
18 Reviews
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Alone (V) (2020)
watchable, but be warned
14 May 2023
This is a low budget film but the acting and cinematography are on point.

They did a great job making the bad guy look really creepy. In his first appeance on screen my wife says "Oh, that guy's got the serial killer look down".

The protagonist is likeable, carrying some emotional baggage, and even though she can't even figure out how to fit a houseplant into a half empty trailer, you'll root for her just the same.

If you decide to watch it, go in knowing that the protagonist will make idiotic decisions, over and over again. The kind of decisions you see in a slasher movie when the girl has to go see what the noise is in the closet after everyone else at band camp has been murdered. You'll see things coming from a mile away, but stick around to find out if it actually plays out the way you predicted.

But it's a b-movie thriller. What else are you going to expect? Half the fun of these kinds of movies is the exasperation that goes along with yelling "you idiot, don't go in there", and "ah, no way, that's bs" at your tv screen. Good popcorn flick for a sunday evening, and even better if you watch it with somene else to share in the frustration. :P.
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The Gray Man (2022)
popcorn flick
22 July 2022
If you believe this scene, then maybe you'll believe this. Oh, you believe this? Let me show you this. Ok, you'll believe anything we put on the screen, so let's just make this as ridiculous as possible.

Is this aimed at 12 year old boys, or people who enjoy suspending any sense of reality? I don't know.

It's not Bourne. It's a forgettable popcorn flick. As long as you know that going in, then get your popcorn and enjoy.
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The Victim (2019)
This is good.
17 April 2021
My wife and I really enjoyed watching this 4 episode mini series over the weekend.

The acting is superb, story and character development is great. My only gripe was that they would sometimes jump around the timeline a little too much. Especially at the beginning when you are still trying to figure out who everyone is and what their relationship is with each other.

But those pieces soon start falling into place. Or so you think. In this kind of show, you expect plot twists and 'who's the real bad guy' threads that eventually unravel. Most shows/series never seem to get that part right, with things usually being too predictable or unbelievable. It isn't perfect here, but it's well above average.

This series def has you guessing and second guessing. Not only who the bad actors are. But also raises intelligent questions about what you think real justice is and explores the pain of the victims of crime, and how well the justice system (mis)handles them. It brings those questions up again as more of the story unfolds. Do you rush to judgement? Do you rush to someone's defense? Is real forgiveness even possible?

It's a very good series and well worth the time to watch.
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Close (I) (2019)
Female Bourne
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you like smart, capable women who can kick ass and are great under pressure, then this is for you.

Most of the action sequences are really well done. The hotel bedroom fight where Noomi has her hands tied should go down as an action movie classic.

The story is up and down a bit, but good enough to keep you engaged. Noomi is great, Sophie over acts. The locations, languages and cinematography are exotic and interesting.

I'm hoping they do a sequel with Noomi. If they spend a bit more time on keeping the story tight and more layered, they could have a female Bourne series on their hands.

My rating would normally be mid to high end of 6, I'm giving it a solid 7. Most action flicks with a famous hollywood female lead are completely unbelievable. The lead character in this movie comes off very believable, like someone who could totally kick your ass.
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advertorial not a competition
21 January 2021
The first 20 minutes looks more like a travel advertisement for Dubai, they hardly even show the competition. Just interviewing the athletes and organizers, then showing the scenery. A few short clips showing the competition. They never show one event from start to finish, just a few tiny clips.

The rest of the show, more interviews with athletes and organizers, tons of time showing them warming up, getting interviewed between events. A few short clips, 4 or 5 seconds, of them competing, interspersed with interviews with the athletes repeatedly telling how hard the event was. Then another quick look at the leaderboard before going back behind the scenes with interviews with athletes. Athletes lying on the floor, athletes eating, athletes riding in cars, all talking about how hard each event they did, (the events they don't show us). Clips of them training the prior year. A few more shots of the city night skyline. More interviews with the event organizers. Rinse and repeat. Then the que the sad music and sad interview the athlete who had to withdraw from injury. This is not a competition. It's just all over the place, but definitely not a competition. Don't waste your time.
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Primal (2019– )
My new fav show
9 October 2020
I love this show. I watched the first couple episodes alone, then told my wife about it, thinking she probably wouldnt like it due to the violence. But she started watching and loves it too. I'm 54 and watching this, I feel like I'm a kid reading my fav comics again.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
Well, the first episode was good.
6 May 2019
This could (should) have been a really good movie, but they made a series instead.

The first episode was great. By episode 4 or 5, meh. By the end of the first season, it does what most series do; forgets the original plot and turns into a soap opera.

I would far rather watch a movie or a well written mini series like True Detective or Mind Hunters than something that should be a movie (or mini series) but for for financial reasons they keep grinding out episodes/seasons and ruin a good thing.
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Condor (2018–2020)
CIA- Christians in action
5 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I unfortunately watched the whole first season.

I can overlook a certain amount of hollywood propaganda when it comes to entertainment. Most things from the entertainment industry have left leaning undertones, but this series is just too far over the (left) top to ignore or enjoy.

I suppose if you are left leaning politically, then you might like this.

But if your political ideology ranges from centric (like mine) to the right side of the spectrum, then this series will likely make you feel like you've ended up in some sort of weird liberal utopia.

The CIA is labeled as 'Christians In Action', the main assassin is, of course, a bloodthirsty Israeli with mental problems while an innocent Muslim man is framed/killed by the evil CIA, most men are weak 'beta' types, people with conservative values are evil, it goes on and on and on. I don't think they've missed a single liberal sterotype/talking point in the first season, right down to the acid rain/global warming news flash on the tv in the background. It doesn't take long before the political ideology removes you from being engaged in the story.

