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Inspector Lewis: Life Born of Fire (2008)
Season 2, Episode 3
Stupid Episode
10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If indeed this is the story of why Hathaway gave up the Clergy to become a policeman, then he never should have considered the Clergy as a "calling". His revelation to Lewis revealed was he told his friend the truth and the friend didn't like it and terminated their friendship. Some friend! And now Hathaway blames himself and thinks that he should have been more tolerant and I would agree, he could/should have been more compassionate but he still said what needed to be said and the friend needed to do some soul searching about his lifestyle choices. Too much perversion and jaded slant on a difficult and controversial subject for my taste.
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Argument Anyone?!
1 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two of the most stubborn, opinionated people ever team up for a delightful and charming, if highly predictable, detective series set in the late 1800's London. Nothing deep, no nudity or raw sex or even real violence but a good old fashioned whodunnit that features Miss Scarlet of course, being cuter, faster, smarter and tougher than anyone else even when you know she's "full of it". A great supporting cast is included especially Miss Ivy and Moses who was my personal favorite. Street wise and wily, Moses saves Miss Scarlet's bacon more than once and those two are an even more unlikely pair than her and Detective Inspector. Duke Wellington. Most interaction between the characters is very predictable with the occasional zingers for comedic relief but entertaining nonetheless.
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Karen Pirie (2022– )
Totally stupid!
30 October 2022
We couldn't even make it through the first episode. Horrible music, amateur cinematography, bad acting, thin story, just stupid. Didn't waste our time.so I have to come up with more words to describe this farce?!! Unbelievable! Bad is bad; how many more ways can it be said?! Simply not worth watching no matter how many or how few words are used to say so! Advertising it as being from the same folks who did Line of Duty was the sole reason we even bothered to watch this schlock but if true, they need to take their name off ASAP! And BritBox offering it for viewing surely had to be for contractual reasons.
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Reilly: Ace of Spies: After Moscow (1983)
Season 1, Episode 9
Superb storytelling!
26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This one will certainly test your memory of history and bring back memories long forgotten. Sam Neil is excellent in the lead role of Reilly: Ace of Spies as is all the supporting cast both ongoing and limited appearances. This was a very trying time in world history with some of the most serious and dangerous world situations in the last 300 years. While watching, glimpses of James Bond and Indiana Jones flash before you and then you remember, it was them who were modeled aster Reilly and not the other way round! Plus, he was an actual person and not a storybook fictional character with his suave, debonair yet manly bearing. It is a bit difficult to keep up sometimes as the writers apparently presume that viewers are more familiar with the events without benefit of any refresher being done. Highly entertaining, very educational from an historical perspective and reminiscent of action movies of a bygone era especially with the 3 part segments in each installment. It's like being back at the Saturday matinees in theaters of yesteryear.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
Well done!
23 October 2022
Although there are some reviewers who were disappointed, this is an excellent series that has an important story to tell and it's told very well from start to finish. The inclusion of numerous familiar actors playing the various characters added to the experience in a very comfortable and entertaining manner. And while I am not totally aware of the actual events, they are not that different than similar situations in the U. S. in our coal mining regions particularly WV and Appalachia. The bottom line is relationships and their importance in a community especially when that community is so dependent upon a particular industry or field of endeavor. Communities can get torn apart by issues often beyond the control of the citizens of that community but it's important to try and resolve them from within and shut out all the extraneous noise and opinions. I am glad there will be a second season if it's as well done as the first.
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Almost good.
19 October 2022
This show is "interesting" given the unique location, quirky characters and different cultural perspectives and has some good to great moments sprinkled throughout. Again, the writers weren't just satisfied to spin a good yarn but had to take same sex relationships from innuendo to perversion with the level of intimacy. Totally unnecessary and quite disgusting. Hopefully that nonsense is kept to a minimum. No deep mystery or intriguing situations but just good overall everyday relationships and interactions with a South African twist. The intertwining of food recipes and preparation (beautiful, delicious looking concoctions) gives an additional twist that's a bit different but welcome. Light hearted violence and murder if there is such a thing.
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McDonald & Dodds (2020– )
Excellent Detective Series
30 August 2022
We love this series! Great actors and acting with very good writing with material that is quite different than the majority of the genre. The pairing of the overzealous MacDonald with the nerdy Dodd plays very well No sex, very little violence, clean language and what little PC nonsense is present is minimal. Quite refreshing to be entertained, somewhat challenged and appropriate humor smattered about, makes for very enjoyable TV watching. It's not without fault or cliché's yet again, kept to a minimum. Vast improvement in the "boss" figure in the 3rd season as the previous guy was just painful. And the city of Bath is absolutely fascinating! What a great old grand venue! Highly recommend.
