around like morons when they get the page that she is in labor. I found the story line completely pointless and a complete waste of time. Along with some bad acting!
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A Bad Movie
roaringgirl29 January 2006
I watched this movie because there are very few films that have rowing in them. However, unless you want to laugh at just how badly the rowing sequences are filmed (and how horribly the "coxswain" is portrayed), I would not recommend this movie. It is not a romantic comedy, nor does it shed light on any sort of feminist idea. It is a bad movie with bad writing, acting, editing and filming. I will admit it did cause quite a few unintentional laughs, but that is not usually enough for someone to endure almost two hours of bad film-making. The plot is about four guys who want to compete at a regatta, and so they need a coxswain, and they find one in Kimberly. From there, all four have a romantic interest in her. The plot follows in a very predictable way from there.
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Not great, despite being based on a story by Maupassant, but fans of romantic drama might like it
inkblot1127 April 2015
Four members of a Philadelphia rowing crew are hoping to improve as a team. One is an investment banker (Sean Astin), another is a professor, etc. Although none of them are married, they talk about the ladies a lot. Thus, when they get a new commander, Kimberly (Gabrielle Anwar), who comes ready to whip them into shape, all of the men's heads are turned. Therefore, they vow to each other that NONE of them will pursue the single Kimmie, despite her unwedded status. They are sworn to honor this pledge. However, each man begins a "thing" with Kimberly in the shadows. When she turns up pregnant, all of them are thrown for a loop. Who is the father? Will they ever know? How will they deal with this dagger into their friendship? This okay film has some really attractive players and sets. But, despite being based on a story by the great Maupassant, its only mildly diverting in plot and resolution. If you are a fan of romantic dramas, you will probably be interested in a view. All others may want to treat it like the plague.
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Gabrielle Anwar looks like an angel
jonniecomet-1420921 December 2020
She is all of 29 as this movie was released but often looks 10 years younger! It's pleasant to see her using her real accent too.

This movie about 'senior' (mature) men's rowing does include some worthwhile details of the sport but most of the time the teams are just idling and Kimberly as coxswain is usually at the point of picking up their pace.

Perhaps less well known is that the competition rowing season does indeed take place in autumn - which means these rowers are going out in November in Philadelphia (about 35-40 degrees in the early morning). Many movies won't want that considered! - but despite being close to the water it's not a spring/summer sport!

Another cute detail - Gabrielle Anwar is probably barely over 100 lbs so I'd wonder why these guys aren't racing 4+1 (4 plus coxswain) instead of 4-man only. The cox is usually team/boat coach anyway and her weight couldn't affect them that much!
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Finding Love and Themselves
dansview13 June 2012
I like to have someone to root for,even in a romantic comedy. For the first half of this picture, I didn't have that. The woman was a player, the men were either obnoxious idiots, or disengaged losers, and there was little character development to most of them.

That's why I clicked out of netflix at the halfway point. But I wound up giving it another chance the next day and watched the second half. OK, it redeemed itself. Just barely, but I'll give it some credit.

I liked the concept: Four grown buddies who bond over rowing on the Delware River and find both love and themselves.Philadelphia looked absolutely great, if that's where it was actually filmed.

There were some questionable morality issues, but they resolved themselves for the most part by the end.

Sean Astin was his usual self. Not much of a stretch there. If you like his general routine, you will like him here. (Carefree, blue collar, slovenly, short guy) Gabrielle Anwar is about 7 years past her prime beauty era from Scent of a Woman and For Love or Money. Now she is also speaking in a British accent, which I think is her normal voice. (she played Americans in those other two films) In this film, she is at times wiry, and shows her age in terms of forehead wrinkles and some anguished facial expressions toward the end. Nevertheless, she is appealing, and you can understand why the guys like her.

