Blood Mania (1970) Poster


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Well, at least Peter Carpenter tremendously enjoyed himself!
Coventry30 July 2014
The greatest moment in "Blood Mania" is the point when you come to realize that the writer and lead actor of this terribly inept movie is actually one and the same person! So, in other words, this dude – Peter Carpenter – probably couldn't care less that the overall film is dull & derivative, because he arranged for himself that he could smooch and fondle the perky breasts of no less than three extremely cute and luscious women! Nice going, Peter! Hey, I certainly don't blame the guy because a) apparently he died quite young about one year after the release of this film, and b) at least "Blood Mania" is a lot more watchable than the other movie he wrote; "Point of Terror" starring Dyanne Thorne. Carpenter depicts Craig Cooper, a hunky and successful private physician with a stunning redhead girlfriend, but he's being blackmailed by a sleazy thug who knows that he performed illegal abortions in the past. One of Craig's patients is a wealthy private clinic owner with a nymphomaniac daughter named Victoria. Her insatiable sex-hunger is marvelously illustrated near the beginning of the film, when she jumps the pool boy who literally screams for his mother! Victoria wants to kill her father with drug aphrodisiacs and share the inheritance with Craig, but only if he promises to remain her personal sex toy forever. Complications arise when the inheritance unexpectedly goes to deceased's other daughter Gail. Luckily for Craig, Gail is another very beautiful chick that also easily falls for his charms, but obviously the mad raving Victoria will not allow this romance to happen! Okay, so… Where's the blood? Where's the mania? I'm actually convinced that this could have been much better, if only they focused more on the atmosphere and plot instead of the on the bare chests of the female cast members. The opening sequences hint at psychedelic situations, but the rest of the film is slow-paced and full of redundant dialogs. There's a bit of nasty bloodshed near the ending, but the actual finale is dumb and unsatisfying. The constant "music" is irritating and the best characters (like the witty nurse) get neglected. Worth seeing only for the continuously exposed boobs of Maria De Aragon, Reagan Wilson and Vicky Peters.
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More Film Noir than horror film. It does have its moments, but it also has a great deal of talk.
dbborroughs31 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Sleazy film about a swinging doctor who is lusted after by the daughter of his boss. He won't give her the time of day and she's very unhappy about it. When a blackmailer begins to really pressure the doctor he takes up with the daughter and the pair plan on doing the old man in. Unfortunately the old man left his money to her sister. The doctor of course takes up with the sister and thats where things spiral even more out of control.

More thriller then horror film, its more Grand Guignol meets Film Noir with the except for a couple of shocking images at the end. The film is filled with nudity, sex and bad behavior. To me its an okay time killer but nothing I need see again. The rub is that this is a very talky movie. Things do happen but there is a great deal of talk on either side of any motion.

