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Poor Things (2023)
David Lynch meets Wes Anderson of the bizarre
26 January 2024
I saw it last night and I was quite captivated by it. It reminds me very much the films of Wes Anderson without any of the narrative in the background but it also has its own unique delivery style. Especially the choice of colour and how it is blends with the filming locations or CGI is quite remarkable.

Emma Stone was captivating for the most part and she played out the character's development within the plot frame very convincingly.

This is not a film for everyone that is for sure. If you don't like the above directors then you are probably going to hate this film. Lanthimos is building his own unique profile in Hollywood and that's great to see even if comparisons are inevitable.
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Another unnecessary sequel.. why?
6 July 2023
This film didn't need to be made. I felt bad just looking at Harrison Ford trying to be all Indiana Jones-esque but it feels like nothing of the old films because they were action adventures and you can't expect an 80-year old man to be that active. It just looks weird.. for the part of the movie that he is in at least.

I mean if you remove him from most of the film it still works without him so in that sense is it Indiana Jones?

I grew up with Indiana Jones films and I get that they feel dated in this day and age and understandably so. They represent filmmaking of another era, a different decade where the audiences wanted something like that but today's audiences are beyond saturated with quality action adventures and to be fair mostly action adventures without any quality..

No offense to Phoebe Waller-Bridge she is a good actor and she is trying but the film just fails to land any real emotional connection.

And you know why?

Because this IP, this series, this entire premise belongs to a different era and it's not good enough to stand on its own and it's not good enough to bring the nostalgia back.

It feels like eating food you have been re-heating over and over for the last 2 hours and now it feels like you're eating a piece of cardboard.

I'm sorry but this film didn't need to be made, nor did the previous one. Should have left it at 3, or should have made a 4th back then where it would have still made some sense.

Epic fail.
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Boring, predictable, uninspired
22 June 2023
Boring, predictable, uninspired

Run of the mill plot, hardly spy stuff, it looks just like any other Marvel TV show, actually it looks and feels very similar to Winter Soldier and the Falcon. It's like all Marvel TV shows are made to look identical to one another.. no character, no nuance just canned goods on a shelf.

The cast is good but the script is boring. Is the world is in danger again why is it just 3 people are trying to stop it. I mean.. I hope there is some kind of other plot twist further down because we've seen it all before and it doesn't really have anything to offer than a haggard Nick Fury who god knows what he was doing and how or why and this aura of mystery is just lazy you know?

I hope it gets better really but somehow I doubt it.
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Tried to do Vox Machina film, missed opportunity
14 May 2023
This film was screaming for an R rating to fully expore what it could have done.

Let's face it, no one really cares for PG-13 D&D it's just so boring.

Take this story and translate to R rating in everything and you have a much more enjoyable experience. This felt bland and like I was watching a film for 8-year olds.. such a shame as I've been a fan of D&D for decades and it feels contrived and uninspired.

The reason Vox Machina works is because it's R-rated or whatever else is the rating for TV, TV-MA or something. This feels like a rip-off of Vox Machina without anything that makes it great..
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Suzume (2022)
Visually stunning but lacked cohesion and felt a bit too familiar
22 April 2023
I watched this at the cinema and it was an amazing experience. Watching an anime on the big screen is something completely superior to the sum of its parts. The artwork and animation were amazing and it was truly a pleasure to watch.

This will probably resonate more with Japanese people but at the same time I felt like I didn't really understand what on earth was going on for the last 20 minutes or so. Perhaps it needs a rewatch.

Also it seemed all too familiar and very similar to another anime with a female lead I watched a few months ago without spoiling anything. Still I have no regrets watching it and would watch it again if the opportunity arose.
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Chainsaw Man (2022)
Simply perfect
4 February 2023
I have not read the manga nor will I ever read it. Simply from an anime perspective it was perfect for me. The artwork, the animation, the opening credits, the thematology, the characters, everything really.

