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Great come back.
5 June 2024
So I was left a little disappointed after the last film, something just seemed to be missing but this really hit the spot.

The 2 central characters still have great chemistry, but this felt a lot more like an ensemble piece with more fleshed out characters around them. I'm just going say #Reggierocks.

Some great cinematography with lots of fab camera and drone work zooming around all over the place. The first person gun work at one point added a new dimension.

Miami looks beautiful with the Orange and Teal tones.

Action galore and a good protagonist in Eric Dane, although his motive and why he is doing what he is, was pretty rubbish, but he still played it well, and to be fair you don't come in to this sort of film hoping for Shakespeare level story telling.

Some fun cameos pop up which raise a smile.

The soundtrack is good and Lorne Balfe delivers on the orchestrated score.

It has all you would expect from a Michael Bay production. Definitely life still in the franchise.
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Outer Range: Ode to Joy (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Thrilling, well acted and directed.
19 May 2024
Firstly I have to start by saying I was disappointed with the IMDB summary of this episode which in no way describes the content of this episode.

However moving in from this, I was initially concerned this was going to be a mid season "filler" episode but it is far from that and truly stands on its on.

Tamara Podemski is amazing in this episode, with it mostly based around her story. It is beautifully shot and the direction is spot on, maintaining the suspense throughout. And whilst this appears to be separate from the main storyline it actually brings such an important link to it going forward.

I sat transfixed to the TV through the whole episode.

Top notch TV.
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The subject matter and Caine make the film
6 October 2023
I was super excited about seeing this film. Being based on a true story and having Michael Caine in the main role seemed like a no brained. And as the title of the review suggests both the subject matter and Caine deliver.

However it's feels like the writer and director really dropped the ball on what could have been magnificent.

The real emotional bits are when they meet the Germans and when they go to the cemetery and both feel rushed and almost like they are skirted over.

The side story of the younger vet is also a missed opportunity. A way to show that whilst we have moved on from 1945 the troubles that veterans face is still the same. Caines companion on the trip comes out with a pretty big revelation yet you don't really see this story rounded out.

It's like the story with the young carer, it looks like it is going to have a deeper meaning but never really happens.

And the script is pretty poor. Glenda Jackson's character plays a key role in this story but only in the closing minutes does she recover from having spent the whole film being an annoying old woman pulling odd faces.

A bit gutted is the best way to sum up how I felt at the end, although had run out of tissues.
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A well written and acted original gem.
7 February 2023
I had only seen Daisy May on some panel shows and wasn't sure I warmed to her humour and so wasn't sure whether I would enjoy this, but am glad to say I was totally wrong.

This is a really original, well acted and structured story. The balance between humour and drama is fantastic.

Daisy May is outstanding in every way but the whole cast really deliver including the lad playing her son who is hilarious.

The story twists and turns and you really feel for all the characters.

I ended up binge watching the whole series. I almost hope they don't make another series as this was perfect.

Highly recommend this programme and look forward to watching more from Daisy May who is extremely talented and very very funny.
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Happy Valley: Episode #3.3 (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
The acting and writing amazing
16 January 2023
The opening scene in the cafe and the interplay between Sarah Lancashire and Siobhan Fineran is a phenomenal scene. Amazingly written and perfectly acted with you understanding both character's reasoning.

This is so far beyond the trash of Line of Duty and Bodyguard. Jed Mercurio who for some reason seems to be revered within British TV circles, could take some writing tips from Sally Wainwright.

You feel a deep connection with the characters and it is great to see a drama based in a more rural setting rather than London or other major city.

Heartbreaking to think this is the final series but I'd rather it is left in my memory as quality, rather than previously mentioned series that drag on and on and over stays it's welcome.

Well done all involved.
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Vacation (I) (2015)
I don't get the hate for this film
24 October 2022
I truly love this film, it is one of my favourite comedies of all time. 99% of the jokes work, whether it's the rancid younger brother, the ridiculous car, the Griswold Springs scene or the cringely flirtatious Chris Hemsworth.