Not the worst you're going to see nor the best. Worth a look if you're like me and pick it up as part of a multiple film DVD set.
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Clayton15 October 1998
This film is best described as an early fore-runner for the glut of erotic thrillers choking the video store shelves today. In this one, a woman kills her father in order to get his inheritance to help a blackmailed doctor, but much to everyone's surprise, the inheritance goes to her sister instead! Nope, not making this up, folks. Worth a look to see the attractive DeAragon in the flesh, however, as well as the comical blackmailer who apes Clint Eastwood to the nth degree.
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Seen a lot worse.This does have a few good moments
MistressKitty10 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching this and it wasn't the worst I've ever seen.It had the classic 70's look and cheesy music.But along with the bad acting and almost no horror at all,there was a lot of sexiness to the movie.It had beautiful women and the man wasn't too bad for the 70's.Some pretty erotic and hypnotic sex scenes and nudity. The plot was pretty bad as was the acting.There is also a sort of twist at the end that just doesn't offer anything to the plot.The name of this movie is very out of sync with the film itself.There is only one scene that actually has blood in it.This movie leaves much to be desired as far as a horror film.At times it seemed like it was originally a porn,but they changed it to "horror"at the last minute. I give this a 3 out of ten just for the sexy parts,but don't expect any horror in this.
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Seen on Pittsburgh's Chiller Theater in 1976
kevinolzak15 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
1970's "Blood Mania" was, like its companion feature "Point of Terror," a showcase for writer-producer-star beefcake Peter Carpenter, who always made sure that he'd score with every beautiful babe within reach (sort of a poor man's Paul Naschy, minus talent). Despite the titles and ad campaigns, neither film remotely qualifies as horror, although those who consider each to be 'horrible' shall receive no argument from me. This film seems to have the more notorious reputation, but features far more nudity than the other feature, particularly from the stunning Maria de Aragon, who effortlessly steals it as Victoria Waterman, dutiful daughter of a wealthy invalid (Eric Sinclair) whose will leaves all his money to her younger sister Gail (Apr 1972 Playboy Playmate Vicky Peters), despite the fact she'd been away for seven years. A major plot point easily missed is that the reason she left was because she'd had an incestuous affair with Daddy, eerily depicted in the nonsensical dreamlike sequence behind the opening credits. There is of course Daddy's doctor, Craig Cooper (Peter Carpenter), being blackmailed by a scumbag who won't even be put off by the naked advances of the buxom Mrs. Cooper (Oct 1967 Playboy Playmate Reagan Wilson), who is abruptly dropped after being raped. Little is made of Gail's older lesbian companion, played by Jacqueline Dalya, busy 1940s actress and veteran of "Charlie Chan in Rio" (Joel Marston, of the 1949 Charlie Chan finale "The Sky Dragon," appears in "Point of Terror"). Both Maria and Jacqueline had worked with Carpenter before in "Love Me Like I Do," which, unlike the others, was not misleadingly advertised as a horror film. The lighthearted nurse is played by Leslie Simms, who received the bulk of the new footage shot for the TV version of this film, 24 excruciating minutes altogether. In for two brief scenes is Alex Rocco, soon to graduate from low budget affairs like "Blood Mania" and "Stanley" to Coppola's "The Godfather" (Eric Allison is actually Eric Sinclair, from Roger Corman's "War of the Satellites," using this pseudonym on three very low budget occasions). The nudity is frequent and gratuitous, but frankly that's all this feature has to offer; still, no one can dim the luster of the luscious Maria de Aragon (who again worked for director Robert Vincent O'Neil on 1973's "Wonder Women"). "Blood Mania" debuted on Pittsburgh's Chiller Theater on Nov 27 1976, paired with second feature "Gargoyles" (1972), appearing as a solo feature three additional times through 1982 (like the rest of the Crown International TV package, "Point of Terror" followed closely, in Feb 1977).
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Peter Carpenter strikes again!
udar5514 November 2008
Yet another one of Carpenter's drama-disguised-as-horror flicks. Dr. Craig Cooper (Carpenter) is in a bind. He is being blackmailed because of his past (he performed illegal abortions) but thinks he can silence the blackmailers up when his girl decides to off her wealthy father and give him the money. Too bad he didn't read the will first! D'oh! This is just as dull as Carpenter's later POINT OF TERROR and again features producer/co-writer/star Carpenter prancing around without a shirt. This offers nothing really except soap opera twists mixed with some flesh. If anything, the group foresaw the 90s career of Andrew Stevens with these tawdry plot lines. Director Robert Vincent O'Neill eventually made the first two trashy ANGEL flicks in the 80s. Look for Alex Rocco in a small role as a lawyer (was he ever young?). The flick features a tacked on horror-type opening credits that are actually better than the entire movie.
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Soap Opera & Soft-Core, Yes--But Not Much Blood
NickStricharchuk13 April 2014
Blood Mania: A scumbag doctor is blackmailed by a former associate to fork over $50,000 in hush-money for performing illegal abortions. To make matters worse, one of his despicable bed-ridden patients has a slutty daughter that won't take "no" for an answer-- she just wants some scumbag doctor sex! It doesn't take long for the daughter to realize the doctor needs a lot of cash--stat. Finally, she has the opportunity to make the doc her personal sex-slave boy-toy: murder dad! This movie seizes every opportunity to take the low road: it has a great deal of nudity, perhaps to distract the audience from the fact that the characters are all generally nasty and repulsive. It's more of a sleazy, soft-core porn/soap opera than it is the horror film it bills itself as. Pay no attention to the opening credit sequence, as it has nothing to do with the rest of the film. For cartoon fans, there is a wickedly cool animated title card at the film's opening.
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Worth seeing once if you enjoy low-budget sleaze.
soulexpress30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In this lurid slab of grindhouse fare, a ruthless, unhinged nympho named Victoria (Maria De Aragon) speeds up the death of her ailing father Ridgeley (Eric Allison) so her boyfriend, Dr. Craig Cooper (Peter Carpenter), can pay off a blackmailer (Arell Blanton). Complications ensue when the lion's share of the inheritance goes to Victoria's sister, Gail (Vicki Peters).

