Danger Lights (1930) Poster


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Great Look At Long Ago Technology
Derutterj-127 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The opening half-hour of "Danger Lights" contains a revealing sequence set in the operational offices of a major railroad as employees deal with an emergency. Here we can see that, to America and Hollywood in 1930, passenger railroading was a mature industry, a national transportation matrix staffed by well-compensated, highly-qualified specialists and depicted on film with all the high-tech allure the airline industry would have forty years later.

"Danger Lights" fits into a long-ago sub-genre of adventure movie, the Locomotive Engineer Adventure. Lon Chaney had made one, "Thunderbolt", as his last silent the previous year.

Another writer on these pages has noted that the human story in "Danger Lights" was a reworking of the Arthurian romantic triangle. Yeah, Right. Triangle, yes, but more like what I call Plot Number 4-A, pulled from the drawer for many a service picture, in which two men (soldiers/flyers/firemen, etc.) find their bond (friendship/father-son/sibling) severed when they are both attracted to the same woman. Usually, the one who feels most spurned or jilted performs some self-sacrificial act of honor near the end to save the other one in a crisis.

On top of all the above is layered an important technological innovation. "Danger Lights" is one of only seven pictures released in 1930-31 in a 70-mm wide screen format. Actually, they were filmed in both the wide screen (alternately called Vitascope, Magnifilm, Natural Vision, Grandeur or Realife), and standard 35 mm formats. I have seen two of the others, "Billy the Kid" and "The Big Trail", and they both have their strengths and weaknesses, but "Danger Lights" is the punchiest, with few draggy moments. It's evident that the compositions even in the 35 version were organized with wide-screen in mind, yet there's good camera movement on hand, and this is especially true whenever a locomotive is prominent.

SPOILERS AHEAD. If you haven't seen "Danger Lights", and intend to, consider going no further. Important plot info appears below.

The characters are surprisingly cavalier about their own personal safety around trains until one of the leads, Robert Armstrong, gets his foot caught when a signal tower changes track configuration for an oncoming "Special". This development, shot atmospherically at night in the rain, carries a real sense of visceral dread. What follows is a bit contrived (though excusable in a tense melodrama), as Louis Wilhelm comes along, has a change of heart (suspensefully shown) and saves Armstrong: we see the train cutting in half the mannequin/dummy substituted at the last minute for the actor, but later find Wilhelm's character's only been banged on the head! True, it's complicated by a blood clot only a big-city doctor can relieve; anyway, now the race is on to get him to Chicago in time.

The camera lingers lovingly on this special train as it hurtles through the mountains, around bends and over trestles at the then-thrilling speed of 100 mph, and the ending's a happy one. At this time actors were still getting used to sound pictures, however, so don't expect to see subtle performances. Even Jean Arthur, so accomplished and smooth in later roles, fails to stay on point here. It's all good, though. This is still probably the best 1930 RKO picture.
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Great film for rail fans
toowoomba22 August 2006
I, too, originally saw, and taped, the film from a local PBS channel, and agree with a previous reviewer that it is a difficult film to find. As to the film: the story-line is typical and the acting acceptable; the real "star" of the film is the railroad itself. Made in 1930 during the Age of Steam, the film vividly shows the long-vanished skill and dedication required to keep the trains running. Louis Wolheim plays the hard-as-nails superintendent (such men actually existed) who was absolutely dedicated to maintaining the schedules ("hold up the 'Olympian!' Are you off your nut!"). Filmed on location in Montana on the long-abandoned Milwaukee Road railway, this film is an absolute Must for rail fans who love steam.
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King Arthur Rides the Rails!
Tomlonso7 September 2006
The heart of this story is a retelling of the Arthurian love triangle. This time around the King rules a Milwaukee Road Railroad Yard with a brick-to-the-side-of-the-head management style not currently taught in the better business schools. He takes a wandering knight (in the guise of a hobo) under his wing only to have the knight and the Queen (O.K. the fiancé) fall in love.

