Beverly Hills Teens (TV Series 1987– ) Poster

(1987– )

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This used to be my show!!!
EightysBaBy28 December 2006
I used to love Beverly Hills Teens back in the eighties. I thought I was the only one who remembered it. When I asked other people if they remembered the show, the only person who said yes was my mom, because I used to watch it so much. I just watched a tape I bought about two years ago today. It brought back so many good memories. I wish they brought the show back on! My favorite character would have to be Bianca Dupri. We have so much in common. It's funny how they had all that wonderful technology back then. And how rich they were as teenagers. I know that we will never have cartoons like that again, simply original, and inspiring! Much Love!
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Better Than That 90210 Garbage
Thor20002 May 2001
I was hooked on this episode from the beginning. All the girls were drawn like babes, especially Lark and Bianca. This was probably meant to be a pre-school Archies, but a lot of teenagers watched this just to see the characters get into adventures too wierd to be true. The stories and ideas were far-fetched and the stereotypes of the spoiled rich kids were stretched thin, but the characters were the best ! Lark and Troy were the top All-American characters. Troy was constantly pursued by snobbish Bianca Dupree, who looked like a little sister of Archie's Veronica, and Lark was pursued by Pierce Thorndyke, the ego-centric Reggie Mantle to Troy's Archie.

Lark's friends were the Southern Belle Tara Southington, cow girl Blaze Summers, honor student Shanell Spenser and the worldly Nikki Darling. The series was rounded out by the rockers, Gig and Jet, huckster Radley Crown, Pierce's little sister Jillian and the annoying gossip Switchboard. The humor was always tongue in cheek, but the series was a very popular ride while it lasted. In the late Eighties, I thought a prime-time live action series was made of the show called Beverly Hills premiered, but that show obviously couldn't live up to the original concept.
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Beverly Hills Teens DVD Petition
NIGHTWALKER193-126 September 2006
This if for all rabid BHT fans: has a petition to put the entire series on DVD, COMPLETE WITH COMMERICAL BREAKERS WITH SWITCHBOARD! You can sign it there or link to it from,, or It's high time Shout! Factory and DIC Entertainment gave us what we want! Only a few episodes were officially released on VHS. Among these are "My Fair Wilshire", "Double Surfing Double Cross", "Casting Call", "The Makeover", "The Dog Ate My Homework", "Camp Camping", "Snow Carnival", "Chase of a Lifetime", "Robot Romance", "Down And Out At The Teen Club", "Radley Wipes Out", "Rampage", "From Rad To Worse", "Roughing It", and a few other early ones (I'm not sure which ones were on Buy Buy Babies; this list is for the remaining volumes: Beverly Hills Teens Vol. 1, The Rich Kids On The Block, Funny Money Mischief, Roughing It, The Makeover, The Dog Ate My Homework, Rampage, and From Rad To Worse). This leaves other ones, such as "McTech, P.I." out and strongly to be desired. I rediscovered the show last October and have been searching for this episode ever since. I've just got to know why Lark got arrested and how everything turned out! I was five when this one aired, but it bugged me since she was the proverbial girl next door. I could see Bianca getting arrested, but not Lark! I have a feeling Bianca had something to do with it, since she's always trying to get Troy from her. Anyway, the only way we'll know is when we can all see this episode. No matter how much it costs, I'll be first in line when it hits the stores. They've already got eleven signatures so far, and I hope the rest of you fans will spread the word and give Beverly Hills Teens a chance to shine again, like so many other eighties cartoons have lately. And even if you do have the VHS versions, it'd be great to have backups plus superb quality. I've never gotten tired of my old favorites; they just get better every time I see them. Let's let Shout! Factory, and especially the mother company, DIC Entertainment, know what we want right now!
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Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
df420515 April 2021
Ah, BHT, what a strange gem you were.

First bit here is "As a kid" review. My grandmother picked up a few of BHT's tapes from a yard sale when I was young and brought them home. It was a cartoon and that seemed good enough for her, lol. But I found myself sucked into the world of Lark, Troy, and Bianca. Separated at birth from Jem, BHT was very much a product of the 80's. Following the lives of the extremely upper class teens inhabiting BH (or at least BH if it had Jetson level technology), it was full of huge hair and 80's lingo. Tubular...Radical...Reaganomics!

The premise was odd and the stories were zany, but (as a child) it held a bizarre, hypnotic a lava lamp. This was not He-man with its magic and monsters, nor was it even the mindless slapstick of Inspector Gadget. No, BHT was its own entity. While there were no real "adventures" to be had, there were parties, galas, and dances by the truckload. Though there was a villain (of a sort) in Bianca, she wasn't exactly Mumm-Ra in her schemes. Most of the time she was more the foil who's machinations often led to her own downfall. But beyond her, the group were all fairly good friends. They might get on each others nerves once in a while, but they always made up in the end. Interesting, different, and oddly appealing.