And is smoking supposed to be the new cool thing??! After decades of removing smoking from entertainment, just about everyone in here lights up. Of course, chain smokers can sprint for miles at a time.
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Downsizing (2017)
One of the worst movies ever
14 July 2018
It starts from the potentially interesting premise of the population shrinking down to 5 inches tall to save the planet and what it would be like to live as a tiny miniature.

It then takes one depressing turn after another, and basically abandons the 'living as a miniature' premise altogether, as the story devolves into a depressing preachy sermon about unfair class systems; the 'struggling' American middle class who are willing do anything to attain the supposed better/richer life at the expense of the poor immigrant underclass who must serve them and the enlightened "Elon Muskian/Cupertino" type class and their unrealistic attempts to better/preserve mankind.

This is one of the worst movies I have ever watched.
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Tau (2018)
A good saturday night popcorn flick
8 July 2018
Kind of a different spin on an ex-machina type of premise. If you like scifi, movies about AI, and silicon valley techies running amok, then you should enjoy this.

It isn't going to win any awards, but it's definitely a good saturday night popcorn flick.
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The Forest (2017)
Good weekend mini-binge series
8 July 2018
Occasionally, I like "mini-binge watching netflix" with my wife on the weekend. One of my gripes about most series is that they start strong but eventually the story line degenerates into a typical soap opera, the premise is lost, the series drags on and on, and the conclusion(if they ever get to one) is unsatisfactory.

That does NOT happen in the little gem.

This series is short enough that you can get the satisfaction of finishing it over a weekend. The story is really good with enough layers to keep things interesting, the acting/character development is great, and the very final scene/conclusion is good.

It's dubbed, (french language movie) but after one episode, you won't even notice it.

Well done.
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Bullet Head (2017)
Good popcorn movie
11 June 2018
You know how you spend half an hour flipping thru netflix trying to find a decent movie to watch that you won't be disappointed in?

Well, if you are into crime dramas with some good actors, then this is your pick.

It's a good netflix popcorn-night movie. Sure not the greatest, not something I'd be happy with if I spend full price at the theater. But good enough to watch on a saturday night netflix binge watch night.
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The Clapper (I) (2017)
bad casting and script
10 June 2018
Sorry, but Ed Helms could not pull this role off. This was a role made for Ben Stiller. Ben Stiller can make a character angry at the world, yet still somehow likeable. Not so with Ed Helms work here. The script was bad, at times really, really bad. Not sure if the writers were indulging in too many edibles when they wrote this, but the timing of the jokes was off. (write high, test material straight!)

Scenes that were supposed to be humorous often ended up being awkward and over done. Like when a comedian tells a joke that bombs, and you watch and cringe as they desperately try to squeeze a laugh out of something that didn't work. At a certain point, leave it. Continuing to try to make an unfunny scene funny just makes it embarrassing. (ie: scene when mom shows up at talk show). With a little work to the script, Ben Stiller could have pulled that scene off.

I can see why this movie got made, and had the script been given more attention, and the lead recast, it would have been a good movie.
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Black Mirror: Crocodile (2017)
Season 4, Episode 3
Have you ever asked yourself what's the worst thing you'd be capable of doing?
16 April 2018
One of the darkest black mirror episodes I've seen, this one explores the spiralling depths someone is capable of in order to protect a secret and a way of life.

It left me with a very dark, uncomfortable feeling at the end, but well worth the watch.
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Black Mirror: Metalhead (2017)
Season 4, Episode 5
watched it with my teen son...
16 April 2018
...and we both loved this episode. 'Terminator' dogs in a not so distant dystopian future. Lots of tension throughout the whole show.

My only gripe is the very end. The reason they risked everything was a bit cheesy and took away from the rest of the story.

But all in all, excellent. I hope they make more like it.
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Black Mirror: USS Callister (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
I loved this episode
16 April 2018
Some episodes of black mirror are very dark. This one has some dark undertones, but it's also fun too. As someone who's interested the real world dev of futurism and artificial reality, I found the concept of this cool. The story is interesting, a bit quirky, lots of tension, with a few cynical nods to the corporate structure of the tech world.

And for someone who grew up watching all the old reruns of Original Star Trek, this one was a real treat.
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Mindhunter (2017–2019)
Loved it
16 April 2018
Gritty, well written, great acting, character development, and storyline. It's not quite up there with True Detective, but it's in the same ballpark.

I have high hopes for season 2.
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The Outsider (I) (2018)
potential unfullfilled
13 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't put any big spoilers in this review, but I do reveal the basic story arc (or lack of).

At the beginning of this film I thought, ok, looks like Jared filmed this at the same time he filmed Blade Runner: exact same hair and beard. Did Niander Wallace get his start in a Japanese prison? "Shut up and watch the movie", I told myself.

The first ten minutes were excellent! Lots of tension; why is this guy in prison, what's his back story, what will happen to this white American who gets involved in a prison situation in post ww2 Japan. Wow, this looks like it might be really good!

But, the protagonists motivations are never revealed. He hardly ever speaks. In prison he shows empathy at great risk to himself, which goes completely against the grain of his character for the rest of the film. With a few minor exceptions, he is a violent ruthless murderer who immerses himself in the post ww2 Japanese crime world. There's nothing to like about the character. Nothing.

The story arc was weak to say the least. What was the purpose of the journey? Was he disillusioned with America? Who knows? Was this possibly going to be a story about the redemption of an angry broken man who felt betrayed by his nation and what the war did to him mentally? Nope.

Half way through, I realized the guy is beyond redemption. He wasn't after redemption, and we are never told why. We are never told what his motivations were or why his story needed to be told in the first place.

Just a movie filled with blood and murder and a lot of wasted potential.
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