
108 Reviews
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Good Gothic Horror Movie
21 April 2024
I really enjoyed this one! It is gothic and atmospheric and reminded me so much of all of the books i loved reading when i was a teenager. They almost always started with a train ride to a haunted house, and I have a great feeling of nostalgia for that type of story.

However, it was weird seeing Daniel Radcliffe on a train again, without Ron, lol.

Daniel is a great actor, and I enjoyed seeing him again but unfortunately he will always be Harry Potter to me and I kept wishing he'd just pull his wand out of his back pocket and Expecto Patronum the heck out of that ghost, lol.

Despite that, I really enjoyed this movie.
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Chronicle (2012)
I hated the characters
15 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This would have been an OK movie if the characters didn't suck as much. They reminded me of the pack of stupid teens that turned into hyenas on Buffy. Just a bunch of idiots, with no scoobie squad to take them out.

As soon as we meet Andrew we know he's being set up to a be a school shooter type of psycho. Yes, it's sad that his Dad is abusive and his Mom is dying and I felt sorry for him at first but he just uses his power to be an even more abusive jerk than his Dad.

None of the characters seemed real; they all seemed more like caricatures. It was sad, really, as so much more could have been done with this.

IMO, this is a big let down.
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Quicksand (2019)
Suspenseful and Good Acting!
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed Quicksand so much!

It was suspenseful, and the characters looked their age, although they acted quite a bit older than I remember my friends and i acting in high school, but I guess times have changed, and I'm old, lol.

I was kind of shocked when I found out Maya was only 17 because at first I thought she was a university student. I mean, why did she have a job working nights at only 17 years of age?

Also, her parents were pretty neglectful. I don't know if they were just permissive in general or if they were blown away by Sebastien's family's money, but who lets their 17 year old teenager spend so many nights unsupervised with her boyfriend? At one point she comes home in the early morning and her Mom basically asks if she had a good time. Crazy! I don't know any parents who would do that.

I thought the actor playing Maya was really good.

Some things were weird to me though; why did the lawyer not bring up the fact that Samir had been intimate with Maya and may have been accusing her for payback for going back to Sebastien instead of staying with him?
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Horror for the Times we Live In
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was really good, in my opinion.

It was weird seeing Roberts play an unlikable woman but she grew toward the end.

Lots of suspense, no handholding or explanations.

The scariest part is that our society is doing exactly what this movie warns about; great divides, one side against the other, polarization.

Other countries don't need to do much when a countries own people are so divided.

The deers and animals were weird, but I guess something in the noises were affecting their navigation? I don't think an EMP would do that but the one guy mentioned microwave weapons like in cuba...maybe that can? I have no idea.

There was a lot left unanswered, but that's how it would really be in this sort of situation, if the grid went down and there was no way to communicate. Nobody would know what is really going on.

The boys teeth fall out; how does no one suspect radiation poisoning until the prepper mentions it? That was weird.

The little girl's focus on Friends helps her find the bunker so hopefully she'll share the location with her family. I think that was a comment on how we as a society need the escape that movies and tv bring, but again, who knows.

I really enjoyed this but would have rather it been a series instead of a movie. I would have enjoyed seeing more instead of having the ending left up in the air like that.

Sorry if I'm not making much sense; I have a migraine and took some painkillers.
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Is this Sci Fi or a Soap?
5 December 2023
I am so confused. I thought I was going to be watching a fun science fiction action series, and there is science fiction and action, but it FEELS like a really long drawn out and boring daytime soap opera and everyone is so freaking dramatic, and not in a good way.

I kind of hate most of the characters except for the girl from the past, but even she is super annoying at first.

The idea for this show is good, or should have been good, but the execution is painful. The characters all act like spoiled teenagers with the emotional intelligence of a 7 year old, and I'm having a hard time liking this, which is a shame as I really love time travel.

It's like the wonder of time travel was just sucked out of the series altogether. If I wanted to watch a soap I'd just go watch Days of Our Lives.
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Dune (2021)
The whole movie felt like a beautiful but overly long intro
3 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read the Dune series years ago, so long ago that I didn't remember anything except sand, spice, and worms. And I couldn't remember what spice was called, I just remembered being annoyed that the author called it spice instead of giving it a made up name, lol.

Anyway, I watched this movie and it was beautifully made with lots of epic scenery. The characters and costumes were cool, but man, it just was so slow going and felt like a really long intro.

I get that this is part one but it seemed like just as things got interesting, it ended.

