
10 Reviews
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Prey (I) (2022)
The best "Predator" movie since the original
15 August 2022
I don't understand some of the hatred here. So a Comanche woman battles the alien hunter in the end. Get over it. It is beautifully choreographed "uber violence" and another great chapter in the on-going story. I think that the biggest factor in her battle against the alien hunter is that like the Comanche's themselves, the predator doesn't take her seriously enough as a threat.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Tacky, stupid and totally vapid
26 November 2021
When I first read the premise, I thought this might be like The Mandalorian. Space cowboys has been done before and can be as good as the Mandalorian. On the other hand it could be like this. I watched 3 episodes and saw nothing that might indicate an actual plot or story line at the bare minimum. Just one mindlessly violent scene after the other. Once you get it that these guys have continuous bad luck with love and money, are clueless, but will nevertheless win all their pointless fights, you can safely stop watching, knowing that you will miss nothing of substance.
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Knowing (2009)
Why all the hate?
29 November 2018
I know it's a bit late for a review but I feel compelled to reply to some of the criticism leveled at this movie. The reviews tend to be based on a few mistaken assumptions.

1) The movie is pro scientology propaganda

If there is any truth to this then the propaganda is very obscure, as a quick reference to scientology symbols does not include the 7 pointed star as per one detractor. To state that the movie uses a numerical based prophesy and that this is indicative of scientology is conspiratorial and nonsensical. Both the bible and koran are full of them. Maybe I am too ingenuous but at no time did I feel I was being led along a path of conscription to scientology.

2) plot holes due to slim chances of a text fortuitously falling into the hands of a person intelligent enough to decipher the meaning and be the father of one of the chosen survivors and have the descendants of the original prophecy play a part in the fruition of the plan.

fair enough, but nobody seems to question as to why the prophesy itself is possible. Surely if the universe was deterministic, as suggested by the very presence of a prophecy, then a sufficiently advanced civilization able to foresee the prophecy would also be able to foresee the path they have subscribed to the resolution they have decided on.

3) The movie doesn't make sense or jumps around too much.

Fortunately there are many straight forward shows and cartoons to watch instead .
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Bodyguard (2018)
Nearly Great
26 September 2018
I agree with one of the previous reviewers, who wrote that the final episode was a bit of a letdown, even so, I think I would have gone for a ten, but the show was good enough to deserve a nine at least. The writing, direction and acting were all exceptional. Terms like "nail biting", "thrilling" and "fantastic" are often loosely awarded, but this show fully deserves all the praise. The show flows effortlessly, the narrative moves forward with expert ease, carrying the viewer along for a glorious ride that is rewarded with a fairy tale ending, even if a bit on the fanciful side. I think a better ending would have been a bit more explosive (to prevent revealing a spoiler for those still to watch the show) but I am still happy with the final episode. I hope that a second series is in the pipeline.
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Ghost Stories (I) (2017)
Plays with the mind and questions reality itself
19 July 2018
The stories begin with a standard scary tale of a haunted building/complex, although creepy enough to cause the viewer to start looking nervously into the shadows around them. Anxiety builds up throughout the segment and the final scene leaves enough to the viewer's imagination to put one into a raised state of awareness. The only clue that this is not a standard horror story, is that the protagonist is still alive to relate the tale to the skeptical investigator.

The second story begins in similar vein, but changes into something more hallucinogenic as it progresses. The scary creature is kept vague and although it's lethal nature is clear it is seen as amorphous and ambiguous. Again the protagonist of this segment, survives the encounter and apparently co-exists with it in his home.

The mind itself seems to be the culprit in the final segment and reality shifts are frequent and it is not entirely made clear whether or not the mind of the investigator is to blame or whether the final protagonist himself has the ability to alter either the mind of the investigator, or, more interestingly, as a life-long student of metaphysics, reality itself.

