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Not so great watching as an adult....
24 May 2024
I remember loving this movie as a kid, and of course always asking my parents, "Why didn't they just make another golden plate? They are the king and queen, they have to have gold." .... As an adult, I still think that lol.... But I guess that may be part of the moral of the story or something, who knows.... But I prefer the Grimm's version to the older one where she is basically raped while asleep and has twins but never wakes up.... I dug too far on that one and wish I had stopped with the Grimm's version.... But anyways, the acting is not great, out of these Cannon series fairy tale movies I think Rumpelstiltskin is my favorite, although it has plenty of its own issues. As a kid you don't realize how shallow fairy tales really are... That said, it was fun watching this once for old times sake.... I doubt I will be watching it ever again though after seeing it through adult eyes, maybe I am just jaded as an adult... But it is what it is.
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Risen (2021)
Well, i thought it was good....
8 May 2024
Slow, but good. You have to watch to the very end, I think those that didn't like it are the type to need a cut and dry evil vs good with a successful hail mary at the end.... But what if that isn't how things are? I found the last 20-30 mins of the movie the most interesting personally. As for the person claiming things were "resolved in act 2" that isn't the case at all. The movie turned at that point yes... But it wasn't the end... I wouldn't buy the movie or anything, but it is worth watching for free on Tubi, which is where I found it. Those that can appreciate slow science fiction may find it good as well. It was better than a few higher rated movies I have seen personally.
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Inspired by actual events?....
2 May 2024
Riiiiiiight.... I think not.

This was slow and painful to watch and it's laughable that they are trying to play this off like it happened... When the cult leader said they had been extending their lives through sacrifice... I mean REALLY? We are expected to buy that load of ****! Yeah, I don't think so.

Definitely give this one a miss, unless there is literally nothing else on any channel, anywhere!

I am only still writing because there is a minimum character count that I need to hit before posting this. Trying to stay awake long enough to do so. But it down to like 24 now so I will be ending this now...
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The Gatehouse (2016)
The kid is a complete a-hole....
28 April 2024
That about sums it up.... It would have been more fun if she hadn't been such a little monster with a doormat for a father...

It is definitely a one and done for me....

As others have said, its too dark for a kids movie (not to mention the horrible example the girl's behavior is) and too dumb for an adult movie...

It could have been really good if handled better, or at least a few adjustments made. It's hard to care about a spoiled brat, and other dislikable, uninteresting characters. The concept itself is intriguing, which is the only reason I stuck it out. But the execution overall disappointing.
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Splinter (I) (2008)
Not a bad movie as long as....
26 January 2024
You don't happen to live in Oklahoma and/or know that the only "Old Growth Forest" in the state is actually by Tulsa and not OKC... Keystone Ancient Forest featuring 500 year old cedars and 300 year old post oak trees... Mostly the other forests in the state are no older than the 1800's at the oldest with most being younger....