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Mr. Jones (2019)
Truth hurts.
22 August 2022
Ironically, this movie accurately depicts Ukrainian plight at a time the latest Russian dictator and madman, Vladimir Putin, is slaughtering them--again! And of course, the lies of Communism which is repeatedly a failed repressive system still looking for a place to succeed. Enough political commentary. The acting is superb, the story is well done and the cinematography fits the mood and timbre appropriately. Ideologues might disagree but at their own peril. This is much more than "entertainment".
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The Outlaws (2021– )
My First 10!
10 August 2022
Absolutely awesome! This series is super in every respect. Whoever did the casting deserves the highest award possible! The way it comes together is masterful with loads of British humor, excellent acting, fast action and superb writing. While there is certainly no condoning the lifestyles or morals on display, the self-deprecating jesting is first rate, spot on and and side splitting at all levels. The premise might be a little hokey but so what. It provides the perfect platform to bring together a group of total screwups to be able pull off the whole caper.
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NOT a lesson in good parenting!
6 August 2022
What a horrible ser of parents! The primary characters are divorced and easy to see why. Two of the most dysfunctional, horrible human beings ever! It's no wonder the kids are such a mess. So disrespectful and haven't a clue about basic human behavior. The parents along with the kid should spend the rest of their life in prison.
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Night Sky (2022)
Excellent Series!
31 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Superior acting, superb plot good special effects and an engaging story-- but Amazon Prime would apparently present more worthless schlock that isn't worth watching!! Really Amazon?! What the heck are you thinking?! Yes, this series moves at an unhurried pace that is much more believable and realistic than all the slam, wham, bam frenzy of most of their own efforts and the story is taking it's time to develop but at least it has a plot and is a story worth watching. I might have just ruined it for some folks however even watching the first season is better than watching most Amazon Prime productions.
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Murder in Suburbia (2004–2005)
Entertaining pablum.
12 July 2022
Certainly not "deep" or complicated but at least it's not "noir", violent, politically correct or perverse like so many cop shows of late. The two female leads are charming, funny and carry their respective types quite effectively so a bit of brains and sophistication with a dash of beer and chips which works. Sufficiently entertaining enough to make it through 12 episodes at least.
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Could have been good.
11 July 2022
Great comedy, good premise and decent storyline and setting. So what's with all the crude language especially for a period comedy in which cursing would not be so prevalent. I am certainly not a prude by any means but when foul language constitutes about half of the dialogue, it makes me wonder if the writers just couldn't think of anything else to say. One episode is all I could tolerate.
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Hidden: Episode #3.1 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 1
From a 9 to a 6.
28 June 2022
Not sure what the producers decided to do with the 3rd series but it ain't working. The lead character was an enjoyable detective that was better than competent and had a mostly likable disposition and demeanor. This season she is a total bitch! Smart mouthed, arrogant, rude and disrespectful. Plus, the new trend of a prerequisite gay relationship has become central to the theme rather an occasional mild reference. Whoever thought these changes would be good is sadly mistaken. Hidden was one of the better Acorn series the past 2 seasons but 3 is a dumpster fire.
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Redemption (I) (2022)
Not the worst.
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While better than some detective series, Redemption falls a bit short of really being "good". The main character, Collette, is either on Prozac or is just wooden much of the time. The story develops a bit too slowly at times and all the prerequisite politically correct races, sexes, lack of sexes, blah, blah, blah are present and is every British/Irish teenager a potty mouthed brat?! The granddaughter, Cara, is a worthless little twit who should have her backside lit on fire. She is a juvenile delinquent. And the grandson has a "boyfriend"? B. S.! We definitely have a totally screwed young generation. The producers really need to rethink their priorities on what makes good entertainment.
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Tin Star (2017–2020)
Dark Perversion
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the sickest, most evil and corrupt cast of characters ever! Totally dysfunctional, psychotic, and with no regard for human life including themselves. So why watch? They have at least done the audience a favor and interjected some ridiculous humor that at least provides some entertainment value if nothing else. The total lack of common sense is unbelievable and stupid decisions abound as well as totally inaccurate depictions of various incidents that are totally ridiculous. Shooting someone in the leg with a 12 gauge riot gun at close range results in a flesh wound rather than a totally mangled leg! Really?! And a 12 gauge Benelli Over and Under that sounds like a rifle are 2 examples. The only somewhat normal character is Denise, the Canadian Indian Deputy (what's with the "First Nations" nonsense. Must be Canadian political correctness) but even she is deeply flawed. If you're into dark humor, the scenery is absolutely gorgeous!!
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Signora Volpe (2022– )
Enjoyable entertainment!!
