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The Acolyte: Revenge/Justice (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
A show on par with book of boba fett and ahsoka
5 June 2024
There seems to be 2 types of Star Wars live action:
  • Andor, the mandalorian season 1-2
  • kenobi, book of boba fett and ahsoka

This new acolyte show heavily leans towards the latter group. I am holding my opinion, but offering my perspective.

I would say that early to late teens would be the best audience for this show. The acting and script level is on par with Nickelodeon and Disney teen shows.

The plot is very straight forward backed by a script that will state exactly what will happen next.

The fight scenes are very well filmed and coordinated. The feel of it reminded me of watching Kung Fu tv shows as a kid.

The cast is more diverse than ever before. So new audiences will be able to find their own heroes in the Star Wars universe.

Sets and props are stunning. Really this is the part that shines in the show. But I don't think this part has ever been anything but excellent in SW.

This show clearly emphasizes pushing boundaries in a Star Trek like scenes, casting and dialog at times the show seemed like Star Trek entirely but with Star Wars sets. This aspect may make it or break it for you. I know this is a contentious topic. So I'll leave that there.

This episode seemed better than the 1st because one or two characters seemed intriguing to me.
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The Acolyte: Lost/Found (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great sets, props and fight scenes
5 June 2024
There seems to be 2 types of Star Wars live action:
  • Andor, the mandalorian season 1-2
  • kenobi, book of boba fett and ahsoka

This new acolyte show heavily leans towards the latter group. I am holding my opinion, but offering my perspective.

I would say that early to late teens would be the best audience for this show. The acting and script level is on par with Nickelodeon and Disney teen shows.

The plot is very straight forward backed by a script that will state exactly what will happen next.

The fight scenes are very well filmed and coordinated. The feel of it reminded me of watching Kung Fu tv shows as a kid.

The cast is more diverse than ever before. So new audiences will be able to find their own heroes in the Star Wars universe.

Sets and props are stunning. Really this is the part that shines in the show. But I don't think this part has ever been anything but excellent in SW.

This show clearly emphasizes pushing boundaries in a Star Trek like scenes, casting and dialog at times the show seemed like Star Trek entirely but with Star Wars sets. This aspect may make it or break it for you. I know this is a contentious topic. So I'll leave that there.
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Survivor: Friends Going to War (2024)
Season 46, Episode 13
Terrible final council format, but ok end to an ok season
24 May 2024
So this season was quite different. Both fir good and for bad

Another season of really eccentric casting...but production made it work better than previous seasons. It was nice to see the physical capabilities has risen from the inept seasons recently where I wasn't sure contestants could finish the challenges. Sadly challenges don't seem to matter much anymore because it is 100% social now. And goats are lasting forever.

Something that really were rough was the ultra whiny cast this season. So many whiny emotional things that needed editing. Or maybe they did edit a lot done and saved us from a full season of mental breakdowns.

The end had me not caring who won. As it seemed like the best didn't make it. But it was also hard to see this show on its own after also watching Australian survivor which was phenomenal and a ton of people I wanted to win.

This open mic final tribal was horrifically bad. It felt like a middle school recess where everyone talks over eachother. And the jury had some really ugly controlling vibes. Just ask a smart question and let the people who beat you answer. The whole discussion and argue session was frenetic and was painful to watch. As an audience member it made it harder to stack the finalists against eachother format was the worst in 46 seasons

The hard thing this season is what is been typical for last few years is that the finalists outlasted, but far from a dominant player that outwitted or outplayed. This was more like a mtv drama reality show or big brother than what survivor used to be.

The saving grace is that of the 3 left, the best of the 3 won.
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Tracker: Off the Books (2024)
Season 1, Episode 12
Great episode but worried about shows fate
15 May 2024
The episode was great. The addition of the supernatural actor was seamless...but very concerning.

I don't know if it's a good or bad sign for the show.

On the good side, the show expanded the budget to afford its first big name actor...