I guess they were hoping for a sort of cliffhanger ending, but it will annoy me if they don't release part 2, lol.
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The Lost City (2022)
Feel Good Retro Comedy
16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OMG, this was so funny! It reminded me of movies I used to watch in the past; silly feel good movies that were just pure fun to watch.

The cast was amazing, although seeing Daniel Radcliffe as a Slytherin type was weird, lol. He'll always be Harry Potter to me.

Sandra Bullock was amazing as the female lead, and as an amateur writer who sometimes has a hard time leaving the house, I could identify with her character.

When she asked the Brad Pitt character why he was so handsome I laughed out loud, lol.

I really enjoyed this and would watch a sequel if they ever made one. It was just so much fun. I don't understand the low ratings.
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Super Fun
16 September 2023
I haven't read the books and don't normally watch cartoons but this was really cute.

The animations were well done, the backgrounds were beautiful, and the little characters were really sweet. The story line drew me in and I ended up binge watching the entire season all at once. I really hope there will be another season, and I will look for the books because I really loved the story, the characters, and the world. It was so much fun, and a great escape. I wasn't feeling great today, and it was a wonderful distraction for me. I didn't think I would like it so it was a wonderful surprise that I did.
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One Piece (2023– )
So good!
14 September 2023
OK, so I am not a fan of anime and have never heard of One Piece before, but I really loved this!

It was fun, silly, and the characters were likable and quirky.

It was also beautiful to look at; the big ships with their silly prows, the gorgeous rolling waves and blue sky, the ominous clouds.

I ended up binge watching the whole season in one day and I'm really hoping there will be a season two. I can see why it's #1 on Netflix, and I'm so glad that it was on my recommended list.

I don't know why I need to write so many characters, I've already said everything I wanted to say and it's really annoying to have to keep writing, lol.
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Insatiable (2018–2019)
Dark Comedy
20 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand all the hate for this one. It was really well written, and the actors were wonderful.

It's more of a dark comedy/satire than anything else, and it basically is about the fact that you really can't judge a book by it's cover.

The main character, Patty Bladell has an eating disorder, was once fat, and has a lot of rage which she tries to eat. It's not one of those, "chick loses weight and life gets so much better" stories at all. Yes she looks better, yes she wins pageants, but she still struggles with compulsive overeating and rage, and while she seems sympathetic, she is really an out of control murderer.

Each character is multidimensional, like an onion, with many, many layers.

It was also fun to see Alyssa Milano again.

I really enjoyed this, and was hoping for another season.
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The Witcher (2019– )
What's with all the hate?
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so I didn't read the books, so I'm not coming to this series as a hardcore fan. I did play some of the games though, and enjoyed them. That said, I did enjoy this series, a lot. I binge watched the first 2 seasons and the first half of season 3 (all that is out on Netflix, so far).

I did get confused by the timelines jumping back and forth and didn't even realize the timelines were jumping for quite some time, lol, but I still really enjoyed this.

The guy who plays Geralt is super handsome and perfect for the role. I've heard he was fired, which was an epically stupid decision if that's true.

The actors playing Yen and Ciri were very good, as was the bard.

I had a hard time following the politics but that's just me.

One thing though, why Ciri's Dad just tell Ciri he's alive and looking for her? I don't get that.

Despite the issues, I really enjoyed this. The world is beautiful, and the scenes (except for the slow motion killing) were beautifully shot. I'm looking forward to seeing more, and I hope that the producers will hire the main actor back, as he's just perfect for this role. I can't see this working without him, to be honest.
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Cascade (2023)
I Enjoyed This
10 July 2023
So this came up on my Netflix recommended page so I started watching. Within minutes I thought "hang on, I think this was filmed in my area". I paused the video and did a search, and sure enough, I wasn't hallucinating, lol. It was filmed in my area. I recognized a local nature trail/park, the steel plant, and some of the streets in the area.

So, the setting is beautiful, and is almost a character in it's own right, and most of the show takes place in the woods. It was beautifully filmed.

Yes, there were the normal "stupid and annoying teens" but there were also two smarter kids to make up for it. The lead was great; she carried the scenes; very charismatic and just good overall.

I enjoyed this.
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I LOVE this Sooooo Much!
4 July 2023
OMG, I only watched the first 10 minutes and I love it so much I don't ever want it to end. I'm here stalling because I don't want it to be over too quickly, and also, I am so happy that it exists at all.

I hope it doesn't let me down, but I Have a feeling it won't.