I was heartbroken when I realised that it ended at 12 episodes. It was amazing each week to wait for the next episode, to immerse into what each character would bring to the table. To learn a little bit more about the devils and the hunters and the world-building was great. I wish we saw a bit more from certain devils, not spoiling anything but I'm hoping season 2 will show that!

I can't wait for season 2!
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Very badly written, an utter disappointment
4 February 2023
I don't know why they ended up with such a badly written convoluted film.. I really wanted to like this but it was such a convoluted non-sensical plot with minimal black panther content, a very bizarre origin story for Namor and overall a very disappointing final act that reminded me a bit of a Power Rangers episode.. Sometimes I wonder why do I even bother watching these films.

I'm giving it 3/10 because of the good production value and a wonderful scene at the middle of the scene with a wonderful musical score. You'll know when you'll see it.

Other than that it was a complete disappointment with redundant characters, characters that were introduced because they'll get a spin-off and I just despair at the state of the MCU in general.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Insanely accurate
22 August 2022
It is scary how accurate this film is on how the world would perceive and act upon the news of a giant comet heading towards the planet to destroy it.

For this alone it should be watched by everyone.

It had some moments that were very funny but overall I enjoyed how frustratingly accurate all the reactions from the all people in the film were.

Forget acting, cinematography, direction etc. This film's message is terrifying at the very least and a very accurate depiction of our times.
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Severance (2022– )
Unexpectedly good!
5 June 2022
I loved the cinematography, the atmosphere, the acting, the choice of colors, the music score, pretty much everything.

My only gripe is Patricia Arquette's acting which is a bit bizarre and seems a bit forced. Everyone else was top notch and it's not a fast paced show but still manages to keep you wanting for more.

Well done!
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Moon Knight (2022– )
I don't get how this show got such high ratings..
5 June 2022
Let me say to begin with, I love Marvel comics and I have watched every single thing they put out there including the animated shows.

I don't know how this TV show got such high ratings. It's ridiculous. The story is so convoluted and uninteresting to follow that I only lasted 2.5 episodes and then I spoiled it for myself because I simply couldn't care less what was happening (I watched the Pitch Meeting, it's simply epic) and boy was I right to do it. Actually I'm annoyed with myself I didn't stop watching this at the first episode.

I don't know how a company like Disney gave the green light for such a ridiculous script, wasted an actor like Oscar Isaac and produced this drivel.

I'm so disappointed I can't put it into words..
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Raimi did a tribute to.. himself..
10 May 2022
This film feels like a tribute of Raimi's films which of course is done by himself for himself.. I know some people like it but I didn't..

Also this film was a 'halloween' film so it's a bit like 6 months off the mark? Not sure why they needed to release it now.. probably cuz of covid but there we go. I'm sure it'll become a halloween staple.

The CGI of the octopus monster fight (it's in the trailer) was cartoonish and reminiscent of the 60s CGI.. if that was intentional then count me out.

Elizabeth Olsen was mesmerising, Cumberbatch looked constantly constipated but I liked the cameos albeit I'm not a fan of how it was directed..

It was watchable I guess. I think the best thing in the film was the joke about spiderman.. you'll know when you hear it.
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X (II) (2022)
Had potential to be great but second half falls a bit short
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the setting, the pace, the cinematography of the first half of the film but during the second half it falls short of expectations and fizzles out.

It was a different concept to what I originally expected from the trailer where it seemed like the old lady is some kind of supernatural creature or similar.. also I don't like it when they use young actors to play old actors as they're simply incapable of doing it right. Old people move in a completely different fashion due to their lack of muscles and posture etc.

It was very clear it was a younger actor under the make-up and it was just sticking out like a sore thumb.. just get someone who looks like her.. there are plenty of good actors out there..

Had potential to be great but I found the second half really slow and it lost me although I liked the twist in the end with the tele-evangelist.

