
413 Reviews
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Masters of average
28 April 2024
If you're expecting Band of Brothers this ain't it.... If you're expecting The Pacific, this ain't it. If you're expecting a mediocre attempt at entertainment this might be it. At times the series was solid.... But in the end it just wasn't enough. I have to say most of the characters are forgettable and won't be remembered. That includes Austin Butler. I could barely watch him and unfortunately, he was still in Elvis mode. Not only can you barely him talk, he couldn't even get into character and was unbelievable. It's like he was more concerned about making sure he looked good for the camera as well as making sure his hair was never messed up. All I kept waiting to hear him say was "thank you, thank you very much". He was terrible for this role and should win the razzie award for worst performance in a lead role. I would rather watch paint dry than watch him on the screen. Please don't do sequel to this and please do not cast butler in another lead role. Sorry but he can't act and pauly shore could have done better and been more believable. A complete let down for the viewers from start to finish.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Decent show but...
29 June 2023
The show is good don't get me wrong. Good character development and the story is solid. I would say there is some great dialogue but all I can hear is non stop f bombs. It is so pointless to have that much cussing in a show. Writers must not have a very large or deep vocabulary because all they can do is fall back on f bomb after f bomb. I just wonder how much better the show could actually be if you weren't so distracted from the cussing. I'm not talking a few during the entire show. I'm talking a few per conversation. Yeah that much. But hey if that's your thing this show is absolutely perfect. I would easily give it higher score if they could dial it back a few cause Crikey it's pathetic...
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A Small Light (2023)
So worth your time.... Sad but perfect
27 June 2023
This goes down as one of the best mini series I've ever sat through. I just got done watching it and I was absolutely enthralled in this from start to finish. The story, the production, the sets, the music was so spot on I can't even do it justice on how well this series was put together. Then the acting.... Holy crap there was not one actor that didn't bring it all out for the performance. Every character that was cast should be given a performance award. Hey casting director whoever you are.... You couldn't have picked anyone better then every actor in the entire show!!! Crikey so stinking good!!!! Bel Powley was absolutely perfect as well as Liev Schreiber. I don't know if I will ever be able to watch another show with Liev Schreiber and not think Otto Frank. He was so good I just can't say enough. The writers took a very well known story and just made it complete with this series. If you want to watch a near perfect show in every way possible, this is it right here. Such a powerful show from start to finish. It is a series your entire family can watch so just get ready to experience every emotion the human being can go through. This has it all and is easily the best series of its kind I've ever seen. Watch it with no distractions and just be ready to experience something truly unique in a series.... Well done! Well done!!!
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The Days (2023)
Next time hire some real actors to do the voice overs...
9 June 2023
Here's the deal.... This series has some good aspects and no doubt, some bad aspects. Let's start with the bad. Holy crap this thing took forever to get anywhere. Every little task seems to take these guys forever to do. I mean the exaggeration is mind numbing to a point where it's hard to watch. Phone call this, phone call that, do I need permission or don't I need permission. Is this valve gonna take us 5 minutes to open or is it gonna take us 30 minutes??? Yeah trust me it gets ridiculous. This entire series could have been done in 4 episodes had they just focused on the important stuff. They just milked that teat for all its worth. Then let's talk about the horrific voice over. Perhaps the absolute worst voice over work in any show I've ever watched. It is so hard to listen to at times you just want to turn the show off. The prime minister character is so cringy it makes you want to stop watching. The acting is a bit amateur as well but man they should have hired some real talent to do the English voice overs. Again it's easily the worst I've ever had to sit through. I could list more bad aspects of the series but you will have to watch it and come up with your own opinion. Ok now the good aspects.... After 8 episodes of terrible voice overs, the best part of the series??? It ended.