A worthwhile experience in my opinion, however one views what is happening.
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The Terror (2018–2025)
The master story teller gets some deserved recognition
3 May 2018
I have been a fan of Dan Simmons novels since the "Songs of Kali" and "Carrion Comfort." His venture into Sci Fi, Hyperion, was one of the most intense literary experiences I can remember over many decades of reading. That along with "The Terror, Drood, Black Hills and The Abominable" have come to be my standout favorites from an under-appreciated genius. I found the TV series a worthy and excellent translation to the screen of a brilliant novel. The human emotions of loss, fear, ambition and treachery are handled with poignant subtlety. It feels multi layered and deep, just like the book.

The underlying mystery involving the Inuit mythology of tuunbaque is also deftly handed and with respect to the Inuit themselves. It adds another layer to interweave with the actions of the doomed sailors.

Well done to all concerned and may this just be the start of more coverage of Simmons's superb volume of work.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Real science fiction
3 April 2018
I don't understand the reason for the intense hatred here. The show was very intelligent and involved serious speculative science as the basis for many of the episode ideas. The almost mystical approach of using a biological panspermia which is networked across all dimensions as the means of travelling instantaneously is bold and powerful. The Klingons have become real, and their militaristic demeanors are examined more realistically than ever before.

Besides all that, the images we see on the screen are visceral, moving, and simply beautiful.

I would take this show over all the other lame dross that everyone seems so eager to preserve, with Roddenberry's vision unviolated. To hell with that!! Viva Star Trek Discovery!
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A stunning drench of imagination
3 November 2017
I have been fortunate this year in seeing two absolutely fantastic examples of near revelatory brilliance. First Blade runner 2049, the perfect sequel to, (in my opinion anyway), the best movie ever made, and now, Valerian.

While the Blade Runner sequel was dark and loaded with 'fear of the future' angst, (besides the dexterity with which it dealt with the deeper questions that Philip K Dick loved to explore), Valerian was the opposite, full of light and grace, as detached from current reality as a nearly forgotten, childhood memory, yet brimming with vitality and fun. The 'Big Market' scenes, the role played by Rihanna as bubble, all had me grinning in pure enjoyment.

Spoil your inner child and indulge in this sensual feast.
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Unlocked (I) (2017)
very good and entertaining thriller
9 September 2017
I felt like rating it as a ten simply to fight back against the haters, but felt that it would be hypocritical to do exactly the opposite of those who so easily award 1 or 2 stars when the movie is patently far better than that.

The action took a while to build up steam but was worth the wait. The role of Jack did feel a bit contrived but this is a bloody thriller after all. Strange that Blooms role as Jack should be criticized by many as unbelievable but his biggest role, the one that launched his career and made him famous, was that of an elf.

The reason why I actually enjoy most movies, is because I can easily suspend belief in what is (excluding documentaries, of course) after all, a story made up to entertain people.

The chief criteria for my enjoyment of a movie is, was I entertained by it? Good writing, good acting and good production values all help create the impression that I watched something worthwhile. If I am entertained by the movie, I am far more forgiving of it's minor flaws.

My wife and I discussed the reason for so much negative criticism and considered it might well be because many of the Muslims were shown to be human, an idea obviously anathema to many viewers. I myself lived in Saudi Arabia for close to 10 years and understand that good and bad reside almost equally in most humans and that it takes an act of will to force oneself to rise above bigotry, greed and selfishness. I met many Muslims who were good people by choice in my time in Saudi and also many others I hope never to meet on this or any plane of existence they might believe in.

My wife and I agree on a score of 8.
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Line of Duty (2012–2021)
Realistic, brilliantly scripted detective drama
28 June 2017
I personally rate this show as well-scripted as "The wire" and possibly even "The sopranos", but enjoyment of a show is a highly subjective matter, and haters will surface, even for a show as unique as Breaking Bad.

One of my top reasons for enjoying the show is that the characters are just so ordinary. No superheroes in evidence here. Just hard working, normal but intelligent and resourceful people solving complex crimes.

I am enthralled by the unfolding of the story, layer by layer, not for it's car chases or the shiny white teeth of the leads. The payoff is in uncovering the cover-ups.

In that sense I consider this one of the top detective dramas I have ever watched even though I concede that there are areas that could still be improved upon, but these are minor matters in the overall enjoyment I am experiencing with this show.

So far I have only watched seasons 1 through 3 and hope 4 repeats the trend so far of each season being better than the last.
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