Or it could be bad. As in this is just a ploy to grab viewers based on one actors stardom to avoid cancellation. Which doesn't work all that well most of the time. And if they don't make him an active character...then will be and his character/story wash away because they can't get him back in the show because he got a more active gig. Or they have to recast him to save the story arch.

I am hoping it's a good sign. As the show is maturing well.
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The Rookie: Crushed (2024)
Season 6, Episode 7
Gimmicky camera work distraction
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can deal with the lame breakup reason last episode. Even the extended plot drama dragging into this episode, but......

Why does this show get so infatuated with terrible gimmicks. Usually with camera work via a million cop cheat cameras, Brady bunch split screens...etc. Everytime this happens IMDB lights up with similiar complaints. So the feeling seems to be felt by many. I got shiws try to be trendy and to be unique to be relevant. I think this is proven to be not the attention getting technique for ratings.

And the therapist in the car was just cringy. She should have stayed quiet and observed. Instead she agitates a cop on patrol. Which can distract the cop and jeopardize their safety. Or at worse...gaslights him and everyone gets his wrath. And civilians don't have badge armor from. If she needs to talk, set an appointment before or afterwards to delve deeper to ensure he is safe on patrol.

Pretty soapy episode. Definitely a low point in season. But the show is still a solid 8. So a throwaway episode here and there won't hurt its earning another season.
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Tracker: Into the Wild (2024)
Season 1, Episode 10
Good, but took a lot of liberties in the plot
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong, ai like the show. I get that it's not a complex show ....but

The logistics of this episode are hilariously bad. They fly the protagonist into the mountains to track people. Who is able to do so in an hour. And hour later at most....he is out of the woods and the people who flew him him in just drive up and pick him up. All the time getting the best iPhone coverage to solve everything while in the woods.

Some city mafia guy roams the woods on a killing spree like he knows the trails, towns and woods thenselves better than the rangers do.

People get shot but nothing really impedes anyone. Come to think if it, isn't this the same season where he has already been shot in the shoulder?

Regardless, it's a cute fun show. But they take a lot of liberties hoping we aren't smart enough to know how the world works.
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Fallout (2024– )
So much more than I expected...I hope they make more
13 April 2024
So I have played the game a bit. But mainly just loved the art and world building of Fallout since its inception.

And when I heard Amazon was making a tv show...I had my doubts. Especially as hype and overhype grew. But man did this show deliver.

It had some fan service but never detracted from the story. And the story was great. The acting was on point. I thought maybe it might be a little goofy or weird but man did they make it all work.

It even had high emotional moments that I was not expecting nor was I prepared for.

The formula used here could make so many other tv shows be greatly improved. Meaning, build a story, impactful characters that embodies what made the franchise great. But doing it in a manner that is original. The fact that my wife lik d it priced that the show built e great show that catered to more than just a gamer niche. And that is how shows need to be built.

Based on my individual episode scores I had a lot of 9s, but collectively as a show. It's a 10. And I rarely rank anything a 10.
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Fallout: The End (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
A great show opener....and I can't wait to see more
11 April 2024
So while my experience playing the game has been limited, I have loved the theme, artistry and world mechanics of Fallout since its creation.

I love the music, the gadgets, costumes, etc

This show seems to have captured so much if all this in a high quality way. Not only did my son and ai enjoy it, but my wife went from "oh, another game to tv show " attitude to near instant interest. For me that shows how good the show is. Meaning the story is compelling to a wide range of audiences. The only other game to tv that was like this was "Last of us". Which was also awesome.

This show has so much promise and has delivered a great first episode. Making you anxious to see more. I hope it keeps being like this.

As a side note, I am very happy that this is more adult than kid like show in the way they delivered the content.
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Quantum Leap: This Took Too Long! (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Weaker episode but closer to original recipe
8 April 2024
The one thing that I really liked about this episode was it was the closest to the original so far.

None of the huge conspiracy nonsense from the cast in the future. Most of which add very little. And often makes the budget for good acting in the adventure for the episode to be low. Much the case in this one. Plot and script was very weak.

I was not surprised to find out this show was cancelled.