Among the rest of the cast Hugh Herbert does a fine turn playing a Knight of the Road in almost Shakespearen comic relief. Other players do an adequate job, but the real star of the show is the period railroad equipment and operations. Towards the end of the movie we see some great shots of Chicago in the opening days of the Depression.

If you love trains this movie is a must. If you want another reason to see Jean Arthur the movie is worth a try.
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Definitely historical railroad scenes
eojohnsonww225 April 2003
I taped the movie from TV broadcast about 15 years ago. My wife saw the movie being filmed in Miles City, Montana ( 8 years old at that time ) She and her older sister and parents were thrilled to see Jean Arthur in person. I liked the railroad scenes. Jean Arthur has long been a favorite of mine. I have been a movie buff most of my life and have collected just about every format that was available to the public. Currently collecting DVDs
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A railroad documentary with a romance thrown in
AlsExGal27 November 2009
I give this film six stars, but it will likely be either a five or eight star movie for you depending on what interests you. 1930's "Other Mens' Women" was a love triangle set around the railroad yards. Conversely, "Danger Lights" is almost a documentary on railroads as they existed in 1930 with a love triangle thrown in to frame the railroad footage. It's almost like the filmmakers knew they were really documenting history more than filming a love story. You've got footage of a tug of war between two steam locomotives, actual documentary footage of the activities in the Miles City railroad yard, and to top it all off is the only footage of a dynamometer car from the steam railroad era. Since the emphasis is on the technology, you'd think this film would have the awkward dialogue of the early talkie era, but you'd be wrong. The actors behave and speak quite naturally. To top it all off, you're rewarded with a very early talking screen appearance by Jean Arthur who will become one of the great comic stars of the 1930's.

As for the love triangle, it's very formulaic. Railroad division chief Dan Thorn (Louis Wolheim) decides to help out drifter Larry Doyle (Robert Armstrong) with a job as fireman. Unfortunately for Thorn, it's basically love at first sight between his fiancé Mary Ryan and Larry. Dan and Mary have had an understanding for years. On Dan's part it's true love, but on Mary's part it has largely been gratitude for Dan supporting herself and her father after he was injured on the job. Dan doesn't notice what's going on between Mary and Larry because in actuality there is another woman in his life too - the railroad he runs.

If the love story doesn't impress, the imagery certainly will. Lots of time is spent showing men battling both machine and the elements trying to keep the trains going. Plus there's a pride in what they do that almost makes them all a part of the railroad themselves.
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On the Right Track
lugonian27 February 2018
DANGER LIGHTS (RKO Radio, 1930), directed by George B. Seitz, is a railroad drama starring Louis Wolheim (1881-1931) as a tough foreman with a heart of gold. Of the few leading roles in his short-lived movie career in talkies, this, and ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT (Universal, 1930), are often labeled as his finest work. A character actor with a fierce face, he can be a conniving villain in one movie and a funny character actor in another, each with fine conviction. For a career that started in the silent movie era back in the teens, he would have had a great future in talkies as other huge, homely actors as Wallace Beery and Victor McLaglen had through the 1940s. Sadly, early death for Wolheim of cancer took its toll the following year.

DANGER LIGHTS opens with a landslide where a train is unable to proceed on its tracks. Dan Thorne (Louis Wolheim), the superintendant in Milwaukee division, sets out to supervise men to clear the debris. On the train are four hobos, one being Larry Doyle (Robert Armstrong), whom Dan enlists to work. Dan sees something special in Larry, especially after learning he was once a train engineer discharged for insubordination, and soon hires him on his team. Dan is engaged to Mary Ryan (Jean Arthur), a young girl who intends on marrying him out of loyalty than for love. In spite of Dan's engagement, he's already married, to his job, which comes first over everything. After meeting with Larry, Mary and he become quarrelsome at times, until Larry learns that she's engaged to Dan. Unable to attend the Old Timer's Bonfire Dance, Dan has Mary go with Larry instead. Their emotions turn to love, which finds them secretly leaving the railroad site together on a rainy night to get married. When Dan learns of their plans, he sets out to kill Larry. Instead he saves his life from getting hit by a passing train, getting seriously injured instead. Dan, near death, will need to be taken to a Chicago hospital within five hours on a seven hour trip for an emergency head operation, which at this point, seems totally impossible. Other members of the cast include Hugh Herbert (Professor, a bum); Frank Sheridan (Ed Ryan, Mary's father); Robert Edeson (Tom Johnson, train engineer); James Farley (Joe Geraghty); Alan Roscoe and William H. Burt. Only Hugh Herbert is around for comedy relief as a bum who refuses to work on the railroad.