As an adult:

After a long time searching, I found the show online and have been revisiting it. Jeez at how viewing it as an adult changes it. Could have just called it "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous II" and had done with it. Granted, it's not the character's fault that they're all well-off, but its presented to such an excessive degree as to make it extremely shallow, and oftentimes, grating. Though it is Bianca that says it, they mention trading in a three-section limo (complete with hot tub) because its sundae bar ran out of whipped cream. Again, though it's the 'villain', the mentality is on display by others.

The 'troubles' presented to the teens really become vacuous and empty when compared to their wealth. Yes, money can't buy happiness, but it can make a better show of it than is presented. Take an episode with Lark. Thanks to Bianca's meddling, Lark's homework gets ruined and she can't attend the dance. They completely ripoff the Cinderella story and have Chester act as her fairy god-geek (complete with pumpkin car). They really press what a horrible and painful dilemma she's experiencing. I think perhaps you missed the part where Cinderella suffered actual torment but was rewarded because she maintained her faith and remained a good-hearted person. Lark isn't a bad person, but come on, her greatest lot in life is that she can't go to a dance? I do hope her sports car, mansion, pool, and uber-hot boyfriend can get her through this ordeal. This is the same character, who, despite looking like Marge Simpson, Elsa Frankenstein, and Wilma Flintstone got thrown in a blander, still manages to win the beauty contest...just because. Again, she's not a bad person and demonstrates more humanity than Bianca (such as when Bianca literally walks over Wilshere and Lark says she wouldn't want a man to do it for her). But, like her beau Troy, she may be more humble and humane, but good things literally get thrown at her only because the plot says so. She'll win the beauty contest because she's Lark. She'll win the singing contest because she's Lark. She's a Queen, and a Senator, and a handmaid...No wait. Just rich, and a model, and Homecoming Queen, and an actress....

But behind and beneath the veneer of easy-going teens, there's a certain judgmental egotism lurking in the dark. Money, good looks, and high fashion rule this world with an iron fist...and woe be upon you if you don't have all three. In the episode "My Fair Wilshire" the level of body-shaming put on display is revolting. The boys all decide to give Wilshire a make-over to help him woo Bianca. But though their intentions might be noble, their mentality isn't. "I've always wanted to save the whales." "I eat when I'm nervous--you must get nervous a lot." "He may look fabuloso, but underneath, he's still pretty gross-o." Jeez, just beat him to death with flaming torches while you're at it. When Tara's family temporarily loses their fortune, the kids react to Bianca's suggestion that she get a job the way one might react to being asked to remove a limb. To them, it was "The Poverty Experience" to the other 99 percent of us, they're called "The days that end in Y", lol.

To say the show doesn't age well is an understatement. In a great many cases, one has to wonder exactly what era the writers had in mind. For one example, the girls dance around in their bathing suits for the prize of being Troy's homecoming queen. You will let me know when the men-folk have to dance around in their speedos, won't you? Even Lark says "I like a boy who opens the door for me". While that's very civilized of a gentlemen, I think most modern-day women agree "I know how a door works, I'm not an invalid." But at least both sexes are equal in that they view their counterparts as little more than arm-candy trophies. Plus...there's a Southern belle named Tara. Granted, they always pronounce it as "Tar-ah" instead of "Terra". A Southern bell that talks about mint julips...named Tara...that's...that's a thing.

Final Thoughts: It doesn't age well, but it does have a certain nostalgia factor, though its mostly relegated to the people that watched it way back when. Though it bears the overtones of the 80's, the bizarre Jetson technology creates enough of a disconnect for any new viewers to appreciate the nostalgia. I grew up in the 80's and I don't right off recall functional robots, chairs that delivered drinks, or talking guitars. The intense focus on wealth, beauty, fame, and popularity can (and does) rub some viewers the wrong way. Whenever there's a discussion on 80's cartoons and I mention BHT, people always ask "Wasn't that the one with all the snobby rich kids?" Though it was, at its core, harmless enough, I'm not sure that was the legacy it meant to leave behind. Take it as you will. See it as a show about a group of friends and their shenanigans, or see it as a disturbing view into the excesses of Capitalism.
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I cant believe there are so many fans that remember BHT
gailiebean13 April 2007
I loved that cartoon so much. I used to get up at the crack of dawn to watch those cartoons. I wanted to be like them. Until then I don't think I had ever seen cartoon chicks drawn so hot. I was telling my daughter about BHT and also Jem and the Hallagrams. How Hanna Montana is kind of like Jem in the way that her rock star identity is a secret. And how I really believe that Arron Spelling may have stolen the Beverly Hills Teens story and made Beverly Hills 90210. I remember thinking that very thought back when 90210 first premiered in the 80s. It was way too similar to ignore for me. But being that this cartoon came on very early in the morning when not many people were awake. And maybe because it was just a little girl's cartoon, no one really bothered. I remember telling my parents that the show was similar to my favorite cartoon. I know some of you must have thought the same thing when you first saw 90210. Does anyone know if the creators of the cartoon ever tried to sue or something?
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Wow - It Took Me Years To Remember This
akudlets10 November 2006
Wow! It took me literally years to remember this show's title. I have been racking my brain for years. I then was watching some cartoon Archie something, and it showed Andy Heyward in the credits and then all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had been searching Andy Haywood for years and (of course) never came up with anything. Now here I am so many years later, and now aged 32, and would love to find this on DVD. I see that it was on for one season. Does anyone know if this is available on DVD yet? This is something that I think should be released. If you think about it, this was pre-Beverly Hills 90210 (but quite similar I think) and it was one of those "clean" cartoons with no violence. Imagine that in todays society.
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Another Great 80's Toon
jethered11 March 2002
Yeah I came across a 6 episode tape of Beverly Hills Teens from some second hand video store and almost peed my pants with excitement. I used to LOVE this cartoon. If you didn't watch Jem, you watched this! It's so one of those cartoons that was made to market toys. Plus, it's such a sign of the times. The characters' outfits are SO 80's! Love the girls' gloves and the boys' gold jewelry! It's cleverly written too. Favorite line, "He may seem fabuloso-- but underneath he's still mondo-grosso." HAHAHA!!
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This show was great entertainment for dreamy, little girls
christis198421 January 2007
I absolutely loved this show growing up. Animation quality has gone downhill since I was a kid. Nothing quite holds up to the wonderment Jem and the Hollograms and Beverly Hills Teens brought to life in a dreamy little girl.