Though marketed as a horror film, this is really an R-rated soap opera with two murders and far too many soft-core sex scenes. Yes, De Aragon and Peters (along with Reagan Wilson) look nice with their breasts bared, but unless the film is X-rated, I want a halfway decent story to accompany the boot-knocking. In that regard, BLOOD MANIA does not deliver. I also did not understand the ending, even though I watched it twice.

The studly, 6'3" Carpenter was a passable actor, though hardly A- list material. Had a cerebral hemorrhage not killed him in 1971, he likely would have continued to produce and star in B movies for many years. Maria De Aragon is all over the place as the increasingly deranged Victoria. Her over-the-top hysterics after the reading of her father's will are something to behold. Also, there is good support from Leslie Simms as a kindly nurse and former sexpot Jacqueline Dayla as Gail's, ahem, "traveling companion." Eric Allison was too boyishly handsome to convincingly play the curmudgeonly father. And Vicki Peters must have been cast for her looks, because she couldn't act worth a damn. Her performance as the guileless Gail runs the gamut of emotion from A to B. And the cinematography showed a lot of imagination, though I could have done quite nicely with one less montage.

In all, BLOOD MANIA is a reasonably entertaining bit of sleaze.

Some dialogue samples:

RIDGELEY: I could choke to death on my coffee and you wouldn't shed a tear.

BLACKMAILER (to Carpenter): You're no longer that middle-class punk trying to brain your way out of the lower middle class.

CARPENTER: I need fifty thousand. VICTORIA: Dollars? CARPENTER: Dollars.
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Just incredible
preppy-320 December 2004
Young, unstable beautiful Victoria (Maria de Aragon) falls in love with young, hunky doctor Craig (Peter Carpenter) who's caring for her rich, sick father. She plans to inherit all his money when he dies. Then Dr. Craig is being blackmailed and needs a lot of money FAST! And Victoria's father is near death. Did I mention Victoria was unstable?

Sleazy piece of garbage. The script is silly to put it mildly with a REAL stupid ending; terrible direction in which characters speaking aren't even in the frame--one whole conversation is only shot from the waist down!; annoying, horrid 70s music which doesn't even remotely fit the on screen antics and just unbelievably bad acting by EVERYBODY! It's truly astonishing to see how badly EVERY scene is acted--you just stare at the TV screen in disbelief. The movie is chock full of unpleasant characters, plenty of gratuitous female nudity and cheap sex--including a hysterically bad sequence between de Aragon and Carpenter.

As for the actors themselves--they were all hired for their looks and bodies--not acting ability. Virtually every female member of the cast has multiple nude scenes and even Carpenter bares his butt briefly once or twice.

The DVD of this makes this movie look better than it deserves. The picture and sound are crystal clear and the colors are strong and vibrant. This could be used in film school--an example of how NOT to do a movie!

Also this isn't really a horror film--just a stupid, sleazy "drama". Bottom of the barrel--I give it a 1.
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Seventies trash served just the way I like it!
lonchaney2015 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is the kind of trash I love discovering in these public domain sets. I've found more than a few stinkers in my short time on this earth, but gems like Blood Mania make it all worthwhile. While not quite up to the level of such finds as Deep Red and House by the Cemetery (which led me to explore the amazing careers of their respective directors), this is still the sort of delightfully oddball Seventies hokum that amuses me to no end.

Like Trip With The Teacher (which also comes in the Gorehouse Greats set from Mill Creek), this is pretty light on horror, being more of a nasty soap opera than anything else. I actually found this to be the far better of the two, perhaps because stuff actually happened before the climactic third act. Teacher was pretty much an hour of nothing followed by 30 minutes of Last House on the Left style shenanigans, whereas for the first 80 minutes or so of this film we get a peek into the screwed up affairs of a dysfunctional group of people: Victoria, a borderline sociopath; her decrepit father; Dr. Craig Cooper, the object of her lust; and her sister Gail, among others. I know, pretty standard stuff, but it's all in the execution! As if to drive the sleaze factor home, at least 80% of the female cast prance around in the nude at some point. The film is also filled with delightfully clever (read: stupid) lines that I'm sure I'll be applying to everyday conversation. My favorite exchange:

Old lady: I don't buy it, doctor!