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A Complete Turd
1 June 2023
Here's the deal.... This "documentary" was a hot mess from start to finish. I'm a Bowie fan so it's not like I'm giving a low rating just to give a low ranking. I grew up jamming to him, loved his movies and just for the simple fact he was a one of kind human being. But man this show was utter garbage and just pure jibber jabber. It was not even a documentary. It was just a bunch of old footage thrown together that had very little continuity and just jumped all over the place. They could have done a real documentary about his life and dove into his past and created a real story about his life and legacy. This was more of an artsy rendition that was a complete failure. Sorry but it was almost like some kid threw things together on his mom's computer while chomping down on one too many edibles. Yeah just a complete turd. They had one chance to make a stellar documentary and they throw this complete stinker at us. Bowie deserves so much better than this. I'd rather watch a documentary on the history of boogers before I'd sit through this again. All the low ratings you've read on this is spot on.... Hard hard pass on this one folks.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Picard is Star Trek
22 April 2023
I watched the original back in the 70's as a kid. I even remember watching the cartoon series. I loved the movies in the early 80's and Kahn was a fantastic flick. The Next Generation kicked off and have to say, was one of my all time favorite shows. I absolutely loved TNG and was a go to show of mine while on active duty in the Marine Corps. I have great memories of watching that with my Brothers overseas. Anyway the series Picard is fantastic.... I love the fact most of the original TNG cast makes appearances throughout. It kind of feels like TNG is back in many ways and has been updated for 2023. If you liked the original TNG then you probably will also like Picard. For me Picard is Star Trek.... Kirk is great don't get me wrong. But Picard made me a Trekkie. You need to give it at least 4 episodes because it is a slow developing show. But after that you're in to the end. The second season is a little lack luster but the 3rd season is money from start to end. 1st season is great! 2nd season meh... 3rd season outstanding!!
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Fire Country (2022– )
Overall decent but...
14 April 2023
The show is decent enough don't get me wrong. Max is definitely the best aspect of the entire show so give credit where credit is due. But it really is nothing more than a soap opera for adults. The story line is ok and hopefully it will get better as things move forward. I will say some of the characters (actors) are absolutely terrible though. So bad in fact I have to fast forward while they are on screen. Kinda cringe at times no question about it. They simply are not believable and it kills the vibe of the show. Then the cgi of the fires is complete garbage. You would think they could step things up a few notches and get better cgi but nope.... Kinda cheesy. For all you Max fans this is definitely NOT Seal Team so you can't go into it expecting to watch Clay. That's probably why I have criticism about the show. Again the show is decent enough to watch but it could be sooo much better if they did some tweaking. Give it a try and the worse you could do is change the channel..
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SEAL Team (2017–2024)
Well worth it
24 February 2023
As a United States Marine, I can tell you this show is pretty stinking good. Is it 100% technically sound? No probably not. Is it accurate in all combat situations? No probably not.... But I will say it's probably as good a show as Hollywood is capable of doing. Guarantee they have have actually military Vets on set to make sure certain things are done correct and realistic. One thing that is portrayed correct is how important your teammates are to each other. When it comes down to it what matters the most is your Brothers. Having their backs in any and all situations is what matters more than anything. This show captures that no question about it. It took me about 6 episodes to buy into the show but after you get the characters and layout of the show down, you'll be in it all the way. Great show,solid entertainment and well worth the price of admission.... i can guarantee you will experience every emotion a human being can experience watching this show. It takes you on an emotional journey from one end of spectrum to the other. Give it a try and give it at least 4 episodes before you make any decisions. Easily one of the very best shows I've ever watched. Gotta love Bravo3 Sonny - Texas forever...
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Wildcat (2022)
Holy crap
31 December 2022
All I'm gonna say is well done Mate. What an incredible journey you've had so far. If you are looking for a fantastic show to watch give this a go. You will experience all the emotions one can have and when it's all said and done, you will end with a smile and just thankful. Thankful there are people out in the world conserving this planet and the animals that live on it. This story is so amazing and the show is so worth watching. The production value is top quality and I really can't offer up any negative feedback. It's just a show that captivates you from the get go. Harry as a US Marine myself, never let go of hope. This journey of life is full of ups and downs.... I know your pain of combat but keep waking up and keep making a difference. One journey at a time Mate!