The critics reviews are so low it is clearly some kind of snobbery. It perfectly fits with the National Lampoons franchise it is based on.

Even though you know exactly where the jokes and scenes are going it doesn't matter as they are just so funny. Actually knowing it is coming makes them even better.

I love a high brow intellectual film but I also love fun silly comedies and this one is just that.

Don't listen to the critics give it a watch.
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As We See It (2022)
Truly lovely comedy and drama
1 February 2022
What a fantastic show. The three leads playing the autistic adults are amazing and great to see they used autistic actors as well, all three of them are absolutely outstanding.

Sosie Bacon is also amazing really gluing the story and performances together.

Really enjoyed binge watching the entire series and pray for a second one.

Very humorous as well and beautifully written.
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Love this programme
7 September 2021
I don't know why the reviews are so low, it is so interesting watching the lives of the crew and the often spoilt guests.

I like the fact that the crew in this series seem more normal especially the guys, there are no big egos.

Whilst it is interesting watching relationships come and go I love the dynamic.

Matt "the chef" and Lexi are as bad as each other. Matt having let the crew down too many times and I don't know if it is the way it is edited but Lexi is so lazy and has a pretty vicious personality. The boat could do without them.

That said it makes for very interesting watching and even after 6 series is still fun to watch.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
A long wait and a real let down
30 April 2021
This is one of my favourite books and I have waited 23 years for a film to finally be made and numerous rumours and false starts. And what a damp squib.

So to start with the only resemblance to the look is the loss of a loved one and the names. That's it.

From a book that slowly creates characters you care about with complex stories around drug dealers and vietnam to a film with the lamest story ever.

Michael B Jordan is OK in the role, he lacks a bit of depth and you never really connect with him. Ritter is a one dimensional character put in there to throw you off the scent.

A few people have summed this up as a real budget movie. The action sequences are again ok but mostly filmed in pretty dull locations such as factory's or blocks of flats.

The explosions are really quite disappointing. One person is strapped up with 9 blocks of plastic explosive but when it goes off it barely takes out the windows and then they just throw a lot of dust on people to make it look like it was bad.

With such great source material and the origin story of John Clark this was very very lame. I feel particularly sorry for Jodie Turner-Smith as she was so miscast it was frightening. I don't think I have seen an actor look so out of place in a role. One minute she is the boss the next she is just another person with a gun not doing much.

The ending was so stale, dull and rushed I felt sorry for Guy Pearce who has been a powerhouse of acting.

I hate to be one of these people who trump on about the book but I have waited 23 years for a film I have already forgotten about. God knows what they will do with Rainbow six. They really need to step their game up.

What concerns me most is that when you have the opportunity to showcase a really good young black actor in a role many associate as white (Willem Defoe) you really want to make sure you deliver to get the naysayers to shut up, but they failed with this one. I hope they give him more Character development in the next film.
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Line of Duty: Episode #6.1 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 1
Oh please change the script writer
22 March 2021
I don't know why I subject myself to this programme, I just I have invested so many hours of my life I now want to know the end.

I also hope that it will improve.

I initially thought the poor quality and stunted delivery was a fault of the actors but then when you see them in other stuff they are excellent and that is when you realise it is the script.

There is no fluidity to it, it is like they are reading a training package. They give more detail than they need to and it just sounds so unrealistic.

They even signpost the lead's depression with lots of tablets and take away containers on the counter.... for gods sake let the actors use their skills rather than label everything like we are stupid.

And please get someone who can write normal conversation.
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Wayne (2019)
Great writing, original story and very funny and violent
11 February 2021
This show is brilliant, I clicked on it as watched nearly everything else and right from the off it caught my attention. Weird but in a good way. Excellent humour , totally unnecessary violence (the best kind). Great side characters , everyone in this did a great job. Now Amazon make us all happy a give it a second season.... PLEASE
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Downhill (I) (2020)
Why the hate?
27 December 2020
I haven't seen the original this is based on and assume from the reviews it is great. However I found this a really interesting and entertaining watch.