Cooper: I didn't know I was selling anything

It's mainly the offbeat atmosphere that makes this such an enjoyable film to watch, because there's nothing quite like these 70s low-budget films. They had a unique milieu that today's DTV movies just can't compete with. And the wait is certainly worth it, if only for the borderline insanity of the ending. I won't spoil it, but I'll say it doesn't make a lick of sense.
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A movie to appeal to nobody
counterrevolutionary21 June 2003
This attempt at a psychological horror film fails on literally every level. The acting is atrocious (even Alex Rocco acquits himself fairly poorly, though he's head and shoulders above anyone else here), the cinematography is pedestrian at best, the score is appalling and annoying, the thing is padded mercilessly, the sound is muddy and horrible (and I don't think it's all the fault of the video transfer), and the director's attempts at Art merely point up his hideous incompetence.

The video distributors try to capitalize on BLOOD MANIA's obscurity by marketing it as an exploitation flick, even assuring prosective viewers on the box that it is rated R for nudity and gore. In fact, there is none of either, and it mystifies me how the thing did manage to get an R rating. Perhaps the ratings board heard the title, saw the ultra-low-budget production values, assumed it deserved an R and just didn't pay any more attention to the thing. In a desperate effort to drum up interest among exploitation fans, they also mention rape and incest, which have nothing to do with anything in this movie.

Whether you like Hitchcock or TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, stay away from this one.
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A sordid melodrama -- I like that!
catfish-er24 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I watched BLOOD MANIA as part of BCI Eclipse' Drive-in Cult Classics (featuring Crown International Pictures releases) on DVD. As I work my way through the multiple DVD sets, I am growing to love many of Crown International's movies -- especially, the creepy, erotic, psychological thrillers!

There is something about BLOOD MANIA… it is a soap opera. Moreover, when you view it through that lens, you can really appreciate the slow pace, the subdued performances, and, the hints at sex and violence that are never fully realized on screen – not by today's standards.

This is well filmed; and, very colorful. The setting is extraordinary. It is eerie, claustrophobic and a bit skewed in many of the manor house scenes, which underscores the fact that these characters are prisoners of their own flawed personalities. The jarring, discordant music lends a certain quality to the film that heightens the suspense and anticipation.

Especially, of note (***spoiler alert***) at about an hour and five minutes into the movie, when the AWFUL TRUTH of the father and younger daughter's relationship is revealed. The reveal is only a few seconds long; and, is amplified by the music and quick cutting.

No wonder he left her all the money!

This scene is actually an echo of the opening sequence, which I am sure does not register until you view this movie a second time. When we first meet the father/doctor, we think it is only a dream.

What a fantastic twist! Everyone focuses on the older daughter; and, her scheming and the abortionist doctor/boyfriend, the blackmailer, Cheryl (the doctor's girlfriend – what happened to her); and, the nurse.

However, those are all back-story, by comparison to the "hold" daddy had on his two girls!

That is the real reason for the murder – jealousy. The feelings of which, are intensified when Victoria, the older sister, learns the doctor refused the generosity of Gail, the younger sister, after seducing her. However, he had previously schemed to get Victoria's money, after submitting to her advances!

Victoria just wants to be loved…

Yes, this is a sordid melodrama. I like BLOOD MANIA.
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Crown International's crowning achievement?
Maciste_Brother10 June 2003
Whenever I think of legendary grade z studio Crown International, the first movie that pops in my head is BLOOD MANIA. I love Crown International's movies. There something about movies from that "studio" that I just can't help but love or appreciate. And BLOOD MANIA is probably its crowning (pun intended) achievement. Sleazy, cheap, obscure, with dream-like pacing and direction, BLOOD MANIA is almost one of kind in its wonky way of telling a story about sex, greed and murder. BLOOD MANIA is a soap opera but with a sleazy and lurid twist. BM is low key from beginning to end and never goes overboard with the sex, gore or violence, which is why maybe some don't like it. It's lurid enough to turn off the casual viewers but it's not lurid enough for fans of exploitation or gory enough for gorehounds. But I like this approach. The way I see it, the makers of this movie were probably inspired by the soap operas made in those days (EDGE OF NIGHT, for example) but wanted the film to be a notch higher on the sex and violent factors (but it's not high enough to what we've become accustomed to these days on TV or films).