Though predictable, the performances by lead players rise above standard material. Louis Wolheim gets most of the attention as the foreman whom everyone likes and respects, and whatever he says, goes. It's also interesting seeing Jean Arthur early in her career before she would find her nitch for comedy under Frank Capra's direction, and Robert Armstrong, shortly he would go to Skull Island to meet with KING KONG (1933). Robert Edeson (1988-1931), in one of his final movie roles, should not be overlooked as an engineer who turns to drink following the death of his wife. Aside from cliché story, its highlight includes an exciting train race against time.

Had DANGER LIGHTS been remade in the 1940s, William Bendix, another gruff and burly character actor of his time, might have handle the Wolheim part to great satisfaction, but that never happened. The story in itself has been reworked many times, however. Though DANGER LIGHTS did have some television showings in the 1970s, notably on Spanish channel WNJU, Channel 47, in New Jersey, where this movie and other RKO Radio features were dubbed in Spanish, it didn't surface regularly until the 1980s during the wake of home video and public television broadcasts such as the weekly movie series titled SPROCKETS. Over the years, DANGER LIGHTS has gained further recognition with cable television broadcasts on either American Movie Classics (prior to 2001) and Turner Classic Movies. Also available on DVD.

In closing: While Louis Wolheim was hilarious in the silent comedy, TWO ARABIAN KNIGHTS (1927), he showed his great flare playing leads in some early talkies such as this one. His final movie release, THE SIN SHIP (RKO, 1931), was both starred and directed by him. How Wolheim might have succeeded into the 1940s and beyond will never be known. (*** rails)
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Louis Wolheim as a generous protector and Jean Arthur as a cute babe in George B. Seitz's railroad romance
Cristi_Ciopron21 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
DANGER LIGHTS is a kind of industrial melodrama, a genre inherited from the 19th century _machinism and industrialism, and illustrated by Victorians, Zolists, Naturalists, in cruder or softer tones, more or less subtle, whimsy and sophisticated, according to will and market; its outer, and often most immediate appeal, is to exalt energy. With it goes the documentary style, a _documentarian approach, unpolished and lean—as a (more or less) artistic representation of the economic life. Proletarian types like Gabin and Tracy, moderately glamorized working class tough guys, were designed for this kind of outings.

In DANGER LIGHTS, morality full of proletarian spunk, also steeped in railroad mythology and oozing with blue collar wisdom, a hobo finds a generous employer who's willing to give him a chance and pair him with a locomotive. The golden—hearted, presumably asexual employer, played by Wolheim, pushes his girlfriend, a gentle babe, into the hobo's arms, thus taking generosity to a new level; manipulative and hearty, he looks more like a dirty pimp, pushing that girl away. What else, Jean Arthur looked reasonably nice, in fact she's straight hot; Louis Wolheim didn't (--he was more of a Malden type, if you take my meaning--), instead he was set to reform Robert Armstrong (--who is supposed to look manly; he looks chiefly libidinous, also mean and heinous--).

Old—timers Bonfire, a house, an office, a depot are the sets of DANGER LIGHTS. The script is primitive, lazy slapdash, the style is likable, endearing, and the storytelling—almost charming. I liked Mrs. Arthur and I liked the movie's neat, clean, unpretentious style, its simplicity and nakedness and sense of storytelling.
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The star is the choo-choo.
mark.waltz14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Slowed down in its first half by the romantic subplot involving Robert Armstrong and Jean Arthur, this creeky early talkie livens up in its conclusion and through the performance of silent after Louis Wolheim in his last film. As the proud, overly tyrannical father of Arthur, Wolheim objects to her involvement with Armstrong and instead insists that she marry another man. When he finds them together in a rainstorm with Armstrong's leg conveniently trapped in a train rail (with train fastly approaching), he attempts to kill Armstrong but at the last minute makes a sacrifice which in a horrific moment sees him pretty much run over by the train. Miraculously, he survives, and Wolheim must be rushed to the city for an emergency operation to save his life.

