"Columbo" had successfully completed two years in the NBC lineup by the time this episode aired. Peter Falk was more than accustomed to the role and he knew every amusing quirk about the beloved character. This particular installment deals with the cutthroat world of cosmetics, a world where loyalty is bought and sold with the ease of putting on some mascara or cologne. Vera Miles, an actress that always seemed destined for greater stardom (she had been selected by Hitchcock to star in "Vertigo"), is outstanding as a cosmetics queen that contends with the treachery of an employer, a very young Martin Sheen. Sian Barbara Allen, another performer that eluded stardom's golden ring, plays a lackey of Miles's competition and is good in her supporting role.
And the legendary Vincent Price plays "David Lang," Miles's chief rival. Though his part is mostly a cameo, he brings about an air of distinction to the show, something that he always displayed in over one hundred films.
The ninety-minute airing time of the episode makes it move swiftly and enjoyably to its nifty conclusion.