Chris Pine is so handsome and I love all of his shows so I'm sure I"ll love this one too. I just met Jarnathon and how cool is that character. This is just too much fun. It kind of reminds me of Oblivion (the game) with all the cool characters, magic, fighting, etc., and I loved that game.

OK, I'll come back and write an actual review when it's over, but I wanted to capture how freaking excited I am about this one, lol.
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Deadloch (2023– )
What in the world is this show?
8 June 2023
I have no idea what I just watched? Prime video says it's a murder mystery, but I think it has to be a spoof or parody of a murder mystery.

It starts of bad, and just gets worse. All of the characters except maybe the female "used to be" detective are terrible. Stupidity abounds, and they don't act like any cops I've ever known or even seen on TV. It went from bad to worse and I tried really hard to get through the first episode but when that out of town detective came in it became too unbearable so I had to quit. I came to read the reviews here in hopes that others would have watched the whole thing and that it would give me hope to keep watching but nope, seems others hate it as much as I do. It's too bad; I was looking forward to a good mystery show, not this...whatever it is. I think it's supposed to be funny and maybe it is, to super high teenagers...maybe.
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So good for a low budget movie.
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am really impressed with this movie. Considering it was made on an extremely low budget, it really kept my interest.

First the characters are very limited, only 7 total. The main character, a little 11 year old girl, carries the entire story. In fact the whole thing is seen as through her eyes; just a little girl trying to survive after and EMP takes out the electric grid.

I love that the writers made the little girl, and later on, her young companion, likable and not spoiled brats given to throwing tantrums. The Dad was a good Dad who'd tried to prepare his daughter for a SHTF type situation.

I have always worried about EMP's after reading another novel about one, and while I don't know much about them, I find it a fascinating premise. I think if the producer would have had more money to spend on more characters, it would have been even better, as it was very weird that the two bad guys were the exact same two bad guys throughout, and that only 1 vintage car was seen in the whole movie.

All in all though, I enjoyed this.
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The Gryphon (2023– )
Supernatural Meets Stranger Things
29 May 2023
I really enjoyed this; it was fun and interesting, in my opinion. The first episode gave me huge Supernatural vibes; two brothers, an old fashioned car, the atmosphere, even flashbacks. But then it quickly diverged into Stranger Things territory...except the Mom in this show was absolutely horrible almost all the way through the whole first season. I hope they'll come out with a Season 2; I'd like to see what will happen next.

I have nothing more to say about this movie but still have more characters. I really hate that; what is this, a high school essay? Wish the people at IMDb would give their heads a shake and let us write as much or as little as we'd like.
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Firefly Lane (2021–2023)
10 May 2023
Oh wow; I just finished binge watching the 2nd season of Firefly Lane and it was just so incredible.

I really love the time jumps; the way we get to see the characters as teenagers, young adults, and older adults. All of the actors are amazing, but I especially love Heigl; she was so strong in her portrayal of Tully. I really loved her in Grey's Anatomy and was said when her character left the show, so it's good to see her in this. She's a strong actor. Sarah Chalke was good too, as were the young actors who played the younger versions of the characters. It always makes me laugh though, when they take a beautiful actor and give her big glasses in an attempt to make her look nerdy, lol.

This was a feel good show, about friendship that endures over time, through good and bad. I want to call my best friend right now, but it's too late and I don't want to scare her with an after midnight call (we're at the age where those sorts of calls usually mean a death in the family). So I'll have to wait until tomorrow to call her, and in the meantime just be glad that we're both still here, and still friends.
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Haven's End (2019)
So bad, so, so bad...
10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OMG, this was so poorly acted it was comical. I get that they must have a had a low budget (the majority of the set was an old trailer in the woods), but wow, couldn't they have found actors that can...I don't know...act?

All of the characters were so extremely annoying and unlikeable that when I found out about the zombies I was rooting for them. The CGI was awful.

Despite that, I almost enjoyed it, because I wanted to see how much worse it would get, and also wanted to see if I could guess what happens next (super easy to do).

On another note, I don't know why IMBD want so many characters for reviews because seriously, movies like this don't deserve the time it takes to write the reviews. Sooooooo very bad.
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Close Encounters of the Angelic Kind?
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this movie really kept my attention throughout. I was immediately drawn into the story and felt for the family of the missing girl.

This show is a mix of genres, and it works. Family drama? Check. Mystery? Check. Crime thriller? Check. Sci Fi/Supernatural? Check.

The ending was very surprising, which is great because I can usually predict what will happen next in almost every movie I watch and I wouldn't have predicted this for the life of me.

