Late Night with the Devil (2023) Poster

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When people say they don't make original movies any more
FeastMode1 April 2024
Late Night with the Devil is a new and unique horror flick. Even having seen 500+ horror films, I can't compare this to anything else. It's not groundbreaking or mind-blowing, but it's different and original.

It's also really good, well-made in most aspects. It hooks you early on, even before any of the horror starts. For a while you're just enjoying a fabricated late night TV talk show. And then when the horror kicks in, oh does it kick. There are a few memorable and jaw-dropping scenes.

My headline is referring to something that drives me crazy. People, including close friends, complain that Hollywood has run out of ideas and only makes sequels, remakes and superhero movies. I respond by showing them all of the original movies released in a year, and how they did not watch any of them. They only go to the theaters a few times a year, and only for the blockbusters. What they're complaining about is their own fault.

If you're a fan of horror and are looking for something far from traditional, Late Night with the Devil is for you. And if you're sick of the perceived lack of original ideas, this is the kind of movie you should be supporting.

(1 viewing, 3/31/2024)
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An enjoyable film with an ending that might not please everyone
moviemanmo97322 March 2024
The opening narration does a great job at setting the tone for the rest of the film. It gives off that creepy mystery documentary vibe and it draws you into the story right away. The narration provides us with a quick summary about Jack Delroy (David Dastmalchian) without spending too much time building up his character. Usually that would be a negative but it does it in such an interesting way that we are automatically intrigued by the character. The narration also sets up the story perfectly by letting us know that we will be witnessing an episode from this late night talk show that goes horribly wrong.

The episode begins and we are entranced into this 70's talk show. It does feel like we are watching this show at home. With each guest being interviewed and building upon this Halloween episode. The host makes jokes and interacts with the live audience members and even cuts to commercial breaks. But instead of commercials we get insight into the behind the scenes footage of this programing. All of this builds the story and is fun to watch.

David Dastmalchian delivers a very believable performance as a 70's late night talk show host. All of the cast does a great job and their chemistry helps to sell this story. The production design and the wardrobes are also well done.

Where the film fails is in its ending because the build up just didn't pay off. The ending feels rushed and the film could have benefited from a longer run time after it spent so much time building up this story. The ending isn't terrible but may seem confusing. Some might find the ending enjoyable but personally I thought the character Lily should have been explored more. The film seemed more terrifying when she was more of the focus. Instead the film downplays the horror elements and dishes out an overall theme of "the price of fame". Not to mention there are also some scenes with special effects that seem dated and diminished the films early efforts.

I would still recommend this film but I expect many not to enjoy the ending.
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Campy Fun (MAMI MFF 2023 #13)
nairtejas1 November 2023
Late Night with the Devil is nothing like I have seen before. It has an amazing narrative, which is in the form of a showing of recorded tapes of a late night TV show led by a host who's grieving his wife's death and facing low ratings. The frontman is terrific and a sight for sore eyes. He manages to keep your attention as you see the plot unfold from a mild talk show into something drastic, horrendous as the guests come in. Late Night with the Devil bends a few horror genre tropes and manages to entertain throughout. I had a ball watching this with a packed audience at the 2023 MAMI Mumbai Film Festival. If you like fun horror films that grow on you, this is for you.
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A lot of fun
davidwalker-9447121 April 2024
I really enjoyed this.

Sort of found footage, sort of faux documentary, I really loved how this movie was presented.

David Dastmalchian is really very good. And the supporting cast are enjoyable, particularly Ingrid Torelli.

This movie is pretty creepy, and there are tones of exorcist and of VHS 85. There's a kind of Faustian deal at the stories core that I really liked and I found myself smiling quite a lot during the third act.

This movie may not be for everybody. It's obviously not big budget and the effects may not land with everyone but I thought it was a whole lot of creepy, campy fun.
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Could Have Been a Nine
arfdawg-122 April 2024
This film is proof you don't need a ton of money to make a good movie. You just need the right talent and some thought.

