
13 Reviews
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Clear your mind and open up to the view points.
29 July 2017
Wow so many close minded reviews. I do believe in Evolution but, who or what started the big bang? Just because science hasn't proved or disproven God doesn't mean there wasn't intelligent design involved. As science evolves we are becoming Gods and designing the next generation in not just plants & animals but people as well.

This documentary focuses on the struggle of creationism and Darwinism. How Nazi views of killing those deemed lesser than others gave them the courage to kill over 6 million Jews. Ben Stien is open about being Jewish and even admits that some statements made by the scientific community lead him to personally discover more on the topic.

Despite what many of the reviewers have said, He is not anti evolution but, he is also not an atheist. This is an exploration of believing in both and the path it's taken in history and our current culture.
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The Da Vinci Files (2005 TV Movie)
Not bad but repetitive
8 September 2006
I haven't finished watching it but if you are easily offended at the prospect of Jesus being human, then I don't recommend you watching this. Although I must admit this is the first documentary I've ever watched that does have a warning at the beginning of each section saying that it is based on fact but that if you are easily offended to not watch it.

It's quite interesting to see what it is they are seeing in Da Vinci's works. You learn quite a bit about Da Vinci his work.

The only problem is that they constantly repeat over and over the same things.

So if you liked the movie and have an open mind and you may want to check this out.
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The Cavern (III) (2005)
Please help vote this as one of the worst films ever!
23 August 2006
Oh my god this is the worst film ever don't even watch it. Realistic maybe but you can't see anything and periodically are blinded by the light being shined directly into the camera. This movie has no plots. It could have been shot in a small room with no windows for all I can tell. What's even worse is you can guess what's going to happen and the ending really was terrible. It's like OK we told a pointless story lets just make the ending even more confusing.

If you suffered having sat through this movie I feel for you. Thinking of watching it? DON'T!!!! God can't believe we bought this garbage. Maybe CD trade post will give me a penny for the $14 we've lost on this crap.
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Second in Command (2006 Video)
Don't bother with this one!
4 May 2006
This movie sucked. I'm a Van Damme fan and like my boyfriend we keep hoping Van Damme will find another great film but like Segal's movies he's in just to many sucky versions of the same thing over and over.

First off there isn't much of a plot.

I do give him credit for using a combat karate instead of what I'm use to but the action scenes weren't all that great.

It hurts me to give this a rating of 1 but trust me, do not fool yourself! If you've been finding Van Damme's movies lacking then this is one you should skip. I'm just glad we rented it and didn't buy it.

Sad thing is that this requires 1000 words. I don't think there are enough words in the English language to describe my disappointment and disgust with this film. May reading these reviews be all that you suffer of this film.
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The Net 2.0 (2006 Video)
This movie blows
8 March 2006
If you stuck a gun to this video and pulled the trigger you'd be doing this movie justice! It's the same story only tweaked a bit. Don't get me wrong the acting was great. The scenery was great! It's the story that stunk! And what's up with all that herky jerky stop action. They'd freeze the film at stupid points. All it was missing was the cheesy music that makes you go, "oh no, now what?".

Not to mention you could see what was going to happen. The main character is "the dumbest smart person". The character isn't even that smart either. She does a few things that are smart but for the most part she's quit dumb.

Saddest part of this film is the end! They leave it open for another sequel. God please don't let them do that!
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This movie is Joker Approved! Joker approved?
5 March 2006
Warning! If you don't like roller coaster rides don't watch this movie! Good thing is I do! Also if your an adult and you generally don't like kid films find something else to do while the kids watch.

I must admit this film is great for kids that question does Santa exist. Not much of the film is intended for adults only those with more experience at being a kid. ;) It has a lot of wow factor and great scenes. The beauty of some of the scenes is really quite breath taken even your children would say, "WOW!". Unfortunately those that don't find much in the child videos as entertaining will find it boring and quit lacking.

The story is a basic Christmas story but it does have some adult lessons and questions that all children want to know and experience. In this movie an adult can re-live through that part in their life where one questions belief, friendship, courage and many of life's other lessons that so many adults forget. As a kid with over almost two decades of experience,(LOL, I'm 29), I felt transported to early childhood when one is just in awe of Christmas.

OK what is Joker approved? Joker is my boyfriend's 10 year old Blue and Gold Macaw. Everything we watch this bird watches. Parrots are very intelligent but are very child like in their behavior. In a nutshell, a perpetual 2yr old! We heard him laugh and react to the movie much like a child would. So if Joker enjoyed this movie as much as he enjoys his action movies with lots of crashes or Martial Arts than parents have no fear your young children will too!
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B for bad.
2 March 2006
Don't get me wrong I saw the remake first. Loved it as a kid but don't like it as much now.