The exciting conclusion with a train rushing to New York City for an emergency operation is thrilling and wrought with tension. in fact, every time the train rushes through, there is excitement, such as the opening where an avalanche of huge rocks threatens to send the train off its rails. Armstrong is good, but Arthur is given a sappy heroin role with no real dimension. It would take a few years before capital would discover her and turn her into the tough-talking screwball, a heroin that we've come to know and love. Wolheim's performance as a basically unlikeable character is intense and commanding. It adds the genuine melodrama that makes v nail biting at times, which Hugh Herbert providing a bit of comedy as a local drunk.
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One of the best railroad movies ever made!
Nojaa20 February 2007
"Danger Lights" is one of the best railroad movies ever made, and this was made in 1930! If you are a railfan (railroad enthusiast), you can appreciate the detail and authenticity that went into the making of this movie, as most of the operations depicted were authentic. Perhaps the high-speed run was a little over the top (a little artistic license, perhaps?) but it was not unusual for an engineer in the days before two-way radio to run his train over 100 miles per hour to make up a few minutes in his schedule. There's hardly a dull scene in the movie, and in general it is a quality project.

Whether you are a railfan or not, you'll certainly enjoy this movie. "Danger Lights" set a precedent for all the railroad-themed action movies that would follow. Those who are fans of movies such as "The General," "The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, "Von Ryan's Express," "The Great Train Robbery" and "Runaway Train" will appreciate this movie as well as those who admire action flicks in general.
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The real stars are the trains and the yards
bkoganbing3 April 2013
Making allowances for the fact that I saw an abbreviated version of Danger Lights, I'd still have to say that this film is as far as the story goes nothing terribly special. But I have friends who belong to a group called Railroad Enthusiasts and if they haven't seen this movie it ought to be required for those who want to join.

The scenes involving the work in the railroad yards and the trains themselves are the best thing about Danger Lights. It's very reminiscent to the classic Burt Lancaster film The Train of which a good deal is set in the Paris railway yards. I wouldn't be surprised if John Frankenheimer saw Danger Lights and took a lot of ideas from it.

As for the plot it's a simple one, a love triangle involving Louis Wolheim the tough boss of the yards, a young hobo played by Robert Armstrong who was a former railroad worker to whom Wolheim gives a second chance and Jean Arthur the daughter of a disabled former railroad worker whom Wolheim boards with and takes care of. Arthur respects and loves Wolheim, but can't see him as a romantic figure.

I think you can take it from there. You will not see any of the comedic style that we saw with Jean Arthur in her top years, she's merely a romantic ingénue and the object of the affections of all.

The railroad and the yards are the real stars of Danger Lights. And this review is dedicated to that intrepid band of railroad enthusiasts.
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Seriously melodramatic--and then some!
planktonrules28 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I noticed that one reviewer gave this mediocre film a 10 and I just can't get it. While it's neat to see all the trains as well as one of the few films still in existence starring Louis Wolheim, there's not a whole lot more to recommend this extremely melodramatic film.

Oddly, this movie was copied in many, many ways by OTHER MEN'S WOMEN just five months later. The two films are so similar, it's obvious that the latter film "borrowed" (i.e., stole) the plot idea. Both are about a railway supervisor who is a heck of a wonderful guy. He's in love with a girl and introduces her to a new friend--one who eventually ends up trying to steal the girl. And, in both cases, it leads to an almost impossible to believe ending.

While entertaining, this and OTHER MEN'S WOMEN are just too silly to be considered great films. The plots are extremely old fashioned and might just make you laugh they are so clichéd. Instead of ruining what I mean, just watch the films yourself--you'll probably see what I mean.