Late Night with the Devil starts out with a documentary style very similar to Woody Allen's Take the Money and Run. It soon morphs, however into a Halloween episode of a late night talk show, purporting to re-air a live episode including scenes never show on TV.

This part is a bit weird because the scenes shown during the commercial would have never been filmed, so how did they have them? No matter, the movie is so compelling, you'll probably disregard this minor point.

The show's first guest is a psychic, then a skeptic, then a girl who is supposed to be possessed by a demon. It unfolds really well and I really loved the movie.

Until the ending.

For me, the ending took two stars away from the review. It was just too abrupt and ethereal. Still worth a watch, however.
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Unusually good
martincolquhoun26 March 2024
Where to start with this movie, the acting from David dalmastchian is top drawer and for me he makes the movie, it has a uniqueness about it. The way the movie is very much just like watching a chat show on television and how it goes for the interval and we see backstage is freaking cool. I think the ending was very strange and as I said earlier unique to say the least. Dalmastchian does a grand job and hope this gets him some more unusual horror flicks. I always liked the way on the big screen it was just like an old 70's TV screen. I would like to rate the movie higher but the movie for me was too short.
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More proof that Dastmalchian is a leading man
hgmzmrkq20 March 2024
One of the most unique and entertaining horrors I've seen in a LONG time - I really didn't want it to end!

Far from the tired Blumhouse cookie cutter approach to the genre, LNWTD is vibrant, entertaining, gripping and above all - creepy as hell.

I particularly loved the old-school style practical effects and filmmaking. Apart from a few electrical sparks, there wasn't really any CGI - a huge relief, as I feel it's a real detriment to creepy, organic horror films.

The cast were fantastic and had great chemistry, with David Dastmalchian once again proving he's a charming and compelling leading man.
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A Fun Time, But Certainly Not the Jaw Dropper the Internet is Saying
ryanpersaud-5941530 April 2024
There's a lot to like about Late Night with the Devil; the first being the absolutely fantastic performance of David Dasmalchian as Jack. He really nails the 1970s late night talk show host vibe perfectly and has a lot of wit and charisma, yet an underlying darkness that you know (or I guess hope) will come into play later on.

I also really loved the aesthetic for most of the film, with the grainy, multi camera look, excellent period costuming and hairstyling, and amazing aesthetic touches that drew me in immediately. The film makes great use of practical effects and while it may look a bit silly, I thought it had a charm that was appropriate for the era.

(Side note: The filmmakers opted to use AI for some of the transition cards in the film and it's caused a bit of a stir. To be honest, I don't think this is an application of the technology worth getting angry over. It's a low budget film, AI use is inevitable, and this was probably the least intrusive way to use it)

I also felt really compelled by the story and the structure of the film, which felt longer and meatier (at least for most of it) than it would seem. It moved at a quick pace and I was never bored.

However, I do think this movie wears its numerous flaws on its sleeve. The entire conceit - that this is an unaired episode - should've been stuck with. The movie confusingly switches between the gorgeous 70s talk show style to a baffling black-and-white handheld camera look, which I found necessary for the story, but ultimately confusing by the end of the film when it switches it up completely. Either this is supposed to be "found footage" or it isn't.

I also felt a lot of the performances were pretty subpar, especially the girl playing Lily (Ingrid Torelli) and the woman playing June (Laura Gordon). Torelli just...didn't have the screen presence necessary for the role and her line delivery was baffling. I couldn't make heads or tails of her character and maybe there was stuff left on the cutting room floor, because her character's "journey" through this film was utterly confusing and disappointing. Gordon just did not deliver her lines well. I just didn't buy her at all.

Then there's the ending...which...I can forgive to an extent for being "interpretable," but I can also totally understand feels incoherent. It's almost like when someone writes and essay and it's already 11 pages long so they rush the conclusion. There's no real satisfactory explanation for a lot of the questions you hope the film would answer, which made me wonder why they introduced some plot elements to begin with (i.e. Jack's backstory with the thinly veiled cult). It's not rocket science as to what happened; it's just not given the emotional weight it needs nor the explosive payoff you'd want.

