Preaching to the Perverted (1997) Poster

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Surprisingly Hollywood-influenced
TelevisionJunkie10 January 2006
Parliment sends in a spy to help shut down a kinky sex club -- but the spy soon gets sucked into that world.

When a video is released with innovative packaging for a film that you've never heard of, it's a good sign that they're compensating for the film itself (this DVD comes bound in an S&M leather hood). Who knew that a film with the word "pervert" in the title could be so dull?

Disappointingly for this British import, it has a very generic Hollywood feel to it. The plot is pretty basic, the sex club scenes are surprisingly un-shocking (perhaps I've just become desensitized as I've aged), and the ending is predictably weak.

However, it's not without its moments, though many of the quirkiest scenes come so far into the film that one may be tempted to hit "stop" before they've reached that point (as I did the first time). If you stick with it long enough, there's some good payoffs. The acting and characterizations are above average, particularly on the part of the lead Mistress. Also notable is the beautiful cinematography, though there's a lot of music-video-style editing during the sex club scenes that's pretty annoying.

I can see how the film could gain a minor cult audience (though not the "Rocky Horror" audience as the US packaging suggests) and I didn't hate it... it was just a letdown. If it looks like a film that might interest you, by all means, check it out. Just don't expect too much.
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Script is rough, but very amusing, and visually gorgeous!
kergillian20 January 2001
This film is amusing. Unfortunately it spends to much time 'preaching to the perverted' and not enough playing up the comedy and satire. The audience watching this film will not be anti-fetish, therefore why bother with justification? Visually a stunning film, but the script needs a lot of work. Chop the last 20 minutes off and ham it up a bit more and it could be a keeper. Deserves a five or six, but it made me chuckle a lot, so I give it 7/10.
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weak and terribly flawed plot
jvframe30 October 2005
The only good thing I can say about Preaching To The Perverted is that it is pleasant to look at. I had not seen the film in theatrical release, but after watching a preview DVD this week I am glad that I saved my money. Having seen one too many poorly produced (and often pathetic) S&M/B&D in-house documentaries at queer film festivals, I was concerned that this would fall into the same category. However by trying to be both a light-hearted comedy and an in-house celebration, I believe the film-makers fail on both counts. A very thin plot is complemented by an amateurish script, which is delivered in a lack-lustre manner by every one of the actors. Clearly the director wanted the film to be this bad.

One premise for the film is said to be in response to the British oppression of private sado-masochism clubs in the early 90's. Preaching To The Perverted attempts to show S&M fetishists as moral, fun loving folk who advocate freedom of choice and who respect informed consent. So why do these film characters think it's perfectly OK to kill a woman's dog, butcher it, put in a plastic bag and mail it to the distraught owner? At this point the film lost my dwindling support completely.

The only credit this film deserves is in regard to cinematography - for content it deserves zero.
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A fun, visual feast, very British!
samtherubberman24 April 2004
First of all, let me say that I know nothing about the S&M scene in London or anywhere else for that matter. But from an outsider's viewpoint, I enjoyed this film a lot. Guinevere Turner was stunning and a great dominatrix, the film was fresh and funny, an interesting, amusing take on somewhat of a taboo subject. The film was on the whole a visual feast with good direction but not without its bad points. Christien Anholt as Peter was appalling. He simply cannot act. Lucky for him, there was so much else going on. The script is a bit clumsy and the ending a little anti-climatic but who cares when the film itself is so much fun? Extra credit for getting some great bit-part roles from Ricky Tomlinson, Sue Johnston and Roger Lloyd-Pack (Trigger from "Only Fools and Horses"!).
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PREACHING TO THE PERVERTED - Amusing experience to fetishists, Taboo to others
fredberglyle5 February 2014
It is quite rude to review 'Tom & Jerry' cartoon saying that it is illogical for a cat or mouse to play baseball or clean house or cook etc.. Because they are cartoons and are meant to be illogical and slapstick so that kids can laugh and enjoy and so the elders to bring the inner child. Similarly this movie is about perversions and its quite rude to review bad about the theme, IMO. As the title says the movie is to be watched as a Pervert even if you ain't one. If you detest S&M then stay away from the movie.