That said, this wasn't a bad movie, a fun addition for "good campy horror night". As opposed to "bad campy horror night" as this one is actually worth watching and being decently entertained. I actually like that they don't bother with any over thought out explanations as to where the "Splinters" come from, or how they came to be. That usually bugs me with most movies, mainly because i am one of the overly curious types that would probably be one of the first to die because I just had to investigate.
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Absolute blast for the whole family....
28 August 2023
My only complaint.... I want YOSHI!!! Lol, that's it... The rest was a fun movie that those of us that grew up in the 80's and played Mario Bros would have fun watching. Hopefully there is a second movie and we get Yoshi, at least we are teased with that post credits scene, here is hoping! Lol... Loved the music choices, even if one of the songs used has been way over used the past 20 years or so lol... It still fit, everyone needs a hero lol... After the disaster of a movie released back in the 90's I'm glad someone decided to give it another go, it was fun and light hearted and I liked actually seeing aspects of the game used in places. Not sure why the critics were so hard on it, its not meant to be some new masterpiece, its a kids movie, for the young and the young at heart. All of my kids loved this movie, I loved watching something that worked for all of us for different reasons.
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Two words: Pudgy Dragon!!!! ... Loved it!!
26 August 2023
I have seen all of the films from the first, and was disappointed in them for various reasons. This is the first one that I have truly enjoyed! It should have been the first lol, I hope they make more if they can keep the next installments as good as this one was. While I didn't think the first one back in 2000 was quite as bad as others seem to think, it wasn't that good either... I think the biggest mistakes they made were trying to take them too seriously. The humor in this just had me... The first time ever seeing a "pudgy dragon" was just awesome! I still smile just thinking about him sliding down on his tummy eating as he went. We were all rolling. This was a good script/story line that had heart, topped off with an excellent cast and good FX, much better than I was expecting. I have had it on my list to watch for a bit, but just now got around to it as I really wasn't expecting much. I wish I had seen it sooner now! We will definitely be watching this again.
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Worth a watch...
19 August 2023
Not a horror movie, but definitely a thriller.... This was a decent little watch, nothing new, but the acting was good, the pacing smooth and the atmosphere worked. Maybe it's just because I have kids, but I'm not sure why people are saying these are all new faces to acting because the Mother (Joely Richardson) I will never forget as Anita from the live action 101 Dalmatians with Glenn Close. She also had a decent part in nip/tuck, and was in Event Horizon and The Patriot, as well as quite a few small parts here and there in other things including more stuff parents would see with teenage daughters. So while not a big name she should be recognizable to many.... Now, I realize these parts span the genre's but I guess I figured most people watch a variety of things like I do. Maybe they just never recognized her? Anyway, there were some other cast that I have seen as well in stuff, like the daughter also being in the Winx saga (again teenage daughter in this house lol) Although most haven't been in the sheer number of things that Richardson has. That said, while this was predictable, it was worth a watch. Especially if you like the home invasion type movies where the roles flip and the aggressors become the targets... I do like these types of movies and enjoyed it. A solid 5 to 5 1/2 stars, decent but forgettable once seen. Worth a watch though if looking for something you haven't seen yet.
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Glad I ignored the bad reviews...
19 August 2023
I mean no, its not award worthy, but I found it entertaining enough. Granted I went into it not expecting anything good. I actually expected to end up turning it off after a bit. I only gave it a shot because of 2 things.... Peter Mensah, and a weird scifi tastic sounding storyline.... While I was disappointed that Mensah didn't have more screen time I still found myself watching the whole thing and enjoying it. The music fit, and wasn't distracting and yes a lot happens in the dark... That's what TV settings are for people! Those are usually not set to optimal levels out of the box and almost always have to be adjusted. I had no problems seeing anything that happened. All in all it is definitely better than the low 4.5 rating. Is it a 10? Nope, although I was tempted to rate it as such to try and offset so many unjustly bad reviews... But I didn't. I did go ahead and give it a 6 although i really think its about a solid 5. For me ratings of 4 or less should be reserved for things with cringe worthy acting and/or cartoonish effects. They could have done more with the script, true. But all in all it was an entertaining watch that didn't run slow, it kind of hit the ground running and kept moving the whole time which works for me. It takes a special movie that can keep me engaged at a slow burn speed.
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Much better than I thought, or even hoped...
19 August 2023
Like others have said, most exorcism movies are basically the same and are a dime a dozen.... This one was much better than expected, I'm sorry I put off watching it for so long! I had stashed it in my rainy day movies as something to watch when I couldn't find anything else I thought would be better. As most movies like this don't do much for me as they are too predictable and similar. The only reason I even added this to my list was because of Russell Crowe, I knew if he was in it then it had to be at least watchable. Well, I finally got around to it, and found it completely engaging! The history mixed in making the story much deeper than usual. Add to that the excellent acting and visual with the overall atmosphere the movie held and I would easily recommend this movie to others as well as watch it more than one in a decade myself, which is unusual for me, I don't watch most movies in the horror genre more than once every 10-15 years as I like not knowing what will happen because lets face it, most horror movies don't have much substance. I still love them, but they don't usually hold my attention beyond that first watch. Well, this one actually had more substance and I will definitely be watching it again, probably add it to our list of movies to watch around Halloween! A truly engaging and enjoyable experience! I actually kinda hope they decide to make a follow up sequel, that said I am probably asking for trouble even saying that as most sequels are beyond disappointing... But here's to hoping!
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I really loved some of the fake documentaries in the past....
12 August 2023
The one they did about mermaids was really good a few years ago, this one? Is not.... At least on a few of the others I have seen they were good at making it seem plausible, not so in this WOT... They kept contradicting themselves going back and forth from a scientific stand point to a folklore stand point and all this BS they supposedly knew to be true after straight up admitting that they had never even truly met one, and you have to love all the generalizations they kept throwing around about an entire supposed species.... Bottom line? I wish they were real so they could eat these guys for being DAF 😂🙄👍🏻
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Cocaine Cougar (2023 Video)
Not possible to be based on anything real... Total clickbait.....
27 June 2023
This movie claims to be based on true events, like Cocaine Bear was, while it is completely obvious this is a knock off of said movie to cash in on its coat tail it is also painfully obvious that the claim that it is based on true events is BS. The reason being that there are no authenticated cases of truly melanistic cougars anywhere. No specimen has been photographed or killed in the wild, nor has it ever been bred in captivity...