You need to understand you aren't going in to a comedy and certainly not a Will Ferrell usual comedy.

This is a drama with some comedy in it and a bloody good one to.

I think it helps I can totally relate to the Will Ferrell character being in my late 40's with a family and seeing the pressures and mistakes he makes. His acting is brilliant and is that of Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

It is an uncomfortable watch due to their relationship issues but it is meant to be.

The director has managed to capture the feel of Austrian skiing perfectly with you really feeling by as though you are there.

My only slight complaint is that the film is too short. And felt that some of the other characters could have been fleshed out more.

I think the low scores come from a hatred of Americans remaking good foreign films, but subtitles or dubbing aren't everyone's pleasure and believe there is a market for this and shows how good the original must have been to have this green lit and hopefully it will bring attention to the original.

This is really neatly made film, excellent acting and you care about the main couple.
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Exactly what 2020 Christmas needs
27 November 2020
Let's get the obvious out of the way, this is a feel good film, yes it has nothing groundbreaking story wise but it so wonderfully written, acted and presented that it hits every button you expect.

It feels small and intimate and whilst you know where it is going half way through you don't care.

Sometimes you just need something nice that prods the emotions.

I love action films, political thrillers , gross out comedies and then on a winters evening as Christmas approaches a little gem like this. Henry Golding has a gentle kindness in his character and as expected Emilia Clarke is just charming naughtiness personified.

I even liked the writing and delivery of the little roles , especially the two police officers who are perfect.

Simple, emotional and charming.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
I hate football but LOVE THIS!
15 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I started to watch this was the anticipation of being let down but how wrong I was.

As many have said in here you expect this to be about a buffoon American like a fish out of water, but you soon realise this is a lot more.

The writing and jokes were spot on, even the simplest joke of him shaking a cereal box and one massive shredded wheat or Nate's reaction to finding a poo on the pitch.

You keep expecting it to go like most programmes where you are waiting for the obligatory bad thing to happen and then kindness and hope wins through.

Jason Sudeikis has created a fantastic character and I found myself taking mental notes on how I would like to improve my management.

Every character seems to have depth and I can't pick one above the other, Hannah Waddingham, Juno Temple, Brendan Hunt (quiet brilliance), Nick Mohammed are all superb and so good to see Brett Goldstein getting a meaty role. I saw him in standup and only knew him as the guy from Derek at the time, but now realise what an awesome actor he is.

I really want to try and give a balanced view but I just loved it and so gutted I got to episode three to find out I had caught up and was weekly.

I think this may be my favourite comedy of all time. Damn this balanced view really isn't working out well here.

I love to see kindness winning through without all the silly cliched dramatic high and lows.

Absolute comedy perfection.
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My Spy (2020)
A nice modernised version of Kingergarten Cop
1 June 2020
This has the same story as Kindergarten Cop with a great little female lead. The humour has some fun jokes in here and the action is pretty good. The young girl really makes this film and the connnection between the leads is excellent. My 15 year old lad liked it as well so would say it works on different levels. Not ground breaking but a nicely put together bit of fun.
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Breeders (2020–2023)
Explaining the swearing!!
3 May 2020
I agree with all the positive comments on here but just wanted to address the swearing at the kids.

I don't think this programme is saying swearing at kids is funny but is trying to relay what most parents want to say half the time, which is why it is funny. The thought of actually saying that to my kid never comes in to my head but my god my inner voice is often shouting it.

The drama in the final episodes is beautifully balanced with a light humour.

The acting from all the cast is spot on.

A real treat and emotional journey.
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6 Underground (2019)
Fun, excitable Bay madness
15 December 2019
This isn't highbrow, but there are plenty of films like that out there.

