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- John Connor: When you start to get into trouble, I will say, 'Perhaps I can be of assistance?' From then on, I do the talking. You stand behind me. And don't appear distracted. We may come from a fragmented, MTV rap-video culture, but they do not. Every aspect of your appearance and behavior will reflect on you, the Department, and me as your sempai.
- Web Smith: My sempai?
- John Connor: Mm.
- Web Smith: That wouldn't be massa', would it?
- John Connor: No. The sempai is the senior man who guides the junior man, the kohai. In Japan, the sempai-kohai relationship is presumed to exist when the younger man and the older man work together. Hopefully, they will presume that of us.
- John Connor: The Japanese have a saying, "Fix the problem, not the blame." Find out what's fucked up and fix it. Nobody gets blamed. We're always after who fucked up. Their way is better.
- John Connor: When you start to get into trouble, I will say, 'Perhaps I can be of assistance?' From then on, I do the talking. You stand behind me. And don't appear distracted. We may come from a fragmented, MTV rap-video culture, but they do not. Every aspect of your appearance and behavior will reflect on you, the Department, and me as your sempai.
- Web Smith: My sempai?
- John Connor: Mm.
- Web Smith: That wouldn't be massa', would it?
- John Connor: No. The sempai is the senior man who guides the junior man, the kohai. In Japan, the sempai-kohai relationship is presumed to exist when the younger man and the older man work together. Hopefully, they will presume that of us.
- John Connor: Do you know what's true? When something sounds too good to be true, then it's not true.
- John Connor: We're playing that most American of games.
- Web Smith: Which is what?
- John Connor: Catch-up.
- Cop: Hey Graham, you want some sushi?
- Tom Graham: No thanks. If I get a craving for mercury, I'll eat a thermometer.
- Web Smith: Look, "sempai," apple pie, whatever it is you want me to call you, we have a murder here. I wanna solve it. I don't wanna hear true confessions, awright?
- Bob Richmond: Hey! Hey, you! Quit loafing! Get the senator's car! What do you think we're doing?
- Web Smith: No, you get the senator's car! Wrong guy, wrong fucking century! Penguin looking mother fucker!
- John Connor: Is that your theory?
- Tom Graham: My theory? My theory is that these guys are known world class perversion freaks.
- Julia: You better watch out cos Eddie, he's the real jealous type. They don't call him Crazy Eddie for nothing.
- John Connor: Every aspect of your appearance and behavior will reflect on you, the Department, and me as your sempai.
- Web Smith: My sempai?
- John Connor: Mm.
- Web Smith: That wouldn't be massa, would it?
- Web Smith: If we only had the original disk, we could see what happened after that.
- Jingo Asakuma: Exactly. You catch on fast, Lieutenant Smith.
- Web Smith: Yeah, I do.
- Tom Graham: [watching Eddie Sakamura with a redhead and a blonde] Plundering our natural resources. Fuckin' guys are into everything.