356 of 820 found this mild
There is a poster with a topless woman on it. (42:16 - 42:25, then again at 47:58-48:13) very brief flash at 48:54-56.
When terrorists are invading the building, a topless woman is dragged screaming out of her room. Nudity is barely visible because of lighting.
271 of 413 found this severe
The majority of the film consists of shootouts and gunplay, as the main character is forced to use lethal force against the bad guys. Many characters die from gunshots, and there is a fair amount of blood but never any gore.
There is one brutal fight scene in which a character is repeatedly kicked in the face, and the altercation ends when one of the combatants is hung from a chain by the neck.
One character is shot in the groin and waist through a table, and another character is shot point-blank and dies. One character is shot in the head, and the hole in his head, as well as some spattered blood, can be seen.
Two characters get into a brief fight, and one of the characters falls down the stairs and breaks their neck. The dead man's body is then tied to a chair and put into an elevator.
The protagonist drops a homemade bomb down an elevator shaft, resulting in a large explosion, which kills two bad guys.
One character is shot, and falls out of the building to his death, though he isn't shown hitting the ground.
The protagonist's feet get cut by glass that he steps on after many windows are shot out in a gunfight.
There is also a scene where the protagonist kills a terrorist and throws him out the window to attract the attention of a police officer. The body slams into the police officers windshield and he crashes the car in panic.
John's feet are cut by glass. A bit bloody.
There is some blood when people get shot (generally while running). Nothing overly graphic however.
333 of 458 found this severe
56 uses of "fuck" (9 used as "motherfucker"), 25 uses of "shit", 18 uses of "ass" (9 used as "asshole"), 2 uses of "son of a bitch", 5 uses of "hell", 2 uses of "damn", 8 uses of "goddamn", 2 uses of "bastard", 5 uses of "Jesus Christ", 1 use of "Jesus H. Christ", 4 uses of "Jesus", 1 use of "Jesus, Mary, Mother of god", 5 uses of "Christ", 2 uses of "Dickhead", 2 uses of "Jerking off".
Strong language.
209 of 348 found this moderate
There are at least a couple drinking scenes as well as a scene where drinks are seen on a tray to be served.
The main character is briefly shown smoking a cigarette, and he takes a sip of an alcoholic drink, then puts it back on the tray.
Two men walk in on a man finishing snorting cocaine.
People drink alcohol at a party, and there are one or two who are clearly drunk.
Several characters smoke cigarettes.
Cocaine is briefly snorted twice.
213 of 340 found this moderate
Rated R for strong bloody violence, language throughout, some nudity and brief drug use.
The fight scene between John and Karl is brutal and intense.