300 filler Appearance. Like octopus and cuttlefish, squid are a type of cephalopod, Greek for "head foot." Behind the animal's head is a soft, elongated mantle: a muscular space containing its organs. Unlike an octopus, which has no skeleton, squid have an internal shell called a gladius, or pen.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Red Directive (2024)
Season 5, Episode 1
Amazing how much it tried to be Star Wars
6 April 2024
So it was a while episode that felt like it tried to be a bit if every Star Wars show to come out lately plus a walkthrough of galaxies Edge.

My wife and I were excited for some more Star Trek only to remember how this particular had left off and jumped the shark seasons ago.

We seemed to quickly multitask with iPads going through as it was so boring of a plot. Jumping at crazy outlandish soap opera and social politics without any real point. But strange new worlds season 2 has done that too. So maybe it's more Star Trek that just can't get it right. The first season of Star Trek shiws shiw great promise and then they just grab at stupid. Smh.
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Slasher (2016–2023)
Season 1 & 2 are great
2 April 2024
Season 1 & 2 are great And for different reasons.

Season one is a slow burn but good story and horror aspect.

Season 2 feels like a great movie that doesn't end. Faster pace than season 1 but slightly muddled in doing so. But definitely the best season.

Season 3 starts off as a hot mess that seems to try to push tv boundaries for making political and social statements....and all of them all at once. This creates just a mess of story lines. The over the top sex scenes are quite raunchy and at times they seem to be the predominant scenes and not plot and horror. I haven't finished the season so unsure if will pay off. But by the same token, I very thing I've mentioned so far have me thinking if cutting my losses and stopping the show.

Season 4 - Watching now, I will update when done. So far, episode 1 was a mess, but the next few episodes clear up confusion quickly on the theme and direction.

Season 5 - a huge setting difference I didn't expect, but a good one. Everyone said it was terrible jn reviews but I think it was pretty good. I would say on par with season 3 in the sense of pace and plot. Good but messy a bit in execution. On acting level, it is arguably the best.
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Road House (2024)
Descent remake except for 2 things
23 March 2024
I really didn't think I would like this. Especially as so many remakes are terrible.

However this was a great remake. It was unique enough to make its own path. It stuck to the basic vibe of the original.

The two main things that brought this show down from a 7-8 down to a 6 for me was the really bad physics of cars and certain fights sped up weird. But ultimately the main thing that dragged this shiw down a few notches was the clown acting if Connor mcgregor. He was comically stupid. He was so cheesy he greatly detracted from an otherwise great show. And the final fight scene seemed to feed Connor's ego than for movie watching interest. I almost got the remote to fast forward the painfully long final fight. He can't walk normal. Talk normal. Or act in any form of passable. Even B rated films are way above him.
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Survivor: Scorpio Energy (2024)
Season 46, Episode 2
Mean girls themed episode
8 March 2024
It's crazy how many toxic players are in this season. Even the winning team is really bad. The 2 main people in that tribe are brutally mean. Especially to the one person who helped them win in the end. The irony is that these play sr are so demanding of the same stuff that the purposely deny others of.

And the losing tribe has some vicious people. Not just clever or devious. But vicious. I really feel bad for the introverts this season. They are getting gaslit bad.

This season is less about identifying the couple people you are routing for and more about hoping these toxic people get voted out quick. Or get a taste of their own behavior.

Some seasons have true good people that you root for. And others that are villains but ones you can root behind because of how they do it.

This season just seems to have people that are just cruel and vicious...and I don't think it's the game, it's just who they are.
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Another spinoff NOT worthy of the original
2 March 2024
Live review

The first 10 minutes feels like a watered down Last Of Us. The cutting off the hand seem d like a needless way to show that he had conviction to escape and get back to miss shone. It just makes the mechanics if the character cheesy and gimmicky. And to be honest, her character is hard to rally around. She was so awesome for her fist season it so. Then just watered down. Then again, maybe I'm just hyper critical because all the other spin-offs have been so terrible. And both major series shiws went seasons too long and both ended so badly.