I think this is a fine and fun movie that I'm happy I saw and I'd probably show other people. One question I have is...why on Earth was this released in March and not Halloween, when the film is set? It's bizarre.
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Late Night with the Devil is one of the most unique and original horror films in recent memory
kevin_robbins16 March 2024
My wife and I attended an advanced screening of Late Night with the Devil (2023) at Alamo Drafthouse last night. The plot revolves around a late-night talk show host struggling to surpass Johnny Carson's ratings despite various attempts, even involving his terminally ill wife joining the show. The host, known for his involvement in a cult, mysteriously disappears for a month after his wife's death, only to return with even lower ratings. With one last chance to save his show, he decides to take drastic measures.

Co-directed by Cameron and Colin Cairnes (Scary Campaign), the film features a stellar cast including David Dastmalchian (The Suicide Squad), Laura Gordon (Undertow), Ian Bliss (The Matrix Reloaded), Fayssal Bazzi (Shantaram), Ingrid Torelli (Bloom), and Rhys Auteri (A Good Deed).

Late Night with the Devil is a phenomenal movie, with a magnificent concept and flawless execution. Every aspect, from sets to costumes to performances, contributes to an authentic atmosphere. While some elements may be over-the-top, they serve to captivate the audience. The film maintains a dark, mysterious tone through smart subplots and unpredictable twists, culminating in a satisfying conclusion that ties everything together to perfection.

The acting is outstanding across the board, with special mention to child actor Ingrid Torelli, who delivers a standout performance. Every character's facial expressions and reactions are compelling, drawing the audience into every scene. The kills are gruesome and perfectly executed. There's a tremendous use of worms that brought a smile to my face. And as for the ending-it's impactful and unforgettable.

In summary, Late Night with the Devil is one of the most unique and original horror films in recent memory. My wife and I both enjoyed it immensely, with her rating it a 10/10 and me an 8/10, averaging out to a solid 9/10. It's a must-see for horror enthusiasts.
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A bit disappointed
niebo765 April 2024
I did enjoy the cinematography blended with color and some black and white which if I recall correctly was whenever the "late show" would go into commercial breaks while focusing on the off-air dialogues. What I didn't like about the movie was that there were moments when the character development took longer than I would've expected.

The ending to me was odd and maybe more in tune with what a 70's horror movie would represent. In either case I found the ending confusing and with a lack of surprise, shock or awe which is what I expect in horror films.

Personally, I felt that the climax of the movie was done poorly and left me disappointed.
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This is brilliant
philhayes801 August 2023
I managed to see this during The Sydney Film Festival when it was on and it was one of the most underrated films of the night.

David Dastmalchian is brilliant in this role and the other actors in this gel and make this one of the films of the year.

As an Australian it is good to know when can at least make some good horror films, and you'd never know that this was made on a minimal budget it never shows and I hope it gets to make a big return..

I have nothing but good things to say about this because of just how good it was. I always see things at film festivals and seeing this was a highlight of the SFF and it has MIFF to go. Can't wait for everyone else to see it.
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Very entertaining but a bit disjointed
salmon624 April 2024
I really admire how much work went into this film.

The 70's ethic was recreated believably and the set and wardrobe folks are to be commended. As are the sound people.

The movie is comprised of found footage or previously unreleased footage of a TV talk show which featured some special Halloween guests to boost ratings.

The host has his own tragic, sensational backstory to add to the plot of what takes place in the hour-long talk show episode.

The story is compelling and tragic and has some references to the occult participation of the protagonist talk show celebrity.

The issue I note with the movie is the individual segments of the guests who each have a few moments of terror in the film. These subsections of the film come off as separate chapters and take away from the focus of the film, the title, the Late Night with the devil interview.