What about the large black cats seen in zoos and on television programs? Those are black leopards or black jaguars.

For melanistic cougars to be the answer to anything here, movie wise, there would have to be at least a few of them, and there is no proof of any of them. Jaguars, however, do throw melanistic offspring and are native to Texas, western Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Melanism is also present, albeit rare, in bobcats...

That said, this movie was really, really bad anyway lol.... I can't believe I actually made it though the whole thing.... That lead "actress" has had so much work done on her face its actually painful to look at.

Complete waste of time, it wasn't even funny or amusing in a bad way, I was really hoping it would be....
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Muru (2022)
I hadn't ever heard of this movie...
2 May 2023
It is labeled as The Raid on Tubi in the U. S.

I just had Tubi going on my laptop playing movies like it does while I was working on some spring cleaning and this popped up after whatever was on before... This gem is one of the reasons I love Tubi and how it jumps from one movie to another when one ends. It saves me lots of time trying to look for something to watch or have on as background... Needless to say the opening scenes caught my attention.... Absolutely gorgeous forest! Then by the time I had finished cleaning the movie was about an hour in and the bits I had caught peaked my interest enough that I restarted the movie so that I could pay attention to the subtitles. At that point all I knew was it had something to do with police acting like, well, how too many of them act in my experience unfortunately. This was an excellent movie! The story, acting, location... Music score.... Everything really. Very well put together and emotionally stirring. I am not familiar with any of the cast in it that I am aware of, but I would definitely watch them in other stuff. This is also an excellent example of why I love Tubi so much, aside from it being free, which is funny because we have Paramount+, HBO Max, Netflix as well as Amazon Prime and out of everything I find myself, personally watching Tubi more than all of the others put together... I'm not going to go into detail on this movie, download Tubi if you don't have it and check this movie out yourself if it looks like something you would like.... Ohh, and as the movie states at the beginning... It is NOT a reenactment! It is a response based on the over all treatment of the people there. It doesn't claim anywhere that the theatrical story is accurate... Its an ARTISTIC response that captures the persecution very well. Well enough that I looked into the truth of the incidents in 1916, 2000 and 2007. So ignore the review by the person complaining about it not being believable.... The dramatic events (like the jumping out of helicopters lol) in the movie are not meant to be taken literally, seriously, I'm sorry, but I shouldn't have to point that out lol... Js.