The movie is quite simple story about a young Christian computer guy spying on a BDSM facility, eventually falling into it . The concept of the ministers trying to close the club makes the plot unrealistic (somewhat related to Operation Spanner in UK). The positive of the movie is about the visuals of erotic fantasy for the s&m are shown superbly makes you feel into the movie itself. The costumes, make-overs and sets are way too good (pink colors). The bottom line : the movie is a guilty pleasure to the kinky fetishists and cultural taboo to others.
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Won't turn you on
Orined28 August 1998
I was depressed after watching this as it stole valuable hours from my life. The plot is non existent, the script dull and the kinky bits (which take up a lot of the film) just seem stupid. Save your time and money. This film is rubbish.
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Perversely bad
Skint11126 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Checking out other comments on this film makes me doubt the

sanity and quality of reviewers at imdb. This is an awful film. The

plot is ridiculous from the word go and gets more ludicrous the

longer the film goes on. Firstly, the concept of MPs wanting to

close down the club is outdated, and the infiltration of it is utterly

unbelievable. And *POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD* what a surprise

that the hero eventually sees things from the fetishists' point of

view. I'm sure their baby will love being brought up in that

environment. Another ghastly moment for the modern British film industry.
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Fun for the community
Kaya-210 June 2001
In Germany there was much fuss about this film, as we´ve heard much about it, but it was hard to obtain at first. Finally, someone managed, and meanwhile I´ve seen the film in its English original and in a translated version. I loved it at first sight! Tanya makes a dream of a domina, and Peter´s so sweet... I presume, you enjoy it more when you´re a member of the fetish/sm-community, but the gags - I mean jokes ;) - should be intelligible by everyone, I think. Of course you need a strong sense of humour, and you shouldn´t feel offended by people who feel good kneeling in a cage, being beaten and stuff like this. It´s in no way a true insight of the fetish-scene - it´s too much dreams coming true ;) - but it´s fun for the kinks and open-minded vanillas, too. And that´s more to say of than of any other film I know. Kaya
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Glamourous but slowly paced and badly acted ...
IndustriousAngel28 January 2018
The english sex comedy genre has given us a lot of cringeworthy stuff but also some gems; sadly "Preaching to the Perverted" is not amongst them. Thematically it's almost a companion piece to 70's "Every Home Should Have One", but it falls short in almost every respect. The main problems are that it's incredibly slow (it takes nearly 45 minutes until the story gets going and over an hour until it gets interesting), and that the acting is somewhere between bland and atrocious. So, while the idea of conflicting emotions in the sterile fetish world has some merit, it never takes off because there's zero chemistry between the leads. Same goes for the fun; there ARE some nice gags here but too few and most of them executed with bad timing.

Overall, interesting mostly for fetish completists; as an actual comedy it falls a few inches short.
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It will turn CERTAIN PEOPLE on.
fitz-1819 December 2000
A great film, and finally some media representation of the fetish scene.

Gwin Turner looks great (as usual) as the US Dominatrix determined to put on shows in the UK much to the disgust of a certain MP.

Perhaps not to everyone's taste, but people interested in the fetish scene in particular should not miss this.
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Yes! Oh yes, oh yes!
venagina21 January 2006
Very, very seldom does a film come along and make me want to watch it over and over. This is one such case. Sure it has some corny story elements. For example, the ending was a little corny... a little too happy and perfect. And yes, the government would never send somebody to infiltrate subversive groups like this. But the entire film is laced with tongue in cheek satire so let's just sit back and enjoy the story can't we? From a very visual person such as myself, the costumes, makeup and set design are outstanding! True, most of the scenes are probably a little over the top compared to the real BDSM scene, but once again, this is film is not meant to be taken literally. Even the music is wonderfully chosen to reflect each scene. These technical and creative merits alone deserve an A+. Yes, Guinevere Turner is exceptionally beautiful and sexy in this film, but Sue Johnston deserves a WOW for flat out courage for shaving her head and still looking this gorgeous. This film has deservedly won a place on my list of top 10 films of all time. From a visual standpoint it's easily in the top 5, right next to The Cell, Moulin Rouge, and Bram Stoker's Dracula.
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Very Profound
Davros4222 April 2004
A lot of people can't see beyond the SMBD of this film, but if you're able to get past that you can see the real message of the film. I was blown away after watching it. It's very beautiful and stunning, especially using pink to mark everyone who has a perverted life, public or no. The message of this film is that strange and "normal" can share a common bond. The hardcore Christian gets sucked into the SMBD world and the dominatrix... well, you have to see the movie to understand. I won't tell. Needless to say, look beyond the superficial implications of this film and root for the deeper meaning. It is one of the best films I have seen since I can relate to both Peter and The Mistress. If you can't stomach SMBD don't watch it. If you do watch it, I urge you once again: look beyond the superficial implications and find the real meaning of the film. You will be shocked with what you find.
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I Submit ... A Review
rava-115 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
*** Very Mild Spoilers*** Preaching to the Perverted is a fun little movie that had the potential to be more. Its production values are pretty high for such a "non-commercial" film and visually it is very attractive. It does a good job of satirizing both the fetishist and conservative communities, but its arguments don't really break any new ground. It represents a caricature of both worlds, rather than finding any deep truths. Watch it just for silly fun, and you will be satisfied.