Could have been so much better!
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Excessive fan service and plot holes and cringy dialogues cripple what would have been a great film!
17 January 2022
I mean I won't go into the excessive amount of plot holes and devices that are deployed to deliver the cumbersome plot of this film.. apart from the spoilers involved I would get too much backlash from the fanboys.

This could have been great but there is way too much emphasis on creating the holy grail of spiderman movies that it feels forced, the dialogues feel cringy, the acting is cringy at times (and really good others).

The star of the film is actually one of the villains who shines effortlessly while others are trying really hard to justify their existence in the premise.

The good
  • CGI is top notch mostly
  • good cameos and visiting characters
  • good acting during the dramatic scenes

The bad
  • the plot is the definition of swiss cheese
  • dialogue and acting is cringy during the 'buddy moments'
  • it tries WAY too hard to become the ultimate fan service but feels forced and wooden.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
It's perfect for what it is
15 January 2022
This is not high culture, this is not award winning photography or haunting cinematography and astounding directorial debut or other rubbish like that.

This is a TV show that doesn't take itself seriously, it's for fun only and if you don't like bigger than life comic book characters THEN LOOK ELSEWHERE.

I think John Cena probably plays himself as he effortlessly glides through the role, Chris Cooper is so believably menacing (he's got one of those resting faces that are ideal for villains) and I thought I'd fall asleep as it was late and I had an awful week but 2am in the morning just finishing the second episode and I'm thinking to myself maybe I should watch another one but I went to bed in the end as I was perfectly satisfied with what I watched.

This is not Deadpool calibre but it's by far the funniest and most fun comic book character TV show out there.

Well done DC.
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Another film that didn't need to be made
24 December 2021
Amateurish cash grab unfortunately.

The only good thing about this film is the flashback scenes from the original trilogy.. maybe not revolutions but even that looks like a masterpiece compared to this.

I'm embarrassed on behalf of Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann-Moss

Please learn from my mistake and don't watch this.
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Why haven't I watched this sooner?
21 November 2021
I don't give a 10 lightly.

I'm very picky but this is not an anime for everyone.

If you've had enough of the same anime cliches over and over and you want something amazing and different then watch it!

Fantastic job in all fronts.

I'm in awe.
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Arcane (2021– )
DOTA fan here, but I loved it!
9 November 2021
I've never played LOL and never will however this show is really well made and my only gripe and a minor one at that is that I'm not into steampunk.

Having said that, this is a quality TV show, the animation is superb, the storyline and writing are amazing and I'm hooked. Opening credit song and sequence are amazing too!

I think any animation fan would appreciate this regardless if it's LOL or DOTA or whatever..

Great work!
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Could be better but watchable
10 May 2021
I don't know why they had to stretch that storyline to reach the end of season 1 like that.. would have been better compressed into 6 episodes maybe. Certain episodes felt overwritten..

Also the ageing and reversing of ageing for the 2 different time periods didn't always feel right. I didn't get a lot of chemistry between Sheldon and Grace. Chloe was annoying but never actually explained her character just threw some cliches around and some of her arcs felt rushed at best.

Overall it has promise and potential but 70% or more was family drama with superheroes which doesn't really appeal to me.

I'm hoping for a better season 2 now that we've banged on the subject of family drama enough..

ps. Absolutely hated the suits.. also why don't the suits get damaged ever? I hate suits in general in comic book characters.. they look odd at best.
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Dota: Dragon's Blood (2021–2022)
Not a scooby as to what's going on but looks good!
19 April 2021
I'm years long DOTA fan and it was good to see some of the characters brought to the screen even if they're just animated.

The animation quality is great and it feels like a high end production so that aspect is great.

The plot however is all over the place and although you think you can follow it it's a bit erratic at times and kinda leaves things unresolved for the next season.

Basically whether you know of DOTA or not it doesn't matter as the plot is equally non-sensical.. I wish they had a better script in place. I like the more adult undertone so that's great as it doesn't feel like it's targetting teenages specifically.