I liked the last scene very much. Without spoiling it, you see that the men have found their piece of the happiness pie.
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"Kimberly": A Surprise Find!
patdukfan3 August 2000
Well, ever since I read about the making of this movie all the way back in the fall of 1998, I've been anxiously awaiting to see this film on the big screen. Being a huge Patty Duke fan and someone who really respects the work of her son, Sean Astin, I couldn't wait to see it. The fact that it's filmed here in Philly helped me want to really see it too.

When I got to meet Ms. Duke while she was filming her Patty Duke reunion tv movie up in Montreal in 12/98, I asked her about this film. She said it was an odd little film, that her son Sean was in. She just had a cameo in it, as the doctor who delivers the baby towards the end of the film, and if you blinked, you'd miss her. She also said that her son called her up begging her to do it because the person originally hired for the part had to bail out at the last minute and they were stuck, and had to shoot it in a few days. Before Sean could go any further, Patty said to him "Honey, now, let's get to the important part: what are they gonna be paying me?!"

She said of her one day on the set that Sean, being the ever so protective son, made everyone stop cursing around the set. Patty then turned to Sean and asked "Does this mean I have to stop cursing too??".

With a great cast including, Sean, Molly Ringwald, Chris Rydell, the ever so handsome Scott Lewis, and Gabrielle Anwar as the title charecter, you can't go wrong, even if it's only on a measly two million dollar budget. Let's just say that you can't tell while watching that it was so low budget.

The only problem I had with it was that it was way too obvious to me who, out of the four men, the father was, since he was presented in a different way than the others a little later in the film.

Laine Kazan is hysterical as Rydell's shrink and of course Patty Duke is brilliant in her 4 minute role as Doctor Feinstenberger (love that name!)

All and all---a beatiful ensemble piece with great direction and an eloquent score!
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Soft But Weak !
elshikh429 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Everything was on the top, except the script; so welcome to the movies' deathblow. Actually, all the good elements, with all the bona fides in the world, couldn't save this movie, or any movie for that matter, from fallen down on its face without a solid script.

Simply, let's review the situation: A girl that slept with nearly 3 guys together in the same time in the name of friendship! Well, that's the definition of a prostitute in at least my dictionary. Then, it was this girl's trick to rectify 4 men she knows, what a way to do it?? And let alone the very obvious wink to us about very certain one of them as the real dad, lover, and the real deal altogether, since he was the only one who became ready to marry (boring naive scenes about that with his psychiatrist!), and the one without something compensatory to fill its life, even the one who she was pulling his tie on the door of the operation's room, so after all, this script managed well to be not only provocative when it comes to its idea, a bit fabricated as a romantic comedy, but also the worst of all: predictable. Therefore, the video's title: "Daddy Who?" Would be silly question already since the first act!

Compared to that, else matters can be slight: The rich guy loves his secretary just like that, the girlfriend of the professor forgave him easily at the end.. etc. I think that's ordinary as it was (Frederic Golchan)'s first screenplay, who was originally a producer, and his first as a director too. It was his first and last attempt, in both writing and directing, yet. And it wasn't bad at all. It was kind of favorable.

It has some wonderful time, and delicate feel. Thanks to the sensitive directing, the witty acting, the smooth cinematography, the romantic editing, and the cute music. It designed refreshing images as well; for little instance, look at Kimberly's intro moving on wheels, floating like a fantasy. And in so many moments, it reminded me of the 1960s' polished romantic comedies, especially one named (Boys' Night Out - 1962).

The 4 guys were fine, maybe too fine here in specific. (Gabrielle Anwar) who I was obsessed about when I was about 20-year-old (after passionate love story with Meg Ryan!) deals with the matter perfectly; she's a very good actress, truly spontaneous, and magically attractive that the major studios in Hollywood must miss. At the start, I thought of modern (Audrey Hepburn), but she turned out to be wholly another flavor. A great deal of the movie's romantic sense relied on the chemistry between her and the 4 actors. If only with another script!