The film spends a bit too much time on the plain looking nurse, mainly because her character doesn't go anywhere, but I like the mostly good looking cast. The scene where the blackmailer talks endlessly to the nurse is one weird moment captured on film. The way he talks and the dialogue he says, and they way the scene is shot, is oddly fascinating. And the ending is effective, even if it might be a little too late for most viewers.

I like BLOOD MANIA. I'll always look at it as one of Crown International's "best" films.

PS, make sure to check out POINT OF TERROR, another trash classic from Crown International Pictures and Peter Carpenter.
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Plain Old Bad
bensonmum213 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
  • A sex-crazed woman murders her ailing father so she can use the inheritance to help her "boyfriend" out of a jam. What the woman doesn't know, however, is that her father has left all of his money to her sister.

  • Let's get this over with - Blood Mania is BAD. Take some of the choices that were made with the cinematography. I suppose that some of the camera work in Blood Mania was meant to be artistic or experimental. But much of it comes off as just plain ridiculous. One perfect example is an entire scene of dialogue shot at the waist. I suppose we are meant to gain some insight into what the characters are saying by the movement of their hips. I won't even bother mentioning the acting, dialogue, etc. It should go without saying that they are all equally bad.

  • None of the characters has a single redeeming quality. All of them are as sleazy as you'll find. There's obviously the woman who kills her father. She's also blackmailing her "boyfriend" to sleep with her. The "boyfriend" is a doctor who knows the truth about the old man's death but does nothing for fear of being exposed as having performed illegal abortions. The sister who gets the inheritance isn't much better. It takes her two or three hours to fall for her sister's "boyfriend". And I haven't even gotten to the guy demanding money from the doctor to keep him quiet. Not a very nice lot. I felt like taking a bath after the movie was over.

  • Unless you feel the need to watch a bad movie (and a shower afterward), steer clear of this one.
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Blood? What blood?
WritnGuy-26 December 1999
Why did I rent this? Because I kept seeing it on the video store shelf and finally gave in to see what it was like. I don't know why I do these things.

Victoria is a pretty bad girl, as the box says. And I guess she is. She seduces every guy she comes across, and then kills her father for his inheritance. Then her sister and some other woman come to their house, and Victoria learns her sister is getting the inheritance instead. A little more, some weak horror, a sudden ending, and there's your movie. Nothing scary, nothing interesting, just a lot of cheesy make-out scenes put together with one scene of bloody murder, and there's your film. It's quite dull, and lifeless. Leave it be.
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false advertising by the title, and not very good the rest of it
Quinoa198426 February 2011
You see a title like Blood Mania and think 'well, there should be some blood, and some violence, maybe some horror, and definitely mania.' Well, there is none of that. but oddly enough when I tried to find another title, perhaps one that was given to the film that wasn't made to beef up sales, there's none of that, either. Instead the movie is like a psychedelic soap opera concerning a skeezy doctor guy played by Peter Carpenter (who also co-wrote and produced the film) who has a 50,000 'tax problem' from giving abortions, and has to pay back the debt, and (one of) his lovers, sultry but cold Maria De Aragon, hatches her own plot to kill her bed-ridden a-hole father and then collect the inheritance... which is not the case, color us shocked.

I might be fine with the film not being, you know, horror, if it had something else to bring to the table dramatically. It doesn't even have that; this is, perhaps accurately, a reflection of what a "drive-in" movie was like at the time, and released in a box-set along with other Crown International pictures. At a drive-in the convention was that people would go to make out and/or have lots and lots of sex. I imagine that Blood Mania could make for a good drive-in movie in that context, as if you tune out for a while you won't miss much (say, for all of those scenes of soft-core sex, albeit nice to look at with the hot bodies of De Aragon and Reagan Wilson, pretty lifeless). Not least of which is one sort of 'montage' of walking around between Carpenter and Peters in their 'courtship' phase, and it just goes on and on and on.