Guine Turner and Christien Anholt, although not the world's greatest actors, are both appealing enough to easily gain the viewer's empathy. Supporting actors do a great job and there's lots of eye candy to behold.

Although I really enjoyed the humor of the film, a few things were dissatisfying. We never really get to know The Mistress (Turner) or Peter (Anholt) and so the dynamics of their relationship are figured out only through guesswork on the part of the viewer. That they change is obvious through the PLOT of the film, but never through their interactions. For this reason, the film fails to show us anything of significance about either Peter's sexual inhibitions and desires or The Mistress' "darkest fantasy." Without this, it's just a movie to be forgotten in a few days.

One other whine is that the MP conservatives are simply shown as hypocrites, which is just too easy. I would have loved to see this movie actually engage the idea that ultra-conservatives might believe the crap they spew forth. Peter, after all, begins as one of them ... so how does he end up where he does by the ending of the film? On the other hand, what has made The Mistress so dissatisfied with her own world? Exploring the faults of both sides would have made for a VERY interesting and significant flick!

Again, these are just "could haves." Overall, I really loved the movie and found it to be laugh-out-loud funny in some parts. If you have even a passing acquaintance with the fetishist community, you will see many jokes at the expense of types within the scene.
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I see CULTure...
rockongdw23 July 2004
I love this movie and I love Stuart Urban for making this movie. It allows a person that may not be very knowledgeable of Fetish/BDSM culture into their world a bit. I like the plot of the story because I am so against Governments and Religious Grounds trying to force perfectly willing and competent people from doing what makes them happy. PTTP is a must see for anyone interested in films that may be considered Taboo. Or a fan of independent and/or foreign films. I have read some of the other reviews and must say to those that put negative reviews, it may not be the most popular or mainstream movie around and you could get all technical if you want too, but this movie is something different and that is refreshing in the film world of repetitive plot lines and same old same, old actors. This films have beautiful imagary from the costumes and makeup to the club scenes and set designs. Guin Turner was spectacular in this film and I for one am really glad she made it. She brings a wonderful sensuality that females or even males could look up to.
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an intriguing film
D.Angel27 January 1999
preaching to the perverted is i.m.h.o. an excellent film, one of the increasing number of well made british films that never really got anywhere (pity). A film that addresses the issues of censorship and consenting sado masochism you would think that it was all a little on the serious side, not the case, it manages to raise more than a few laughs along the way. The direction is superb with colour imagery being used very successfully throughout the film to bring to the for many of the topics that the film is trying to deal with. all in all worth a watch.
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An amusing, sexy and fast-moving film
ojrowe28 September 1998
I didn't have huge expectations of this movie, and thus was pleasantly surprised. It is basically a romantic comedy dressed up in outrageous clothing!

Guinevere Turner from Go Fish is the super cool star, and spends most of the film strutting around in a selection of stunning fetish outfits. It is interesting to get an honest insight into the Fetish world, but thankfully the details are not too gory.

It was also good to hear a soundtrack featuring dance music that you would actually hear in London/English clubs.

The film has some good deadpan humour, and has quite a feel-good atmosphere. Definitely worth a look.
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An excellent film well worth watching and enjoying hopefully as much as I have.
sue-348-93476511 April 2013
This film is iconic the first of its kind to portray the fetish and BDSM scene in a mainstream society way. The caricatures are very memorable and act well. There is an openness about the film that in a way brings the whole fetish scene into the spotlight but also it portrays the way that society tries to cover up and silence those involved. For those into the scene it gives good account of the way society views us and for those who are not it give a good insight into what goes on. The films director is now started a campaign on kickstarter to try and raise funding to have the film remastered and brought out as blu-ray. This is a very worthwhile cause which I myself have helped to support and I would urge those of you who have had the pleasure of being able to watch this film to support the campaign to if you are able, so we may all continue to enjoy the film well into the future.
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Will keep you thinking long after you've watched it
parker94113 June 2013
Urban's ability to structure objective perspectives around emotionally and socially sensitive contexts takes us to the S&M club scene of London. Cleverly using black humour to disguise the join between the perspective and the context, it takes the completion of the movie to realise that the only view its interwoven statements have left us with is to question our own need to have an opinion. The verbal scaffolding doesn't allow us to avoid the process as it sympathetically leads us into a world of fantasy to affirm how it mirrors the social dynamics of hum drum reality - but with a lot more honesty and safety controls. Tanya is strong. Gosh, with so many people depending on her, it's enough to force a girl to dominate. Her alluring detachment is the only way to keep the world ticking for everybody who needs to be told what to do. The staid enable the illicit; and how will people feel good about themselves without being able to judge others? Well, it's a lonely job but somebody's got to do it – although you have to wonder who's controlling who (soundfamiliar?). And what do you do when the fantasy becomes the reality?