The characters were full of depth. From Bianca, the devious,schemer - to Lark the girl that everyone wanted to be... every kid could find a character they were reminded of or wanted to be. The situations throughout the array of shows were full of morals and humor. They created quite an interesting and entertaining half hour. I wish they'd bring the seasons to DVD! Little girls everywhere would love growing up with these gorgeous role-models!

They need to bring these shows back!
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goes way back
shannarios18 January 2022
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister and I were always excited to get home from school just in time to watch this. We were OBSESSED with it and I've spent so many years looking for it and I FINALLY found it. I know exactly what I'm going to be doing tomorrow, going back to the 80's. Loved it then and can't wait to watch it now.
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A trip down memory lane
basia27726 September 2001
It always amuses me that IMDB has references to some of the most obscure things from my past. I was just a 10 year old kid when this cartoon was on, but I recall watching it religiously during the summer. I loved the glamorous characters, especially Larke Tanner, who I felt was the "perfect" teenager. :) It was an amusing cartoon!
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An excellent cartoon!
Daniel-625 April 1999
I thought this was a really entertaining cartoon. The colorful characters and the outrageous (but not silly) plots really made this cartoon into a success. I especially liked how Bianca tried to get a date with Troy, every opportunity she got!
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"Come live your fantasy in Beverly Hills"
fireball87o30 December 2004
This show follows the incredibly rich and popular gilded gang known as the Beverly Hills Teens. There's the beautiful blue-eyed blonde bombshell Larke, her preppy boyfriend Troy, jealous and crazy Bianca, super-smart Chester, uptight and arrogant Pierce, the human doormat Wilshire, gossip-hungry Switchboard, the friendly southern belle Tara, beautiful equestrian Blaze, surfer-dude Radley, fun-loving and overly-dramatic Nikki, punk-rockers Jett and Gig, and the smart and confident Shannelle. It's fun loving Amercian teenagers facing typical teenage concerns...or so the summary on the back of the video tapes say. The plots were really about hanging out at the Teen Club, shopping on Rodeo Drive, surfing the waves in Malibu, having fun with your friends, and passing exams at high school. The cartoon is superbly 80*s and fun and entertaining to watch.
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Love these teens
rockyjones5523 April 2004
I watched this show all the time and I still have a little crush on Tara and I like the little girl Jillian Thorndike, sometimes I wish she was my little sister.I love the concept of rich spoiled teen-agers that I wouldn't mind being one. How about that being one of the Beverly Hills Teens. Btw the huckster of the group was Buck Huckster not Radley. Radley was the surfer dude who prefer waves instead of school.I would love to have had more episodes made of this show it deserves to have had more episodes made and not to die off . Well I guess we're just have to wait on that one.Any way I hope there are a lot more people out there who enjoyed and is enjoying the Beverly Hills Teens as I did.
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Ahh the 80's in Beverly Hills
tiregod22 January 2005
I found this cartoon early one morning around 3 A.M. I don't even remember why I was awake but 5 minutes into it I was thinking what a load of Crap! For whatever reason I didn't like it. The next thing I know it seems to be on all the time! At first I watched it because it was so bad it was funny. But it grew on me and I was HOOKED! My favorite characters were Bianca & Wilshire, although I HATED the way she treated him. But if I remember correctly she was nice to him at least once. Thinking back now I cannot believe the 80's were that bad! LOL! Unfortunately I don't remember much else about it. Most of the cartoons from the 80's were horrible but there were a few gems like this one. Maybe some day they'll show it on cartoon network.
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