The sit down and talk out scenes are terrible transitions

20 minutes in, the show starts to get better and have cool flashes of excitement. The Lt Col monologue is the best acting and informative part of the show so far. And should have come 10-15 minutes earlier. I think because this character and the main girl's monologue were great. Their acting and dialogue actually build character rather than feeling stagey and extra like grimes. Way too much tell Vs show. Especially in grimes character.

More dragged out plot talking on a bench. Ughhh.

Seems like the filmed all the big scenes in a week and then threw in a ton of B roll and park scenes.

Yea....half way through episode and not seeing this getting any better. I give this a 5 out of 10. If my score changes. It reflects hiw the rest of the episode went.
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Survivor: This Is Where the Legends Are Made (2024)
Season 46, Episode 1
Another year of very eccentric casting
2 March 2024
Live review

Ok, so survivor has clearly followed a checklist again to make sure that everyone that feels excluded is included on the show. Everything from allergies to all the food the island natively has to race ti immigrant status, sexual persuasion to visual impairment to eccentricities.

Casting again seems like a lottery if the most eccentric individuals were picked. And all 30s and younger cast. So seems like a millennial season.

The vote to who was sent off seemed to be the most obvious I have ever seen on survivor before. I even just started fast forwarding the horrible strategizing near the end because if how bad it is.

I'm hoping the hyper activity if the players dies down in the next episode. And the name dropping survivor every scene like it's a celebrity crush. It's like a lame 4th wall break. Makes it feel less adventure survivor and more MTV reality tv.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Griping story from all angles
20 February 2024 very gritty

But this is the good aspect if this show. I almost passed in this shiw because it looked like so many other east coast shows that film in blue filters and showcase the towns like it's still the 1920's. But this is really good.

Every character is a shade of gray. And does not give off any superfluous Aires if any side being totally black or white.

Yet there are huge impactful moments that shock both good and bad. It never tries to preach real world just shows the story as it is.

I live no life portrayed by any character on the show but find myself invested in so many of them. And their outcomes. The show is not shy about being in afraid at NOT pulling punches. Seems no character is truly safe to make it to the next season or even episode.

While I hated the producers show "Yelliwstone" (but loved its offshoot shows), I'm finding this producer has been making some phenomenal shows. Another one besides this one is Lioness. Absolute gold in a time when tv shows are sparse and what is available is horrifyingly bad.
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S.W.A.T.: The Promise (2024)
Season 7, Episode 1
Good but felt very familiar to another show
17 February 2024
I was not a huge fan of this shiw when it came out. But my wife was. So last summer I binge watched all 6 seasons.

This season start was odd. I played the liaise and I could have sworn I'd seen it already ...years ago. I had to check 2x to confirm it was season 7 episode 1. Reason being that many scenes, to include the main villains escape from authorities felt it was exactly like another show. Just can't remember. Like how Disney copies while sequences from old cartoon movies into the new ones. It really distracts as a viewer.

As for the filming in Mexico. It was done well. I was glad they didn't do the cliche sepia filter. The subtitles weren't over used but added to give authentic set locations.

Good story. I hope this season can keep pace. Previous seasons had hypocritical episodes and really trashy character arch's. Hoping that's stuff is in the past and have found solid footing for the future. Episode 1 is a great start.
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Arrow: Thanksgiving (2017)
Season 6, Episode 7
I fast forward more this season
7 February 2024
Samanda Watson is a special agent of the F. B. I. Who investigated Oliver Queen, the mayor of Star City, regarding if he is the vigilante known as Green Arrow.

Not sure if it's the scripting, acting or how it was directed but I grew to hate her character. Maybe because it wreaks of policing over reach and corruption of power. Add this to a show that is cartoony fake as a backdrop and it only makes this character as more cringy. And unfortunately, like most shows like this...some slim condition will change and she will be buddy buddy working with the hero next season.

Plus the show whole diggle drug addiction seems to come off as it's no big deal....seems odd. Then miracle cures ti come in to right the ship of his drug abuse.