Other than this disjointed assembly of characters, the film is entertaining for its throwback qualities and the interesting characters assembled.
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This is an overrated flick.
mjoll20 April 2024
I'm sorry to sound like a hater, but I found this movie to be really boring and kind of dumb. It's a great premise and I enjoyed the 70's vibe, but there was nothing in it that I found to be scary/horrifying. I realize it's a low-budget film, yet the acting, effects, and plot really lacked. In short, this movie really comes across as an amateurish, film-school short. There's a whole lot of overrating of this movie - I think that is mostly due to the fact that it is different. However, different does not mean good. I'm tired of overhyped movies like this getting buzz just so people sign up to stream it.
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Don't trust the high ratings
darrylmsmith4 April 2024
These high ratings have to be hyped reviews. Whenever someone sees something at a film festival or a pre screening people feel like what they are watching is special.

This is an okay movie. As someone who actually grew up in the 70s they did a great job with the 70s feel without being too campy.

I watch A LOT of movies, so it all was so predictable, but not completely disappointing. No one in the theater looked surprised when the "twist" was revealed. It's not even a twist.

The actor who played Lilly - wow. At first I thought she was a bit old to play 13, but as I watched her acting she drew me right in. Her intense looks really gave the movie an agitated feeling.

It moves slow as a horror movie, but it is an entertaining 70s throwback until the "horror" unfolds.
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a nod towards Exorcist and Amityville
christopher-underwood31 March 2024
I have to say that this is a rather original and really good effort of making a thrilling horror, with a nod towards Exorcist and Amityville. We're surprised we are straight in with a 70s late-night talk show very much like Johnny Carson and this is rather long before we get into this brilliant part of the horror. I realise that we are being drawn into this and it is rather clever and we have almost forgotten about the horror. Of course we enjoy the way the program is made and with all the advert breaks, the short music introductions and the unfunny jokes. David Dastmalchian is brilliant, he doesn't put a foot wrong also Ingrid Torelli is almost even better. She is a young Australian girl with her first film and amazing although I understand that she was had a wonderful run in 2016 with Matilda the Musical in Melbourne but she certainly had a different role in this one with a lovely look in her eye, she is a bit of a devil.
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taghiramzi20 April 2024
In this movie, a late night show host, desperate for ratings, does some paranormal experiments live on air on the Halloween night of 1977.

This movie right now has a rating of 7.4 with 13k votes, which by the scale of the horror movies is like 9 for regular movies, so as a horror fan I've watched it as soon as I could.

I really wanted to like this, I really did. It is a unique story as mentioned by other reviewers, the setting is great, acting is great (specially Mr. Dastmalchian), the movie is really engaging and not a bad at all, totally watchable. So what's the catch? In my humble opinion, it is not scary. It has some scary moments, but in overall, I didn't find it scary.

Most horror movies have some main elements that are scary or at least creepy for everyone, like new house, peculiar entities, etc., but late night shows are not creepy in nature, so maybe they needed some more preparations or backstories for the viewers.

In conclusion, this is not a bad movie, it is unique, has its moments and acting is great. In general, it could be better (or worse), but it is watchable, specially for horror fans, but do not expect anything groundbreaking or extraordinary.
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Low budget filmmaking done right
DanLawson14624 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The performances are brilliant. Jack is clearly the lead and David does a great job with him; it's quite a wide ranging performance in the sense that on the one hand he's this overly charismatic TV host, but on the other hand he becomes increasingly unnerved as the events of the film transpire. I also thought the young girl playing Lilly was really terrific and had the perfect balance between charming and creepy 2) As my title suggests, I was really impressed by how the film utilises its low budget. Setting the film all in one studio was a great idea as it adds a claustrophobic atmosphere to the film, and I also loved how the film is a tight 90 minutes as it means it never feels boring or like it's overstaying its welcome 3) I think this is a film that I'll remember very well amongst all the other films I see. I loved the theme of this TV host who is at heart a good person but has been corrupted by his lust for fame. I also found it pleasantly unique. Moments such as Carmichael hypnotising everyone in the studio, whilst also seeming to hypnotise us as the audience too, were very well done and the film in general is very well made


