The 400 Tricks of the Devil (1906) Poster

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Classic Georges Melies
ofpsmith14 November 2014
Good old Georges Melies shows his talents again with The 400 Tricks of The Devil. The story is of a group of travelers who are tormented by Satan in various ways. Not 400 but quite a numerous amount of tricks are played on them. The most famous part of this film is probably the scene with the horse and wagon. I say this because on YouTube it was the thumbnail image for every way to watch it and it's the poster on this site. Melies of course shows off his normal great special effects that he is known for, and I have found to be prominent in all of his films that I've seen with the exception of Why That Actor Was Late. Although not as good as say A Trip To the Moon, I still say to check it out if you're a big Melies fan.
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On a highway to Hell
Red-Barracuda18 April 2012
This Georges Méliès film is another imaginative fantasy. It's effects-driven, not story-based. The visuals are everything. What plot there is merely serves as a structure to base the visual wizardry around. It features a couple of travellers who are persecuted by the devil. They are taken on a carriage ride through the cosmos led by a skeletal horse.

It's quite common material for a film from the 1900's. For some reason stories featuring Satan were common-place. Anyway, this one is very nice to look at. The ride through outer space is hypnotic and dream-like with an array of intergalactic attractions passing the stagecoach by. The colour tinting of course helps a lot. It's very effectively used here and is quite explosive in the scene with the volcano with an eruption of deep red. It's a trip worth taking.
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Wow...that Satan is a real jerk!
planktonrules6 September 2020
Two men are in a carriage being pulled by a skeletal horse. Satan comes along and begins messing with them...pushing the carriage into a volcano and then tossing it into space (this version of space looks much like it did in the director's earlier effort, "Le Voyage Dans la Lune" (1902). Then, the men fall out of the carriage and fall to Earth--crashing through the ceiling of some mansion and ruining the dining room. Soon Satan arrives and pulls one of them into Hell, where imps and pretty girls run about the place. Soon, they attach the guy to a rotisserie and roast him...and the film ends.

This is an enjoyable but disjoint and occasionally confusing film. And, as usual, the director, Georges Méliès, plays the Devil. It's clever and fun....and similar to a few of his other films. Worth seeing but far from a must-see picture.
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Plenty Of Good Visual Effects
Snow Leopard4 November 2005
This fantasy/horror feature has plenty of good visual effects, as you would expect from a Georges Méliès movie. It features quite a variety of backgrounds, camera tricks, and other devices from the French movie pioneer's seemingly endless bag of tricks. There isn't really much to the story itself, so it seems clear that the plot was mainly a vehicle to set up the special effects.

The story has the devil choosing to torment a couple of travelers, in a variety of imaginative ways and places. There is quite a bit of action, although most of it simply displays Méliès's camera skill, rather than advancing the story. This may well have been one of the features for which he wrote a narrative designed to be read when the feature was screened, since it isn't always immediately clear what the purpose is for some of the scenes. But in any case, the story logic is not supposed to occupy as much of the viewer's attention as are the interesting visuals.

The themes are similar to those in many earlier Méliès features, and he seemed to enjoy coming up with diabolical sights and bizarre antics. Since there isn't a lot of brand new material here, it probably doesn't rank among his best features, but it's another good demonstration of his creativity and skill.
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I Needed Some Sort of Sound
view_and_review8 September 2022
The copy of "The 400 Tricks of the Devil" I watched had no sound at all. That means no music for atmosphere and mood. That severely hampers a silent film, because then it is truly silent. Now you have nothing to listen to except the various sounds of your environment and maybe your own breathing.

This was another Georges Melies film. By this point his motion pictures are getting longer and more complex; meaning that they are getting harder to decipher without dialogue or a helping bit of text. The film is an updated comedic adaptation of the Faust legend. At the beginning the devil shows the main character, perhaps a scientist, some magic balls that, if thrown to the ground, produce whatever you fancy. The scientist doesn't know he's dealing with the devil even after the devil refuses money for the magic balls.

Watchable on YouTube.
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The 400 Devilish Blows.
morrison-dylan-fan14 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Talking to a fellow IMDber about the Bourne movies,I decided to take a look at their reviews.Being in the mood recently to watch another short from Georges Méliès,I was delighted to spot a review for a Méliès I've not heard of before,which led to me getting set for a devilish treat.

The plot:

Meeting professor Alcofrisbas and 7 fellow scientists, William Crackford is told of a plan to travel round the world.Helping them to get all set,Crackford signs Alcofrisbas's permission contract for the trip,without reading it.Thinking that he is about to go on a round the world adventure,Crackford soon discovers that he has just made a deal with the devil.