13 June 2022
A charming series with gorgeous scenery, mildly intriguing stories and not a lot of political correctness, sex, vulgarity, or overly complicated plots. Are there holes? Absolutely! But don't let them override having an entertaining evening with just some sheer entertainment.
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Kate & Koji (2020–2022)
17 May 2022
We have really enjoyed the first two seasons of K&K although it took awhile to warm up to the "new" Koji. The actor is much better in the last couple of episodes but lacks the dry wit and sarcasm of Jimmy. Granted this is just silly slapstick and you might even say, predictable most of the time however the writers are definitely playing to the strengths of the actors and it is pretty much confined to one small cafe. Not the best comedy on tv but certainly entertaining.
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Dumb, just dumb.
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's absolutely no redeeming value.in this series. The story is dumb, the acting is wooden and doesn't make any logical sense as to how the characters react to the premise. We watched 2 episodes and gave up. Don't waste your time.
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Mostly Solid.
31 March 2022
Adrian Scarborough is solid as always with just the right touch of quirky and thankfully got us in the suburbs of Chelsea rather than downtown London. And then of course we have all the prerequisite gays, racial issues and relationships that have to be present for today's politically correct presentation reality be damned. The stories themselves have just enough twists and suspects that playing amateur detective is quite entertaining. Perhaps one of the more delightful unexpected characters is the deaf pathologist played by Sophie Stone as again, a pathologist has to be a good character and she has a natural charm and honesty that balances the scenes quite nicely. This could easily be a much higher quality production with less contrived "diversity" and more emphasis on the quality of the various characters and stories rather than making sure all the various minorities are represented.
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Murder in Provence (2022– )
We loved this series!
4 March 2022
Okay, so it's not real heavy and the stories are simple instead of complicated but Provence is undoubtedly the star of the show and we get that in spades. Some of the characters are not the best actors but there is a certain je ne se quoi between the two main characters (played by Roger Allam and Nancy Carroll) that is believable and since we are in the same demographic, we can definitely relate. An added bonus is the role of Helene played by Keala Settle, who is quite different than the formula cops in most British crime series. Yes, the setting is in France and we have to believe that everyone (mostly) is French even though they are nearly all speaking in their distinctly English dialects and mannerisms. No violence, sex, cursing or gore but with all the prerequisite gays, mixed race relationships, and any other politically correct character necessary for a series today. Just lighthearted, whimsical dry wit and charm. Enjoy.
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Totally Stupid.
18 February 2022
There is nothing redeemable about this series that comes to mind. Dysfunctional characters in a dysfunctional story that goes from one stupid relationship to another.
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Didn't see that coming!
16 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first 5 episodes are quite enjoyable and keeps one engaged even in the places that are pretty incredible to believe. But, apparently the producers couldn't help veering into a romantic relationship with 2 of the main characters that starts to add an element that Jules Verne certainly would not have gone there. Then, in what was the most highly anticipated part of the voyage, the intrepid adventurers are in the Wild, Wild, West of 1870 America which quickly devolves into a hodgepodge of the worst acting and storyline imaginable. The rendition of the Deputy U. S. Marshal was so painfully portrayed as what was supposed to pass as a former slave set free to now extract vengeance on former Confederate soldiers who had gone West to get away from the aftermath of Reconstruction. The depictions of the Confederates as racist, bigoted tyrants was so badly misplayed by actors with horrible Southern accents much less attitudes. And the Black former slave née Deputy Marshal supposedly had escaped to Oklahoma to live amongst my Cherokee ancestors who actually were part of and fought for the Confederacy. There was obviously no historians consulted to do any fact checking at all and if the Intent was to keep portraying fantasy, then the episode certainly succeeded because that's all it was; pure fantasy. We will certainly not be watching any more episodes.
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The Tower (2021–2023)
Much better than average.
13 January 2022
Despite the fairly large number of negative reviews here, decided to give it a go and very glad I did so. This is a much better than average British cop drama with good acting, characters and a bit of a twist in the storyline. Is it wholly accurate or plausible? Of course not but what tv shows fall into that category! Yes, there are definitely some weaknesses but overall the acting and events are enough to redeem it for an evening of streaming. My only real complaint is I am not a fan of any show that switches back and forth between timelines. Just a personal opinion.
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Cuffs (2015)
7 Going On 8
6 January 2022
If not for the perverted personal relationships, this show could have been a solid 8. The obligatory gay couples are totally unnecessary detritus but the rest of the show has a good mix of humor, drama, and interesting stories. The frustrations and trials of British police and the challenges of policing are highlighted along with the diversity of situations with which the police have to deal as effectively as possible. Obviously the Justice system in Great Britain is as dysfunctional as what we in the States have to endure.
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