1) There are certainly moments where you can tell that the filmmakers were struggling to capture what they wanted to show whilst working with such a low budget. I thought the special effects in general were very ropey. Moments such as the projectile vomiting or the worm infestations just looked really bad if I'm being brutally honest 2) I'm someone who's quite easily scared by horror films, but I have to say I didn't find this film scary at all. The hand appearing on Jack's shoulder was the only moment that even gave me the chills, and I never once felt genuinely scared. To me, the film felt like it was slowly building towards this great horrific climax, but in the end I felt that the ending was somewhat of a let down because it's more about Jack's psychological breakdown than it is about genuine horror.
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benmgiddings29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Don't be fooled by the high rating this is nothing special. The premise for the movie is a failing talk show hosts desperation to improve ratings by creating a talk show based around devilry. What follows is exactly what you expect. There's some mediocre performance of a medium, then a girl is brought out who's been possessed and kills everyone at the end. There really isn't much more to it than that. It doesn't leave anything to the imagination. It isn't scary, or questionable whether here was actually a demon. It's just too predictable. It is entertaining however and an easy watch. The acting is excellent and the movie makes it seem as if something is round every corner. Sadly though the only thing round the corner is exactly what you think it is. Just like any other predictable horror.
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Glorious "hommage" to THE EXORCIST
davidgee26 March 2024
Pretending to be "found footage" from the 1970s, this is the night TV chat show host Jack Delroy (David Dastmalchian) hoped his show would get a boost from a Halloween special featuring a Latino medium and a teenage girl possessed by a demon. He got more than he bargained for. Obviously, things were going to go horribly wrong, and they did - horribly.

This is - almost - a gloriously original movie, or at least it's an original twist on familiar tropes, in the vein of, let's say, Scary Movie. Some projectile vomiting heralds the inevitable "hommage" to THE EXORCIST. Lilly, the possessed girl (Ingrid Torelli), is clearly referencing Linda Blair, but she reminded me a bit of Pamela Franklin (THE INNOCENTS, 1961).

LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL is unusually short, less than 90 mins. A bit gross towards the finale, but not as sickeningly gross as the majority of current horror films. Recommended.
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Another movie that missed out on being a classic because it couldn't get a perfect ending
bleu3029 March 2024
This movie starts out a little unusual in that the first, say, 5 minutes is presented in the form a documentary. It made me think or worry that maybe the entire movie would be like that. But then it starts and it does not disappoint. The characters that are introduced are genuinely interesting. I was impressed by Carmichael (played by Iann Bliss).

Early on and well into the ending, the movie is exploring this question of whether what is happening is real or fake. The ending had to have been consistent with the answer to that question. The problem that this movie has is that the ending--while not being the worst ending of all time for a movie--is not so great. It just doesn't tie the story together as well as I think it could have. Now, if this ending was done but a little differently, perhaps it could have still been good. Ultimately, I think if the ending to this movie was great or perfect, this could have been a true classic. But that was not the case. I could have given this movie a 7, but I just put a ton of emphasis on a decent ending for the movies I watch.

I want to also take a moment to point one of the great things about this movie that will be overlooked: its comedy. Sometimes this is unintentional and a lot of times only certain personalities will see the humor of it, but it's there. Finally, there is a degree of originality to this movie that should also be pointed out: An entire movie based on a show--And a movie that, overall, is not so bad.
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This was made for me.
Slick, Charming, Satanic! Late Night With The Devil sucks you in and keeps you held in horrified suspense in an era you might not've even been alive for. Lol If you love the paranormal, occult, and horror there's countless Easter eggs, and I might've even spied some uncredited actors just to further add to the wtf is happening factor. Idk how the hell they made this thing look so good, the perfect grain, the perfect colors, the perfect cast, every little thing was flawless, and so charming. This is unlike anything you've ever watched. It's an instant classic. And it was well well worth the wait.
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Great theme, tone, atmosphere; and then that ending
jskotz30 May 2024
"Late Night with the Devil" takes us back to 1977, where it envisions a fictional fourth commercial broadcast network competing against the reigning king of late-night talk shows, Johnny Carson. The rival host, Jack Delroy (played by David Dastmalchian), is a local Chicago talk show host who gets bumped up to the national level. The film opens with a five-minute prologue that sets up Jack's backstory, including a key biographical fact that hints at the movie's eventual outcome.