I mention psychedelia because while no one really "trips" or smokes pot, there is in the music that rip-off flavor of something like Jimi Hendrix Experience. If only the director had more imagination then maybe it could have been a wicked melodrama - as it is whatever he tries to bring to the table is just not working throughout: dull characters, dull situations, over the top music, and not much blood really. If you need to tune out one night it's a good pick, but do NOT expect it to be horror, unless you're one of those people that considers the 2011 The Roommate to be horror. Or need to see copious oobs and don't want to scamper over to the internet.
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This movie should be called Boob Mania!
payerway25 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you like your crappy "I murder for lust" movies with lots of boobs, then this is the picture for you. It starts right off with an opening credits preview sequence of a pretty blonde in a see-through negligee, bloodied and screaming through the streets with some creepy old dude apparently chasing her. A great start to a movie called Blood Mania! Unfortunately, what follows is a horrible letdown as a) The scene never shows up in the actual movie (although the characters do), and b) What does show up is a badly executed bedroom drama of lust and violence.

It starts out establishing the characters: Cranky old doctor, bitching and moaning in his bed as he suffers from…something. His horny daughter (she's going to take her shirt off…a lot), bitching and moaning about having to take care of him. She's hot for the handsome doctor, former student and current physician of cranky dad, as well as the manager of Dad's clinic. The doctor's hotty girlfriend, who's willing to do way too much to help him. And Dad's dutiful and prim nurse (thankfully, she will not be taking her shirt off or doing much else for that matter).

Apparently, handsome doctor is in trouble with a blackmailer who knows about his work doing illegal abortions early in his career and wants 50,000 dollars. Horny daughter offers to help him out but he refuses. Somehow they still end up in a long pseudo-psychedelic drug-fueled sex scene. Horny daughter decides to kack the old man for his money by forcing him to sniff nitrates (!). After he croaks she admires her boobs in the mirror (?). Meanwhile, handsome doctor's girlfriend tries to get him a markdown by offering to let the blackmailer rape her, which he promptly does, sort of. Whether this helps or not is unclear as the movie instantly forgets that the girlfriend exists and we never see or hear from her again. Back at the house, horny daughter finds out that her heretofore unexplained or introduced sister has inherited Dad's money instead of her. Horny daughter freaks out and attacks her sister before handsome doctor has a chance to sedate her. Horny daughter's sister turns out to be a pretty blonde (the girl from the opening credits) who is escorted by some old lady. The old lady's relationship to the pretty blonde is unclear but she makes it clear to the handsome doctor that the pretty blonde's boobs are off limits. Handsome doctor and pretty blonde get together anyway during a fuzzy (not to mention boring) montage. Boobs ensue. The old lady skedaddles and the horny daughter pops a screw when she finds out that her pretty sister not only got the money, she got the handsome doctor. The pretty blond does the right thing though and promises to split the money with her horny sister. They hug and everything is fine until horny daughter decides to change the part in pretty sister's hair with a candlestick. Handsome doctor shows up and gets suspicious, leading to his finding pretty messed-up blonde in the tub or something. Handsome doctor and horny daughter decide to get rid of the body and cover up the murder. Suddenly, pretty messed-up blonde shows up at the door. She's back from the dead! Hah! That would have been interesting! Instead it's only the blackmailer holding her up at the door. Pretty blonde slumps to the floor and blackmailer strolls into the house with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Bum…bum…bum! The End! What the…?

Based on the preceding summary you might actually be thinking, "This sounds like it could be fun." You would be wrong. The story is executed to be as boring as humanly possible with nothing but yak, yak, yak in between the boobs. On the plus side, whenever the story starts to become hopelessly incoherent, someone takes their shirt off for a while to distract you from the stupidity. There are also the seventies hairstyles and clothes, but even these are ordinary and bland. Ultimately, there is very little blood or mania. The bulk of the running time is spent waiting for something horrible, or even interesting, to happen. It's a long wait.
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The Hottest Body You will Ever See in the Movies
arfdawg-117 January 2017
The Plot.

A sex-crazed nympho helps speed along her father's death so she can use the inheritance to help out her depraved boyfriend.

Firstly the movie sucks. It's one of the weirdest films you'll ever see, and not in a good way.

It's really horribly tedious to watch.

On the plus side the technicolor rendering is great.

But to be perfectly frank, all three stars I am giving this movie are because of the female lead who had the hottest body I have ever seen.

