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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
It's more interesting talking about than watching it
1 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's a bad example how to deal with negative experiences. There is Hannah and in her life there is only drama and conflicts. In most of the time she could have acted differently and avoid drama. But this is about suicide and this show needs conflicts to tell it's dramatic story. I don't feel most of the characters' motivations, most students are one-dimensional and flat, so it fits a stereotype. The whole storytelling is obvious constructed and doesn't feel organic. Main critical example is: Clay needs way too long to listen to those tapes. Just listen man. This show is for a younger audience. The authors give the viewers multiple reasons why people in school are bad so they feel connected to Hannah: Bullies, reputation, people talk about people, adults who don't understand, all those topics people go through their young life. So the whole complex is important, but it is a bad example how to deal with such experiences. There are bright sides too: she is popular and her parents are great. But no tapes for the family. Leave them in desperation. I never had that feel Hannah is suicidal nor really struggling. Her voice on those records is too clear, stable and strong. She is even joking, I can't recall if she got really angry on people because of experiencing a scene again by telling it. After looking back and talking about her feelings, she never felt relieved? Strange. Open up yourself even to a recorder can help. But I am not an expert on that field. I get the idea of the show, but it is just bad writing full of contradiction. Just because you can find 13 reasons it does not mean your actions are justified. She could also grow on those experiences, but she chooses to break. I am not sure if this show will help young people who are really suffering. In my experience it does not provide a real picture on the issue, just the idea and exploited as pop entertainment. Things you can learn from Hannah: talk to people. If she talked to half of the people who gave her "reasons" everybody would have learnt something.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
I love it
19 September 2017
Those crazy ideas they have, I can't get enough. Every episode is unique and also builds this special Rick and Morty universe. Some mix of Futurama and Back to the Future. It is intelligent but also crazy and raw, it entertains me and it is smart. There are just a few shows out there I am really excited to see an other episode. Keep up the good work!
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Just listen
19 September 2017
I liked those hours with Putin. You don't have to like this person nor his work, but at least you should listen to this man. He is unagitated and articulates his view and interests. Also it's an opportunity to get a few insights of a man and a country which most people will never visit and only watch in the TV or read in the newspaper. Well, you won't learn much about the country but maybe some will realize there are other countries with interests too and like Oliver Stone did it: listen to them, you don't have to agree, but dialogue is the way we should choose.
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American Vandal (2017–2018)
Excellent entertainment
19 September 2017
Great show and perfect for Netflix. I binged the whole show in 2 days. It has a great cast, you get fresh faces and they are all at least good and they are put in a interesting story, which reveals constant new information and make you doubt your own judgement. And I like the view on young people in high schools (I am not from the US) and also the aspect of social media. It's the right amount of story telling, it doesn 't want you to tell too much and it is open for interpretation.
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Icarus (2017)
It tries to hard
15 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like this topic, in the last couples of years I read and watched some stuff about doping and I had hopes to get more and new information. This documentary leaves me with unsatisfied but also confused. First it's a super-szie-me-experiment which is strange, because we know drugs can enhance your performance. But it didn't work for our moviemaker. Then it's not the point of that story, because suddenly it's all about this Russian lab director Rodchenkov. And then again there is this huge conspiracy of state sponsored doping and it's all connected to Rodchenkov and Putin. On the one hand this show wants you to tell he is victim because the Russian state is evil, on the other hand he is a mastermind, well he was called mastermind and he didn't correct it. His role in planning and execution is not really clear. A lot of the interviews with Rodchenkov are simplified. This show is flashy and a lot of phrases you will hear can be used in a trailer. But there is not much of content, nothing you couldn't read in the newspapers. So there is no research in this work, just some public statements and footage by the moviemaker. This guy never worked as a investigative journalist, so you don't get deep digging. And this whole conspiracy is build around Rodchenkov. But what if he didn't tell the whole truth, history has shown some people will tell all kind of stories. And this guy working for decades for the purest evil suddenly turns away and is now the good guy. And it all started because some American moviemaker needed a doc and a lab to do some stupid stuff and then they become friends and together they uncover a dark conspiracy and all this in a time when the cold war is raising again and they fight each other on any field. This show leaves you with a lot of unanswered questions but gives you their view on who is evil and who is the good guy. Maybe this whole issue about state sponsored and individual doping is much more complex, but this show is just a starting point for you to go deeper and learn more about it.