Star actors shave some in this season. But the juggling of actors like a soap opera and the aforementioned items have made this season mediocre to me.

I find myself fast forwarding more and more this season.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: Second Date (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
Same as episode 1, but add corny bizarre scene
6 February 2024
The wife was curious if the shiw got better. So we watched.

Nope, it is still tragically bad. Super slow and boring. No heart in it. Even the chemistry building moments f el mechanical

For the 300 word count

John and Jane Smith become secret agents for a mysterious organisation. Their work puts both their skills as spies and their relationship to the test. The two have to deal with a world full of dangers.

John and Jane Smith become secret agents for a mysterious organisation. Their work puts both their skills as spies and their relationship to the test. The two have to deal with a world full of dangers.
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Masters of the Air: Part One (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Checklist driven with no heart
5 February 2024
I once heard that the difference between a good film and a great film is the director. The one that can pull the vision throughout production despite whatever obstacle comes is what makes it great. This film lacked direction where it mattered

The checklist driven production had the following: 1. Adequate budget 2 great sets 3. Great costumes and props 4 decent actors 5. Two huge predecessors to cultivate interest in Thai show (the pacific and band of brothers)

But the show failed in heart. It was underwhelming. Hinted at good characters but falls short of focus to show us who to care for.

Instead he just ran a checklist 1 drunken pilot with locals. Falls for girl 2 a clever guy holding onto high demand, low density items (like bikes) 3 a narrator to create gravity moments 4. A commander who demands more 5 a food scene for comraderie with a comedy moment at one persons expense (salt scene) 6 big budget scene for action sequences.

7 tense battle scenes and personal decisions to overcome situation

Yet, despite copying the basics, each part felt bland. Like there was no unifying vision of what the director wanted to say. Sc new are just cobbled together , hoping we are all WW2 buffs. The actors just all blend together. Muttled mess

The only thing this show does is to inspire me to turn it off and rewatch the great WW2 shows that preceded This one.

These heroes deserved a better telling.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: First Date (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
NOTHING like the movie ....terribly slow/boring pilot
3 February 2024
Live review:

Ok, so right off the bat this is gritty and no holds barred action. So that's a plus, I thought this might be a Nickelodeon level delivery rather than an assassin spy type movie.

Clearly, even a few minutes in, this is a stolen movie title grab for name recognition to fool people into the seat to watch. The plot is literally nothing to do with the movie. The vibe is entirely different. The movie was exciting and playful. Flirty even. But this episode, 26 minutes in....super dry and boring. It's taking a long time to say "yes arranged marriages are awkward".

There does not appear to be any chemistry so far with the cast. Neither character seems to have qualifications to be a spy. Maybe that will unfold over time...maybe? So drawn out....nothing inviting you to invest in the story or characters. A lot of complexly useless scripting. Over acted and stalled out scenes. Seems forced.

Is this a student production?

I'm now reflecting on the stolen title. If it wasn't the famous title form a spectacular movie that was adventurous and charming....there is zero chance I would still be watching this tv version.

Not sure why the filming feels very 1970's. Is it because it is filmed in the east coast? Trying to be artsy? Or will the next episode be 10 years in the future where they are actually are good at their job and have chemistry?

So much empty talking. But getting nowhere fast. It's like watching a really old movie. So slow.

Ok, the smallest semblance of a mission is this lame cake delivery that feels under helming....

Nope, they basically were terrorists without knowing they were. This show is so weird. It's like a show being called Star Wars, but it plays out like an episode of 'Mr. Robot'.

It's the oddest thing...the whole season looked like it dropped all at once, but to be honest, it's far from bingeworthy. I think I need another week before I can give another episode a chance. And if the Amazon ads kick in...IM OUT. That would be a deal breaker. This show is not worth seeing ads.

Ok, it ends with a long season ad to try to convince you it will get batter. Some better actors showing up. Tons of credits with Donald glover and his family. Idk. Maybe I'll watch one more before closing the chapter on this.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Movie carried by Stratham on his back
1 February 2024
Stratham was great. The plot was basic but that usually doesn't matter too much in this genre of shows.