By the way, Louis Wolheim was a wonderful actor and I loved to see his ugly kisser in films like this and ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT. Unfortunately, only a year later, he was to die very young of stomach cancer. What a loss.
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Boy Meets Girl and Train - Train Gets Everybody
jontue112 July 2007
This film is billed as a love story (typical love triangle), but the human-to-human love story is left in the dust because the human-to-train love story is much more passionate. I won't tell you how the story ends, but if you love trains (especially steam trains), you will love watching this film. ALL the characters in this film are in love with trains, and you will be, too. Be sure not to miss the lightning train trip to Chicago. The one thing that could have improved this film would have been "brightening up" the night scenes. I have a copy of it in my library - go thou and do likewise (don't know if it can be rented).
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Trains, Romance, Vagrants
brandinscottlindsey19 August 2017
Danger Lights is a 1930 drama film centered around a love triangle and a train yard. The plot follows Dan Thorn, a rough and tough foreman at the train yard, who has a soft spot for those that are down on their luck. When Thorn meets Larry Doyle, a drifter catching a ride on the train, Dan sees some good in Doyle and puts him to work. Larry then meets and falls in love with Jean Arthur, who is Dan Thorn's fiancé.

Danger Lights is a decent film and used the access to locomotives to great effect. There is real footage of a tug-of-war between two powerful trains. The story is entertaining enough to keep you drawn in throughout the film.

A few disappointments in the film are some bad acting, with plenty of obnoxious, over-the-top, and occasionally, monotone delivery. There is also some poor dialogue in the movie, such as one exchange between Larry Doyle and another character; "It can't be done!" says the man. "Yes it can," Larry replies. "You're right!" the man responds. The climax removes elaborating on any technical aspects of the train, which diminishes the excitement of the ending. Lastly, there are bad comedy elements in the film, such as using the homeless for slapstick comedic relief.

In summary, Danger Lights is a mediocre film. Unless you're a fan of locomotives, I would recommend skipping this one. There is nothing unpredictable or particularly exciting about this movie.
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Great silent
hcoursen19 July 2009
This one would have been better as a silent with a few title cards. The film's strength -- as noted by many posters -- is in its shots of railways and steam engines. The situation -- that Jean Arthur is really going to marry Louis Wolheim -- is ludicrous. The dialogue is cringe-making. Then Armstrong comes along and, immediately, he and Jean are inconveniently in love. "This" --presumably their love -- she says "is bigger than the railroad." Pause. "I suppose it is," he says. And off they run into the rain. Interesting that no thought is given to flying the wounded Wolheim to Chicago. Also interesting that no one thinks of having a brain surgeon meet the train half way or having the brain surgeon meet the train. With time running out, they waste a lot of it. As a silent melodrama that asked us (as silent films could do) to suspend our disbelief, this might have worked. It does demonstrate the awkwardness of the transition from silents to talkies. Here, the capability of sound and dialogue is not an improvement.
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Dark Monsters Await
dougdoepke11 May 2020
Plot- Amid a busy, near-primordial train yard, a tyrannical railroad bossman competes with an ex-engineer, whose career he has rescued, for the hand of the lovely, delicate Mary (Arthur). So who will win out.

Uh Oh! I better run now that a nightmare iron monster is bearing down on me full steam ahead. Never mind that it's only a movie screen--- the visual's just too scary to care. The flick's real star is, of course, those hulking steam locomotives that used to supply the nation from sea to shining sea. Still, this has got to be one of the ugliest films in Hollywood annals, from leading man Wolheim to greasy grimy train yards where the iron beasts appear to multiply. Heck, even the romantic twosome's walk across that grungy train trestle is a long way from the usual scenic woods. And catch that nose-to-nose face-off for strongest iron hulk in the yard. I wonder what the prize is. Nonetheless, actor Wolheim is just hard-driving and rough enough to compete with the gruesome surroundings. On the other hand, delicate flower Arthur looks a little lost with nothing much to do. Nonetheless, a big-time career awaits her. On the whole, the plot may be familiar, but who can forget the visuals. What a great peek it is at yesteryear and a technology that transformed the nation. Come to think of it, those freight-hauling monsters are really pretty friendly as long as they're on their tracks with an engineer. So I guess I can come out from under the bed.