Oh and then there is this cheesy part about George Orwell. Sometimes less is more.
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
Great entertainment
15 September 2017
It first I thought it's some generic comedy show but with time it's going real deep. It's not the comedy part I like, usually I don't laugh much watching the show. What's so special are the characters and I love this horse. Those characters work for me, I care for them and this is the most important part in a story. How the authors build up their characters, create conflicts and find a solution feel organic and well paced. Great entertainment.
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Game of Thrones: Beyond the Wall (2017)
Season 7, Episode 6
About broken hearts
22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What I don't get is, instead of talking about how great an episode was, I read some posts here on IMDb and reddit. People make calculations about the Gendry-Raven-Faster-than-Light-Speed. How fast is a dragon, can Dany hold on Dragon, how far did they travel? Really? These and many other strange decisions of the authors are the talking points you can read through. Fair enough. It's about making things plausible, to understand whether something makes sense or not. And then there are people attacking those decisions and the counterpart people try to explain what we saw, find plausible arguments why it is possible. This can be great, because it's part of a vital community whenever you see arguments on both sides. If you are open minded you learn a lot in this process. And this is where I am disappointed in HBO, this process of making things great but also plausible, so the audience can focus on your story. The complex of Joffrey-Tyrion-Obryn-Tywin was so great written and filmed and people talked about HOW GREAT it was crafted. I can't remember people try to explain the given content, they were just blown away. Nothing to complain about. This is what made Game of Thrones great. As a good author you should do your homework. All this talk about FTL ravens and dragons is the author's job. Not this sloppy writing. Check your details, transitions, create unique characters give them stories people will remember. Instead I spent time on reddit and read some stupid things about those stupid authors and things they messed up. In season 4, I watched an episode and I didn't need anybody's opinion or any other input, I knew it was great and I was satisfied. A state of complete inner peace, because I saw the art and worshiped it. Now I am left unsatisfied, because that can't be it, it's not all and I need more. Ready to leave and cheat on other TV shows. Oh, and I won't come for Confederate. I don't trust those D&D guys. I know unsatisfied lovers can be desperate and annoying, but when they leave. You won't see them again. Their broken heart hurts. I wanted to end this with "make Game of Thrones great again", but I don't see the authors feel me and understand how I feel about their show. Nah, eff you. Tons of other good stuff out there. People will remember you as "yeah, it was good but then…" It's just lazy writing. But I also understand the author's struggle. People will judge their work not their struggle. And that's just poor.
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Game of Thrones: Eastwatch (2017)
Season 7, Episode 5
Enjoy the ride
15 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Here is how I feel and think about the show right now: I have no clue were Euron is (my thinking) and I don't care (feeling). And instead of rewatch the show or go on the internet to find out I simply don't care. Why? Because there is no coherent logic in Westoros' time and space. The characters are jumping around how the authors want them to.

But let's talk about that Eastwatch episode. I want to point out some things I can't like and why I think this show lost it's mojo. We start with Jamie and Bronn. Oh boi, just a few scenes are the stakes were high and the audience thinks "somebody will die, I don't see any escape for them", well Jamie and Bronn were smarter than anybody. I though in the world of game of thrones you pay for your mistakes. Nope, just swim to the other side. Remember 2 headed shark attack when the depth of the lake was various depending on the camera angle? Well they want you to think that this is stupid, but GoT is serious about that.

Then we see Tyrion in King's Landing, welcome home buddy, talking to Jamie. The authors could bring them together on the battlefield a few scenes ago but we would have missed some action with Bronn and Dragon. But it's okay, Tyrion need to be there. And how often we were told that Cersei hates Tyrion, even before he killed their father. So this Cersei knows that the used to be funny guy is in her home stadium and what is reaction? She will let him play there with her brother just to prove that Bronn is bad. Aha. Cersei could capture that dwarf and I mean he is the right hand of that dragon chick and it's not like Cersei has the upper hand in this battle of thrones right now.