The end was very poignant and it was filmed beautifully. I can't imagine what that poor child went through, and the mother's horror at discovering what happened to her daughter was hard to watch, yet watch she did.

I don't know if the creatures that came to help out were aliens or angels, but they intervened to show what happened and to get justice for the child and closure for the family, and also, it appeared that the child's spirit lived on and was happy and at peace.

I don't know why this show got such bad ratings; it was really well done.
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Class of '07 (2023– )
Such a Disappointment
18 March 2023
This is the most unlikable group of women in the world...I kept hoping the water would get higher and take them all out.

There were no redeeming characters; they were all extremely stupid. I guess this was a spoof of The Lord of the Flies, and maybe it was supposed to be funny but it is just so very bad. Who wrote this, middle schoolers hopped up on candy? So bad.

The actors must be pretty good, to make me hate their characters so thoroughly. Usually in movies like this there are one or two characters who are at least slightly sympathetic, but in this one, even the elderly nun is a complete ditz.
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Feel Good Ghost Movie
28 February 2023
Well, I enjoyed every minute of this fun, family friendly movie.

The characters were likable and believable, especially Kevin, Isabella and Ernest.

The big old house was cool with just the right amount of dilapidation to be a bit spooky, and the story line was moving but also hilarious in parts.

The rest of the cast was also good, and the story line was interesting. I've seen some reviewers complain that it was too long, but it was perfect. I don't know why so many people like the shorter movies, but maybe I'm just old enough to remember when movies were always longer (and we had intermission to go buy popcorn, lol).

The ending left me feeling happy and somewhat sad, all at the same time. I really enjoyed this one.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
So Nostalgic and Fun
21 January 2023
I really loved this series! I loved That 70's Show, and was so excited to find That 90's Show! I binge watched the entire season and am writing this review at 4:25 AM.

It was so great to see Red and Kitty again, and they look amazing. I also loved seeing Eric and Donna, Michael and Jackie, Fez, Leo, and Bob.

The new kids were adorable and I enjoyed watching them follow in their parents footsteps and get up to antics of their own.

I even liked the new faster paced theme song, lol. It was a really cute show, and so nostalgic. It made me feel happy and carefree to watch. I hope there will be more seasons to come.
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High Water (2022– )
Stupid People Can't get their Act Together
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is another one of those "everyone is an unlikable clown" movie.

The main character is a chain smoking addict in recovery who apparently is smart but unable to communicate. She throws tantrums and walks out like a 3 year old.

To be fair, the men in this movie are basically morons; unwilling to listen to her at all, so I can see how it was frustrating.

I watched the dubbed English version so maybe that's why they all seemed so dumb; maybe something was lost in the translation.

Spoiler alert: People know the flood is coming, yet the lady watching the teen sees nothing wrong in letting the kid take her dog out for a walk. No warning her to stay inside, or to let the dog pee on the stoop and then come right back in, or anything. Plus she falls asleep. What kind of caregiver does that. Just thinking how everyone I know would have been on that kid like white on rice, bombarding her with warnings and telling her what to do. In this show...not so much.

Every single character seemed emotionally stunted. It was weird.

Again, maybe something was lost in the translation.

It was interesting other than the bad acting/writing.
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Home for Christmas (2019–2020)
Such a Heartwarming, Funny Series!
2 December 2022
So it's 6:30 AM here in Canada and I just stayed up all night binge watching this series and am sad it's over. This was so great, and so different from the regular Hallmark type Christmas movies that are out this time of year. This was refreshingly different.

I really loved the characters, especially the main character, and her Dad, but to be honest they were all great (except the Mum was annoying).

I really enjoyed seeing the celebrations from a culture different than my own, and I must say, I love the idea of a Christmas workshop where people gather to do Christmas crafts. Such a great idea, and so much fun!

The friendships were genuine, the many dates were super funny, and this just felt really nice to watch.
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Slumberland (2022)
Absolutely Delightful
22 November 2022
I absolutely loved this children's fantasy movie soooooo very much! I'm over 50 so not the demographic, but I thought it was wonderful, magical, delightful, even.

I love the hopeful tone of the movie, that love and hope can beat out even the worst feelings of despair and loss.

The little girl actress was very good, and the adults were also good.

It was beautifully filmed; the CGI was lovely and it took me back to my own childhood. There's definitely a sense of wonder in this movie.

The little CGI pig was so adorable that I wish I had one, lol. So cute.

The plot was good, fast paced, and the whole thing was well written.

What a lovely, refreshing change from regular shows on Netflix.
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