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Home Before Dark (2020– )
Love it
1 November 2022
First off I will say the show is outstanding. Many reviews are asking who the audience is? Is this a kids show or for adults. I say this show is for both.... Not only can you relate as an adult, you can also relate to the kids because we were once 13 years old. You can't go into it thinking it's one or the other because it's such a wide open concept. I loved the series and the acting from each character is spot on. Right down the lead. She plays the role perfect and is believable in all she does. The story is original and it really keeps you involved throughout. I watched the entire show in 3 days and hope there is a 3rd season. The music is absolutely spot on and no question Apple spent a ton of money on original 80's tunes. Such a well thought out show. I'm fixing to watch it all again!!
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Not bad
15 September 2022
Being a Marine myself I had a little vested interest in the story. Overall the movie was good and had some great scenes that made it quite enjoyable. The acting was solid for the most part and I'm really convinced Steve Carell can do just about anything. Such a well versed actor. The story has its moments and even though the subject manner is deep, the writers do a decent job keeping it light with some funny moments. The thing that dropped it down a few spots for me is the lack of research when dealing with Marine Corps customs and uniform. All it would take is to have a real Marine on set to give input on do's and don'ts. It won't matter to most but when they screw up the simplest thing of proper hair cuts and NO FREAKIN beards it's just so disrespectful to those of us that wear the uniform and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Anytime they put an actor in a military uniform they should at least get things right. I guarantee that makes a difference on what hundreds of thousands of veterans think about a movie or tv show. Getting things right on appearance is the very least a producer could do. Anyway the movie is good.... Not great but good. If Steve Carell wasn't in it I'd probably give it a 5.
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So bad you need a shower afterwards
25 August 2022
I don't even know what to say other than this flick is nothing more than a ripe turd. It is a complete joke and no question sensei segal has flushed his acting skills down the crapper. About the only way you can get through the movie is watching it with a bunch of people. Then treat it like a comedy because it's a joke from start to finish. The only reason I give this a 2 is because iron Mike Tyson is in it. That alone is worth 2 stars in my book. Yeah his acting sucks but who cares? It's Mike Tyson for Pete's sake. Sorry sensei this was terrible. Please please please do not make Above The Law 2. That was a great flick so don't tarnish that by doing a terrible sequel!!
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Starts off great!! But then...
25 August 2022
So don't get me wrong, the series overall was good. But like so many other shows, it's starts off great, hooks you in and then starts to go downhill. Here is how I see the series by season Season 1: outstanding! This appears to have it all. Great acting, very unique and original plot. I give this season a 9 Season 2: well it's good but you can tell it's starting to completely change everything. The plot goes from being a western to more modern. I give this season a 7 Season 3: shrouded in complete confusion and if you don't pay attention you are going to be lost. Writing clearly has dropped off and way too much back and forth, present future and past are just all over the place. I give this season a 4 Season 4: Yeah I almost stopped watching all together because they killed off all the characters we loved and enjoyed and gave us a bunch of chumps that nobody cares about. I watched it only to say I watched the entire series. I gave this season a 5.

Overall the show is decent but if you stick with it your gonna see how far it fades from the original concept and just goes all over the place. I think the majority will rate it out 7's and 8's but for me, it stops at a 6 because season 3 is such a turd.
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14 August 2022
I think the dynamic duo officially ended with this complete turd. If you're wanting shake and bake, this ain't it... what a complete waste and no question there is a Million other flicks to watch before this stinker.
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Outstanding is all I can say
9 August 2022
Easily one of the best documentaries of its kind I've ever sat through. It was such a good concept on the way Ethan put it together and went through the life of both actors. It flowed so flawlessly and was so informative, I basically watched it in one sitting. Makes me want to go back and watch all those movies I remember as a young kid. Well done on a great series and is one not to miss. Man it was so well made and what a love story...