I just thought I would add that I was not paid for this review, nor am I connected to this movie in any way, as my long list of reviews and ratings can prove, I leave them fairly regularly. It's just my honest opinion on a movie well worth a watch.
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Willow (2022–2023)
Well... I personally love it so far and can't wait for more!
20 December 2022
So many negative reviews! I'm actually rather surprised people are so hard on it.... Growing the the movie was one of my favorites, and still in my top 10 favorites today. I personally love that they were able to bring back the characters they have and I really hope that Val is able to make an appearance at some point! I know he has had a hard road with his cancer and recovery. I just finished the first 4 episodes amd I am really looking forward to the rest! I hope the show isn't canceled due to all the bad ratings, many of which never even saw the original movie. My daughter, who is 19, grew up watching the movie as well because it is a favorite of mine, and she was really excited about this series. It has given us something to watch together, to bridge the gap of time in a way from my generation to hers. It held a fast pace from the start, and the bits of the story telling how things went in the time between only help to fill it out. We will definitely be watching the rest of this season and hoping for maybe one or two seasons more to satisfy our love of this universe.
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Violent Night (2022)
That was a fun movie lol....
12 December 2022
We liked it. The whole Viking twist was a fun background for him. I wasn't expecting much going into this movie as I had no clue what it was about, I literally only decided to see it because I like a few of the people in it. I was actually figuring it would just be another horror type film like an american made version of Rare Exports (which I really liked) or Black Christmas, or something. I was way off on that and ended up liking it more than I thought I would. It has a good collection of less mainstream actors and a few more known, all of which came together really well in this and had a good flow together. Plenty of action, nothing groundbreaking story wise, but still we thought it was a lot of fun! We would definitely both watch this one again!
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Mermaid Down (2019)
This was surprisingly good, not at all what I expected ....
21 August 2022
But in a good way! I'm now surprised at the overall low rating personally. The acting was good, not wooden or over the top, melodramatic. The story was actually pretty good, definitely better than it sounded in the description. Overall, a well made movie that doesn't show the surprisingly low budget at all! Plus a HUGE shout out to everyone that was a part of it that didn't cut corners by using CGI for everything! Bad CGI is the bane of my movie experience, looking at you Sharknado! *cough* SyFy *cough* lol... I would rather see someone in a mediocre costume than cartoony CGI... That said, I am in no way hinting at the costumes in this movie being bad. I thought they were well done and I really liked the little stories within the overall story, three dimensional characters each with their own issies going on. Of all the recent mermaid movies of the past 10 years this one stands out to me in a good way and i would definitely watch it again sometime.
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Overall liked this show, with the exception of the horsemen..
26 June 2022
Who are always misrepresented, I wish just once someone would choose to portray them accurately... My details on that personal pet peeve I will leave on that episode as my overall opinion of the show, however, was that I found it amusing and a fun watch.
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God's Favorite Idiot: The Four Horsemen (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Misrepresentation of the horsemen once again smh...
26 June 2022
I find it annoying that not only is the first horseman almost always replaced in cinema with both versions of the third horseman but that the third and forth are almost always swapped on which color of horse they ride (death always ends up on the black horse in movies etc). I wish that for once someone would do some actual research, especially when its not hard to find the information at all...

The first was a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer... Commonly understood to be Conquest or Victory depending on the bible translation.

The second was a red horse, and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from Earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him... Commonly understood to be War

The third was a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand... Commonly understood to be Famine, in some translations as pestilence as the 2 are often intertwined.

The fourth was a pale horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him... The only horseman to be outright named.

Other than my personal pet peeve as someone who has been fascinated by the Horsemen and Revelations in general since childhood, I have found this show fun and amusing. Most of it is open to interpretation with the exception of the horsemen which are actually taken from scripture yet always misrepresented.
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Alice (2022)
Wow! I sure must have missed something in American History at school....
25 April 2022
.... Or more than likely I just wasn't taught the truth on this, like with so many other aspects of American History! I can't believe that I had no idea that this crap went on until the 1960's! Reading some of the reviews here after watching this movie I followed someone's comment suggesting people look into Mae Louise Miller if they wanted proof that this could have happened and I was shocked. I can't believe there were people who got away with slavery until my mothers generation here in America. There's no excuse for it and I can't believe it was possible, well, I can believe, but you know... What I truly can't believe are all the comments by people here claiming its all a bunch of "woke bs".... People in denial I guess. Pretty pathetic. Probably the same people that believe all the conspiracy theories out there and believe everything is a coverup yet when real situations like this are brought to light they claim its bs... Which makes no sense. But whatever.... That said, this movie was well done and as shocking as the reality of the concept was it made a great revenge story! Weaving reality with fiction making it a disturbing, yet entertaining movie.
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Uncharted (2022)
Very fun movie!!!
25 April 2022
Even for those of us that have never played the games or knew anything at all about the franchise. Great family movie. I had to google the cameo by Nolan North, I could tell it was a cameo, I just didn't know why until I looked it up. This is definitely one I will actually buy to add to the family movies, which I don't do often these days with all the streaming services available. I do invest in good kids/family movies though. My 11yr old boys loved it and I have always had a thing for treasure hunts, historical artifacts and/or pirate adventures. Is it pathetic that I literally physically cringed when the ships got knocked around and destroyed? I mean, I know they weren't real, and I still couldn't stop the involuntary cringe lol. Just the thought of actually finding something like that for real and in that condition.... The golds cool too, but the ships would have been amazing irl! Lol... OK, I may just be a bit rediculous... But still lol....