Coupled with this is her complete willingness to strip down every 5 seconds. It's an amazing body to observe. Not an ounce of fat and the longest, flattest torso you will ever see.

Get out the Vaseline.
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Excellent, NOT!
symbioticpsychotic26 December 2002
Crappy cable TV-Movie with nothing going for it. Rated Z for ZIPPO! Julia (de Aragon) gets stiffed of her Dad's cash and kills her sister, the benefactor. Along the way, Julia sucks her Dad's doctor (Carpenter) in to her pornographically shot and audioed world. That's not the only thing that SUCKS about this film. Not even bad 70's fashion can save this sin-bin material.
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Little story but more nudity than you can shake a stick at
Leofwine_draca19 June 2016
BLOOD MANIA is another ultra-obscure US grindhouse horror film featuring the one and only Peter Carpenter (POINT OF TERROR), a mysterious acting figure who died in strange circumstances at the peak of his movie career. Carpenter's distinctive style of non-acting has to be seen to be believed, and is one of the most fun things about these otherwise below-par films.

This film in particular tries to be a psychological thriller but it turns out to be your routine softcore film packed with wall-to-wall nudity from various voluptuous starlets. The acting is bad and the plot is virtually non-existent, instead the viewer is treated to one sweaty sex scene after another. And when there's no sex, there's just nude scene after nude scene, including a lengthy piece of camera-work shot from waist height looking up at a particularly top-heavy actress.

There is some semblance of a narrative involving an indebted doctor, an ailing father, and the nymphomaniac who ties the two together, but it's all staged so ineptly that it's hard to make sense of any of it. There's no gore or violence to speak of either, just a cheesy twist ending which is quite laughable. In other words, BLOOD MANIA is par for the course for those guys at Crown International Pictures.
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From the frying pan into the fire
Chase_Witherspoon23 March 2012
Stylish film noir-like thriller concerning a dashing doctor (Carpenter) whose medical practice owner (Allison) is bed-ridden following a heart attack, his daughter (De Aragon) a seductive vixen with a psychotic streak and a penchant for mind altering substances is eager to sink her claws into the virile Carpenter, but he's already got his hands full with another lusty companion (Wilson). De Aragon paints bold, expressive canvasses, has lots of sex and looks dazzling in the buff. She also agrees to help out Carpenter after he's blackmailed for having been a backyard abortionist, a stain that threatens his career, but the grand plan they conjure begins to unravel when her little sister (Peters) returns to claim the inheritance.

Funky, psychedelic sex soap opera isn't as bad as I'd read; it's not so much "blood" as it is "mania", and there's plenty of plot twists and diversions to keep you engaged. Carpenter isn't the best actor, but he's charismatic and has the charm to pull it off, as his character digs his grave ever deeper with each carnal lapse, while De Aragon, Peters and Wilson are three impressive specimens in spite of their apparent amateurish acting (De Aragon does improve as the film progresses, her 'mania' is at times quite chilling). Leslie Simms is sometimes amusing as an ugly duckling nurse and Alex Rocco gets a few frivolous moments as an estate lawyer. You'd also have to appreciate the minor yet absorbing role played by Dalya as Peters' loyal lesbian minder.