I pity that all of the movie's clear cleverness had been founded on a shaky ground. So it looked eventually like the tower of Pisa in Italy; lovely but leaning.
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Upper class WASP's struggle with pre-millenia social snafu
tcurtiss3611 December 2001
Nice movie, interesting all the way through. Thought Anwar did an excellent job portraying her character, although I guess I'll never be able to see Sean Astin in a serious role. The whole Goonies thing really damages that for me...
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Stroke! Score! Swoon!
BRiTbOhO838 December 2002
Whatever the popular opinion of the ancient sport of rowing and wooing may be, this movie definitely scores! Gabrielle Anwar (from 'The Three Musketeers' and Disney's 'Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken') stars in a funny, uplifting chick-flick about a young, Englishwoman pursued by four men who compete together on the same crew team. In their own, unique fashions, they capture her romantic attention and suddenly find themselves wondering...who's the daddy?? For those crew fans out there (like me) and sappy-movie patrons (and I know you're out there), this movie crosses the finish line with an easy stroke.
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How about flipping the script, one of these days, movieland?
djexplorer25 July 2001
On another level "Kimberly" explores the actual idea of simultaneous multiple partner relationships, and seeks to peek below some taboos. That's cool. But it doesn't go at all deep. It's all formulaic female wish fulfillment -- commit through competition, one full man out of four -- and no real dynamics or exploration of motivations, true drives, and what can work, and can't, for any period of time.

Meanwhile the prevailing social climate is framed by the most virile, intelligent and attractive of the four guys announcing to the college class he is teaching that it is a new age, a new dawn between the sexes, with independent women, and dependent men. Interestingly, and tellingly, he turns out to not be "the one". Probably because he wouldn't work as the dependent. Not really. But he can announce and appear to submit to the principal.

Ah yes. That's the chick's movie crowd pleasing, "original", "cleaver" theme of this shallow romantic farce.

I'm all for looking underneath taboos and social norms, and finding out what's really there, or needs to be there. I'm all for accepting diversity; for letting people do their own thing.

Just one question though. Would any of you care to name the American film of the last decade and a half or more, where a man is in a similar position -- with three or four different women at the same time? That is, where that is celebrated, as the reverse is here in "Kimberly", rather than reviled. All of whom came to know about each other, and remained or became fast friends, though not without rivalries for the top edge of affection from the irresistibly man. You know, where as in "Kimberly" he loves each of the two or three or four women really and truly for their different and unique personal qualities and looks, but doesn't want to give any of them up. And where the whole thing is treated as, if not for everyone, still intriguing, adorable, interesting, and heartwarming.

I'll give you a clue. It doesn't exist. Not in the last fifteen years, anyway. Not remotely. On the other hand, films which sympathetically treat or rather celebrate women at the center of several men's competing and then co-existing love interests, well beyond the initial "courtship" or getting to know you stage, are becoming increasingly common. See e.g. "Splendor", released in the same year as Kimberly. It takes the same idea as Kimberly even further. It's also a considerably edgier movie, though still most definitely feminist correct -- or actually, even more so.

This is despite the fact that everyone who knows anything (and isn't a blinkered ideologist) knows that two woman threesomes are a central male fantasy, not just in America but everywhere. (Actually, polygamy has been a reality and not just a fantasy in much of the world through most of history, for more wealthy or high status men.) Exploring how it could work in contemporary American post feminist culture is hardly old had -- it would be ground breaking. Yet where is it? It's the great feminist taboo.

Oh, I can imagine that a two women, one man menage-a-trois set in contemporary American culture could hit the screens soon. But for it to be "avant" or "edgy", one or both women would have to have the clear balance of power -- as Kimberly in the film of that name, and Victoria in Spendor unequivocally do. How, when it's changed to a one man, two or more women situation? Simple, make both women not a little, but predominantly gay. Hey, that could take male emasculation in feminist dominated American media culture to a new level. The one in the center then becomes the bi woman, or both of them on an alternating basis, if neither are dyke, lesbo only types. Something like that does occur for a while in "Slaves of the Underground" (1997), before the lesbian draw wins out completely and the male is left all alone. But hey, he is admired for his lapdog affection for lesbian power.

