Every BoJack Horseman episode is unique in animation but some episodes included a unique twist in their storytelling that delivers notable episodes hard to forget. Which one of the following episodes…
This is the second list of the highest rated live action television episodes* directed by a woman. Which episode is your favorite? *min. 1000 votes, TV shows with at least 50,000 votes Discuss here Se…
Who is your favorite secondary supporting animated character of the 21st century in TV? One only from a series. IMDb rated Series with an 8.0 and a 25,000 vote minimum. Please discuss here after votin…
These are the top 35 Sci-Fi TV Shows on Mar 6, 2019, with a user rating of at least 6.5 and a Vote Count of at least 15,000 that were on the air 2014 -2019. Which is your top choice? After voting, ple…
These are the highest rated episodes of each of the Top 35 Animated TV Series of IMDb's Top 250. Which of these acclaimed episodes is your personal favorite? (In case of a tie, the episode with the hi…
The following series finales are the highest rated episode of their respective television show. Which of these final episodes* is your favorite? *from live action TV shows with at least two seasons, 3…
These are the highest rated live action television episodes* directed by a woman. Which episode is your favorite? *min. 1000 votes, TV shows with at least 50,000 votes Discuss here See part 2 here.