Shelley Duvall credited as playing...
- Dixie: So, why don't you ask her out?
- C.D. Bales: Sometimes I take a walk at night and I see couples walking, holding hands and I look at them and I think: "Why not me?" Then I catch my shadow on the wall...
- Dixie: What can you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?
- C.D. Bales: Huh?
- Dixie: It's a riddle. What can you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?
- C.D. Bales: I don't know.
- Dixie: A chair, a bed, and a toothbrush.
- C.D. Bales: What's the point?
- Dixie: The point is that sometimes the answer is so obvious, you don't even realize it. It's as plain as the nose on your face. You should tell her!
- C.D. Bales: Tell who, what?
- Dixie: Tell Roxanne that you love her.
- Dixie: Hey, what about your boyfriend? What was his name?
- Roxanne Kowalski: Richard.
- Dixie: When's he coming?
- Roxanne Kowalski: He's not. He's not coming.
- Dixie: What happened?
- Roxanne Kowalski: We just ran out of gas. I guess I mistook sex for love.
- Sandy: Oh, I did that once. It was great.
- C.D. Bales: Here's your racket.
- Dixie: Thanks. What's this stuff on it, Vitalis?
- C.D. Bales: Oh no, it's blood.
- [banging the counter]
- C.D. Bales: Where's my tea?
- Dixie: Bernie! You want to tell me about it?
- C.D. Bales: You're too young.
- C.D. Bales: I've got a two o'clock, and a five o'clock, and the women are just lined up around the block, mostly because of the old saying.
- Dixie: What old saying?
- C.D. Bales: You know, about the size of a man's nose relating to the size of his...
- Dixie: Of his what?
- C.D. Bales: Oh, you know.
- Dixie: Come on.
- C.D. Bales: Hey, Sophie?
- Sophie: [turns around at the next table] Yeah?
- C.D. Bales: You know that old saying about a man's nose?
- Sophie: Oh, you mean how a man's nose relates to the size of his...
- [she stops as all the old ladies at the table gasp; they burst into excited chatter]
- Sophie: Oh, my God...
- C.D. Bales: I love doing that to them.