Could have been better but good effort for Season 1.
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They don't make em like that anymore
19 April 2021
I watched this recently with my 11 year old son and he loved it. He laughed all the way through it and enjoyed the plot. Makes you think they don't make em like that anymore. A blast from the past from the 90s golden age of action films.
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Logan (2017)
A simply wonderful film
19 April 2021
I don't like super heroes wearing spandex or any other of 'costumes'.

For me this is pure sophistication when it comes to the more mature spectrum of comic book related entertainment.

I wish they made more films like this.
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I'm sorry Marvel but this is boring..
15 April 2021
2 episodes in and I'm losing the will to live with this one.

I've given it 3/10 as the production value is good and the CGI on par with the rest of the Marvel portfolio.

The story though is dull and fails to engage the viewer and the forced buddy humor is really really really bad.

This one's a dud Marvel.. Bucky seems a much more interesting character but he fails to deliver big time. Staring is not acting.

And Falcon.. he can't get help for his sister yet he is flying around the globe answering to no one?

I'm shelving this one until I've got nothing else to watch.

Ps. The story is already so predictable I want to cry from making the mistake of watching yet another predictable TV show. Yes I can't write better than them but I don't have to. That's why Marvel's paid the mega bucks to deliver quality TV but they dropped the ball on this one.
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WandaVision (2021)
Didn't know what it wanted to be
3 April 2021
We start from Legion-style quirkyness and end up at full on Marvel Avengers mode cinematography.

This series didn't know what it wanted to be and the beginning I'm sure alienated a lot of the audience.

Watchable and yet another springboard for odd Marvel characters as per usual.

I wasn't impressed although it was refreshing to see a protagonist that is not a hero or a villain but a troubled soul.
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Pure CGI entertainment - could have done with a few more minutes
3 April 2021
I love Godzilla and Kong as characters, I love the whole thematology, the mythology, the everything-ology of it. So yes I'm a bit biased but this isn't a film for higher meanings. It's an entertainment film and it provides that in abundance with incredible CGI and some really cool monster fights.

Admittedly the script, doesn't give characters to work with a lot and I'm 100% certain there were more scenes for certain characters but they fell victim to the executive cut. I'm sure we'll see them in the director's cut version but I think it was wrong to make a film like that so short. I think a measly 10 more minutes could have been added or left in the film to make certain things more meaningful, make some characters actually have a purpose etc.

Overall it was very entertaining with all its flaws and plot holes but I think it's good for what it was meant to be. It makes you sad seeing how it could have been so much better with a few tweaks.. So many lost opportunities in Hollywood and in WB especially..
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This film was made for me
22 March 2021
This is how I feel really.. that this film was made for me. Some people don't like the colors, I loved them. Not all films need to be a funfair of color. Some stories are more sombre and need to be shown in a different way.

Some people though the music was out of place. It wasn't.. well except for the 'ancient music' that played every time Wonder Woman did anything.. that was a bit over the top and a bit out of place. It could have done with a longer section of her theme music at a different scene. Anyway only a minor issue with that.

The aspect ratio wasn't my favourite but I got over it quickly. I would appreciate though a 16:9 version of the film to watch it again!

A lot better written than I expected and although the Greek translations of Darkseid in the catacombs were laughable. I am Greek so the byzantine style letters that were used for Darkseid's mural were a bit.. weird let's say. All the characters were more fleshed out and there was an actual plot that made the sense and the final battle was fitting. Not like Whedon's childish plot.

One thing worth mentioning is how laughable Whedon's version was. Makes me feel disgusted having to sit through that travesty now knowing that this was supposed to be released.

I hope DC gives the green light for the sequels as they need to be made!

ps. just a thought but this could have worked as a series.. split in 6 chapters/episodes.. just sayin' . Then again I'd happily sit through 4 hours of this again!
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