The biggest distraction was bad acting by support leads. Mainly the fbi lead. She was ok, but was given a horrible script. Usually when profanity count goes up, quality goes way down. Usually in a poor attempt to try and make it scary it the actor seem tougher than they are. Less words could have been used to tell more. But there was no selling that she was truly in charge or tough. It's like they modeled her character off an old nick nolte film. But failed. By the end, I was not really thrown off by the almost comical South African hit squad

The rest is for the 300 wire count One man's brutal campaign for vengeance takes on national stakes after he is revealed to be a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as "Beekeepers".

One man's brutal campaign for vengeance takes on national stakes after he is revealed to be a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as "Beekeepers".

One man's brutal campaign for vengeance takes on national stakes after he is revealed to be a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as "Beekeepers".
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The Marvels (2023)
The audience I think is clutch for this movie
21 January 2024
So right off the bat, I must say I thought fanboys were just hating on this movie. But I have to admit the liver is pretty bad...

...that is...if you are the historical norm fan base. Males (both older and younger). But that in and of itself doesn't make this movie bad. After all, I watched and enjoyed plenty 1970's and 1980's superhero movies. Many made for tv release. And even then they were corny and nothing any adult would watch. But that's the point. They were aimed at kids.

The marvels is just as corny...just better props and CGI. But like mentioned's audience based. My wife groans when marvel anything comes on. Yet when this played, she said nothing but good things (like laugh, repeat lines and be excited at girls kicking butt)

I take this as the marvel genre and action in general is so depleted of content women like. Or having the cast be predominantly women and women very thing else being subservient to their mission/plot/script. Something that up until the last decade was always the reverse.

As a guy, I find no character I really like because for one, I am an adult and this was clearly made for kids. Even by marvel standards. It plays more like a tv show if made for tv movie. And because it caters more to felt soapy.

While it was a solid 1 for me I rate it a 4 because it's a step in the right direction. Where more lanes if entertainment are being opened. So everyone can identify with the lead(s) actor. But, for the money they spent in this better quality is needed for the ladies if my house. And if made better. I think all audiences might have enjoyed it.

There is really strong female characters and stories that have been made. Use those as blueprints.
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Death and Other Details: Rare (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Absolutely brilliant
18 January 2024
So far, this show is amazing. It is exactly what I had hoped Death in the Nile would have been. I love this 1920's feel if it all. But still modern. It has the adventure and mystery if the movie murder in the orient express without the Tim Burton esque goofy detective.

The character are fresh and vibrant. And the hen you think you have one pegged, they totally flip the script but still staying in a storyline that you can follow. Well scripted. Great acting. Camera work and illusions are on point.

Filler to get 300 characters below Imogene Scott finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time and becomes the prime suspect in a locked-room murder mystery; to prove her innocence, she must partner with a man she despises, Rufus Cotesworth, the world's greatest detective.
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Dr. Death: Diplos (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
You really got to be a fan of one of these actors to hang in...
26 December 2023
I wanted to watch Reacher, but my wife doesn't like it. So I tried Fargo and she doesn't like it. So we settled on this. So my wife is a nurse, so I think she finds the medical stuff interesting. And talking about the real world tie ins.

I found this to be as exciting as waiting in the waiting room for a doctor. I am sure this kind of stuff happens in real life. Especially the cover ups. But as a show it's frustrating to watch. It's so slow you start thinking about all the medical stuff that has bothered you over the years. But what can you do ? So the show gets you riled up because you start thinking g about the real world stuff instead of paying attention to the show. Not that you really miss anything. It's an 8th grade script one word a minute if you account for how NOT COMPELLING the show is.

Did I mention how slow and boring this is? Nothing about this is a thriller or suspense. It's a bad doctor who gaslights medical staff that don't do the right thing and report him. That's the whole show. Now take 60 minutes to draw that out for 8 episodes a season.
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