Anything but having one male in a predominately hetero loving and involved three or more way. THAT would be unthinkable. Shudder. In America that is. In Europe, especially France or Spain, it's a different story.
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Better product than the production process would suggest
*bucks10 May 2000
In the fall of 1998, in Philadelphia, we started production on a $2mil film that created a new Murphy's Law - "The Kimberly Effect". Things went wrong due to the general ineptness,politely called inexperience, of an odd crew led by the usual Los Angeles cast of meglomaniacal above the line people. This was particularly amusing because if they weren't Europeans, they were Isralis - how do they learn a second language, figure out who to "lunch" with and become the aspiring arbitrars of American pop culture? The only answer - the Kimberly Effect. Last month I got to see this film projected at the Houston International Film Festival, introduced by director Frederic Golchan, who walked right by me 4 or 5 times without recognition, even though in Philadelphia he gave me champagne. Product placement, but champagne none the less. He was busy being schmoozed by the festival folks, so I did not bother him. Amazingly, this picture was sweet and funny and made Philadelphia look beautiful - no small feat. Gabrielle Anwar and Chris Rydell had great chemistry, and people laughed in all the right places. A model turned actor was the only weak link in the cast, and he's so attractive no one else at the theatre seemed to notice. The music was lovely, and all in all, it was a pleasant bit of entertainment. I kept waiting for the film to break, the theatre to burn, the popcorn to spill, but nothing happened. The Kimberly Effect was over. I hope they sell the movie.
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Nice story on the surface
Sam-28516 December 2001
This story seems very nice on the surface. Kimberly is nice to all the guys, whereas in most romantic movies the guys are not as nice to the gals.

When I looked below the surface a bit, though, I realized that I have good reason to question Kimberly's behavior. Assuming you watch the movie, just consider what the reaction would be if the story was about one guy and four gals and the guy treated the women the way that Kimberly treats the four men in this movie.
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Paternity Test?
wfm-5871116 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Four tools running around believing they are "dads" when a paternity test would have cleared things up.... Ten minutes in.... But then you wouldn't have this inane movie.....God, this movie made me cringe...... Patty Duke said her son is "currently in a strange little movie"........ Her son was in a "lousy" movie.... I am watching this in May 2023, have lived my life since 1998 not knowing it existed......... It is the afternoon "junk" movie being broadcast on the "THIS" channel..... Of course it has "Gabby" in it so I had to watch it because I have loved her since "The Scent of a Woman".......
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Hepburnista28 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The story is about four friends who all are very different from another, but end up falling for their rodding- coach Kimberly. After have sworn "never to date or have sex with Kimberly", they "all" go and do it, which ends up with the fact that Kimberly gets pregnant. They all react in pretty different ways, but the one guy who is certain the baby isn't his since he never "made love to her", makes the other guys take their responsibility and it ends with everybody getting really excited about the baby and think that just THEY are the daddy... This movie was sooo funny and had a fell-good feeling all the way trough. I LOVED IT. OKeeeeeeey, it isn't very likely that none of the guys demand a DNA-test, but that thing really didn't bother me at all! they are all nice men (except for maybe the one who cheated on his girlfriend)and they really care about Kimberly. So, please stop being so cynical and just accept the movie for what it really is, adorable.
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its up there
Jocelyn26516 November 2002
Kimberly,, a movie of comedy, love, and hardship. This is a movie that will make you laugh, cry, and get that warm feeling in your heart. The first time I saw it I didn't even get up to go to the bathroom, and I had to go very bad. The movie is not meant for manly men, it is a "chik-flick".But a damn good one! It is one of those films that wants to make you laugh and cry at the same time, with a happy ending that makes you happy. Gabrielle Anwar is an exeptional actor along with the rest of the cast! Girls, this is defineately a movie to go rent!!!!!
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