The stylish, dated cinematography really suits the necessary pace of this cult movie, but a remake could be extremely interesting. Jo Parker
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Ahead of its time
twomasters26 August 2015
Known among my friends to be a lover of cult classics, I was recommended this a while ago and was at first fairly sceptical, which is unusual for me.

Today, we're subject to so much Americanised sexualisation in pop cinema, and this film was an immediate breath of fresh air, having a quirky and awkward feel to it - a feeling that the British seem to excel at recreating on screen. Our protagonist, Peter, is a conservative Christian looking to get involved in parliament, and is instantly likable, whilst, who first appears to be the antagonist of the film is the bisexual and beautiful Tanya Cheex.

I was very surprised that it had taken it so long for someone to recommend it to me. It's extremely ahead of its time and I think of it as a sort of prog film in a way. Looking back to recent events, such as the face-sitting demonstrations in London, it couldn't be more relevant to today's society, especially with the new look of the LGBT community.

The story of the film revolves around a conservative (little 'c' on purpose) government aiming to quash the kinky uprisings of Cheex, seeing her as a figure of sexual corruption and hideous perversion. They use Peter, desperate for a path into government, as some kind of spy figure tasked with infiltrating the House of Thwax - Tanya's perverted domaine.

This film is entertaining throughout and I cannot wait to bump into another fan. Unfortunately for you, every minute you spent reading this review are minutes of certain fandom that you are depriving yourself of! A must watch.
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Stunning film
dakeyras66626 September 2006
Finally a film that actually manages to glamorise the world of BDSM. A scene that is generally depicted as seedy, and downright nasty, is given a comedic image, and made to appear as varied and interesting as it actually is.

For me, this film is right up there with Trainspotting as one of the great alternative British comedies, with a selection of British celebrities, and recognisable faces lending credence to the film.

For those who are in the scene, I know this to be a popular film, but also for many others as well. It strikes a chord with yet another subculture whose image is tainted by the view of the general public, and gives it a new buzz of life an energy. This was made nearly a decade ago, but has not aged overly since then.

Definitely one of my top 10 films.
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Most amusing - definitely better than Waterworld etc.
kragaz25 June 2001
I found this to be a most entertaining movie. The cast were very convincing - one might almost think they WERE players. The SM action is, of course, less than extreme, and the party rooms were rather Hollywood grand, but well worth watching. Much of the film is based on the 'Spanner' case etc, and is very pertinent in all countries where the self identified "Christians" are always ready to tell the rest of us what to do. Certainly streets ahead of the dismal "Exit to Eden", and vastly more entertaining than "Waterworld", "The Postman" and the rest of that over priced drek.
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Great British film
stuartybhoy24 April 2020
I love this film. There is a bit of everything in it.
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Sexy, Funny and fast moving
thejhorton26 April 2020
Gorgeously shot. There's a lot more going on here than just the SBDSM. The performances are solid and the story is funny and even a little touching. Big recommend.
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For the Kinky
Anubis-717 November 1998
Cool movie, superb music, leather and Vinyl... What more can you ask for from an English movie.

Straight down to the basics. No vanilla-sex. Just kinky and different. Nice photography accompanies the music. Hot club and house music.

If you don't like to see dominatrix, vinyl, tits or humiliation then this movie is not for you.
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it's sexy
raypdaley1825 August 2000
when i went to see this at the cinema there were 2 of us watching it. we specially went to see it because i'd heard about it. it's a romp. a farce. a british film. it's sexy it's funny it's amusing it's erotic it's a way to forget your troubles for a few hours. if you like the idea of the fetish scene then watch this movie, but don't let it make you think that the fetish scene is at all like this. it's fairly close. watch and enjoy.
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