During sweeps week-a quarterly event when networks try to boost ratings by airing their most outrageous content-Jack and his producer, Leo (Josh Quong Tart), decide to take their Halloween broadcast up a notch. They invite a psychic named Christou (Fayssal Bazzi) and Carmichael the Conjurer (Ian Bliss) to the show. Things take a dark turn when bestselling parapsychologist Dr. June Ross-Mitchell (Laura Gordon) interviews Lilly (Ingrid Torelli), the sole survivor of a satanic cult's mass suicide.

The film expertly balances absurd dark humor with eerie horror elements, with a perfect mix of 70's tone and atmosphere. Dastmalchian's performance as Jack Delroy is fantastic, and the practical effects add to the overall creepiness.

However, the movie stumbles in its execution. The insistence on being a "found footage" film built around a buried broadcast creates unrealistic expectations for everything that follows. While the gooey practical effects are impressive, the movie doesn't always feel beholden to the visual conventions of circa-1977 American late-night talk shows. Perhaps this departure from realism is intentional, but it can be jarring for viewers expecting a more consistent tone.

And then there's the ending. Unfortunately, it's a complete shift that destroys the atmosphere the rest of the movie worked hard to establish. The terrible CGI undermines the tension, leaving viewers disappointed. It's a shame because "Late Night with the Devil" had the potential to be a really good movie, but that awful ending prevents me from wholeheartedly recommending it.

This might have been a 8-9 but that ending drops it to 6-7.
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Great Idea. Bad Execution.
wolf_wereling23 March 2024
I gotta say, a lot of effort was put in to really make this look like a 70s talk show. Set design, costume, and even the look of the film all make it feel authentic.

I loved the character meant to represent James Randi and other historical references that were made.

The visual effects at the end were pretty cool. I'm usually not big on CGI but I thought it looked neat.

The problem is with the story set up. The film wants you to believe that "found behind the scenes footage" was included. Those scenes don't read as behind the scene. I can buy that cameras are on when you're "off" but this has a really high res (higher than the regular film scenes) camera following them. They never acknowledge the camera but it always gets their best angles and no one is mic'd but we can hear everything they're saying.

Not much really happens and the ending is nonsense. I also didn't love the way the film was introduced. A narrator explains the cultural landscape and the background of the main character. I wish we'd just been dropped in to the show.

I think this is a great idea for a horror movie but the script needs work. Some of it just seems so forced and then bam it's over.
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Originality on primetime
I think where this one really shined was in its originality. It really felt new, fresh and innovative. It felt like I was watching something that was generally different and unique and that was exciting to me.

They did a solid job capturing that genuine look and vibe of 70's talk shows. They also did a great job balancing the hokey feel of a program of that time and nature with a genuine and unsettling creep factor. When they went for the spook it was quite successful and effective. There were some dope effects and when the movie hit its climax... it was awesome. I was fully on board and pleasantly engaged. The pacing was solid throughout with a great intro, buildup and a fun and surprising finale.

The only thing I would say is I just wish there was more because I was enjoying the story and wanted it to keep going. Yet at the same time I appreciated the abruptness and shock value of the way it ended.

Overall I thought this was a really cool experience and it ended up being quite the breath of fresh air in a sea of regurgitated horror tropes. Would recommend.
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Found footage done perfectly till the final act when it flopped spectacularly
AJ_Nel29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Drawing its principal inspiration from the 1980 incident between talkshow host, Don Lane, and magician turned skeptic, James Randi, 'Late Night with the Devil' presents a compelling found footage horror noir till almost right at the end. The ending is however so over-the-top that it totally destroys the credible "is this all created for ratings, or is this really happening' theme created throughout the film and digress into absolute and somewhat a lame 'deal with the devil territory'. Generally the film is very well directed with a plethora of homages to both 70s horror and 70s talk shows. The acting is mostly solid and the atmosphere is true to time. This could have been a masterpiece, but for the overindulging final act. 6/10.
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