To that fella Sam. I though this could be an interesting story arc. I was wrong like in house of black and white or Bran Stark. I though those story arcs will add some new stuff to the world. Something special. Instead of more understanding of the GoT world we see some ignorant old guys. They are to lazy to follow some instructions in a book, they don't want to learn new stuff. Why are they so stupid? Why is anybody so freaking boring if he is not the good guy? Just to summarize: the whole last season Sam was walking to that library because nobody told him of that teleporters everybody else is using, he cured that friendzone guy, stole some books and scripts and that was the whole story arc so far. You can such a plot line but please put some mojo in between, show me something interesting not just cleaning of feces.

A year ago I would have got angry because of this nonsense, not anymore. I realized GoT is for a broader audience and I was left out. Poor me, but who cares. HBO has it's cashcow. And there is a tradeoff less quality in the writing, more kaboom, more CGI and everybody can start watching the show from season 7. Really, you don't need anything from the past seasons. Remember the long journey of kalesei? It started well and then it was dragged off for too many seasons. You don 't need that anymore. Now she is on that rock and waiting for the suicide squad to return. What is she waiting for? To the suicide squad's plan: they want to catch someone of the dead army? So they have the time to travel south, catch one of them, travel back and Cersei will say "yes, you are right, let's stop fighting each other until we kill that dead army". And while our squad is traveling around that dead army will wait? Nobody thought about that they lure the whole army?

A few days ago I watched Samurai Cop and I enjoyed it. Because of it's flaws it is entertaining. And I will watch more of that GoT stuff. Because it's surprising in a dumb way. What will they do next? Thanks to GoT I learned a lesson: something great can turn into something stupid. There is no constant in life, everything is in motion, go with the motion, enjoy the ride even if you got sick of it. Another lesson: sometimes the lake is deep and sometimes the lake is not deep, depending on your point of view. You see that deep meaning the authors of that TV show had in mind.
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Game of Thrones: The Spoils of War (2017)
Season 7, Episode 4
War of Thrones
7 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this episode was good. I liked the games in the dark, the intrigues when the series started. Powerplay between the great written characters.

In season 7 we are at war. Most dialogues are boring and offer nothing new to the audience, so it's great to see some action. For TV standards we get some high values, sometimes you can see that it was made for TV and not the big screen.

In this episode we see a lot of reunions. I liked that we don't see Euron, because this man coming from nowhere is just ridiculous. Most of the dialogues present informations we already know. Some words and a dagger were exchanged and I was sitting there waiting for the action. I stopped to take this series serious last year, thanks to Miss No One and other plot holes. For example: Where are the other dragons? Is there something else important going on or are they not in the right mood for killing? Because with 3 dragons our dragon whisperer would be too powerful and we won't get that suspension, and poor Bronn couldn't safe the day. Reminds me of battle of the bastards and not announcing incoming reinforcement.

Not epic, because there are too many pieces not fitting together, still it is fun to watch. To be epic it is missing the essence of GRRM. And there is a reason why Martin is still in writing process: to put all pieces together you need time. D&D don't have the time and they don't have Martin's talent. Still good effort and commitment. So more action please and less of trying to write epic dialogues. Those are in the books, just stick to the action.
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Game of Thrones: Dragonstone (2017)
Season 7, Episode 1
More of the path started in season 5
17 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the show till the end of fourth season. Since then it's good, but not great with just a few great scenes, for example what happened in Hardhome. This premiere episode is more of the same since season 5. The time flies, the writers don't really care about details. For example: in season six when the greyjoys left with no ship show up with a fleet made on the iron island with no freaking trees there. But it's okay, because GoT handles things like that. It's the writing and dialogues I don't really like or not convinced of. When Euron Greyjoy dealing with Cersei don't come up with a strong hand, like saying "you have a lot of enemies, but no allies, what do you offer" If you want to have a strong ally you must offer yourself something. Instead Euron have to convince Cersei of his loyalty, well, too simple. So she is the big fish and sets the terms, right? But she doesn't have a fleet and she will need one against her enemies. Just saying. Also I don't get her motivation when Jamie asked her why they are doing this. It's reduced to power. That's a little too simple. Of course it's about power but how to get there? You need allies, you need deception, some matchplan for your goal, look how real geopolitics works. Instead we see King's landing reduced to Jamie and Cersei having their problems. I don't see a build up for smart moves or any power on the side of the Lannisters. All gone with Tywin. I just wanted to give you an impression where I see some problems of the once great and now just mediocre series.
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