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Black Bird (2022)
6 August 2022
Overall this is such a good series. While the subject matter is difficult to comprehend, the story should be told. And no question they made the very best series with what they had to work with. The acting, the directing, the script is so riveting it's hard not to be fully engulfed in the show. The acting is so fantastic I really can't accurately describe it in this review. All I can say is the families affected by this evil person have all my sympathy and prayers. So worth watching and hopefully prison justice will eventually prevail on the guy...
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CODA (2021)
Just a perfect movie
6 August 2022
There is a reason this movie won best picture.... It's easily one of the best movies I've seen in years. The acting is so good I can't even begin to explain. Every actor was just perfect in their roles. Matter of fact I can't give one negative comment about this movie.... The writing, the music, the directing is just so spot on you just have to watch it to really understand it. All I can say is hit the play button cause when it's all said and done and the end credits role, you will say to yourself "man, that's one of the best movies I've ever seen". Yup it's that good folks!!!
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Decent enough
4 August 2022
Overall this is a decent movie. A tick slow at times but overall not bad. I'm a huge Kyle chandler fan so figured I'd give it a try. It won't be to everyone's liking but again, I thought it was pretty good. I think the rating is spot on and think it will fall between 5-7 for the masses. There are far worse movies to pick that's for sure.
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Solid all the way around
4 August 2022
Have to say I really liked this flick. The pace is slow but very fitting for the movie. Acting is top notch as well as the directing as well as the script. It's not a completely original concept but does have some great elements making it a pretty unique story. If you haven't seen this and like a good baseball movie, this is one not to miss and think it's worth a few hours of your time. Even Justin Timberlake was outstanding and for me, he kinda put it over. I liked it quite a bit!
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Pretty solid
3 August 2022
Sat down and watched the series over two days. It kept me interested enough to binge it no question about it. Acting was good as well as the script. However the ending was a bit rushed and I felt like the writers didn't know how the wanted to end it. Come to find out the book has a much different ending than the show.... Book ending probably would have been better all the way around. But like Hollywood tends to do, got to leave things just in case there's a chance for a sequel.. is it worth watching? Yeah probably so...
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Not bad
29 July 2022
Not a bad show don't get me wrong.. but it's basically the exact same format as countless other biographies. Just insert shania and boom, you have a documentary. It's basically behind the music type format.
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Dr Turd
26 July 2022
Yeah this movie sucked from the get go. It is filled with non stop jibber jabber and makes zero sense in some places. A complete stain for Marvel and goes down as one of the worst yet. For the love of Zeus's butthole please don't make another sequel. Speaking of buttholes this flick was nothing more than a warm moist turd with a touch of steam. Next...
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Our Father (III) (2022)
Guy is a sick pos
26 July 2022
Yeah this guy belongs in prison that's all I can say. Matter of fact this sicko needs his ass kicked.... This documentary will piss you off in more ways than one that's for sure.
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Trading Paint (2019)
Trading Turds
22 July 2022
Chalk this up as one of the worst racing movies ever made. I mean 6 Pack with Kenny Rogers is an academy award winner compared this. No idea why this was even made but definitely not worth watching. Sorry Barbarino but even you have to know this flick was nothing but a warm moist turd. Flush...
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Yeah another one of those docuseries
13 July 2022
So I watched all episodes in one sitting and while there are a few new concepts, nothing really new to show the public. To me it was another way to sell some merch while leaving me with nothing more than "why did I just spend a few hours watching another DB Cooper documentary"??? Is it well made? Yeah not bad. They clearly spent some cash and time on the series but really didn't give us anything new to ponder on. Sorry Netflix not gonna cut the mustard... Let's try it again for the 60 year anniversary cause we all know this probably won't get solved...
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