A definite must see for anyone, of any age, that finds these types of movies fun!
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The Batman (2022)
All I can say is WOW....
24 April 2022
.... This movie was made or Pattinson, or maybe he was born for it? .... Personally I'm not sure why so many people seemed to think he wouldn't be a good choice for it. I was excited from the moment I found out about it. He really is a very capable actor and has done some amazing work, even the movies I wasn't a fan of, some of them really out there, were still well acted. Kravitz was excellent, the whole cast really was excellently picked really. I loved the changes on things like the batmobile and his suit. Everything was much more believable. His whole mentality was more prequel, showing a darker more human side evolving into a hero as opposed to a vigilante. Most movies just always seem to jump to the established hero mark. Which is OK, but I lived the angle this one took. Batman was always my favorite super hero partially just because the only real super power he had was money. The rest was self made and not a born advantage. I know this is a stand alone, but I would definitely be there to support any sequels if any were ever done. I do believe he is tied for my favorite Batman, a hard thing to do as Affleck was my favorite for years. At least for a darker version, I couldn't think of anyone better. Affleck is great for his version of Batman, but Pattinson has a way with darker characters. Overall this movie is up there as one of my top favorite Batman screen productions ever.
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Defiance (2013–2015)
I personally think this is the best thing...
19 February 2022
....that SyFy has ever done, hands down. I have love for Z Nation still, And I like a handful of their other shows, though not many, but this show is better than most if not all of them. It surpasses all of their movies by far, I honestly never expected anything so good to come out of them. Its a shame it had to end after only 3 seasons, but I am thankful that it ended in a way that is acceptable. Nothing worse than shows being canceled on a cliffhanger! I never saw this when it was airing, unfortunately. I used to work a lot back when it was on. Although, if I had I wouldn't have been able to enjoy it for the first time on a week long binge watch at night after the kids are in bed! I will definitely watch it again at some point in the future.
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Well, that was weird...
1 February 2022
Not necessarily in a bad way, a very odd movie, but kept my attention easily to the end. I liked it. This is probably the shortest review I have ever left... I found it worth a watch.
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Stillwater (2021)
Never thought I would see...
1 February 2022
... my hometown as a movie title. OKC or Tulsa yes, but not Stilly. Matt Damon did an excellent job, I get tired of people ridiculously exaggerating the way Okie's speak in movies. It grates on my nerves. He nailed it though, phrasing, accent, and the style that is common around here. The only thing that was off was the location in town. The run down section on the south side that is more prone to have younger people working for minimum wage, or those on fixed income. Oil rig works average about 70k a year and the higher ups make double that, even if he were laid off for a year or two and on unemployment he wouldn't be in that area. Most of the people I know that are oil workers live outside town, in nice homes. A lot of them with a few acres of land for a yard... Although I reckon for the movies sake the visual was better in town.

Anyway, thats neither here nor there... Back to the movie, I'm just glad she at least didn't end up being completely guilty. Although she definitely made some stupid choices, but she paid for them. The movie was an interesting watch for me, it was good. Probably not something I would watch again anytime soon but I'm not usually big on this style of drama. It was pure curiosity that made me put it on, and the quality of the movie that kept me watching to the end. That said, I'm glad I did.
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Planet Dune (2021)
Well, I thought it was an ok watch...
31 January 2022
.... for a Mockbuster. After reading reviews here I am left wondering how anyone could actually mistake this for Dune? You can easily tell just by the cover that it's obviously not. Anyone that even halfway pays attention should be able to see that. For those out there that like mockbusters, or B movies in general, this is a decent watch. Would I buy it? Nope. But as I've said many times, I almost never buy movies. Sticking mostly to various streaming services instead. So maybe the fact that I didn't actually pay for it as an individual movie gives me an easier perspective. All in all I found it completely watchable, decent acting, it moved at a good steady pace, the effects were a bit cheesy like most B movies yes, but they were better than a lot of other movies I've seen, especially from SyFy or The Asylum. I think most people that watch scifi and horror movies with any regularity know what they are getting with The Asylum.... You don't go into one of their movies expecting top shelf effects, and anyone that sees a movie thats not even a year old with a $5 or less price tag should automatically just know its obviously not going to be the blockbuster that came out the year before. Js. Its common sense. I'm not big on just any B movie, I can't even stomach most of the ones the SyFy churns out. I have seen a small handful from The Asylum that were decent though, this now being ome of them. All in all I was entertained for an hour and a half.
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