Overall, the oddball film may be really obscure but there're plenty of rewards. So tune in.
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Creaky, but has its moments
gbill-7487717 August 2022
If you love old locomotives and want to see Jean Arthur in an early role, this film may be for you, but beware, it's rather slow and comes with a good dose of melodrama. Arthur plays the love interest torn between two men - her betrothed, a train foreman (Louis Wolheim), and a talented guy he's hired practically by force (Robert Armstrong). The film weaves in railroad footage, some of it fantastic, like the trains pushing against each other on the same track or the approach to Chicago, and it has its moments romantically too. Arthur and Armstrong sharing a forbidden kiss as a train roars past them, her short hair blowing in the breeze, is wonderful. It's just that everything around these things is more than a little creaky, and hampered by the mediocre quality of the audio technology.

I have to say, the train foreman is an odd characterization too. First we see him bawling out workers and literally punching a tramp (Armstrong) to force him to work during an emergency, then we see him as a good guy at heart and engaged to a younger woman (Arthur). (Never mind that he's watched her grow up before they've gotten romantic, which is a little cringey to the modern viewer). Despite his cruelty to another hobo (the poorly cast Hugh Herbert), who he causes to have a load of coal dumped on, ultimately he's meant to be a positive character, and a stand-in for how irascible bosses everywhere want to be perceived - as great leaders, smart, driven, and in the end, fair to their people. I have serious doubts for how often such people are kind at heart, but no matter, you have to suspend your disbelief in bigger ways elsewhere, e.g. The action sequences that have them racing cross country at the end.

It's a real shame that the alternate, wide-screen print of this film doesn't survive, because that undoubtedly would have enhanced the gritty feeling of the rail yard scenes. This one's not awful, but guard your expectations, and watch it for its little nuggets of gold.
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SnoopyStyle3 August 2022
Dan Thorn (Louis Wolheim) is the gruff brutish head of the railroads. When a train gets blocked by a landslide, he jumps to lead the repair operations. He recruits the hobos to do some hard work. Larry Doyle (Robert Armstrong) refuses and gets knocked out. Dan takes an interest in the insubordinate former railroad man Larry. Larry falls for Dan's gal, Mary Ryan (Jean Arthur).

This is a pre-Code talkie. Wolheim has his striking mug and that nose. Jean Arthur is her charming self. She's easy to fall for. Larry Doyle should be a little younger and more dashing. He needs to have a bigger difference with Dan Thorn to form a more compelling love triangle. There are some good train work. This is fine.
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Good Try, No Cigar - Danger Lights
arthur_tafero6 October 2022
This film is your average triangle formula using a railroad boss, a hobo, and Jean Arthur, the only legitimate player in the film. The plot is rather simplistic; a railroad boss befriends a young hobo and tries to reform him. The hobo thanks the boss by trying to steal his girl. Very nice. Arthur does a good job of playing the rather loose girlfriend of the boss, but does not really reflect the true character of people in that situation in the early 1930s, at the beginning of the Great Depression. No one in their right mind would give up the security of being attached to a supervisor on the railroad, just to have a fling with an attractive hobo; that is merely a Hollywood writer's fantasy, and would never happen in real life; especially during this time period. Interesting to watch for the environment of the train yards; ones my grandfather use to work in Bayonne, New Jersey. I could just imagine my grandmother throwing him over for some hobo. I don't think so.
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Love story with railroad background
ramman9931 July 2006
I found this film to be very good. The railroad scenes are quite realistic and the continuity surprisingly good (in the yard scene), as well as the sound. Those who have not seen steam engines in action will enjoy this movie. I grew up around the railroad during the age of steam and can enjoy the realistic sights and sounds of that day-and-age that are portrayed in this film. There are a couple of exceptions insofar as the action is concerned where the film was sped up to imply fast action, but they are minor in my opinion. As far as actors are concerned, I've long admired Jean Arthur and this does not disappoint! As a railroad buff, I particularly enjoy the scenes on my favorite road (Milwaukee) and the Trans-Missouri District!
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Railroad Men and a Woman
view_and_review6 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In 1931 there was a movie made by the name of "Other Men's Women." It is almost a spitting image of this movie.