This is typical Bay, glossy, quick editing, sassy script with throw away one liners, Charismatic lead and pure fun and action. A fun car chase to start, various set pieces in the middle and ending with a scene on a boat that is magnetising.

Plot was simple but sometimes you want that. Turn your brain off and watch Bay having fun.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Great performances, beautiful cinematography and amazing music, only the line between truth and that added for dramatic effect concerns me
5 December 2019
It must be very difficult getting the balance between what is known to be fact and what needs to be added for dramatic effect and to complete the story. I assume huge amounts of research went in to the story and I can only hope that it is as accurate as it can be.

However putting this aside I have thought at the episodes have been great with season 3 being by far the best.

The cinematography is gorgeous, the script both crisp and funny when required. All the actors have been amazing and I don't really want to praise anyone over another.

I was worried this was either going to be a love fest for the royals or sensationalism and over dramatic. I do like the overall idea of the royal family although some of the individuals leave a little to be desired. So I wanted a balanced view and think I got it.

I initially assumed it would be a program my mother only would like but found myself drawn in.

It appears to give an insight into the pressure and challenges facing the family as it has moved through history. It certainly made me think that even with all that money and property it definitely hasn't guaranteed happiness and I really don't envy them.

It is very subtle in making its overall points and I like to think if they ever watched it, whilst they may think "we that never bloody happened" they would appreciate the take on their lives.

My favourite episodes mostly fall within season 3 with Aberfan being one of the most emotional bits of TV I have ever watched. The last 2 minutes are so well shot and draw you in right until that crucial final second which I think sums up the whole point i make above.

As a guy in my 40s trying to find my place in an ever changing world a particularly liked the episode "moon dust" and whilst one of the slower episodes it really hit home, and with Prince Philip having retired recently with health concerns it made it even more poignant.

If you detest the Royal Family you will probably pick a lot of fault with the program however if you take it as a reflection of a family facing unique challenges it is amazing.
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Mildly disappointed
8 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the first film, had a great nostalgic feel about it. At no stage would I have described it as scary but more disturbing but having read the book and seen the original mini series I felt it reflected the source material well. I always enjoy Stephen King, not for the scares but for the beautiful way he builds characters and friendships.

Chapter 2 I felt dealt with the characters and friendships well and carried on well from the first film. As many have said in their reviews the homophobic attack at the beginning is brutal and really tests your stomach.

What did I like about the film?
  • it didn't feel rushed
  • I liked the fact it explained a bit about ITs back story
  • the acting was great and the characters development
  • Pennywise was fantastic and the risks they took killing people you wouldn't usually have expected.

What was I not so keen on?

  • the cgi/model creatures namely the old lady and the thing with the tongue were ridiculous. Now I don't know whether they were meant to look comedic but apart from the running at the camera which was a bit overused, they weren't scary and just a bit silly.
  • this is more a moan about the dating of the source material, I know that this story is about the monster feeding on fear and as such coming together to take its power by not fearing it helps defeat it but it just doesn't seem to hold the impact you want it to. Please don't get me wrong I can't think of another way to end this and so should probably shut up but just felt deflated but I think this is because of the world we live in now and the high expectations we have.

All this said this is still a good movie, which tries really hard and I think is successful. I just came out mildly disappointed.
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The Rookie (2018– )
Refreshing, funny , plenty of heart
25 May 2019
I have to say I don't usually like police shows, especially ones that have a new weekly case that get solved in the episode. However this has such fun and interesting characters with development arcs that run through the series that keeps you interested. Also the cases usually have an integral part in the arcs.

Nathan Fillion is as always brilliant and the rest of the cast really fill this out.

I find myself laughing out loud every episode, usually at Fillion's bad luck.

I hope this gets a following and doesn't get dropped as it is quite different to anything about at the minute.
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Line of Duty: Operation Pear Tree (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
Same school of acting as Bodyguard
1 April 2019
The story has really good potential and the concept is great. I am also interested to see how the ongoing corruption from previous series fits in but omg the acting of the two main characters is painful. I put this down mostly to the script. The DS basically spends the whole time explaining police procedure as though he is reading it from a book.