The soundtrack is a hybrid electronica, progressive rock sound, a fusion you'll either find petulant and irritating, or fitting with the offbeat nature of the film. Overall, I like it - it's cheap, dated and clichéd (it also ends quite abruptly), but it remains a sensory attraction with plenty of effort displayed in light, sound, sets, cinematography (some credited to Gary Graver), costumes and colour, not garish or gaudy when taken in its temporal context. Worth a look if you're open-minded.
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Blood Mania, eh? More like Boob Mania!!!
Aaron137511 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying that the only reason I gave this film a three instead of a one is because of the shear number of boobs on display. Yes, this movie is full of topless females that have really nice breasts. The score is absolutely no reflection of the story as when there were no naked females in this movie for the most part I was bored to tears. The plot at times is incomprehensible, I am rather sure a couple of scenes were left out of this movie and they were scenes that were intricate to the plot. I am rather sure the dinner that never materialized on film on the copy of the movie I had had some important details in it, but it was just mentioned in passing here. Also, there seems to be something sinister regarding the father and his two daughters once again only hinted at and never shown or revealed within the main story arc. The story is basically a doctor, two daughters and a father with a medical condition all intertwining. One of the daughters is not even seen or talked about till after the father's death. The other daughter really likes her daddy's doctor and will do anything to get him. He already has a great girl that lets a guy do horrible things to her to get him out of trouble, but she vanishes from the film after this act and the doctor never speaks of her again. He is being blackmailed by the guy who did the horrible thing to his girlfriend that the doctor apparently forgets about. He needs money and the one daughter is willing to do anything to get it when not scaring away the gay pool boy. A bunch of sex scenes ensue though nothing that gets really hot and heavy, though that would have only improved the score as it would have made you forget the horrible plot. The boob shots keep one somewhat distracted, but it just can not make you stop thinking to yourself that for a film called Blood Mania there is remarkably little blood in it. This film was also on a collection of gore house greats, and so far none of the films have been particularly gory, in fact this one should have been on boob house greats instead as that is the only redeeming part of this film. As it is the film is just confusing...still wondering why the guy carried the body out at the end.
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A delightfully scuzzy serving of pure 70's drive-in swill
Woodyanders27 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ruthless and unhinged predatory psycho nympho slut Victoria Waterman (deliciously overplayed with lip-smacking wicked aplomb by foxy brunette knockout Maria De Aragon) kills her ailing wealthy father Rideley Waterman (a memorably grumpy Eric Allison) so she can get her grubby hands on his substantial inheritance. Complications ensue when Victoria's sweet younger sister Gail (lovely blonde looker Vicki Peters) winds up receiving the bulk of Daddy's money. Director Robert Vincent O'Neill, working from a blithely sordid and shameless script by Peter Carpenter, Tony Crechales and Toby Sacher, cheerfully wallows in the sewer and really delivers the sensationally slimy goods: we've got plentiful tasty female nudity (De Aragon in particular looks positively stunning sans clothes), sizzling soft-core sex, nasty plot twists, a little drug use, mean, greedy, back-stabbing amoral characters, occasional outbursts of wild gruesome violence, and a pleasingly grim bummer ending. Moreover, the cast have a completely field day with their juicy roles: De Aragon makes for a marvelously ferocious and intimidating femme fatale, co-writer Carpenter holds his own as hunky family doctor Craig Cooper, plus there are neat supporting turns by Reagan Wilson as Cooper's nice, loyal girlfriend Cheryl, Leslie Simms as doting nurse Turner, Arell Blanton as smugly evil blackmailer Larry, and Alex Rocco as a by-the-book lawyer. The garish cinematography by Robert Maxwell and Gary Graver further enhances the pervasive seaminess. Don Vincent's wailing, overwrought, groovy-stomping psychedelic rock score hits the funky bull's eye, too. A total trashy treat.
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Blood Mania? More Like Peter Carpenter's a Stud Mania
vaultonburg24 January 2015
There are people who are keen to point out Peter Carpenter's back- to-back 1970/1971 films Blood Mania and Point of Terror aren't horror movies at all. Which is in a sense fair, because the promotional material would lead one to believe that they were, but so what? Still others want us to know they think Carpenter was a Tom Jones wannabee and the music in Point of terror is bad. So what? Blood Mania and Point of Terror are perfectly trashy and entertaining pieces of early 70's schlock that are unique, wonderfully shot, and chock full of pretty people to look at.

Tonight I'm watching Blood Mania for the first time, and I have to say it's a lot of fun. Not in the traditional sense of the word "fun," but the sense someone who enjoys seeing movies that are unusual and enjoys finding something new and unique. Sure, peter Carpenter probably didn't have the chops to be a leading man in A movies, but he was every bit up to carrying these B movies on his shoulders, surrounding himself with beautiful scenery and beautiful women, and telling an outrageous story that challenges ones ability to believe.

It's sort of shame as a movie fan that we don't get these kinds of movies anymore. I mean we get bad movies, but not these kinds of bad movies. Blood Mania is an entertaining movie for those who aren't looking to waste their own time picking it apart.
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Not Horror
duckman_0797 May 2020
There wasn't a problem with the acting, but the story was very simple and interesting. It wasn't that the movie tried to be horror and failed, it that it doesn't seem like an attempt was made. Nothing was scary except one part at the end was scary to a character in the story, but probably not to the audience. I have it 1 Star from the bottom because of the actors & actresses and the 70's weirdness was fun.
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