"Other Men's Women" was about two best friends who worked for a railroad company. When one of them (Grant Withers) let alcohol get a hold of him, the other (Regis Toomey) invited him to stay with him and his wife (Mary Astor) to get him sober and back to working. In short order Grant was sober, happy, and productive. Then he and his friend's wife fell in love which caused a rift. The two fought, and Regis, the husband, was blinded as a result. With his career over and a guilty wife taking care of him, Regis essentially committed suicide to eliminate the dreaded love triangle.

In "Danger Lights" a railroad superintendent named Dan Thorn (Louis Wolheim) found a hobo named Larry Doyle (Robert Armstrong) and gave him another shot to be something more than a wandering tramp. Dan believed in Larry and helped him turn his life around. Larry worked hard for Dan and became an engineer. When Larry met Dan's fiance, Mary (Jean Arthur), the two fell in love and attempted to run away together. Dan was about to clobber Larry, but Larry had his foot caught on the train tracks, so Dan risked his life to save him instead. With Dan gravely injured, he gave up his sweetheart to Larry saying, "You know, people have got to marry the things they love best. You two; each other. Me; the railroad." And like that the dreaded love triangle was eliminated.

I didn't like "Other Men's Women" and even though "Danger Lights" came out before it I didn't like "Danger Lights" either.

I don't like love triangles to begin with, but I especially hate a quaint, neat ending that allows everyone to walk away happy and guilt-free.

Dan gave up Mary too easily. While infirmed, and a doting Mary by his side, he realized that he wasn't going to be the best thing for her and that Larry would be. It simply wasn't believable in that situation. Dan was established as a guy who was an unyielding hard ass and someone who wouldn't quit. I can't imagine that he wouldn't at least try to make it work with the woman he loved before just giving her up. Had he tried and failed, then I could see him concluding that she'd be better off with someone else. But to not try at all... it was too easy, too neat, too simple; which love never is. It was all messy up until that point: Mary conflicted about her feelings for Larry, Larry guilty about his feelings for Mary, Dan torn between his love for the railroad and his love for Mary. Nothing was cut and dried. Then we got an ending where Dan essentially said, "She's yours," and the two of them walked off happily while Dan smiled at his ability to get his men to work harder even from his gurney.

Give me something more than that. This could never be a completely happy ending for any of them. Whatever decision they made, they would all be torn. To make it seem like everyone got what they wanted out of it was just lazy.

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Love Triangle Among the Rail Yards
movingpicturegal24 January 2007
Entertaining yarn about tough railroad man Dan Thorn (Louis Wolheim), really quite a decent guy in spite of his rough exterior - he seems to help all around him, including his sweet and pretty girlfriend Mary (Jean Arthur) and her father. A new guy recently down-on-his-luck, Larry Doyle, comes to work at the rail yard, thanks to Dan - but when Larry meets Mary - sparks fly. But Mary wants to remain loyal to Dan, who apparently has taken care of her and her father since she was a child - not to mention her dad is completely gung-ho for her to marry Dan.

This is a very good film, with interesting plot line and exciting action scenes, plus lots of well-done, scenic shots of the running trains and railroad yards filmed on location. Louis Wolheim is an appealing actor, I have enjoyed his performance in every film I have seen of his. The romance between Mary and Larry is well played out by the two actors and comes across as realistic. A strong, engaging film, well worth seeing.
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A tough movie set among the railyards is let down by the melodrama
vampire_hounddog21 September 2020
A hobo (Robert Armstrong) travelling on box cars is given an opportunity for a job working on the railroads by a gang boss (Louis Wolheim). However, a rivalry is ignited between the pair when the hobo falls in love with the boss's fiancee (Jean Arthur).