View on the film:

Keeping his Sci-Fi and Horror roots at the centre,writer/director Georges Méliès (who also plays the devil!) gives the title a unique slant into Comedy,via giving each attempt the guys make to run away from the devil a slap-stick quality. Beating the devil with his in- camera tricks, Méliès updates the Faust tale with starling surreal from the Seven Deadly Sins burning away on screen and a masterfully designed Phantom Carriage revealing the devils final trick.
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It's Okay
Rainey-Dawn12 July 2019
The 400 Tricks of the Devil aka The Merry Frolics of Satan.

I guess I expected more out of this one from the title and some of the visuals are great but it's rather boring overall to me. We have the typical Melies-styled mechanically operated scenery which is neat to watch, the usual camera tricks where it appears people and furniture is to large for the trunks they are going into and out of and the fun imp frolics but this one seemed to be too long and drawn out in most of the scenes - for me it needed a bit faster paced scenes.

Worth watching in-spite of my mediocre review.

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A Little More Creative
Hitchcoc17 November 2017
A carriage pulled by a skeletal horse is making its way to hell. The man in the carriage has signed a deal with the devil and must face the music. The backgrounds and the carriage itself are great fun. Of course, it's really cruel and deals with that old time religion. I don't know what this guy did, but he ain't gonna like where he's going. There are some pretty solid pyrotechnics which make it fun.
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The Phantom Carriage's Ride through Space
Cineanalyst16 August 2013
"The Merry Frolics of Satan" is a fairly enjoyable fantasy adventure from early cinema magician Georges Méliès. As historian Richard Abel ("The Ciné Goes to Town") points out, these spectacles from Méliès were becoming increasingly elaborate and expensive to produce, especially by comparison to the smaller costs of his competitor's films, such as those by Pathé. As with some of his other pictures around this time, "The Merry Frolics of Satan" was produced specially for music-hall screenings. In this case, it was for the Chatelet's stage féerie "The Merry Deeds of Satan", from which this film is based (Abel).

In the film, Satan, disguised as a person, leads some misfortunate people on a hellish journey, including via a train the size of a child's amusement ride and a phantom carriage pulled by an apocalyptic skeletal horse. In the end, they're roasted by performers dressed in pig-like costumes. "The Merry Frolics of Satan" has its moments, including the phantom-carriage ride where movement is simulated by a moving backdrop of space stuff. This scene has become famous for having been used in many documentary clips on Méliès and early cinema. The print available from Flicker Alley is also hand-colored and tinted and includes narration. Yet, Méliès, unfortunately, also seemed to be relying more on theatrical tricks and less on cinematic ones as he had in his earlier spectacles. Stop-substitution splices and multiple-exposure photography remained the basis for his single-scene trick films, but his longer multi-scene fantasy adventures seemed to be becoming increasingly theatrical. The preference to use trap doors here instead of stop motion and editing for appearances and disappearances seems to evidence this increased theatricality.
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The Merry Frolics of Satan
Michael_Elliott20 March 2010
Merry Frolics Of Satan, The (1906)

*** (out of 4)

aka Les Quatre cents farces du diable

Entertaining 14-minute film from the French master has two gentlemen being haunted by Satan as they travel from one hotel to the next. Before long Satan throws them into a special carriage and takes them on a trip to Hell. The actual story here really doesn't mean too much because the real highlight here are all the special effects and various tricks that pop up. This here, thanks in large part to the title, remains one of Melies most popular films and it's understandable as there's a lot of fun to be had here. As with many of his longer movies, this one here features some narration and it's also hand colored, which is a big plus. The colors look great and they are used with quite a bit of imagination. Some of the best stuff in the film deals with Satan, painted red of course, popping out of various places and scaring the men. Another major plus is when we actually get to Hell and various other demons take form.
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An Astonishing Mini-Epic...
azathothpwiggins13 December 2023
Visionary Director Georges Melies' THE 400 TRICKS OF THE DEVIL is about the fantastic journey of Crackford and his companion, John, through Europe, into Mount Vesuvius, into outer space, and ultimately winding up in Hell itself.

Considering the year in which the Director made this film, it's a marvel of special effects, slapstick humor, and acrobatics. The sets and props are simple, but add to the overall dream / nightmare atmosphere of the film, especially the magic train, the cadaverous horse and carriage, the trip through stars and comets, and the depths of the inferno. Mr. Melies saves the part of Satan for himself.

Highly recommended for lovers of fantasy, horror, and historical films in general...
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