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The Void (I) (2016)
A fantastic and very underrated film
16 May 2024
When I initially watched 'The Void' (2016) I went in with only the IMDB description of it (and also the rating/ crew I guess) but when I say this masterpiece blew me away for it's entire runtime, I mean it! This also includes all my re-watches as well! When I first found it, the only actor I knew in it was Aaron Poole (who I had seen in Quibi's/Roku's original series 'most dangerous game' (2020-2023), and would later see in 'The conspiracy' (2012) and 'The empty man' (2020)) and I knew it had a small budget (fun fact it was a crowdfunded project) but with what they had, I can confidently say they've done a fantastic job. From my knowledge, most of the things seen in it (monsters, gore, etc) were practical effects and WOW do they look good). The plot line is very good and the end leaves some things to the watchers memory to fill in but mostly things are explained and it doesn't leave a concerning amount of questions, acting is mostly good,

my main note is that FOR ME it was more unsettling then it was scary

Overall it was an amazing film which I wish has a second (by any means necessary), it definitely needs more attention and a FAR higher rating.
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The Number 23 (2007)
A masterpiece
20 December 2023
'The Number 23' (2007) is an absolutely incredible film, it kept my attention for the entire duration of it's runtime and the ending was simply a joy to watch. After finishing the film, I looked at ways which the number was hidden in the film which our protagonist didn't notice, all this was super cool to see as it proves the filmmakers attention to detail is phenomenal. It has a super unique concept and plays out well, the ending also explains things well whilst also remaining jaw dropping. The acting in the film is wonderful to watch and everything about this film is truly masterful.

Overall I would highly recommend this, I don't see what isn't to like.
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Realistic and unsettling
29 November 2023
'The Conspiracy' (2012) is a rather unknown film despite the clear quality presented throughout the whole runtime (which is 1 hour and 24 mins). With a small budget (about £1.2 million according to another review) and relatively unknown cast (the only one who I knew before this was Aaron Poole who had been in the film 'The Void' (2016) and the series 'Most Dangerous Game' (2020-2023)) I'm more then happy to admit that this all resulted in this film being a hidden gem. Throughout the whole thing I was hooked and massively impressed. Whilst I wouldn't class this as a horror, it still creates unsettling scenes however they are incredibly realistic which is more then impressive. A smart strategy it uses is mixing real footage with the films footage, this mixes the lines between reality and the film world. The realism of the entire thing can be seen as the horror which I found super cool, realism is created in every way possible, even the way it was filmed is one, the found footage theme was definitely the right choice.

Overall I would highly recommend this film to everyone as every second is convincing and wonderful to watch.
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Phone Booth (2002)
17 May 2023
'Phone Booth' is an incredible movie. Its short, tense and well acted. Colin Farrell plays his role of Stu Shepard really well and gives us an incredibly emotional display. Despite not seeing the caller until the end, Kiefer Sutherland still manages to deliver his role well and the interactions between the two are what make this movie special. Forest Whitaker plays the role of Captain Ramey and does the role decently well. The short run time of the film really makes the rest of the film so tense and will have you on the edge of your seat, the ending is also really well done. Overall I hugely recommend 'Phone Booth'
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Get Out (I) (2017)
A smart horror film
16 May 2023
Wow... oh wow! Going into 'Get out' I had Ok expectations for it but WOW did it deliver. I mean no wonder this thing won an Oscar! This was also directors Jordan Peele's debut film (to my knowledge)! The cast is also incredible and create the perfect eerie feeling through out the film! Lead actor Daniel Kaluuya provides an incredible journey through out the entire film and is one of the many reasons for its success, of course I could talk about the cast and all the incredible roles for hours and hours but I want to talk about the creativeness of everything. I mean... this is such a wild idea that somehow came across so well. Definitely watch this... in fact watch it twice... you'll see why...
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The Guilty (2021)
16 May 2023
'The Guilty' is a decent watch. The concept is interesting and done well. My only negative with it is that a lot of it is watching Jake Gyllenhaal talk into a headset and we don't see a lot of the described action. However it still finds a way to remain interesting and really has you on the edge of your seat. For a Netflix original its actually really good. The main highlight of the film is the spectacular emotional display from Jake Gyllenhaal and if it weren't for him then the film wouldn't be as good unless if the replacement is as good as him (obviously). Overall I'd recommend you watch it as you don't have anything to lose.
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Most Dangerous Game (2020–2023)
Love it
13 May 2023
Most dangerous game is my favourite series ever made. The action and suspense is done really well in both seasons, the prey (or runner) in both seasons are incredibly well acted, Christoph waltz is also a joy to watch as he plays his role to perfection. The hunters are all pretty good with the best of the best being Nixon (Chris Webster) in my opinion. The premise is intriguing and plays out well and yes- it is unrealistic BUT why would you want to sit down and watch a realistic series? Whilst I certainly preferred season 1 they are both absolute gems and I hope it gets a season 3 and beyond! The only downside is it should be 2 movies- not a series as it works as a movie chopped into episodes- prime compiled season 1 into a movie so that's why I preferred it- hopefully they do it to season 2 as well.
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On the Line (II) (2022)
it had incredible potential
12 May 2023
On the line was a very... interesting movie, the concept is fascinating and that was enough for me to give it a watch. Whilst the acting was decent for the most part, some parts that were intended to be serious made me laugh but that was only once or twice. However the ending was shallow- I get why its like that but I'm not sure why they actually went with it. Time absolutely flew whilst I was watching it though and it kept me on the edge of my seat and that's all I can really ask of a thriller. I'm not sure what but something just kept me watching, was it the concept? Was it the characters? I cant say for sure but what I can say is that its a hit or miss film.
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10 April 2023
After watching 'shutter island' all I could say is wow! The twists and turns of this incredible detective movie are amazing and I'm sure it's a movie you can watch twice, and see it differently both times. The end left my jaw hanging in surprise and it's the first movie or TV show to ever make me do that! I applaud the main character as the wide range of emotions shown are incredible! The movie creates a sense of eeriness throughout and kept me on the edge of my seat! The tension and eeriness created are just fantastic and really immersed me into how the characters were feeling. Overall you should definitely watch 'shutter island' and I promise you, you won't regret it.
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Good action with areas of suspense
25 November 2022
Ok let me get into this,

The Longest night was a decent watch which I hope has a season two. However sometimes the acting could lose me a bit but most of the time it was decent, fairly fun watch and I would recommend it. Some of the characters were very interesting and good to see developed however others were just sort of there. Sometimes I felt Hugo (one of two main characters) was really dumb all so he could save one life! Overall it was a decent watch which at the end made me practically begging for a season two but no plans have been made for one. I feel you'll like this if you can get into it quick enough!
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