I find, just like the remake, there just isn't much oomph to the story. Although the acting is OK. This original version is just a bit weird and just plane not funny. Maybe it's a generation gap cause this movie came out 16 years before I was born but I just didn't find it funny or make any sense. Granted, I knew what was going to happen because I'd seen the remake but the remake made more sense. Some scenes just were not necessary like the guy who eats flowers.

Maybe if I see the prequel that all the others talk about then maybe the ending would have made sense to me.

Honestly when it was over my boyfriend and I just looked at each other and said huh? Well, at least it's over and sitting on our shelf.
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This is a B class movie.
27 February 2006
The story is OK and so is the acting but your first clue that it's not that great is the fact it's only a $1 and in a cardboard sleeve.

It really is just another Martial arts movie not much to be said. It's from the early 90's and it shows. Not the amount of violence we love to see in todays movies a decade later. Honestly it's not to bad and I'd probably watch it again. Gary Daniels is honestly not a bad actor and is a pretty decent fighter.

So when you judge this movie please realize it's not up to today's standards. It doesn't have big name actors and was probably a low budget film.
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Good but a bit confusing...
16 February 2006
This movie is great but I will warn you it is a really slow movie. If you do not pay attention you will get lost and will not understand till the end. Sad thing is if you don't understand Korean they you will need to have the English subtitles on. It's my philosophy that you will loose part of what's going on because your to busy reading what they are saying.

Like The Ring, Ring two and Ringu, the story has many twists and turns and runs on fear of what is unknown. Through out the movie I felt lost, confused and frustrated till the end. I'm sure that's why some do not like it. Those are very upsetting feelings. I won't spoil the story but will let you know it does all become much clearer at the end of the story.
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Did you like Homer's the Odyssey?
13 February 2006
I thought this movie was great! I saw this when it came out in the theaters so I do not remember all the details. I remember it being based on Homer's tale on Odysseus. Names places and events are changed but you can still see the resemblance to the tale.

I found it funny how they would get themselves into trouble and how they would get themselves out of it. I really enjoyed this version of modernized old tales much better than the Romeo and Juliet with Clair Danes.

I will agree that in some parts of the tale it does get a little to silly at times but all in all it is a great adventure with some big name actors.
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Not my type of movie but was great!
12 February 2006
I've seen all three of the left behind movies they are not my type of movie. I'm just not big on movies with religious undertones. That aside it really is a great movie.

There's lots of drama and a bit of action mixed with the plot of a world at war under the rule of devil. Not to mention great acting. I know there's many movies about then end of the world and man vs. the Devil but this story really is unlike any other.

I highly recommend you watch Left behind the movie and Tribulation Force before watching this one. Chances are if you can't get into the first movie or just didn't like the first movie than this one isn't for you.
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Doom (2005)
If your a Doom lover then this movie is for you.
8 February 2006
Warning! Before watching this movie go to the bathroom. Do not drink and eat durning the movie unless you've got a strong stomache. Also Don't let the dog in if they want out frequently this is one movie you don't want to hit the pause button.

I've grown up on games like Wolfenstien, Duke Nukem and Doom. Never expected a game like Doom to be turned into a move. If you haven't played Doom III. Then your in for a treat! Doom III is totally different than ID's previous games and the movie is very simular to Doom III. Those familiar with the game will know some details before the characters do. Also if your familiar with Doom III you'll see many scenes that remind you of the game. Not to mention a lot of gore.

Not only does it have all the materials that made you fall in love with the Doom games such as the BFG Gun has a great plot, photography and acting. I know, I know The Rock is not known for being a great actor but he has been improving.

I really loved it! I think we might watch it again to night!
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One film not worth watching!
6 February 2006
This is one movie that definitely was not worth the $5.50 at Wal-mart. For the most part you could see what was going to happen next there were a few exceptions but for the most part I must say I we over paid to see this one. Boy gets stranded in middle of no where, meets hot chick and convinced to take on a job he doesn't want. From there things just get weird and dangerous for him. Weird nightmares of blood and death. From there it's just your typical scary movie.

Honestly the only thing that saves this movie is the sex scenes and there are a few. Heck if it wasn't for the sex scenes I'd give it a 1! Granted my boyfriend would probably give it a 3 because there is quite a lot of tits scenes.
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