When they questioned the cop in the hospital or the civilian member of staff they sounded forced and insincere.

Stephen Graham came across well as did the main female protagonist.

I feel awful as the two main cop actors seem competent but the script is awful. I know the DS is probably quite realistic in the way interviews flow but it just seems so false.

It is the same problem I had with Bodyguard. Great story idea poorly executed.

Let's hope the story keeps it tight and exciting and we can hopefully overlook the script and it's delivery.
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Fleabag: Episode #2.1 (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Amazing Television
8 March 2019
I really enjoyed the first season and was looking forward to the return but was not expecting this.

What an amazingly written episode. It was utterly engrossing. How they could draw such tension and subtle comedy from the claustrophobic environment of an awkward restaurant meal was brilliant.

The Phobe Waller-Bridge was phenomenal and even the "to camera" talking worked so well. You felt everything she was feeling and often this was done through a simple look.

Every character was perfectly cast and it was a real ensemble effort to make such a spot on episode.
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A good base to start from
3 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
( On Episode 6) The basis of this series is following a family piece their lives back together after a tragedy. They move back to the parents hometown which is a small town.

The programme has potential but doesn't seem to commit to one particular route. All three children have their separate issues but the writers don't really get into them and gloss over them with some "teen angst bull****". And it comes across a bit drama "lite" .

Then there are the weekly accident stories when the father goes off and saves someone from a rubbish accident. (Reminds me of the UK show Casualty). This episode a really annoying woman falls when hiking. I honestly hoped she didn't make it as she was so annoying and Total filler. There is a good relationship between the father and his deputy at work but it is A bit cliched. My thoughts are, get rid of the accidents and saving bit unless it is furthering that relationship.

I'm really happy to see William Baldwin as the father of the family and in a role that will test his acting skills and he does pretty well at it.

Something just doesn't quite click to make this a top notch drama but it has really good potential, it just needs to stop trying to be too many things.

The sister in law in the show is played well but not really sure how she fits in to the story especially with her weird Ex-boyfriend.

I really like this and want to see it develop it just needs to pick a course and follow it otherwise it will not satisfy anyone.
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SuperBob (2015)
Great British Comedy
25 November 2018
A really quaint comedy. Brett Goldstein is so watchable. I recently saw him doing stand up in London and he was excellent so was really pleased to see he had the lead in a film.

A heads up for those wanting a marvel/dc actioner this is not it.

The characters, even those with one lines are just brilliant and there is a real warmth and feeling to the film. It reminded me in essence of Hunt for the Wilderpeople. A comedy that doesn't try too hard for laughs and as such achieves even more authentic ones.

Leaves you with a smile on your face.

I just can't believe this didn't get more attention or a wider initial release.

Strangely enough Brett was in "Derek" on the BBC and this does have a similar balance of humour, sentimentality (and I mean that in a positive way) and good natural acting.

Well done
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Homecoming (2018–2020)
Nice solid drama
3 November 2018
This isn't a crash bang wallop drama, this is a well acted character piece. That doesn't mean it is artsy and weird . It is told from a present and past split narrative and love the way they differentiate between the two with the screen size and how they use it in the story later on.

I like the short episodes so it doesn't feel dragged out. Julia Roberts is fantastic in the role and it was a really strong performance. Her friendship with the lead male character is perfect and effortless. I know we shouldn't judge a female act by her appearance but I wanted to acknowledge how great it is to see her looking so natural , which you don't see with many male or female actors these days. I think it makes her performance better and just makes me respect her more.

The story is simple but effective, the cinematography and styling is really good and the music has an 80's thriller feel about it which, again, I really liked. It was a step away from the really swish , shiny thrillers out there.

Also a really good satisfying ending.
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