A tough and macho melodrama is a bit stiff and early example of an RKO sound film. The film also breaks the mould in that it moves out of the studio to more location filming than many films during this period, while also an early example of experimenting with widescreen. An otherwise good and interesting film is otherwise a little let down by the poorly handled romantic melodrama set withan an otherwise tough milieu.
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The best railroad movie i've ever seen.
atarmstrong30 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Being a fourth generation railroader, and also a fourth generation railroad engineer, i found the movie very interesting, and by accident as it was stored away on an old beta tape in my grandfathers attic. It was simply wrote with the words "Danger Lights" 1930 railroad movie. Well that got me thinking about what was on it. So i dug around for the player but was told by my dad that it was long gone so i looked at local garage sales and such and finally found one off of ebay to actually watch the movie. I still do not know when the movie was recorded to the beta tape, sometime in the mid to late 70's as I'm 39 and remember the beta tapes but don't remember when they actually came out, all i know is that the VHS tape replaced them and later the DVD.

Since the movie was filmed in 1930 as the opening showed the RKO pictures and the date, i was like i'm probably not going to like this. Well right off there is a rock slide and all hell breaks loose as the superintendent fights to get his railroad open for traffic and even forcing hobo's to work towards that goal and taking one of the hobo's under his arm so to speak and the movie takes off from there. I was amazed by both the picture quality and, for the first in Hollywood how a railroad really operates. All the main positions were there, either part of the regular cast or as extras, like the Superintendent, General Manager, Trainmaster, Train Dispatcher, Roundhouse Foreman, even the Train order clerk was cast into the movie. Most Hollywood films have the conductor or engineer type running the whole railroad, far from the fact.Even they have a boss who answers to a boss who answers to a boss so on an so forth.

My only problem was the hundred mile an hour run to save the supers life at the end after getting hit by an express passenger train. The intentions were good since i'm sure the railroad hospital was the only one around and Chicago being the main hospital they had to get him there in a short time. No engineer would climb out the window going a 100 mph to cool off a overheated wheel bearing and keep going, they would have stopped repacked it re oiled it and then kept going, that would have been believable. But i will say it payed homage to a time when railroads were the king of industry and transportation.

Even today we haul over 38 percent of the nations tonnage, with the rest belonging to the trucking, barge and pipeline industry and over 150 years later we are still considered a monopoly, and have what is generally referred to as legacy contracts, some of the oldest contracts between two businesses in the U.S.A.

I grew up hearing about the steam engines that my Dad( in his early years on the railroad 1948-1957 retired in 1995) and grandfather (1920-1957 retired 1974) great grandfather( 1892 till he retired 1933) and great great grandfather ( 1878 till he retired in 1925)operated across the very rails that i operate todays most advanced dash 9's and 90 MAC diesel locomotives on. And this movie gave me a look into what it was like to be a railroader then, when the chances of getting killed on the job was higher than retiring from it. For anyone who loves trains this is a must see.
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For a 77 year old movie, pretty good!
mdantonio24 January 2007
This movie was shown on TCM last night. Even though it was made twenty seven years before I was born, it held my interest. It was well filmed and the acting was adequate. With oldies like these, you have to watch them noting the time context that they were made in and appreciate them with that in mind. I especially like the parts when close up shots were made of the locomotives with the camera. Also, the scene where the two locomotives are doing a "push-of-war" (as opposed to a tug-of-war), was exciting. It gives you a good picture of what people considered to be fun seventy years ago, what a difference from some of today's entertainment that lacks class.
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Best railroad film!
pan-106 July 2000
This is the very best movie for shots of the railroad scene circa 1930. Reportedly contains the only existing film of a dynamometer. Wonderful shots of steam engines. Amazing tug of war between steam locomotives at the Old Timers Picnic. Exciting 100 MPH race to Chicago. This is a must for railroad fans. The old-fashioned acting is quite different than that of effete modern Hollywood. Louis Wolheim is quite the antidote for your basic 20-year-old hermaphroditic hero!
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